Title:Dancing in Heavens River
Pointillist approach. Collage using enhanced nasa starfields. 3D illusion is created via contrast of the points (stars) and background. Best seen by focusing behind the image for 20 seconds.
Self-taught: 150 + exhibits; BS psych; BSEE, PhD Electrophysics. Zen failure. Loves to travel. Awards: collage, erotica, abstract, architecture, portrait, pinhole, PJ, street photography. WPGA Pollux Award 2011 (Photographer of the Year: nonpro); 6th BW Spider Awards (1 HM, 8 nom). WPGA exhibition, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2012. two works in Kinsey Institute (Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction) permanent collection. Published: "Open to Interpretation - Intimate Landscape" (2012), Clare O'Neill, Publisher; Dark Chamber, Vol. II, 2009 (Urban Fox Press); Black and White Magazine... |