International Color Awards™| Acceptance Speeches

Joe McNally, USA


Acceptance Speeches

Gala night is the red carpet moment when viewers can experience the dazzling allure of the Photo Show. Winners and nominees send their red carpet acceptance speeches live throughout the online proceedings.

Read what the winners and nominees had to say on color photography’s biggest night of the year.


Acceptance Speeches

I am blown away that I received the amateur Photographer of the Year award for the 17th annual international color awards. Such an honor, especially as I look at the other winners and see how strong the competition was this year. Steve Burkett

What a night. I can't thank you enough for my 3rd place in Photographer of the Year!!!! I am astounded, proud and honored to be among you! Dave Cohen, Delray Beach Florida

I'm grateful for all your work in creating this great event and digital space for world photography, for things of more value than most of what clamors for our attention. And I'm grateful this year for my First Place in Americana, my Honorable Mention in Still Life, and my seven other Prize Nominations. And I'm grateful, too, for another Angel, my wife and muse Marion, for appearing in three of my Nominated images and for having assisted with a fourth. A wonderful afternoon's viewing and news -- for which I thank you again, as well as my fellow contributing photographers from around the world. Lawrence Russ

I am grateful to the Jury for being awarded First Place in the Wildlife category and chosen as a nominee in two categories. To be recognized from a pool of so many talented photographers around the world is truly an honor. Congratulations to all of the winners. Paula Taylor

I am so pleased to receive the first-place award in abstract photography for "Find the Door." When I saw all of the incredible nominations in both professional and amateur categories, my only thought was, wow - these are really good, I'm glad to be nominated and part of this group. To win this award is really quite special and I thank everyone involved in the organization of this competition and offer my congratulations to all of the other outstanding photographers whose work is being shown. Glenn Goldman, New Jersey, USA

How lucky I am for winning a 3rd place in aerial photography from the other side of the world. I'd like to thank all friends and organizers of the International Colors Awards, 17th annual edition. A hug from the island of Mallorca, in Spain. Very grateful for this award, it is a great honor to receive it. Jose Chimelis

I am honored to have received a Merit of Excellence and 3 Honorable Mentions in the professional categories of People, Advertising and Children of the World, as well as 7 nominations across several professional categories. It is a privilege to be recognized alongside such great photographers from around the world. My thanks to the international jury and congratulations to my fellow winners. Thanks to the 17th International Color Awards Nomination & Winners Presentation team for hosting this event. Christoph Siegert, Hamburg, Germany

We are happy to be winners in fashion with our artwork! We look forward to more shows and the next competition. Dasha and Mari

I feel honored to have my work included as a winner among so many great photos! Humbly Honored! Thank You Judges. Kevin Vandivier

Thank you so much for my honorable mentions in Children of the World. Congratulations to all the other winners! I also want to express my gratitude to the jury and the team. Saurabh Sirohiya

I gasped outloud when I saw my name listed as the 2nd place winner, Merit of Excellence in the wildlife category for amateurs! I am so excited and elated for this amazing recognition. Thank you so much. I am amazed and so appreciative of this recognition! I am inspired to shoot many more photos! Watching from Los Angeles, CA Nancy Zavisch

I am sending love and positive vibes from sunny Mill Valley, CA! I am beyond thrilled to have been nominated and to receive Honorable Mention in the Fine Art and to have been nominated in three other categories. Congratulations to all the nominees and winners. It is a true privilege to be included among such talented individuals from around the world. Annet Katan

So happy to receive two Honorable Mentions in this 17th edition! I am very proud that my photographs caught the eye of the Judges. Thank you very much and congratulations to all the Nominees and Winners for these amazing images! My best from Paris, France Valerie Chauffour

Thank You! I am honoured to have received 4 Nominations and 2 Honourable Mentions in the Fine Art category at this year's Color Awards. To have my images included among so many great photographs by some extraordinary photographers is a great honour and a privilege. Congratulations to all the nominees and winners who took part and I offer my encouragement to everyone who entered. Creativity is a journey not a destination. Maighread Jardine, Sydney, Australia

It's an honor to have my piece "Stillife w/ Apple, Pear and Leg Lamp" selected as a winner in this years' ColorAwards competition. I always look forward to entering this prestigious exhibition and I am extremely excited to be included with such excellent work from around the world. Fred D. Reaves

I am honored to have my work "Dreaming of No F***ing Hate" as a Nominee in Still Life, at the 17th Annual International Color Awards. Janine Menlove

First and foremost, a debt of gratitude is due to Peyton Bond of South Carolina Ballet, without whom this image would not exist. Creating an image like "After the Storm" requires ideas to flow in both directions, allowing the concept to evolve into art. Thank you, Peyton, for sharing your artistry. I also want to thank all the dancers who have visited the studio. The creative process is very vulnerable, and I appreciate their trust. Working with dancers and being part of their creative process continues to be one of the great honors of my life. When an image like "After the Storm" receives critical acclaim, I feel the utmost pride in our work of bringing an idea to life. Andrew Bowen

Thank you so much for letting me know that I received an Honorable Mention in People | The Life Changing Beauty of The Sewing Machine at the 17th Annual International Color Awards! I am truly honored to be recognized among so many talented photographers from all over the world. Callie Eh

It is such an honour to discover that I won 3rd place in Fine Art this year. I couldn't be more grateful; thank you so much to the jury for selecting my work amongst all the participants. Elisa Miller

I am thrilled to receive an Honorable Mention in People (Amateur) plus four Nominees in four other categories. Thank you to the distinguished panel of judges and to the dedicated staff of the International Color Awards. Congratulations to all of the Winners and Nominees worldwide! Melinda Goodall, Los Angeles, California, USA

Thank you so much for the 10 Nominee Honors and the Second Place Merit of Excellence Award. I'm so happy to be a part of this beautiful collection of artists featured here in the 17th Annual and I so appreciate the support of my photography. Congrats to all! Amy Siqveland

I would like to sincerely thank the jury for two Honourable Mentions and Nominees. I was extremely pleased to receive them. Over the past four years, I have received several honourable mentions in various competitions. This competition was the crowning glory for me! My abstract photographs have to do with relationship, attraction and bridging. With this in mind, I send warm greetings from Austria to L.A., from Europe to the U.S.A. Maintaining relationships and building bridges is more important today than ever! We need this for a good future! Thank you very much! Hermann Praeg, Austria

Thank you so much for the nominee award in the fine art category for my piece "Social Distancing" also Congrats to all the Artists this year! I am so honoured to be among all these talented artists. David Morrison, Ireland

Thank you for two nominations and an award in the Professional Nude category. Of course, congratulations to all the other winners! And many thanks to the jury and the team. Yves Noir

This is such an honor to receive an honorable mention in the Fine Art category. Thank you so much to all of the judges. Cathy Webb

I'm so pleased to have been nominated again this year! Thank you very much. Hary Fuller

A big thank you for such an amazing job presenting the 17th Annual International Color Awards. Thank you to all the prestigious judges for their hours of adjudicating the large number of entries. It was such a thrill to receive an award for the "Mandarin Duck" and be nominated for two other entries. Again, thank you to all who worked so hard to produce such a fantastic show. Cim MacDonald

I'm totally blown away by the results! I really didn't expect to pick up anything! I entered my images right on the deadline. I was away on summer holidays and had to drive around trying to find a bit of reception so that I could hot-spot my laptop off my phone to get my entries in. Thanks again :) Really is an honor. Erin Jacob, New Zealand

Many thanks for this Honorable mention in Americana!!! And congratulations to all winners! Yvon Jolivet

Grazie per la mia nomination in children of the world, sono davvero onorata e felice, congratulazioni a tutti. (Thank you for my nomination in children of the world, I am truly honored and happy, congratulations to everyone.) Enrica Ridolfi, Italia

I am thrilled and honored to have received the 2nd place, Merit of Excellence, award in the Abstract category for amateurs (especially when that category means "not primary source of income" and is not a reflection on the quality of the work)! I also want to extend my congratulations to all the other photographers on their work, nominations, and awards. Carl Shubs, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Thank you very much for including my images in the nominees categories I Submitted. So Proud!! Excited to be watching from Kauai. Becky Waters

Thank you very much for my two nominations in the Wildlife Category. Being the first time I have submitted to this contest I felt extremely honored to be considered for a prestigious Award and being recognized by such an esteemed jury. Being selected as an Honorable Mention is even more exciting. Matthew S. Brown, Juneau, Alaska

So thrilled to have received an Honorable Mention for my image "Looking Back" in the genre of Americana. It is such an honor to be recognized amongst such amazing Artists! Thank you to all the Judges, and to the organization itself for organizing this spectacular event. Jennifer Curry Wingrove

I would like to thank you for the opportunity to have participated in this 17th Annual International Color Awards, and tell you how happy I am to have been nominated with two photographs submitted. Pauline Barberi

Thank you so much for awarding me an Honourable Mention in Nature and 2 Nominees, one in Nature and one in Wildlife each. Beyond thrilled and grateful. Tanya Raj

I am honored to have participated in the 17th edition of the International Color Awards and to have obtained second place in the Fashion genre. Paola Francesca Barone

I am honored to have been nominated quite a number of times in several categories and won two Honorable Mentions! Congratulations to all for a superb showing of excellent photographs! Evan Siegel

Again I am honored to have one of my photos nominated in the Wildlife Professional category. It's been a great night for me having gotten a total of four nominations and one honorable Mention. My thanks to the judges and congratulation to both all my fellow nominees and to all who contributed to this great showing of creative work. Looking forward to next year. Harvey A. Duze

Thank you so much Color Awards for recognizing the uniqueness of my work and the sensitivity who go in it. I am proud to be the recipient of a Coloraward! Thank you thank you thank you. Veronique Vial

Honored to be nominated for the categories of amateur still life, and nature. Charita Carter

Thank You for including my image "Mystic Dawn & Raven" in your contest. Keep up the good work! Douglas Dubler

As always, I am impressed by the quality by the work that has been submitted. Thank you for the honour of rewarding my work as well. Thank you jury, for taking up the responsibility of choosing, I imagine this a huge task! Hennie Kempen

I am extremely honored and thrilled and wish to thank the International Color Awards 2024 Jury for this recognition of my photography. This award means so much to me because it signifies my work having reached people in an emotional way, which is what I strive for in my photography. Coming from motion pictures, having worked as a Camera Assistant on feature films for nearly 30 years, still photography has been a "2nd-act" of sorts in my visual career endeavors. In film, under the apprenticeship of world renowned Directors and Cinematographers, I have learned compositional and lighting techniques some of which I now apply to my own still photography. The recognition by my peers that this Color Award gives me is that I'm gratified that I’m on the right track in my own photography, and best of all that I may have touched some contemporaries through my photography. In creative endeavors, especially in photography being such a solo enterprise, it is so important to receive this type of recognition because we're all out there on an island of sorts, and this award represents the life raft we all need to have once in a while to confirm that we should keep going, and what we do in our photography is important not just to ourselves, but also to others we touch with an image. Thanks again to the Jury and everyone involved at the Color Awards, I'm just blown away by this honor... Harry Zimmerman

Merci beaucoup. Je voudrais remercier mon conjoint qui m'a toujours encourage!! Serieux, je suis honoree de voir 3 de mes photos nominees et une qui termine en 3e position (categorie architecture-amateur). C'est une reelle surprise et je suis tres contente. Mon principal plaisir est de partager mes photos afin qu'elles sortent de mon ordinateur et soit vues par le plus de gens possible. Merci encore. (Thank you so much. I would like to thank my partner who always encouraged me!! Seriously, I am honored to see 3 of my photos nominated and one which finished in 3rd position (architecture-amateur category). It's a real surprise and I'm very happy. My main pleasure is sharing my photos so that they get off my computer and are seen by as many people as possible. Thanks again. Lucie Cote

I'd like to thank the judges for recognizing a different, darker part of Americana; a social deviance of increasing influence in many communities seen as a safer alternative to volatile mainstream religions. Zander Fieschko

Dear friends, I am delighted and deeply honored to have received an Honorable Mention award for "The Giant Pig" in the Americana category, and I am most grateful to jurors, organizers and viewers. Let's celebrate! Audrey Gottlieb, York, Maine, USA

I just noticed that my two photos, "Dead Hen Weighing" (Amateur Wildlife) and "Greek Chimney" (Amateur Architecture) have the honour to be a Nominee. This was a big surprise for me! I am really thankful and happy, that you chose both pictures. This is really a great honour for me. Many thanks for these awards. Jorg Hoffmann

I am deeply honored to have been nominated in the Nature Category of the 17th annual International Color Awards. I want to thank the judges for selecting my work, and I am proud to have my image among such outstanding photography. Thank you. Martha Ture

thank you so much for the exciting news regarding my nominations at the 17th Annual International Color Awards. I am truly honored to be recognized as a Nominee in both the Fine Art and Nature categories. I am incredibly grateful to have been selected among such a talented pool of artists from around the world. Olena Tarnovska

Very humbled and pleased to receive this honorable mention for my image alongside so many other entrees. I have recently come full circle creatively and enjoying a resurgence with medium format. David Price

Ter meu trabalho nomeado e uma grande conquista. No centenario de Franco Basaglia, meus agradecimentos vao a todos e todas basaglianas que lutaram para que pessoas como eu nao mais tivessem que conhecer os poroes da psiquiatria. Que todos aqueles que enlouquecem possam alcar voos como as aves que tanto amo. Que tudo aquilo que vive possa faze-lo em liberdade. (Having my work nominated is a huge achievement. On Franco Basaglia's centenary, my thanks go to each and every Basaglian woman who fought so that people like me would no longer have to know the basements of psychiatry. May all those who go crazy take flight like the birds I love so much. May everything that lives do so in freedom. Laura Camey

I'm deeply grateful for receiving an Honourable Mention in Photojournalism for my image capturing the Palestinian flag soaring above the Trocadero at Piccadilly Circus, amidst thousands marching in solidarity with Palestine through the streets of London. I'm absolutely thrilled and filled with gratitude. I'm continuously impressed by the exceptional quality of work submitted. Congratulations to everyone involved! Jacky Chapman

Thrilled to have my images included in this collection. Happiness from Vancouver. Maria Coletsis

I am deeply honoured to have been nominated in two categories: Abstract and Aerial. A heartfelt thank you to the judges and organizers: the choices you've made for the final winners are truly remarkable. Such outstanding works. Harald Schmidt

Thank you very much and from my heart! Best contest in the world! I love you all! Congratulations to all the winners! Narcis Mursa

Thank you so much for my two nominations in the Abstract category. It is my first time that I participated in this prestigious Award. Thank you to all the judges and thank you for organising such an impressive competition and Event. Astrid Krehan, Zurich Switzerland

Thank you so much for nominating 9 of my images. I am impressed with the number of superlative images which were submitted and it is an honor to be awarded as a Nominee and to be juried in by such a distinguished Jury. Michael Mannix

Many thanks to the members of the Jury for my three nominations in the Americana, Architecture and Fine Art Professional categories. It's truly an honor to be recognized among so many talented photographers worldwide. Thierry Cerpolet

Thank you! an amazing set of images - again! Annemarie Jacques

I am surprised and beyond honored and humbled to receive a nomination for my photo in the Architecture category, especially amongst such incredible talent! Many, many thanks to the jury and congratulations to all the nominees and winners! Kristina O'Brien, USA

Honored! Patrick Tregenza

Delighted to be a nominee in the aerial category, thanks. Ruth Grindrod

Thank you for the honourable mention that would not be possible without the muse, and congratulations to everyone involved tonight in the exciting Color Awards. Beautiful work by everyone. Daniel Gilpin, Denmark

I'm very happy that my work was appreciated by International Color Awards,again! 3 Nominated pictures is a real succes for me. Thank You. Adrian Per

Just discovered that I received an honorable mention in Architecture! Absolutely thrilled with the result. Thank you! Jeroen den Uijl

I am thrilled to receive five nominations in the 17th International Color Awards across three Professional categories: Abstract (1), Fashion (3) and Fine Art (1). Thank you to the 17th Awards distinguished panel of judges and the amazing supporting staff team. Congratulations to all the Nominees and Winners across the Professional and amateur submissions that made this year's selection into a visual showcase of excellence. Carl Pinnington, Manchester UK

I am once again delighted to be included among so many wonderful and talented photographers. It is an honor to have recieved an Honorable Mention in the Silhouette category for "Keleti Minimal". Thank you! Eric Renard, USA

So honored to receive a nomination in Americana and Wildlife, and an Honorable Mention in Abstract. The quality of all of the work is spectacular, making the nominations more meaningful. Congratulations to all. Jill Snyder, USA

Thank you so very much for the three nominee distinctions I received in the Fine Art, People, and Architecture categories. I am deeply humbled and grateful to be recognized among the many talented and prestigious photographers who submitted photos. To see my work side-by-side with so many beautiful works of art is quite an honor. Thank you again and congrats to all nominees and winners! Debbie Scott-Queenin, USA

Thank you for the recognition. Dave Johns

It is a privilege to have participated in the 17th annual International Color Awards and an honor to have been awarded four honorable mentions and six additional nominations in the amateur categories of Aerial, Nature, Still Life and Wildlife. Thank you to the jury and staff of the International Color awards. Peter Hergesheimer, California, USA

I want to show my great appreciation for my nominations, honorable mentions and my third prize honor of distinction. It was a great honor and the entire show was a fascinating display of so many talented people. Thank you again for this wonderful opportunity. Barbara Maker

Un grand merci au Jury pour mes deux nominations qui me font chaud au coeur. (A big thank you to the Jury for my two nominations, it warms my heart.) Jean-Pierre Giraud, France

Thank you to the Color Awards for holding the International Color Awards, and to the judges for my nominations in Abstract and Silhouette, plus the Honorable Mention in Silhouette. THANK-YOU, very much appreciated. To all the other photographers' congratulations, keep striving and growing to become better at the type of photography you enjoy. Brendan Berryman, Western Australia

Thanks to the jury for 5 nominations! It is an honor for me! Best wishes from Bratislava, Slovakia. Peter Krenek

I thank the International Color Awards for nominating my works in two categories. This is a great joy for me and another motivation for creativity! Olena Tarnovska

Thank you to the jurors for selecting six of my images for recognition including a 2nd place in amateur Fashion! Thank you also to the many other people who made this wonderful annual event even smoother than usual! I feel grateful to God, honored, and proud to have my work appear here. Judy M. King, Pompano Beach, Florida, USA

It is an honor to have been awarded an Honorable Mention and Nominee in the portrait category for my portrait "Busboy" and to also received a Nominee Award for "The Flower Man." I am always delighted to be included among so many wonderful photography artists. Nancy A Scherl, USA

So many impressive pictures have been submitted again in 2024. To be nominated again this year at the Color Awards in the field of art is such a great feeling. Many thanks to the judges! I will continue to work hard to deliver good work in this competition! Best wishes from beautiful Lower Bavaria in Germany. Eva Kormann

Thank you to the International Color Awards for hosting this event. Anatolie Burdeniuc,Italy

I am thrilled to have achieved the Outstanding Achievement for my aerial photograph of the salt pans of the Camargue, and some honorable mentions too. This is wonderful news and thank you. Robert Bolton, Malmesbury, Wiltshire, UK

Thank you for nominating two images from my Unofficial Yellowstone Cookbook which features western style recipes inspired by the Yellowstone Ranch's relationship with food. Jackie Alpers

Thank you so much for the nominee award in the fine art category! Congratulations to all the photographers this year! I am proud and honored to be a part of a group of talented artists! My best to all who participated. Lori Farr , USA

So many beautiful entries!! I am very excited to have one Wildlife Honorable Mention and another Nominee. Also, I had one nominee in each Americana and People! Thank you very much! Sheryl Falkos, Mobile, AL. USA

Thanks for the nominee in fine art but above all thanks to all of you who give us a special evening every year! Elena Santucci, Italy

I am very honored with the honorable mention for my series "amazing" in the Fine Art category. Many thanks to the jury. And congratulations to all the other photographers. Greetings from the Netherlands. Raymond Waltjen

Thank you from Australia! I am honored and thrilled to receive an Honorable Mention in the professional Wildlife category with "Wongari Dunes". I am also very grateful for my two Nominations in Nature. I am humbled to be recognised amongst the many accomplished photographers who have participated in the 17th Annual Awards. Thank you ICA organisers and judges for celebrating and promoting such amazing collections of photographs. Very inspiring - congratulations to all who participated! Robyn Finlayson

I thank the staff and jurors of the International Color Awards for continuing to create such a beautiful stage, portraying art from some of the finest photographers in the world in their most favorable light. I am flattered, humbled and pleased to have discovered that five of my photos received Nominee Awards in four categories: "Asian Lobby"-Architecture; "Prayer Wheel Boy"-Children of the World; "Bedouin-Berber Tribesmen IV"-Photojournalism; "Rice Threshers"-Photojournalism; and "Ospreys' Nest"-Wildlife. H. Allen Benowitz

Many thanks for my 4 nominations in the categories of Americana, People , Nature and 4 Honorable Mentions in the categories of Aerial, Photojournalism and People. It is an honor to be among so talented photographers. Congratulations to all! Romy Klein, USA

I really appreciate the Honorable Mention in the Silhouette category for my image Departure. And for being Nominated for Two of A Kind in the Still Life category. The competition is, as always, simply amazing for the quality of work that is entered each year, so it's always amazing to have my images selected by the judging panel. Thank you! Denise Dethlefsen

Thank you judges and staff of International Color Awards for awarding me 4 Nominations, in Americana, Architecture, Fine Art and Nature. I'm so happy to show my color work to an international audience, and to receive recognition from the judges. Thank you again! Wayne Palmer

I am honored that my "Circle of Love" photo received an Honorable Mention and "Lion Cub Fun" received a nomination in the Wildlife category. Thank you to the judges of the International Color Awards for recognizing my work. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees - your work is truly inspiring! Zita Quentin, Colorado, USA

It has been an honor to be recognized, much appreciation! Big Congratulations to all of the winners! See you next year! Frank Bevans, Northern California

What an amazing experience to be nominated in four categories so far! I am from the USA watching this while I am in Germany on an adventure. There are so many artists and photographers that are so talented in this group. I absolutely love looking through the lenses of my peers. The following are the ones from my lens so far. Nominated in the amateur abstract category for "Pixels of Poetry." Nominated in the amateur fine arts category for "Elevated Perspective." Nominated in the amateur nature category for "Trusting Her Heart." Nominated in the amateur food category for "Reflecting in Yazoo." Every picture holds such a unique perspective. I am glad that others are able to see that in them too. To the judges, thank you for the time and votes. I look forward to seeing the rest of the reveals from the rest of the winners. Chrissie Stillin

Hello from the Florida Panhandle. My appreciation to the Jury for nominating my images in the Architecture and Still Life categories. I am honored and grateful for my work being recognized in this outstanding world-wide competition. Congratulations to all the photographers/artists whose images where nominated and to all the winners. Hector Bird

So honoured for this award!!!! Thank u so much to the jury and the whole staff! amazing pictures of my fellow photographers. A pleasure for the eyes! Up in the clouds of being part of this community!! thank you!!!! Judith Balari

I'm very humbled and honored to be in such great company with a First Place and a number of Honorable Mentions, and Nominations across several categories. Thank you to the subjects who allow me to tell their stories. Thank you to the International Color Awards for hosting this event. Amy Gaskin, Los Angeles, CA

Many thanks for the Still-Life Honorable Mention. Watching from New York. Marie Kotschedoff

WOW!! Spectacular viewing all the fabulous photos. Mille thanks for honoring many of my images. And happy to see fellow photographers winning awards too. So stoked! Playa del Rey, CA. Karen Safer

Give Me Shelter" expresses the stress of climate change, the struggle for survival and the need for shelter and the comfort of others all in one image. The eerie tones of turquoise and ochre heighten the pitch of the sandstorm the Bedouin boy and his camel seek refuge from in the palm frond hoosha. Thank you for your Honorable Mention in the People caegory for myself the photographer and writer. Laura Jean Zito

Many thanks for my nominations in both Abstract and Nature. To see my work along side so many amazing photographs is indeed humbling. My congratulations to all that have their work recognized. Also to those that have not, keep on trying, it is the journey and the process will lead you down the path to your creativity. Once again many thanks. Terrance R Pack, Canada

Thank you for my two nominations in the Nature Professional and Sports Professional categories. It's an honor to have my work selected among the great images that have been presented this year. Congrats to all my fellow honorees. Harvey A. Duze

Hello from Seattle. Thrilled to see my Full Moon Jet image got an honorable mention among the Silhouette category. Patrick Bennett

Thank you so much for my nominees in photojournalism and honorable mentions in silhouettes. It is truly an honor to be among such talented photographers. Robin Zygelman, Boca Raton, Florida

Thank you very much for the nominations. Greetings! Nluz Love

Most grateful for my nominations in Fine Art and Still Life! Magnus Karlson

Many thanks to the jury for five nominations and two honourable mentions ! Best wishes from Cologne, Germany Guido Schiefer

Thanks for nominating my "Caterpillar experiencing changes" photo, it is an honor. Barbara Beeman, Bayonne, NJ

Thank you so much for my nominations in both Food and Nature, for my Honorable Mention for "50 Shades of Black" and especially for my 3rd Place - Honor of Distinction for "Mini Bundt" in the food category. There are so many talented photographers here, I am honoured to be part of it. Thank you so much to the organisers and judges for their hard work and taking the time to host these awards each year! Leeanne Mason, Australia

My immense gratitude to the judges for awarding my self-portrait, MeToo Mood, third place in the Nude-Amateur Division. To feature a 65-year-old woman and honor the female gaze means the world to me, and to many, many others who are raising consciousness about incest and rape. Thank you so much. Roxanne Darling

It's great to have received two Nominations so far - in the Americana category for Dalhart Elevator and in Architecture for The Old Red Barn. This is a competition I look forward to each year because there are so many names I recognize among the Nominees and Winners, and to be among them is always appreciated. Denise Dethlefsen

Thank you for the three nominations and the Honorable Mention in the Amateur Fashion category. It is an honor to be featured with so many great photographers. Chuck Powell

Good evening from Switzerland. I would like to express my sincere thanks for the honorable mention in the category of Nature. So grateful for this recognition. Congratulations to my fellow honorees. Monique Felber

Thank you for my two nominees in architecture. It's a pleasure to compete with other professionals from around the world. Lou Novick, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Vielen Dank fur die Auszeichnung fur mein Bild "Kein Akt". Vielen Dank auch an mein Modell Katrina. Viele Grube aus Belgien. (Thank you for the award for my picture "No Nude". Many thanks also to my model Katrina. Many greetings from Belgium) Kurt Steinle

Wow! I have a nomination in Architecture. I would like to thank the organizers and jury members for this photo competition and congratulations to all nominees and winners. Greetings from Germany. Kosmas Lazaridis

Thank you so much for two nominations and honorable mention in the fine art category. It is an honor to be with so many talented photographers in this competition. Joyce Reinertson

Thank you for the Honorable Mention award! I am very happy! Esperanza Gomez

It's good to be back and recognize several regular awardees. I'm pleased to have nominations in three categories at this point. To all of you, good seeing. Denis Sivack, Brooklyn

Thank you for the honorable mention! Love this show! Watching from Denver, Co. E J Carr

Omg. Omg. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for my 1st Place Award in Fashion. I am beyond honored. Dave Cohen, Delray Beach Florida

Happy for the honorable mention! Thank you to the judges and the International Color Awards team. Warm greeting to everyone from Italy... Luigi Greco

My nomination in the professional abstract category is even more meaningful than ever this year because of the unbelievable talent displayed by all the nominees and winners. I am absolutely knocked out and very appreciative to the judges, who had their work cut out for them! Let us all continue to hang in and make art! Catherine R Leach

Nice pictures. Watching from Copenhagen, Denmark Helle Nielsen

Thank you so much for my award in Americana! I am deeply honored and thrilled to be in such talented company. I'm excited to be watching from the San Francisco Bay Area (CA, USA)! Suz Lipman

Hello from rainy Germantown Maryland. I am honored to accept a nomination in the Abstract Professional category and an Honorable Mention in the Americana Professional category. My thanks to the judges and congratulations to my fellow honorees. Harvey A. Duze

I am thrilled once again to be apart of this outstanding group of fine art photographers. Pamela Fickes-Miller, Colorado Springs, Co USA

Brad Amador from Deerfield Beach, Florida. I see some amazing photos here! Brad Amador

Hello everyone! I am watching from the Algarve in Portugal. Congratulations to all winners... and all participants for submitting such wonderful work. Elisabeth Murray

Thank you so much for this great honor Ken Tyson

Watching from London. Amazing show. Thanks for the nominating of my Peacock Feathers. Anna F

What a treat! Work gets better every year. Best to you all. - Josh Levine, Watchung, NJ, USA

Watching from NYC and honored to have won 2 Honorable Mentions in the Abstract Category! A big thank you to the jurors and organizers. - Bahar Kural

Am excited for my photo "Fort Point Foggy Day" being nominated in the Americana Professional category and "Lost River Bridge-Autumn" receiving a nomination in Architecture and thrilled to get my third nomination "Headland Cove-Point Lobos" in the Nature category. Four more nominations in the Photojournalism, Silhouette, Still Life and Wildlife categories for a total of seven nominations overall. Thanks again to the jurors for recognizing my work and congrats to all of the nominees and winners. The show this year was spectacular and I am proud that my work is being exhibited as part of it. Looking forward to the 17th Annual Edition. - Harvey Duze

Two honourable mentions in the abstract category. Wonderful! My favourite category. Cheers folks. - Robert Bolton, Wiltshire, UK

Greetings from Geneva :-) Thank you sooooo much for granting me 1st place in the amateur aerial category. This is the power of flowers. A huge thank you to the jurors, Michelle and Kostas and congratulations to all winners and nominees. - Magali Chesnel

Stunning and Topnotch images!!! Congratulations to all winners!!!! - Edwin Loyola

Two nominations in the architecture category, very cool! Many thanks and best regards from Cologne, Germany - Guido Schiefer

I am excited to see 2 of my images were selected as honorable mention in the Fashion category. A big thank you to the judges!! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Prince Williams

Greeting from Brooklyn, NY. I'm very pleased to find I have several nominations and an honorable mention as the program unfolds. Great to see so much good work and returning participants. - Denis Sivack

I thank the judges for my three nominations in the Amateur Fine Art category. It means a lot to me to be selected among so many great photographers. - Joyce Reinertson

Hello everyone from Montreal! I am very pleased to find my photo "Summer Breeze" nominated in the category of professional fine art and my photo "Pale" nominated in still life. Thanks a lot to the judges and color awards. - Ali Ihtiyar

Hello from Portugal!! I am very happy and grateful to the jury to be a nominee in the category of Nature with my photo of the beach of Porto de Mos in my hometown! Also today it's my birthday!! What a gift!!! - Pedro Noel da Luz Guerreiro

Huge thanks for the honorable mention on my image "Nature's Heart". So happy about it. Congrats to all the nominees and winners. Best wishes from Switzerland. - Monique Felber

Hello from Remseck Germany. I am very happy. It is a great honor for me. Thanks a lot to the judges and color awards - Alexander F Beck

What a day or maybe I should say, what a night!!! Nomination in the NUDE CATEGORY for "The Stairs to Heaven". Another nomination in the STILL LIFE CATEGORY for "Frozen love"! Great news! My "Night, night" photograph received Honorable Mention in SILHOUETTE CATEGORY! Cheers from New York. - Piotr Powietrzynski

Hello from Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA. I am so pleased to have 2 nominations in the Nature category and 1 in Abstract. To be in the company of such talented artists is amazing. Thank you for this honor. - Jane Kreinberg

Thank you so much for the Honorable Mention in the Fine Art category. It was not only a surprise to me but a wonderful honor. Congratulations to all the artists and winners! Such wonderful work! Thank you - Rajan Dosaj

Hello from The Netherlands! I am thrilled to be among the nominees in the Architecture amateur category with my photo "The Trapped Sun". I am enjoying being part of this community and I wish everyone always a lot of motivation, unique ideas and great light. Cheers and congratulations to the winners! - Natalia Slovinska

I am thrilled beyond words to have received an Honourable Mention for my image, "Beloved," in the Fashion Professional category, as well as one nomination in the Advertising Professional category and two nominations in the Fashion Professional category at the internationally renowned Color Awards. This recognition from the distinguished jury members and the entire team at Color Awards has filled me with immense gratitude and joy, and I cannot thank them enough for appreciating my work. I want to thank my family and friends who have supported me throughout my journey and believed in me when I doubted myself. I would like to dedicate this award to my family and all the people who have inspired me, especially the models, makeup artists, stylists, and creative teams who have collaborated with me on my projects. I am also grateful to my clients who have trusted me to capture their vision and bring their brands to life. - Varun Chauhan

Greetings from Los Angeles! My most heartfelt thank you to the jury for 10 Nominations and 1 Honorable Mention! Such outstanding work this year in every category! Congratulations to all the winners. - Emilia Kashfian

It is with great pleasure that I am following this live broadcast of photographs from various parts of the world. I am absolutely amazed by the stunning images being presented here. It is incredible to see the skill and passion of the photographers who capture these spectacular scenes. Each photograph has a unique story to tell, and I am fascinated to be able to see the world through the eyes of these talented artists. I would like to send a big hug and greetings from Brazil to all the photographers who are sharing their work with us today. Your efforts are truly inspiring and I am grateful for the opportunity to appreciate your works. Keep up the great work, and thank you for providing us with this incredible experience. Congratulations to all the winners. - Janne Ruiz

Dropping in from Manchester UK. Extremely pleased to have received Five Nominations, each in a separate category. - Carl Pinnington

What an amazing catalog of images! Very pleased to have images named as Nominees in the Abstract, Americana, and People categories, and one Honorable Mention in Architecture for one of my favorite captures of 2022, "Skylight Squared." Thanks to the jury for the recognition, and congrats to all of the Nominees and Winners! Your work is inspiring. - Beth Buelow, Michigan, USA

So honoured to have 8 images nominated in the Abstract, Nature, Food and Still Life categories, and two Honourable Mentions in the Still Life category. Congratulations to all of the talented Nominees and Winners and thank you to the Jury! - Leeanne Mason, Australia

I'm grateful to the COLOR Awards for giving me the chance to reach a global audience with my work, and for the Jurors for giving me the kind of encouragement (in Architecture, Fine Art, Nature, People, and Sport) that helps one move ahead despite the obstacles and discouragements. Few of us can guess how much work it took to make this event possible, but I'm sure that we're thankful to all the people who did that work. Wishing the best of all that’s good to my fellow artists, as well as to the Jurors and the COLOR Awards angels. - Lawrence Russ

Thank you so very much for my nominations in the Abstract and Nature categories!! I am very honored again this year to be recognized among all of these amazingly talented artists!! Congratulations to all!! - Elizabeth Schatz

A big hello from Montreal. Happy to see that all my 6 submissions have turned onto 6 nominations in Abstract, Americana, Architecture, Nature, Silhouette and Still Life categories: truly motivating! Congrats to all the very talented photographers having contributed to this great annual show and thanks to the Color Awards jury and team! - Thierry Cerpolet

So proud to be apart of these fabulous photographers. It's a pleasure to watch and grow as a photographer. Thank you for the honor of 10 nominations and 2 Honorable Mentions. Many congratulations to all of the wonderful photographers here. - Barbara Maker Anthone

Two Honorable Mentions and six Nominees. I'm very pleased. Thanks for this recognition. - Mayda Rumberg

I'm very pleased with the Honorable Mention awarded to my photograph "On the vine" in the Food Category. Thank you very much also for the nominations of my photographs "101" in the Architecture Category and "Pause" in the People Category. - Hary Fuller

So honored to have an Honorable Mention in the Abstract category and two nomination in the Sports category. Thank you the the juries and congratulations to al the winners. - Nathalie Anctil, Canada

Wow! What a day! 5 honorable mentions in different categories. Out of 19 nominations. I am so honored to be among all of you great creatives. And a special call out to all my friends and mentors in The Art of Photography International who really killed it today. Thank you. - David Cohen

Hello from Jakarta, Indonesia! Return after long hiatus. So honored to have one honorable mention in the abstract category (amateur), and three nominations in the architecture - people - still life categories (amateur). Thanks to the jury for the recognition and color awards for the organizer. Congrats to all of the Nominees and Winners! - Dewi Puspasari

Very honoured to get first place in the still-life category this year! It is very satisfying after the years of working away honing the craft to get the international recognition that comes from winning in the Color Awards! Thank you to all the judges for this year's competition. I'm always impressed with the quality of the entries and am very happy to get the nod this year. Congratulations to all! - Stephen Perry, Canada

Thrilled to be nominated in 5 categories this year! Thanks to the jurors! I'm honored to have my photos amongst hundreds of brilliant entries. - Steve Zmak

Many thanks to you all and to the Jury for my honorable mention in the Still Life category and for my the three nominees in the Architecture and People categories. - Nicola Roberto

Hi! From the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, USA. Outstanding photos! Gets the creative juices flowing. All these photos energize me to go capture nature in ways I hadn't imagined before. Every photo here is a winner! - Jamie Johnston

I am thrilled that three of my submissions got an Honorable Mention and two nominees for the fashion category in the 16th int'l Color Awards this year! I can't wait to share this good news with my team! And thanks to the jury for their support! Congratulations to all other winners! - Frank Zhang, New York

I am very happy to receive two nominations in the Fine Art category and two nominations in the Still Life category. Many thanks to the jury and congratulations to all the nominees and winners! Best wishes to you all from The Netherlands. - Ellen Reus

Greetings from my native country Japan. Great thanks for the 3rd place in the photojournalism category and honorable mention in the wildlife category. Congrats to all winners! - Chieko Tanemura, Japan

I am honored to have several of my images nominated by this extraordinary group of professionals from around the world. My image "ingrained" is happy to have won a 3rd place honor in the silhouette category as well. Congratulations to all of my friends at The Art of Photography International who have shown their talent here in so many beautiful and creative ways. Mostly I am thankful for Jack Wild for his kindness, support, and the endless gift of his time and artistic talent to our group. Big hugs. - Kathryn Zerbe

Hello from Jakarta, Indonesia! So honored to have 2nd place winner in the People category and two nomination in the People category. Thank you the the juries and congratulations to all the winners. Congrats to all of the Nominees and Winners. - Jason Hioe

Thank you, thank you to the International Color Awards Jury and staff for 10 nominations and two honorable mentions!! I am very fortunate and very very grateful. Best wishes to all my photographer colleagues around the world who believe in the medium of photography. Congratulations to everyone who entered the competition! - Wayne Palmer

I was simply knocked off my feet that my submission, Modern Religion, won the Outstanding Achievement award in the Americana category for amateurs. This is a wonderful moment for me! Thank you as well that three other images were Nominees in the Abstract, Architecture and Wildlife categories! This competition is always an excellent challenge and receives so many amazing images. Thank you again! - Denise Dethlefsen

Thank you International Color Awards!!! I am astonished at the reception of my photos!!!! This is so exciting, especially amongst so many amazing photos!!!! Thank you for the nominee honors for Summer at the Beach (Americana), Best Views For Sunsets (Silhouette), What a Girl Wants (People), Elegant Peacock (Wildlife), and Tourist Trap (Wildlife)! Also, I am extremely honored to have received Honorable Mention for my photo, Dragonfly in Rain (Wildlife). Congratulations to all the contestants! - Sheryl Falkos, Mobile, Alabama, USA

I am thrilled to receive an Honorable Mention in Photojournalism (Amateur) plus seven Nominees in six other categories. Thank you to the distinguished panel of judges and to the dedicated staff of the International Color Awards. Congratulations to all of the Winners and Nominees worldwide! - Melinda Goodall, LA, California, USA

Honored to be among such talented photographers as Tender Moment, Defiance, and Love is in the Air were Nominated in Wildlife. The photography for this exhibit is exquisite. Congrats to the many many fabulous artists win this competition. - Jill Snyder, Falls Church Virginia USA

Thank you and the judges for recognizing these outstanding photographs from all over the world. I am delighted and honored to have received an honorable mention in Americana for my photograph, Fan. I am also honored to have received four additional nominations in several categories. I am grateful to Irene Hill who has inspired and taught me along with many photographers who are represented in this year’s awards. - Margaret Sears Lindley

I'm honored to receive a Nominee Award in the Abstract category. It was my first submission to any competition and I’m thrilled to have my image recognized and included among such extraordinary photographic work. Congratulations to all the winners! - Pamela Rozsa

I am truly honored and humbled to accept this Photographer of the Year award in the International Color Awards competition. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the judges for recognizing my work and selecting it as the winner. I would also like to thank my family and friends for their unwavering support and encouragement throughout my journey as a photographer. Without their love and support, I would not have been able to achieve this milestone. I would like to dedicate this award to all the aspiring photographers out there who are working hard to pursue their passion. I hope that my success will inspire them to keep pushing themselves and never give up on their dreams. Finally, I would like to thank the organizers of this competition for providing a platform for photographers to showcase their talent and for promoting the art of photography. I am truly grateful for this opportunity and will continue to strive for excellence in my craft. Thank you for motivating me to continue having the highest level of dedication in this art. - Tharaka Bibule Witharana

Thank you so very much for the recognitions! I am deeply humbled and grateful to have been nominated in the Abstract, People, and Fine Art categories. To be recognized among so many prestigious and talented photographers is quite the honor. Thank you again and congrats to all nominees and winners! - Debbie Scott-Queenin USA

Thank you for nominations in fine art, nature, still Life and wildlife. - Leif Sohlman

I'm very happy to be a Nominee in Fine Art with 2 of my photographs selected for this year's 16th Annual International Color Awards. - Christine Donnier-Valentin

It is a thrill and an honor to once again be a nominee and to be a winner for the first time, as well as be in the company of so many fine photographers making such awesome work. - Jeff Becker

I'm honored to have won the professional sports category. Thank you to the jury, to the International Color Awards competition and to my daughter who was my best model in rowing. Congratulation to all participants. - Amelie Frederick

I am so honored that the Judges of the 16th Annual International Color Awards recognized my work with 3 nominations. I am beyond humbled to be included in the ranks with all of the other winners. - Blaine Reid, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA

I am thrilled and honored to be a Nominee at the 16th Annual International Color Awards. Thank you to all the judges for the recognition of my 'Chillin' Snowy Egret image in the Wildlife category. Congratulations to all Winners. I am honored to be recognized among world-class talent. Thanks again! - Carolyn Lagarenne

Thank you to the jury for nominating my image Field Theory #2 for the International Color Awards. - David Edwards

I am very pleased to have my image recognized by the Color Awards community. - Douglas Prince

WOW! That's great news. Thank you so much for choosing my work to be one of the winners. I feel honored! - Helene Wiesenhaan

It is with great pleasure and honor that I stand before you today as the recipient of the Color Award for the amateur fashion category. My heart is filled with joy and gratitude, and I am deeply humbled to receive this prestigious recognition. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the International Color Awards for organizing this amazing event, and for creating a platform for amateur photographers like me to showcase their talent and creativity. I also want to thank the esteemed jury panel for selecting my images among the thousands of submissions this year. Your recognition means the world to me and gives me the motivation to continue pursuing my passion for photography. Lastly, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to my family, friends, and mentors who have supported me throughout my journey as a photographer. Your encouragement and inspiration have been instrumental in shaping my artistic vision and helping me achieve this milestone. Thank you once again for this incredible honor. I will cherish this award for the rest of my life, and it will serve as a constant reminder to always strive for excellence in everything I do. - Prince Williams

I feel honored and delighted for being awarded a nomination in the Fine Art Photography category for the second year in a row. I would like to thank all the prestigious judges, whose recognition represents to me a huge encouragement to continue and produce photographic work. All of my gratitude goes also to the Color Awards team for their kindness in communicating and attention to detail for organizing this beautiful and unique event. - Ioana Vrabie, Spain

Thank you to everyone who voted for the 'Kiss' photo. I feel honored to receive this award and watch the flight of this image! - Isbel Dias

I am grateful to this professional organization and to all the Jurists who made the nomination of my work possible. Congratulations and best wishes to all! - j. Madison Rink

It is my great honour to receive a Norminee and an Honourable Mention Award in the 16th International Color Award. Is my great pleasure to show case my work with all other talent in the world. Congratulation to all winners and thank you all judges. - Jonathan Chua, Singapore

It's a great pleasure to receive a nomination in the Fine Art category of the prestigious 16th International Color Awards. - Jovelino Matos Almeida

I am happy and honoured to receive a Honorable Mentioned for my work 'Captured in the Studio' in the category Nude, Amateur. A great thank you to the jury and congrats to all other participants. - Juerg Vontobel, Switzerland

I'm really happy to be one of the nominated artists again this year. The chance we artists get here to network, compete and showcase ourselves with so many other creative people around the world is a highlight every year. And - it's an incentive to keep developing, not slacking off and working hard so that you can submit good work next year as well. I congratulate all winners and all nominees from the bottom of my heart and of course I thank the whole team around the Challenge. It's great that you guys exist and that I am a small part of you all. I hope to see you again next year. - Eva Kormann

It's quite an honor to be recognized and given the Nominee award during this year's International Color Awards in the Americana and Nature categories. The list of judges participating is amazing and to have them select 2 of my works is truly wonderful. Also, congratulations to all of the other photographers from around the world. I enjoyed seeing your work and am truly inspired by them. Peace and God Bless to you all! - Nelson Rudiak, USA

Greeting from Melbourne, Australia. It is a great honour and privilege to have been acknowledged as a nominee amongst all the talented photographers from around the world, in the 16th International Color Awards, for my abstract image ‘Side Swiped’. Thank you to the judges for this nomination and recognising my work. It will encourage me to continue to produce more creative work that I yearn to showcase to the world. Congratulations to all the other talented winners and nominees that participated from around the world, in this inspiring competition. - Ralph Domino

It is an incredible achievement to be nominated in the Color Awards and to be one of the best photographers among all those who have entered. I would like to thank all the judges for accepting 3 of my photos this year in Abstract, Fashion & People. It is an honor to be part of this great award ceremony & I look forward to it each year. Thank you to everyone for all the work they do to make this all possible. - Robert Truran

A heartfelt thanks to the judges for noticing my work and showing their appreciation by giving me a nomination. Such an honour! - Ruth Hellema

Hello from Hamilton Ontario, Canada. Please allow me to take a moment to say thank everyone for recognizing my work once again. I feel quite fortunate to be seen seen alongside all of the other artist. Congratulations to everyone here. Also to everyone involved in this event thank you for all that you have. - Terrance R Pack

Thank you for nomination in Silhouette, professional! Happy to be part of this award! - Vera Regina Bandeira, Brazil

Thank you to all the judges for this year’s competition. I’m always impressed with the quality of the nominees entries and am very happy to get the nod this year. Congratulations to all those who put themselves out there and entered this year’s Color Awards! - Stephen Perry

To begin my day with such cool news, to have my images nominated in the Color Awards, and be amongst other talented photographers, just WOW, simply WOW. Congratulations to all the other photographers, all the nominations and winners. The judges, I thank-you and the Color Awards is such an awesome competition, thank-you so much the Color Awards. - Brendan Berryman, Western Australia

Thank you for my three nominations for the Color Awards. It is an honor to be nominated among such talented photographers Thank you. - Madeleine Corbeil

I am so very honored and delighted to be among the International Color Awards recipients in this, the 16th Photoshow. My sincere, grateful thanks and humble appreciation to the illustrious panel of judges for recognizing my work in photography and awarding me as a Nominee in three Amateur categories: People - "Konyak Tribesman, Nagaland, India"; Silhouette - "Sunrise, York, Maine"; and Wildlife - "Changeable Hawk Eagle, Rajaji National Park, India". I have been an Amateur participant in this Show for a decade, during which time I have been the recipient of both Honorable Mention and Nomination awards. It is truly a great honor and privilege to have my photography recognized in a show of such extraordinary caliber and size. Congratulations to all the Winners and Nominees worldwide. And, as always, my sincere thanks and appreciation to Michelle, whose unfailing, ceaseless dedication is the backbone of the International Color Awards. - Gillian Marshall, Norwalk, Connecticut, USA

I am happy that I was nominated in the Fine Art category and congratulations to all nominated and awarded authors. - Kosmas Lazaridis, Germany

Thank you very much for both nomination from Greece. - Georette Aleiferi

Thank you to the jurors and everyone working to make the International Color Awards (ICA) Photo Show such an exciting, beautiful, and seamless event! Sixty-four photographers in The Art of Photography - International Meetup group walked away with six top honor awards, 45 honorable mentions, and 253 nominees. I'm proud to be part of it and grateful to God and the jurors to have received one honorable mention and five nominees in six categories in the ICA this year. - Judy M. King, USA

Thank you so much for the honorable mention in the NUDE category, I'm really honored! - Paola Francesca Barone, Naples, Italy

Greetings from Latvia! Many thanks for two nominations in abstract and fine art, honour and pleasure! Congratulations to All Nominees and Winners! - Aleksandrs Drozdovs

Hi from the UK. Thank you to the judges for selecting and awarding Third Place to my minimalist study "Untitled" in the Pro / Still Life category in this year's competition! It's a real honour to receive this recognition for the work. And congratulation to all the nominees and winners, from all over the world. - Paul Coghlin

Thank you very much for the nomination and thank you for the opportunity to see so many wonderful works. Greetings from Belgium! - Kurt Steinle

Thank you to The International Color Awards for this amazing competition. I am so honored to be among a group of so talented photographers, and truly humble to get the first place, Amateur, on the People category "Inside Out", Honorable Mention on the Portrait Category "Cuban Santera", as well as 8 nominations on different categories. Congratulations to all the nominees and winners, specially to all my friends in "The Art of Photography International" who participated, and many many thanks to our mentor Jack Wild. - Romy Klein, Miami Florida, USA

Wow, such a wonderful honor to win the first prize in abstract / professional photography! Unfortunately I missed the live event because of my administration deadline for the end of the first quarter. Congratulations to all fellow nominees and winners! - Paul Brouns, the Netherlands

Thank you very much for the nomination in 4 categories. Congratulations to all the winners. - Anita Schiedeck

Hello from Toronto, Canada. Honored to be nominated in 3 categories. An amazing photo contest!! Many thanks ... - Greg Finnegan

Amazing! I am so honored to have my work recognized over four categories and one Honorable mention. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees, and thank you very much to the distinguished panel of judges and the International Color Award organization. - Nadja I. Perez M.

Amazing, I just saw my 4 nominations in architecture, silhouette and 2 nominations in abstract. I am really happy with this success. Greetings to all the photographers and organizers of the Color Awards from Italy. - Gioia Maria Aloisi

I was honored to have my work recognized over eight different categories. A special thank you for the honor given to my grandson, a nominee in the Aerial category. Gavin was twelve when he captured this image from the top of a Ferris wheel. He was delighted seeing his entry in the PhotoShow. We are all very proud of him. - Jack Weingarten, USA

It is my pleasure and great surprise to learn of my multiple nominations for the 2023 International Color Awards in the following categories Professional Advertising for Sharnado, Professional for Vespa Swirl and Professional Architecture for City Sky. - Towanda L Hannah, Orlando, FL

I thank the staff and jurors of The International Color Awards for continuing to create such a beautiful, creative stage, portraying art from some of the finest photographers in the world in their most favorable light. I am flattered, humbled, and pleased to have discovered that six of my photos received Nominee Awards in five categories: 'Roils Royce'-Americana; 'Trading Post'-Americana; 'Royal Poinciana'-Nature; 'Paparazzi'-Photojournalism; 'Pilsner Golf'-Still Life.; and 'Red-bellied Woodpecker'-Wildlife. Congratulations to all of my lady and fellow nominees and winners. - H. Allen Benowitz

I'm absolutely thrilled to receive an honorable mention in the professional portrait category of this year's 16th Annual International Color Awards, with this image entitled "A fisherman's Tale", from a documentary series of images showing horse Shrimp fishermen in Bruges. Congratulations to everyone who entered, there were truly some amazing images! - Jacky Chapman

To my surprise and pleasure to learn that 6 of my images made it to the Nominee status and of those images one was awarded 3rd place in the professional abstract category and another was awarded an honorable mention in the professional still life category. Many thanks to the judges and to the International Color Awards for this recognition. While reviewing all of the incredible images from so many talented photographers around the world, I imagined myself to be in the position to judge and it seemed like an overwhelming task. Congratulations on a job well done by the judges, contributing photographers and staff at International Color Awards. - Paul Dileanis, San Jose California

Thank you so much for the three nominations in Abstract and Fine Art! I am honored to have my work valued in this competition along with so many fine images! - Peter Krenek, Slovakia

I just learned that I have two images selected for consideration in the 16th annual International Color Awards. Both images are part of a bigger long term project titled "The Living Marsh". Thank you so very much for selecting "Black Crowned Night Heron" and "Strawberry Moon". - William King

Thank you very much for the 4 nominations. - Ruth Grindrod

Finding my name on the winners list with three Nominations and two Honorable Mentions in the Abstract Category of the 16th International Color Awards comes as an unexpected happy surprise and true encouragement for a new creative turn taken last summer. The awards for the two images La Sainte Victoire and Playground Montpellier resonate with my first realisation and excitement that there might be more to be discovered on this personally uncharted new path which keeps captivating my visual imagination since - big thanks to everyone involved from Germany! - Burkhard Von Harder

What a delight to receive 7 Awards. Wonderful the Color Awards have this outlet for all photographers. It offers the realization that we are good enough to be appreciated. Thanks so much. - Gayle Pepper

Thank you! It was exciting and wonderful to learn I was nominated in two amateur categories: Nature for my Image "The Bee and the Sunflower" and Still Life for my image: "Botanical." It was great to be a part of the International Color Awards competition. - Patricia Schnepf

Thank you International Color Awards. I'm so grateful to get Honorable Mention in Fine Art for 'Blue Pool at Golden Hour.' I enjoyed seeing the beautiful images from other photographers. Bravo to all! - Susannah Bothe

Thank you guys! It is an honour to be among such talented photographers! - Judith Balari

Bonjour et merci de ces nominations et mentions. C'est avec grand plaisir que j'accepte de recevoir ces prix. Cela me pousse a travailler encore d'avantage sur la qualite de mon travail photographique. (Hello and thank you for these nominations and mentions. It is with great pleasure that I accept these awards. This pushes me to work even more on the quality of my photographic work. - Jean-Pierre Giraud

I am really grateful to have received an honorable mention in the professional portrait category, for the second time. It means a lot to me, to be amongst great photographers from all over the world. - Annick Donkers, Belgium

I am so thankful to the Jury for the Honorable Mention of my photograph Freddy and my other 2 nominations in different categories. I really love participating in this online showcase of great International color photography. - Elisabeth Murray

I am thrilled and honored that my 'Lioness at Sunrise' photo received an Honorable Mention in the Wildlife category and the 'Lioness Silhouette at Sunset' received a nomination in the Silhouette category. Thank you to the judges of the International Color Awards for recognizing my work. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees - your work is truly inspiring! - Zita Quentin, Colorado, USA

Thank you so much for this special recognition. I am honored and delighted to have my photograph awarded honorable mention. I was very excited and thrilled when I saw my name and photo! - Nancy Zavisch

Hi from Italy! Thank you very much to the judges for awarding two of my photos in the Still life, Amateur category at the 16th Annual International Color Awards: 3rd Place Honor of Distinction "Hugs" and Nominee "Vegetables composition". I'm really honored! - Barbara Corvino

I was more than surprised and absolutely happy about winning the prof. Architecture category. Thanks so much for choosing my photo, big honor!!! - Nina Papiorek

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful news. It is a great joy and honor for me. I am extremely happy that my photos have been noticed among such wonderful work of excellent photographers. - Izabella Sapula, Poland

It is with great honour that I share my recent recognition at the 16th International Color Awards, having received two Nominee awards and an Honourable Mention Award. The level of talent showcased in this competition is truly remarkable, and I extend my sincere congratulations to all the entrants. I am grateful to the judges and organizers for creating a platform that is both high in quality and accessible to artists from all corners of the globe. Thank you for the opportunity to participate and for recognizing my work. - Marjorie Lord, Australia

Very grateful to the jury and these prestigious awards for giving me the opportunity to show my artistic work. Very happy to grow every day in level and see the work of other creators. - Carmen Ramon

Thrilled to be awarded 1st place in the Professional Food Category of the International Colour Awards, also a big thank you to the Judges for an Honorable mention in both the Advertising and Still Life categories too. Congratulations to all the other winners and nominees. - Andy Grimshaw, London UK

Happy to once again win your Nominee praises for 5 of my photos, it is an honor to be recognized with all these other talented photographers. - Carolyn Edelstein

I am honored to have been nominated for three of my photos in the 16th International Color Awards. Congratulations to all the other photographers who submitted photographs. It's a great honor to be among such talented artists. - Kay Erickson

It is a thrill and an honor to once again be a nominee and to be a winner for the first time, as well as be in the company of so many fine photographers making such awesome work. - Jeff Beck

Well this is very nice news indeed! I am chuffed to have been awarded 1st place in the Nature category and an Honorable Mention in the Food category. Thank you to the judges, and congratulations to all of the other amazing photographers featured. - Jonathan Gregson

Thank you so much for the two Honorable Mentions and the ten Nominee Awards in the 16th Annual Edition! I am so SO honored to be included and for your support of my art. Congrats to everyone! - Amy Siqveland

I am delighted that I was awarded 3 Nominations - one each in the Architecture, Fine Art, and Photojournalism categories - especially as I only entered 4 images. I always enjoy participating and will continue to do so. - Brian Rope, Australia

I learned yesterday that one of my images received 3rd Place - Honor of Distinction in the Amateur Sports Category. I am absolutely thrilled and humbled to be recognized by a truly distinguished panel of judges. The quality of photos by all nominees is very impressive - as they are every year. Congratulations to all participants. - Matthew DeZee, Virginia USA

Many thanks to all involved at the 16th International Color Awards. It was an honour to be nominated in two amateur categories: Architecture, for my photo 'Viaduct Sweeping Lines' and also the Fine Art Category for my photo 'Ceremony'. I feel privileged to be one of the nominees of the International Color Awards and to have my photos exhibited alongside the vast array of images and styles that the Award attracts. - Robert G. Waite

I am so honored to have been included in this group of so many talented photographers. I am blown away at winning 1st place for portraits in the amateur group, for Brooms For Sale. An honorable mention in sports, for Shadow Lifting and two nominees, one for Down but Not out and Queen of Hearts. Thank you so very much. - Robin Zygelman

I am truly honored and humbled to receive 1st place - Outstanding achievement in the category Nude in the 16th International Color Awards photography competition for Irreversible. Metamorphosis and enigmatic received nominations in the Nude & Still Life categories. I would like to thank the judges for recognizing my work. I also would like to thank my family, friends and buyers for their love & relentless support in my endeavors as a professional fine art photographer. Being a winner in the Nude category means a lot to me and I hope to inspire others to keep on going and growing their careers. Congratulations to all the other winners and nominees. - Frank van Driel, the Netherlands

I am honoured to have been selected as a nominee in the people category as an amateur photographer. My image, titled "all in a days work" was taken on the Tonle Sap River near Siem Reap, Cambodia. Congratulations to all the nominees and winners. Your work is extremely inspiring! - Deborah Kruks, Canada

Many thanks for your nominations in Fine Art and Still Life! - Lisa Donneson, Brooklyn, NY

Thank you for the tremendous honor of being recognized as a Nominee in the Wildlife Catagory for "Mother's Arms." I am thrilled to be in the company of so many wonderful photograhers. - Linda Trummer-Napolitano

Thank you so much for the nominee award. I appreciate the opportunity to show my work on this international scale. I also appreciate how easy it was to enter in the first place. Looking at the high quality of the other entries makes my selection feel like a great honor. - Bob Swanson

I am honoured to be nominated in the 16th Annual International Color Awards for my images of "Dampier Peninsula Coast", "Wynyard Walk" and "The Jumper" in the Aerial, Architecture and Sport categories. I would like to thank Color Awards and the judges for selecting my work out of the thousands of photographers worldwide. The camera does not matter, it is the artistic interpretation of the photographer that counts. A good photographer knows the capabilities of their equipment. My photographic journey started when I was about 7 years old (I am now over 70), when my parents gave me a camera that used 127 film. The first camera I owned was called a VP Twin. Subsequent years saw me use a variety of cameras, culminating in my current Nikon digital line up. My main passion for photography is travel. I have had a passion for travel for over 50 years, having travelled extensively through Europe, Hawaii, USA and of course Australia. It is a pleasure to experience different cultures, people, food and places. These experiences are documented with my photography. - Steve Castle

Many thanks to the Jury for nominating my photos. I believe the competition was tight, as always. I viewed the winners' photos which I believe I can learn a lot from. In the past few years, the Color Awards and the team have given me the chance to share my photos with many others and I appreciate what the Color Awards has done. - Yuan Zhang

Greeting from Melbourne, Australia. It is a great honour and privilege to have been acknowledged as a nominee amongst all the talented photographers from around the world, in the 16th International Color Awards, for my abstract image "Side Swiped". Thank you to the judges for this nomination and recognising my work. It will encourage me to continue to produce more creative work that I yearn to showcase to the world. Congratulations to all the other talented winners and nominees that participated from around the world, in this inspiring competition. - Ralph Domino

I am honoured to have my work recognised as a nominee in the International Color Awards. Although normally a black and white devotee, I felt that this image deserved to be published in colour. To have my work recognised by such a fine panel is truly affirming and will encourage me to further develop my skills. - Thomas Kane

I was thrilled to be a nominee in the 16th annual International Color Awards. My entry, in the Wildlife category, The Young One, was taken in my garden in Lancashire England. Thanks to the judges for liking my photo of this young Robin. It really was special to receive this recognition because I have lost my way a bit with my Photography and have hardly picked up the camera for about a year. Maybe now I will start to do what I love most and get out and take some Wildlife photos again. - Carla Maloco

I'm honored!!! Congratulations all Winners!!! Thank you very much!!! - Fabio Rossi

Thrilled and delighted to be awarded an honourable mention! - Vicky Martin

I am grateful to International Color Awards judges for noticing my work and voting for it. It inspires me to keep creating and perfecting my craft. It also marks my come-back to professional photography after 8 years break. In 2011 I received a high honor of the first place among professional fashion photographers with a photograph named “Dreamers”. When my son was born in 2015 I put my fashion photography career on a pause and focused on motherhood full time. Through motherhood I found my new passion - which is family photography. In 2022 I opened my photo studio and I currently focus on maternity, family & kids portraits. Receiving this award for a nude maternity portrait at the beginning of a new chapter in my photography career means the world to me. Thank you! - Yulia Pogodina

I wish you all a wonderful award ceremony. Make Love, Stop War. Greetings from the Lower Rhine Area,Germany - Peter Plorin

Thank you for the nomination of my photograph, The Swirl, in the abstract category. I look forward to seeing who the winners might be. - Marie Altenburg

Watching from Rimouski (Quebec, Canada). Nominee in abstract!! Thanks to Jury! And good luck to all photographers!! - Yvon Jolivet

Greetings, from Toronto, Canada! In the midst of all the challenges faced by everyone these past few years, this kind of event reminds us to persevere, and share the beauty and truth that this craft can bring to the world. This is less about competition - it's a celebration of diverse talent and vision that serves to inspire, especially now when it's needed most. - Lisa F. Fleischmann

Watching from Boulder, Colorado. Hello to the international community of peace-loving citizens. - Bob Carmichael

Let's Keep Celebrating Beauty and Joy with our work and passion! The world needs it now more than ever. - Josh Levine, Watchung, NJ

Hey, watching from good old AUSTRIA - Werner Branz

Hurrah! Pink Cadillac won Second Place in Americana. Thank You!! - Felice Willat

Hello from French Polynesia! Thank you so much for my 3rd place and Honor of Distinction in aerial photography. - Brigitte Bourger

Hello from Canada!! Thank you so very much for my nomination in the Amateur Americana category!! I'm thrilled to be chosen amongst so many talented photographers. Congratulations to all who were chosen in this award ceremony. - Elizabeth Schatz

Wow, that's amazing! 2x honorable mentions in abstract & architecture and third place in architecture (pro)! Thank you so much!!! - Paul Brouns, the Netherlands

Thank you so much for the Honorable Mention in Americana! - Sue Vo-Ho

Hello from Montreal. Thanks for the Jury for the Honorable Mention granted in Americana Professional category! - Thierry Cerpolet

Germany is in da house!! Congrats to all the stunning artists and photographers. - Bernd Schirmer

It is a great honor to once again be a nominee, and be included, sharing the stage with such fantastic and beautiful work. - Jeff Becker

Thanks to the International Color Awards Jury for awarding me 1st PRIZE - OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT in the Architecture category among so much talent. It is really gratifying for me for two reasons: This photo was taken on my first trip after the worst of the Covid Pandemic in 2021 and secondly because this year the Architect of this work - Ricardo Bofill has passed away, serve this as my tribute posthumous to him. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees, and thanks to the organizers for motivating us with this type of initiative. - Mabel Cedron

Thank you to everyone whose work makes these Awards possible. I'm delighted to have been chosen as a Nominee in Architecture and Children of the World, and I'll be holding my breath now as the Awards roll on to other categories, hoping for the best. Thank you again, the Show is wonderful. - Lawrence Russ

Watching from Germantown Maryland. So far three of my photos have been nominated in three categories: Delaware Bay Sunset, in the Aerial-Professional category; Mail Pouch Barn #1, in the Americana-Professional category; and, Abandoned house-Berkeley Springs, in the Architecture-Professional category. I would like to thank the judges for these honors and congratulate my fellow honorees. - Harvey A. Duze

Thanks for my winning image in fashion topic. - Avarino Caraco, Italy

Watching from America's oldest city - St. Augustine, Florida. Thanks for the Honorable Mention in the Professional Architecture category. This year's images are exceptional and congratulations to all the recognized photographers. - Thomas Wolf, Florida USA

Wow... thank you for the nominee and the honourable mention too in Fashion... Unbelievable thank you to all!!! Amazing to be included alongside these awesome photographers and images. - Gary McGillivray-Birnie

Thanks for 1st place under Americana. Watching from St Paul, Minnesota - Robi Chakraborty

Thank you for the nomination in the fine art category! Anybody here from Ukraine? - Hugh Jones, Knoxville, TN.

Thank you to all the judges of International Color awards for awarding me 3RD PLACE -HONOR OF DISTINCTION. Congratulations to all winners, God Bless you all. Watching from UAE - Manny Fajutag

Thank you, thank you! I'm thrilled to have won both a Nomination and an Honorable Mention for Spies, from my Marion under the Moon portfolio, especially since the redoubtable. Marion, could not be nearer or dearer to me. - Lawrence Russ

So grateful to have received an honourable mention in the Fine Art category! T h a n k Y o u-- - John Wright

I am so honored, thrilled, surprised and excited to have made it this far in the world of photography. To be nominated means the world to me, I look forward to continuing and broadening my artful perspectives in the world of photography. Thank you for all your support. - Iris Sadowsky USA

Thank you so much for my second nomination, this time in the category of Children of the World. I am so happy to have been recognized in this category, and wish congratulations to all of the winners! - Elizabeth Schatz

Thank you so much for my nomination in the Abstract Amateur category. - Anna Pilat, Poland

Thank you so much for Honorable Mention in the Professional Food Category for my Beautiful Bok Choy. There are so many fabulous entries and gorgeous photography here! - Leeanne Mason

Salutation depuis la France. Bravo a toutes et tous, quel regal pour les yeux!! Merci au jury pour ma nomination categorie abstract amateur. Cela me motive grandement pour franchir le pas vers le professionnalisme. (Greetings from France. Congratulations to all, what a treat for the eyes!!. Thank you to the jury for my nomination in the abstract amateur category. This motivates me greatly to take the step towards going professional.) - Martine Lemarchand

Congratulations to all winners of this outstanding awards from Germany. A huge honour for me to be part of it... Keep it up! - Michael Jurek

Hello from India!! Thank you so very much for the nominations!! Five of my photos have been nominated in four categories: Confluence and Red, in the Abstract-Professional category; Golden Gate Bridge, in the Americana-Professional category; and, Jantar Mantar, in the Architecture-Professional category; Skyline Arch, in the Nature-Professional category. I'm thrilled to be chosen amongst so many talented photographers. Congratulations to all who were chosen in this award ceremony. - Dolly Kabaria

Hello! Everyone! Watching from The North Shore British Columbia Canada... Fabulous Show!! Thank you Color Awards for the Americana Nomination - Stanbridge Estate #2381 - The Pink Chairs!! Wonderful to see All the Wonderful Work Here There and Everywhere on The Color Awards 2022 - Lots of Bravado-ism!!! - Amyn Nasser, International Fashion Photographer

It's amazing, 3 times Nominees and 1 Honorable Mention for my Pic Chianti Eye in the Architecture channel, I'm very happy right now, thank you very much to you and the judges, and congratulations to all the other winners. - Peter Plorin

Thank you for the nominations in Abstract and Fashion Categories. - Carl Pinnington, Manchester England

I am honored to have two more of my photos nominated: Frog-Trees, Thermont Maryland, in the Fine Art-Professional category; and, Trevi Fountain Panorama, in the People-Professional category. My thanks to the judges for these honors and congratulations to my fellow honorees. - Harvey A. Duze

Thank you for the nomination! My heart will always be with this special contest! Thank you once again! - Narcis Mursa

A huge thank to the Jury and the members of Color Awards for the aerial honorable mention. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees for this 15th Edition. - Magali Chesnel

I am very Happy and grateful to be honored with an Honorable Mention in the category of Photojournalism!and to be nominee in the People category! Thank you to the jury! - Pedro Noel, Portugal

Following the show from Switzerland. Happy to be part of it. Thank you for the nominations, honorable mention so far. Congratulations to the winners. - Marco Benedetti

Greetings from Los Angeles! Thrilled to have been included amongst such outstanding talent! Many thanks to the jury and everyone at The Color Awards for honoring my work with an Honorable Mention and 7 nominations in 6 categories!! Congrats to all the winners. - Emilia Kashfian

I am in shock. I just started diving into photography four years ago and today receive 8 nominations and 3 honorable mentions. Thank you to all the judges and I am honored to be among all of the participants. Wow! - Dave Cohen, Delray Beach Florida

Thanks for the honorable mention in the category of Nature. - Luciano Leuzzi, Italy

I am so proud not only to get 2 nominations but 1 honourable mention. Many thanks to the judges. - Debbra Ross, Australia

Huge thanks for the nomination in the silhouette category. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees! - Amelie Louys, France

Thank you for the nominations in abstract, nature, portrait, architecture and photojournalism categories! Hailing from Knoxville, TN. - Hugh Jones

Thank you very much for the nomination in the Still life category. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees! - Simone Madeo, Italy

I am thrilled and grateful to be have received an Honorable Mention in the category of Americana for Flight 55 Bel Air. - Eric M. Renard, USA

Thank you for the Honorable Mention in the Sports category! - Hugh Jones, Knoxville, TN

Immense Happiness for having obtained the 2nd PLACE - Merit of Excellence in Nature Amateur, thanks to the judges and organizers of the International Color Awards. Congratulations and best wishes to all the winners. - Claudio Bonaccorsi

Thank you very much for the nomination in the Amateur Wildlife category, Among the big rocks. It was a pretty funny little guy. - Geoffrey Olsen, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

What a day! Thank you for the third place ward in Silhouette. I am beyond grateful and humbled. - Dave Cohen, Florida

I am so happy to receive a nominee in the wildlife category. Thanks a lot to the judges and organizers. Congratulations to all Nominees and Winners. It was a pleasure to see all the great Photos. All the best from Switzerland. - Rolf Hoesli

Hello from Germany - I am so proud and grateful not only to get 2 nominations in 2 categories but 1 honourable mention in Still life. Many thanks to the judges! - Nadja Naujoks

Thank you very much for the nomination in the Still life category. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees! - Paulo Mittelman, Brazil

Many thanks to the Jury and members of Color Awards for having retained my work with two Honorable Mention in Americana and Architecture categories and for 3 other nominations in Fine Art, Silhouette and Still Life categories. Congratulations to all participants, nominees and winners for the amazing photos presented in this great show! - Thierry Cerpolet

So honored to have 5 Nominations and 1 Honorable Mention! Thank you so much to the jury and staff of the Color awards. Thanks also to my fellow photographers around the world who love the medium and have something to say with a camera. Your work is an inspiration! - Wayne Palmer

Thanks to the organizers and judges. Appreciated. Pleased to see my winning photos. - Terry Self, Canada

I am grateful I was awarded 5 nominees along with 2 selected as honorable mention overall within the following categories Abstract, Nature & Silhouette. A big thank you to all judges and congratulation to all winners today. - Doug Gibbons, Marathon, ON, Canada

Thank you very much for the Honorable Mention in Nature, I was so thrilled to have this image recognised. Thank you also for including me as a Nominee in Fine Art. My congratulations to all winners and nominees - your work is much to be admired. A very big thank you to the judges and organisers of the Color Awards for creating such a wonderful photographic competition that is available to anyone, anywhere in the world. The level of work just keeps getting better and all the more inspiring every year that goes by. Thank you! - Marjorie Lord, Australia

Thank you very much for the nomination in Nature -Amateur. Congratulations to the winners and nominees. It is a delight seeing all of the talent. - Charita Carter

Thank you for the nomination of my photo, Heading Home! Watching from Chicago, Illinois - Linda Matlow

Congratulations to all the photographers who had images selected in the Awards and who helped to make this viewing a joy. I'm sorry to see the evening draw to a close, after being happy to have received Nominations in Architecture, Children of the World, Fine Art, (two in) Portrait, and Sport, along with an Honorable Mention in Fine Art. Continuing thanks to all who organized this great event, and to the jury members, whose eyes must have been about ready to retire after poring over all of the entries from all corners of the world. - Lawrence Russ

" Thank you for the Wildlife honorable Mention for Elephant Dust Bath after a Swim." - Nell Dickerson

So many amazing photos! I am excited and grateful for my photo to achieve nominee in wildlife!!! Thank you very much and congratulations to all!!!! - Sheryl Falkos

Thank you so much to the jury and staff of the Color Awards for the honorable mention in the nature category. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees. - Cindy Starr, USA

I am both most humbled and honored to have had my photography acknowledged by the Judges of the 15th Annual International Color Awards Show. I have been an Amateur participant in this Show for nearly a decade, during which time I have been the recipient of both Honorable Mention and Nomination awards. It is truly an honor to be recognized in a show of such extraordinary caliber and size. This year, I was awarded an Honorable Mention in Amateur/Portrait for my image, Bonda Woman, Orissa, India, and a Nominee in Amateur/Wildlife for my image of two leopards, Mother and Daughter, Sri Lanka. My grateful and sincere thanks to the panel of judges, and to Michelle and Kostas and their team for their unceasing dedication and work to give this show pride of place and uniqueness in the world of photography. Your utter relentless hours of work, care and attention to working through the myriad categories is unimaginable. - Gillian Marshall, Norwalk, Connecticut, USA

What a night, am honored that two more of my photos were nominated: Water Face #2, in the Still Life-Professional category; and, Break Time #2, in the Wildlife-Professional category. Again, my thanks to the judges for this honor and congratulations to all of my fellow honorees. It has been a great night for all. Am looking forward to next year's competition. - Harvey A. Duze

Watching from Norway! Thanx once again for a fantastic Color Awards photo gala! Really interesting and so many skilled photographers contributing from all over the Globe. I honored to won a 3rd place in Fashion, 5 Honorable Mentions and 10 nominees, all in amateur categories. Thanx to the jurors, the fantastic Color Awards staff and all people watching around the world. A big thanx to Fanja for outstanding help once again - good teamwork as always! - Antero Wallinus-Rinne

Thank you so much for my first nomination in the amateur Architecture category. It was thrilling to be recognized among so many talented participants. Thank you to the judges! - Margo MacArthur, San Francisco, CA

Thank you so much for the three nominations in Nature; Still life and Wildlife categories. - Nicola Roberto

So many stunning shots! Congrats to all winners and nominees and thanks a lot for the nomination in Fine Art category and the honorable mention in Still Life category. - Anne-Claire Vimal du Monteil, Canada

Thank you to the jurors of tonight's International Color Awards. I am delighted to be in such great company and have my several of my photographs recognized again, especially the 2nd place for Bright Spot, in Amateur Abstract. - Judy M. King, Florida, USA

Many Thanks to the Jury and organizers of this fabulous 15th annual edition of the International Color Awards. I am so humbled and honored to have 2 nominations, Architecture and Nature, and one Honorable Mention in the Sports Category. Congratulations to all the Winners and nominees! - Romy Klein, Miami Florida, USA

Thank you again for bestowing my work with an honourable mention. This means a lot to me for it is work from my 2021 series Fragments. I started this series two months after my father passed away last year. My typical Dutch light, Daylight is always present here. And the Dutch tulips were the last I could find on April 2nd. This particular personal series of still life works tell the story of me and him and the fragile fragments of where our lives touched and of the literally fragments of ancient art he was busy restoring or found during the many archeological digs he ventured out to undertake since the early ‘70s. The work is currently exhibited as a unique piece at in the Netherlands. Watching from Bari, Italia - Frank van Driel

Categoria Ritratti, Eccellenza, sono veramente onorato per il risultato raggiunto e un grande stimolo per migliorarsi ancora e tanto entusiasmo per riprendere a fotografare il Mondo. Ringrazio tutta l'organizzazione saluti dall'ITALIA. (I am truly honored for the result I achieved, it is a great stimulus to further improve and a lot of enthusiasm to take pictures of the world again. I thank the whole organization. Greetings from ITALY). - Salvatore Valente

Thank you so much for my honorable mentions in 3 categories: Americana, People and Fashion. I am humbled to be among such talented photographers. - Robin Zygelman, Boca Raton, Florida, USA

I'm so excited that out of seven photos entered in 6 categories, all of them were recognized as Nominees. Thank-you so much and your contest is always such pleasure to deal with. - Carolyn Edelstein, Florida, USA

Many thanks for the eyes of your judges for the Honorable Mention this year for my abstract photo, Newton Ford. Your interest spurs me to continue to seek those images that move people who are beyond my local exposure. The Color Awards recognition of my work is greatly appreciated. - James Sterne, Madison-Wisconsin

Watching from Milpitas, California, USA. Am delighted to have my photograph Puzzle Pieces Wait for the Sky and Corners to be Finished, as a nominee in the Nature-Amateur category. Congratulation to all of the other winners and entrants. And, a big thank you to the International Color Awards for this opportunity and exposure. - Stan Friedman

I am over the moon to be nominated 7 times in amateur photographry, two of which got honorable mentions. So many great photographers from all over the world. I'm proud to be amongst all this talent. Many thanks to the judges as well as my many friends who have guided me through this process. And of course, the infamous mentor, Jack Wild! - Melissa Lackey, Boca Raton FL

I am honored to receive recognition from this very special organization and event. - J. Madison Rink, Taos, NM

I thank the staff and jurors of The International Color Awards for continuing to create such a beautiful stage, portraying art from some of the finest photographers in the world in their most favorable light. I am flattered, humbled, and pleased to have discovered that five of my photos received six awards - Honorable Mention: First Flight in Children of the World; and five of my photo entries received Nominee Awards: Sunrise Silhouette in Silhouette; Corn Husks in Still Life; Lumberjack in Americana; and Maasai Village and First Flight in Nominee Award. - H. Allen Benowitz

Thank you so much for the nomination. Two years in a row in the Fashion category. I love this. Thank you - E J Carr

Thank you for the nomination in the amateur fine art category. It is nice to be in this show with many talented photographers. - Joyce Austin

I am delighted to have received recognition for my image of the Bolte bridge as a nominee in the 15th Annual Color Awards. - Thomas Kane

It is a great honour to have received an honorable mention in the nude category and 3 nominations (fine art , nude category). Congratulations to all others talented nominees and winners around the world. Thanks to the the prestigious jury and color awards team for this amazing competition. This is a great encouragement for me. - Bertrand Helbling, France

I am so excited to have won first place in Architecture at the 15th Color Awards. Together with an Honourable Mention in Fine Art and nominations in Architecture, Fine Art, Portrait and Still Life. Thank you so much! - Annette Willis

Again, this is an outstanding collection of contemporary artistic color photography IMHO! In other words, it's a shear joy to view all these masterpieces, especially in such difficult times. Thank you very much for awarding my image, Boat and Poles (Mardorf) the first place in the category Fine Art (amateur) as well as honorable mentions in Silhouette and Nature and of course all nominations also! I am deeply honored and extremely grateful to the jury as well as the organizers of this globally highly renowned competition for your exceptional work. Congratulations to all winners. - Volker Birke, Wunstorf, Germany

I was truly honored to discover my Sunset Silhouette was selected as First Place in the Professional Silhouette Category, but I was absolutely stunned to continue watching the 15th Annual Award Ceremony to discover its selection for 3rd Place-Honor of Distinction in the Photographer of the Year Awards! Thank you to the International Color Awards committee and the judges for honoring my life's work. The quality of the images is incredible each year and I am truly humbled to be the recipient of such a wonderful award! - Patty Hosmer-Tucson, Arizona USA

Just WoW! Photographer of the year 2022, what an amazing achievement for me, really unexpected and did not see it coming, thanks goes to all the judges for all their votes and making all this possible. - Joseph Lungaro, Malta

Thank you very much that two of my pictures were awarded in this year's competition, I am very honored! Greetings from Germany. - Christian Bohm

"I am honoured to be nominated in the 15th Annual International Color Awards for my image of The Shack. I would like to thank the Color Awards and the judges for selecting my work out of the thousands of photographers worldwide. The camera does not matter, it is the artistic interpretation of the photographer that counts. A good photographer knows the capabilities of their equipment. My photographic journey started when I was about 7 years old (I am now over 70), when my parents gave me a camera that used 127 film. The first camera I owned was called a VP Twin. Subsequent years saw me use a variety of cameras, culminating in my current Nikon digital line up. My main passion for photography is travel. I have had a passion for travel for over 50 years, having travelled extensively through Europe, Hawaii, USA and of course Australia. It is a pleasure to experience different cultures, people, food and places. These experiences are documented with my photography." - Steve Castle

Thank you so much for this award. It will spur me on to more creative work in the future. - Charles LaChance

Thanks my photo was awarded Honorable mention in Photojournalism category. - Rajesh Dhungana

Thank you to the ICA judges and staff for a spectacular winners show. And thank you for the Amateur Honorable Mention distinction I received in the Sport category. I also received three nominations in the Abstract, Architecture, and Fine Art categories for which I am deeply grateful. To be recognized among so many talented photographers is quite an honor. Thank you again and congrats to all winners and nominees! - Debbie Scott-Queenin (USA)

It is a great honour to receive an honorable mention in the fine art category. Congratulations to all others talented nominees and winners around the world. Thanks to the prestigious jury and color awards team for this amazing competition. Greetings from Poland. - Izabella Sapula

" I am really very honoured receiving recognition from this very special organization and event. " - Pinu Rahman, Bangladesh

Very honored to have 4 images juried in to Nominated and 2 that received Honorable Mentions. Thanks from Great Falls VA. - Michael Mannix

I am truly honored to receive an Honorable Mention in Children of the World (Amateur) plus Nominees in eight other categories (Abstract, Americana, Fine Art, Nature, People, Silhouette, Still Live, and Wildlife). Thank you to the distinguished panel of judges and to the dedicated staff of the International Color Awards. Congratulations to all of the Winners and Nominees worldwide! - Melinda Goodall, Los Angeles, California, USA

Thank you all for the fantastic honors winning nominations and my treasured first place in amateur still life. I am truly honored to be included with so many talented artists. Congrats to all the wonderful photographers. - Barbara Maker Anthone

I am excited and honoured to have 5 images nominated this year, and 2 Honorable Mentions in Nude. Thank you so much from Martinborough, New Zealand! - Brian Connor

Thank you for choosing my photo. Also, congratulations to all the award winners. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all those who have given this wonderful honor. I'm really thankful to you. - Tomoki Yamaya, Japan

I am so honored to have my work recognized by this exceptional organization and event. I was truly honored to discover that my Reflection was selected as First Place in the Amateur Abstract Category and two other pictures were Nominees. Thank you to the ICA judges and staff. - Nadja Perez

To all you groovy people out there, I am beyond honored to be a nominee in this years Color Awards. It is mind blowing to be alongside so many amazingly talented artists and to be one of them. A big thank you to all the encouragement and support from friends, family and all my amazing clients (whom I feel is family as well). This is truly a very special moment for us all and I am so thrilled to be a part of this magical time. - Dani Adams-Barry

I am honored to have received honorable mentions in the fine art category of the 15th International Color Awards! Thank you to the jurors and the International Color Awards team, and congratulations to the all the talented nominees and winners. - Elizabeth J. Holmes

WOW!!! I am overwhelmed and quite shocked at receiving this nomination. In the midst of a continuing global pandemic, so many beautiful images are presented and I am humbled that my work has been noticed Thank you so much for appreciating my photography. I’ll be riding high from receiving this nomination, thank you again! - Malissia 'M' Simpson

I am very honored that my 4 photographs have been nominated and that one of them has been elected first in the nude category, in amateur. I am very proud and happy to have contributed to the influence of this magnificent international competition. - Xavier Blondeau, France

I am so grateful to receive an Honorable Mention for my work. - Markus Lockauer

I'm overjoyed to have SALT receive Honorable Mention in Fine Art category. - Juliet Haas

Thank you for the recognition as a nominee in the Professional Abstract category. This is a motivator. - Tom Brownold

Thank you very much to the team of jurors that have selected my photographs. I am honored. - Paul Kessel

Thank you! I am honored to be one of the nominees in Still Life for my artwork Blue Delight, in this wonderful event. - Patricia Schnepf

I feel honored that the jury has nominated one of my architecture images, among so many beautiful photos. Thank you very much! Congratulations to all of the winners! - Peter Krenek, Slovakia

What a fabulous surprise to have had Birdsong I and II Nominated in your Awards. You had so many important judges this year that I was hoping would see my work, and to have their appreciation is beyond expectation and thrilling. Thank you for the honor, from San Francisco, California. - Lucy Gray

That's wonderful news. It's quite an honor to be part of such a talented group of photographers and artists. Thank you so very much! Peace. - Nelson Rudiak

I feel honored for this achievement in such an important contest. - Isbel Dias

I feel honored to have received nominations in the Fine Art and the Abstract categories of the 15th International Color Awards. Thank you so much to the judges and staff of the ICA for reviewing my images and for the recognition you granted me. My congratulations to all the photographers whose images were awarded, honorably mentioned, or nominated. - Hector Bird, USA

I am honored to be selected as a nominee among such great photographers and photo portfolios. Many thanks to the team of jurors for making the selection. Their vote on my photo means a lot to me. Congrats the organizers for all the hard work behind this contest. - Marius Surleac, Romania

I am honored to be considered among such a talented field of international artists. Thank you very much to the jurors. Congratulations to all the winners and their outstanding works. - David Verespy

To the International Color Award community - thank you. I am honoured and grateful for my photos to achieve nominations in both Wildlife and Still Life. Thank you very much to all the judges for their considered votes. Also, well done to all photographers for their fantastic photos entered in the 15th Annual International Color Award. I will admire all the photos from my home in the United Kingdom. Thanks most of all to the medium of 'colour photography'. - Robert G. Waite

Thank you very much, I am very honored and glad. - Barbara Corvino

I am indeed honored to have one of my favorite photographs: Blue Grass, selected for a nomination in the Amateur - Americana category. Thanks again to the organizers and judges for their work in rewarding and recognizing the aspirations of artists of the world. - Alexander George

It is a great honor and I am humbled to have my Polaroid Triptych Portrait of Ai Wei Wei, receive 3rd place honor of distinction in portrait award. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the Color Awards and all the members of the jury for selecting my work to be amongst such other great works and photographers. I would also like to thank Ai Wei Wei for allowing me to take his portrait for my on going Polaroid portrait project. Thank You. - Remo Camerota

Wow! Thank you so much!! What a great award!! It is an honor to participate!! - Esperanza Gomez

This is a happy day, indeed, to be nominated alongside such talented photographers. Thank you to the Awards staff and jurors for your hard work, during this and every year. - Gillian Lindsay

First, let me just say how honored and grateful I am to have received three nominations in the Architecture, Abstract and Americana categories of the 15th International Color Awards. I wish to thank the judges for their time, appreciation of the arts & keen eyes. A big shout out to all the winners in the various categories. Going through all the stunning photos makes me feel inspired and, at times, mind blown. I look forward to submitting future photos in this prestigious competition. - Lou Novick, Santa Fe, NM US

Thank you very much to the ICA judges and staff for a wonderful winners show. I'm honored!!! and congrats to all winners and nominees. - Fabio Rossi

Thank you for nominating my image, Blue Fingers, in the Portrait category. I'm honored to be included with so many talented photographers. - Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Hassan, Egypt

It is a great honor to be selected in Fashion category, with all of you and to be able to show my selected image. Thanks to the jury and the entire team for achieving this artistic adventure, greetings from Mexico. - Carlos Abraham

Thank you for recognizing eight of my photographs. I viewed every photograph in the Photoshow. The work of my fellow photographers teach and inspire me. They remind me why I took up photography so many years ago. - Jack Weingarten, USA

Three nominations! Thank you for the recognition of my work. Inspiring to see all the other pictures that are nominated and rewarded with a prize. Thank you jury, for all the hard work of choosing nominees and winners. - Hennie Kempen

Hello from Hamilton Ontario Canada: It is an honor to have two nominations this evening. One for Abstract the other in Photo Journalism. I want to congratulate everyone that not only had their work recognized, but to all those who took the time to enter this competition. Thank you to all of the judges for taking the time to do what you do. - Terrance R Pack

I'm happy to be among the winners. - Georg Ott

I am so honored to have received 1st Place in the Portrait category this year. Many thanks to the jurors and a big congratulations to all who participated. - Nancy A. Scherl

What a wonderful surprise to receive Nominations and Honourable mentions across 5 different categories. The best surprise of all was 3rd Place - Honour of Distinction in the Nature Category for amateurs. Thank you so much, I really appreciate the work you have all done. Congratulations to other winners and nominees. - Anne Neiwand

Hello. this is wonderful! Especially to get the news on the night that Belfast wins best screenplay! - Laura Jean Zito

"I am humbled and honored to be a selected nominee in two categories: Abstract and People, especially considering the number of entries. Thank you Color Awards and Congratulations to all winners and nominees and best wishes in the coming year to all who entered." - Tony Sweet

"It is my greatest honour to received a honourable mention and a nominee in this year International colour award and also my honour to be among with the great photographer around the world. Congrats to all winner and thanks you the judges for the votes. To the organiser another great show Congrats. " - Jonathan Chua

Thank you very much for letting me know that I'm part of the Color Awards community again, which I'm very proud of. It is an encouragement for me to continue to carry on my enthusiasm of photography. I highly appreciate all the efforts the Jury and your team have done for all the fans of Color Awards! - Yuan Zhang, Beijing, China

I am so happy to be a Nominee in the Nature Category! Congratulations to all the Nominees and Winners. Thank you for the recognition of my work so humbling and greatly appreciated. - Louise Richards, Australia

Thank you for the nominee of my images. I am so proud to be a part of this international photo competition with fellow photographers from around the world. - Lisa Means

Greeting from Malaysia. I am honored and excited to receive 3 honorable mention in 3 different categories : Children Of The World, Fine Art and Silhouette. Thank you so much to the juries and ICA team members and congratulations to all winners and nominees. - Grace Ho, Malaysia

Thank you! I am honored to be one of the nominees in Still Life for my picture, Mysterious. Congratulations to all of the winners! - Annemarie Berlin, Germany

Thank you, it is always very nice to receive a nod. - Erik Olson

Thanks so much for my Nomination I am absolutely thrilled and honoured, my image Silk Pillow#2 was selected with so many amazing photographers, - Zorica Purlija, Bondi Beach Australia

Thank you ICA and judges, I'm indeed honored to receive 3rd place Honour of Distinction in Sport and for the other amazing recognition in Architecture. Congrats to all winners and participants, I saw a lot of inspiring images and a lot of talented photographers, in these difficult days we particularly need all this beauty. - Pier Luigi Altieri

I am so surprised and truly honoured! Thank you for the honourable mention award in the Still Life category. Thank you very much to the jurors and congratulations to all the winners! - Adam Neuba, Germany

A very big thanks to the jury and staff of the 15th Annual International Color Awards for the Honorable Mention in the Portrait category. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees. - Jaqueline Vanek, Austria/Spain

Thank you so much, I only found out this morning that I received the 1st Place in the Fine Art category, this is fantastic, I'm so happy. - Christine Donnier-Valentin, France

A big thank you to all the judges! It is such a honor and delight to receive a nomination in the Fine Art category on my first participation with the analogue photograph Symbiosis or Breathe In, Breathe Out! - Ioana Vrabie, Italy

I am truly thrilled and honored with the news of being nominated for two photos of mine. Many thanks to the Jury and members of Color Awards. - Cuneyt Gumushaneli, Izmir,Turkey

Thank you for very much for the Honorable Mention in the Abstract category with The Fork #28 and congratulation to all the winners. - Filippo Drudi

I am so surprised and delighted to have receive Honorable Mentions in Fine Art and Photo Journalism. Thank you Color Awards and congratulations to all the winners. - William D King, Brooklyn, New York

I am very honored with your announcement on my nomination in the category Aerial. Many thanks to the judges and to the Color Awards organization! - Luc Vervliet, Belgium

I am indeed honored and humble to receive a 2nd Place - Merit of Excellence in Chidden of The World category, one for Honorable Mention in Still Life category, and two Nominee in Abstract and Fine Art categories for amateur this year. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the organizers and judges for recognizing and rewarding and the aspiration artists of the world and a big congratulations to other winners and nominees. - Kim Lien

Thank you for great news about the selection of our art photography work Glory as a winner in the Fashion category! - Dasha and Mari

Thank you very much for your nomination of two of my photographs in the Fine Art and Still-Life categories respectively. This is an honor that I highly value. I did place last year as a Nominee and feel gratified to do it again. It's an honor and very encouraging for me as I grow into my self as an artist. - Kim Bova

Thank you for the nomination of Nominee in Americana | Sunset by the Grand Canyon and Nominee in Americana | Sunset, Freeway, Traffic So LA #1. It was such a pleasure to be part of this show, especially with so many talented photographers from around the world. - Romain Hini-Szlos

Thank you for nominating my image in the Architecture category. I'm honored to be included with so many talented photographers. - Reno DiTullio

Thank you very much for the nomination. To be in a group of such wonderful photographers is an honour. It was a wonderful day, that day. I got to play hide and seek with a chipmunk until a grizzly bear decided to show up. Being in a wheelchair I had no hope of getting back to my van so I quietly sat there soaking in the beautiful spot until the grizzly moved on. - Geoffrey Olsen, MBA

Sono molto onorata di aver ricevuto due nomine in questo grandissimo award, una in People e una in Still life. Grazie veramente e congratulazioni a tutti. (I am very honored to have received two nominations in this huge award, one in People and one in Still life. Thank you very much and congratulations to everyone.) - Enrica Ridolfi, Italy

I'm very honored to be nominated in Americana, Silhouette and Wildlife, especially given the impressive international photographs. - Jill Snyder, USA

Thank you for the nominations in architecture (Alden Biesen) and still life (Vaasje Lupine) and special thanks for the honorable mention in food for my picture Cerise. I'm honored. - Stefanie van Dijk, Belgium

Thank you so very much, International Color Awards, for awarding my photo, It's Tops Coffee Shop, an Honorable Mention in Americana, and for nominating two additional photos in Americana and People. I deeply appreciate the recognition. Congratulations to all the awardees and nominees. I'm honored that my work appears alongside such fantastic and creative color photography. - Suz Lipman, San Francisco Bay Area, USA

I am very honored to be awarded with one Outstanding Achievement, three Honorable Mentions and ten Mentions! Thank you to the Jury and congratulations to all the winners. - Giovanni Sonsini, Italy

Thank you to all the judges for selecting my image, Have A Seat At The Cafe, as a Nominee in the Abstract Category! This is my very first contest and I am pleased to have done so well! As an amateur photographer who has just began shooting abstracts, I am thrilled and encouraged now to keep up my creative ventures in photography! Thank you again! - Jacqueline Spearly

What an honor - especially for an amateur who has only been taking photographs for the last twelve months. What an encouragement. Thank-you. - Jamie Johnston

Thanks to Basil O'Brien and the rest of the jury for selecting my image, Monies 01 as 2nd place - Merit of Excellence in the Fashion category and for the nomination of Leather Unicorn in the Fine Art category. It must have been quite a task to select from the 6,786 entries that were received! My compliments to you, the organizers and to all the winners and nominees. - Rohn Meijer, Milan, Italy

Greetings from the United States. I am honored to be nominated in two categories, silhouette for, kicking up the dust, sports for, aim high and let her fly, and an honorable mention in children of the world for, daydreaming. Thank you for this opportunity, it is an honor to be recognized and receive this award. Thank you to the jury and congratulations to all on your accomplishments. - Keli Wakeley

I am thrilled to have been nominated for two of the images I presented. Considering the depth of talent and the experience of the jurors, it was a highlight of my accomplishments as an enthusiastic photographer. The works of art that were presented were extraordinary to behold and I offer my congratulations to all those who have been honored. - Harvey Silber

it's a such great honor to have 3 images nominated and 1 winner honorable mention in Photojournalism and Still Life amateur category this year. I hope people can find out the meanings behind those photos that all have been taken in Hong Kong recently. Thank you so much!! - Kenneth Lai

I am overwhelmed with gratitude to have been selected to receive the 1st Place - Outstanding Achievement in Children of the World award. I am honored to have my work recognized in this way by the International Color Awards honoring color photography. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the jury for connecting to the photograph, Constant Fear of Death: Growing up with Albinism, and to the survivor who bravely shared his story. - Matilde Simas

Greetings from Beijing, China. It is a great honor to win two consecutive awards. In this unusual time, photography has connected us with each other. I believe that photography is the most powerful medium of communication. Rise up and call for democracy and peace. - Fu Tong

"I am overwhelmed with gratitude to have 5 of my images selected as Honorable Mentions in the categories of Nature, Silhouettes, Abstract, and Wildlife and 8 other images selected as nominees. I am honored to have my photographic work recognized by the International Color Awards and would like to thank the jury for their time and commitment and congratulate all for their awards and personal achievements. " - Anne Dignam, USA

Thank you International Color Awards, I am truly honoured to be awarded Photographer of the Year and to be in the company of so many amazing images and talented photographers. My thanks also to the blue chameleon. - Jo Sax

Thrilled to be included in this show and surrounded by such a wonderful collection of images. - Maria Coletsis

Thank you so much for the two Honorable Mentions and nine Nominee Awards! I am so honored to be included in this selection. Thank you to the jury and congratulations to everyone - I love looking through all the wonderful art in the Photoshow every year. - Amy Siqveland

I am very honoured to have my two pictures nominated. The images titled I control you, and I get into you, are from a series of pictures on the theme of what control our daily lives and in my humble opinion TVs have dominated our home environment for a long time. I just wanted some reflection on this. - Anna Fabres

"I am honored to be a part of such a talented group of photographers. Thank you for recognizing my work and including me as one of the International Color Awards recipients." - Kay Erickson

Thank you for this unexpected and lovely honor. It is a privilege to be cited with such wonderful photographers! - Carol Smokler

I am deeply honored to be awarded an Honorable Mention in the Silhouette category (Late Afternoon Fishing) and nominated in four more categories especially considering the outstanding talent of the participating photographers and the quality of the jury. This award made my day. Thank you. - Andre Mondou, Quebec, Canada

I am honored and flattered to receive your recognition. - Paola Francesca Barone

Delighted to be a nominee in two categories this year. - Ruth Grindrod

I'm very honored to be nominated in the Still life category with my picture, room 405. Thank you so much! - Rachele Gabrielli, Italy

I am so very thrilled to be nominated this year with 3 of my images - Blood Red; Mystery in a Wave and It’s Mine. Wow, more than I could ever dream to have 3 out of 4 accepted. Thanks to all the amazing judges who liked my images. - Karen Evans

Many thanks for the nomination of my image in the abstract category. It means a lot to be recognized by this esteemed Jury while being grouped amongst such talented photographers. - Matt Vacca

I am deeply honored to be included with so many talented photographers across the globe, receiving one honorable mention and one nomination in the professional advertising category. Thank you to the International Color Awards and the distinguished jury for your consideration. - Michael Becker

I am honored to be nominated in two categories, Wildlife and Abstract for the 15th International Color Awards. Will look forward to seeing my work in your show. - Edward Mann

I am deeply touched to be nominated in two categories (abstract and architecture), and for the first time, to receive an honorable mention in still life. This was very unexpected and humbling, especially when I viewed all the creative images. The submissions and award winners are stunning, and I am proud to be among that group. Thank you to all the judges who used their skill and professional expertise to make the final choices in so many categories. It is truly an honor to be among the winners in this prestigious photography group. - Jennifer James, USA

Amazing to get an Honourable mention In the Food Category with my Melt image. A real thrill. Also to get two others form the series Nominated, and a Nomination in the Portrait section for Masked. I'm overjoyed. Thanks to the color awards. - Myles New

How wonderful to be a Nominee for the International Color Awards for my Wildlife photo entry, Rising Up. I love watching the Great Egrets so much - sometimes they look like angels to me. - Gail Karlsson

I am stunned and grateful to have 5 of my images selected to be in the 15th Annual International Color Awards. The images selected include: 1 Honorable Mention in Nature - Spring Sky's in Colorado Springs #1, Nominee in Abstract - Above It All, Nominee in Fashion - Crush, Nominee in Nature - Spring Sky's in Colorado Springs and Nominee in Wildlife - Dropped and Forgotten. I am honored to have my photography selected and to be included in this world class curation of fine art photography. Thank you jury for your consideration of my work. - Pamela Fickes-MIller

I'm honoured and humbled. Kudos to you all for the excellent show. - Jhinku Banerjee

Thanks a lot for the nomination and the honourable mantions. I am truly honoured to be apart of this international community. - Mark Prohaska

Thank you for the award in the fine art category. It is a great honor to achieve this place among so many talented image makers. It gives an extra incentive to create more. Thank you! - Sushilla Kouwen, the Netherlands

It is with great joy and emotion that I received the news that my photo of the jaguar in the water was nominated for the 15th Annual International Color Awards. I am grateful for the nomination by the organizers of the 15 Color Awards and the important opinion makers in the photographic world who were part of the jury. - Conchal Leonel

Thank you to all involved In this competition. It’s exciting to receive 1st Place - Outstanding Achievement - Food Category and Silver Award - Overall and to receive Nominee Awards in the Architecture and People categories. All the selected photos are of such high quality. - Lawrence Worcester

I am very happy to be nominated for my photographic work participating with so many talented professionals around the world. My congratulations to the organization of the contest and to all the participants. My gratitude to the jury. See you in the next contest. - Janne Ruiz

For me, colours are the expression of the soul and that's why I am simply thrilled that this high-quality, wonderful competition exists. I am sooooo happy to be among the nominees of the Color Awards again this year. When I view the work of the other participants, I am really impressed and that much more grateful to be part of this select group. And - it spurs me on to care even more about the quality, exceptionality and clearly visible own signature of my photographs. I will work hard this year and I'm looking forward coming back in 2023. Many thanks to the organisers, the team in the background and, of course, from the bottom of my heart to the jury. - Eva Kormann

Thank you so much for the recognition. It is an honor to be selected from among so many talented photographers. I am grateful to the members of the jury for the time they put into reviewing the many submissions and I wish all continued success with their photography. - Tom Sliter

I feel honored and thrilled to have received 1st Place Winner in the Fine Art category this year with Window’s View, Les Deux Soeurs. Thank you International Color Awards and all the judges, and congratulations to all participants. - Christine Donnier-Valentin

Thank you! I have developed a love of Church Architecture. This nominee reaffirms my love for this. Thank you once again for the choice of this beautiful church on Loyola University Campus, New Orleans - Holy Name of Jesus Church. - Nadine Nelson

It is with such gratitude that I thank the 14th annual Jury for the title of Honorable Mention in the Still Life category, as well as two additional Nominee titles in the categories of Still Life and People. Immense thanks to the entire International Color Awards team for your wonderful support of both the medium of photography and the photographic community. What an honor to have my work exhibited alongside the outstanding photographs by these gifted photographers from all over the world. - Kristan Kosmos, USA

I'm humbled to be nominated for "Delight" under the professional category. - Arthi Duraisamy

Thank you so much to all the judges. I feel so moved to be chosen among all these fantastic photographers. - John Paul Davis, Vancouver B.C. Canada

Thank you to the judges and organizers for all of their hard work in putting this competition together. I would also like to thank Jack Wild and the amazing photographers he brought together. They, along with my many photographer friends, have inspired, educated and encouraged me in my photography journey. I especially want to thank Judy M. Kane for her mentoring, suggestions and encouragement. I couldn't have done it without her. Finally, thank you to my family for listening to my incessant talk about photography. - Helen Storm

It is an honor for me that I was awarded first prize in the Sports category and second place for Photographer Of The Year in the amateur competition. It has been really exciting. Thank you very much to the jury and organization. Congratulations to all winners. Greetings from Spain. - Sergio Ferreira Ruiz

It is a great honor to have, Moment before the Squall, receive an honorable mention in the Nature category as well as have two other images nominated, Celestial Arch, and, Vallee de Bareges. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the Color Awards and all the members of the jury for selecting my work to be amongst such other great works. - David Meaux, France

Thank you very much for the Honorable Mention in the Portrait category of the 14th International Awards show. What a fine feeling to be included in such an awesome variety of talent. The effect in the Clown's face was achieved with a custom made kaleidoscope lens attachment. - Joe Polevoi

I am honored to be selected at 2nd Place - Merit of Excellence in Food category! This is my first time entering this prestigious award. Congratulations to all the winners. - Bozena Garbinska

I had missed the show unavoidably but was very excited to see my nominations and honorable mentions when I returned. But I was blown away by a first in the Americana category (amateur). It was a shockingly pleasant surprise. Thank you so much and I look forward to entering again in the future. - Wayne D. Thornbrough

Greetings from Houston! Thank you so much to the Color Awards and the Jury for appreciating my work! I am honored to have been nominated in the Wildlife category. I had an amazing time creating it. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees! - Graciela Socorro

I'm very honored to be selected as a nominee in the Nude category for my image called We are the Earth, promoting the beauty of France. A special thank you to my models, Caroline and Lorraine. - Tine Borms-Gueneau

I am so delighted and feel deeply honored to have been recognized by the Color Awards judges with an Honorable Mention in the Amateur Abstract category for my entry Pond Algae. I wished to show that beauty can be found in even the most ordinary places and perhaps this has been recognized. Thank you for providing this opportunity. - Alex George, USA

Wow! Thanks to all the judges who voted for my image Wings. I am simply astounded with the positive response and overall acceptance of my Wings image this year. I am very honoured and happy to have one of my images nominated in the 14th International Color Awards competition again, especially in such a challenging year at this one. A humble thank you to the judges who worked so hard and donated their time to this event. - Karen Evans

I'm very glad to be again nominated in the great competition of International Color Awards! For me it is priceless to participate and to have my photographs viewed by the Jury. I shall continue to bring my passion into the next competition. Congratulations of all winners and Nominees. - Adrian Per

Thank you so much! I'm in such awesome company! So many beautiful images to delight in, I can only imagine the hard work the jury encountered! Thank you for offering this wonderful platform of photographers all over the globe sharing their talents. - Annemarie Jacques, USA

Thank you for awarding my photos in the Nominee category! It's certainly humbling and gratifying to be included with such talented artists! - Nelson Rudiak

This is brilliant news, thank you so much for the award, it's always a pleasure being part of this competition. - Igor Emmerich

Thank you so much, I am honored, with kindest of regards and hope for better times to come. - Beatrice Yoder-Leyba

I am delighted and honored to have been nominated not only for one but two categories, Silhouette and Wildlife. It is even more humbling to know that I am the 2nd place winner in the Wildlife/Amateur category. It is an amazing recognition among so many gifted photographers with superb work. To the Color Awards organizers and judges, thank you for your hard work and dedication in making all this happen! - Maria Castillo, USA

I would like to sincerely thank the organizers of this wonderful competition for the great honor bestowed upon me by awarding me 3rd place in the Children of the World section and another nomination. With my pictures I do not want to provoke loudly, I'm also not a fan of extreme makeup and elaborate technology. Glamour is not my style. Quiet, honest and above all filled with an emotion or thought should be my pictures. My goal is to show the beauty of nature, people, life or at least hint at it a bit. I am very pleased when this effort is recognized. - Christian Bohm

It's a great pleasure for me to see my name in Nominee list. Thank you so much for honoring my entry as Nominee in Fine Arts category. And Congratulations to all the winners and nominees. I want to thank the International Color Awards and all the judges for their consideration of my entries. Proud to be a part of this competition. Cheers ! - Udayaditya Kashyap, Mangaldai, Assam, India

Many thanks to the jury and Color Awards team, for the Honorable Mention award, in Advertising. Thank you too for the second nomination in Advertising and for two Fine Art nominations. My congratulations to each winner and nominee --- the showcased Color Awards are inspirational. - Jan Kalish, Toronto, Ontario

I am very happy about the 2nd place category portrait. Especially because so many wonderful photos took part in this competition. My heartfelt thanks to the jury. - Kurt Steinle

It is a great honor to receive Honorable Mention in the Still Life category of the 14th Annual International Color Awards. The nominees are all outstanding. To know my work was appreciated by the best jurors in the industry is overwhelming. Thank you for this opportunity. - Tammy Swarek

I am very honored and humbled to be amongst the winners of the 14th International Color Awards. To be recognized with the Honor of Distinction in the Nature category for "Spirit" is so very much appreciated, particularly when considering the collective talent of the photographers who participate in this photo competition. I am grateful for the award and have been inspired by so many of the images submitted by artists from all over the world. - Tim Owen

I'm so excited to receive 6 Nominees and 4 Honorable Mentions in this year's International Color Awards. As an artist, it means so much to have your support during this difficult time. Congrats to ALL the winners and thanks to the jurors and organizers for putting on such a great show. - Amy Siqveland

As a nominee in Architecture, I'd like to thank the judges, all the peeps at International Color Awards, and the photographers who have supported and grown this showcase into a 14 year old institution. Congratulations! and Thank You! - Stan Friedman

Merveilleuses photos et univers si riches et divers. Un vrai rEgal pour les yeux et les sens. Un grand merci pour ma nomination dans la catEgorie Abstrait. (Marvelous photos of worlds so rich and diverse. A real feast for the eyes and the senses. A big thank you for my nomination in the Abstract category.) - Martine Lemarchand

I am very honoured and grateful being judged as winner into the category Still Life. There are many skilled photographers with excellent work taking part in this competition, and it makes me proud to be selected as winner and 1 prize with my contributon TIME PASSED. thanks a lot. it gives me great feedback. - Oysten Glenne Kristiansen, Norway

I wish to thank the International Color Awards and the judges for making this competition such a wonderful event. It is an honour to be a nominated in the Fine Art category with my entry Beach. Thank you. - Dean Smith

Big Ups to the judges and crew of the International Colour Awards. A vast pool of great talent enters this every year, and it must be tough to organize the process and decide who to name as winners. I am very honored that I received honorable mention in the food category. Thank you very much for the opportunity. - Ellie Kingsbury

Thank you for honoring my image "Nowhere" with this award in the amateur Aerial category! Considering all the amazing talent presented in this contest it is truly an honor to be recognized for my photographic contribution. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees! - Dominic Cox

I discovered I am also a Nominee in the Amateur People category for my image, "Graduation Day!" Again, it is such a delight and, indeed, an honor to have my photography recognized by the judges of the international Awards Show. As an annual proud participant of this Show, I am truly humbled and delighted to have been rewarded numerous times over the years. My heartfelt thanks and sincere appreciation to Michelle and her team - without whom this photography show would not exist. - Gillian Marshall

Thank you very much for your hard work and kind encourage to me as I have learned from the website of the 14th International Color Awards announcement that I'm so lucky to be one of the winners. It is a big surprise for me and brings me a lot of happiness. I feel honored to get to know the Color Awards so that I have the chace to share my photos with so many elite professionals. Best wishes to all of you!! - Yuan Zhang, Beijing, China

I am very honored to have two of my photographs nominated among so many gifted photographers around the world. Thank you for the Nomination in the Abstract Category (The Grater Good) and for the Nomination in the Architecture Category (Red Chair). This is the first time I have entered the Color Awards. Thank you to the Judges and Organizers. I look forward to the the 15th Color Awards Annual Contest. - Lucy Lasky, New York, USA

It is an honor to be a Nominee in Fine Art and Still Life with the International Color Awards. I am delighted that my work can been seen by many experts in the world of photography. Thank you. - E. F. Kitchen

As someone that has only taken up photography as a hobby recently upon retirement, I am shocked and gratified by the awards I have received. I want to thank my instructor, Irene Hill, for her encouragement, guidance and urging me to enter two images for consideration. Also my wife, Lauren, for her patience in dealing with me and my hobby. - Neil Hunter

This is a great honor that my photography has received an nominee award. Art Photography is my 1st Love. - Nadine Nelson

Grazie per questo premio, sono onoratissimo di aver ricevuta questa menzione per un progetto che seguo sul tema vuoto in questo periodo cosi complicato. (Thank you for this award, I am very honored to have received this mention for a project that I am following on the topic in this very complicated period.) - - Luciano d'Inverno

SURPRISE! Earlier today I discovered I received a nomination. Grazie mille to the amazing International Color Awards Jury, they had a difficult task sorting through the outstanding choices presented to them. It is truly uplifting and personally satisfying to know that, in such a trying time in the world right now, my work stood out and hopefully, put a smile on someone's face. THANK YOU!!! - Malissia Simpson

It's a great honor to be recognized for my photograph: THE nICE PRINCESS and to be included among a group of artists who have created so many breathtaking images. I could not have created it without a very talented and patient model (Heather) and the amazing hair and makeup team from Pirri Hair Studio (Greenwich, CT). - Andrew Darlow

I was so disappointed and sorry not to be able to attend the awards presentation, but it was a great pleasure to find that I had received an Honourable Mention and 2 nominations in the professional Nude category, and an honour to be among such great images. Thank you to the panel of judges for your appreciation and support, and to all of those involved with the organisation of these awards. It is a wonderful fillip at a time when the difficult year we've all had was seemingly never ending. Thank you all and look forward to submitting new work this year. - Sean Pines

Thank you so much for the honourable mention in the Children of the World category. I extend my congratulations to all winners and nominees, so many fantastic images!! This year has been hard for us all, but looking forward to getting back out and shooting what I?ÇÖm truly passionate about. Finally, a big thank you to the jury and the Colour Awards team for making this all happen! Till next year! - Jacky Chapman, UK

Such a stunning honor to be nominated. Photography provides a link for me to nature and the creatures that populate it. Life has been repurposed to include the art of photography as a means of expression and interpretation, inculcated and relived. A way of recording fast vanishing species, and attempts to understand the ecosystems they populate. The extraordinary diversity, and in some respects the feelings of privilege to be able to see and photograph them at all. You have singled my work out, and I thank you for doing so. - Edward Mann

I'm beyond honored with this award. This is my second time getting this but I feel so humble and appreciate the honor that you have bestowed upon me. The work i have seen on your port is tremendous- your jury's work is SPECTACULAR !! I have never been this happy in my life. You have given me one of my most precious moments in my life. Humbled !! - Kapil Ralli, Dallas. TX

I want to thank the International Color Awards and the judges for their consideration of my entries into this highly competitive competition. I was overwhelmed by the quality of all the other entrant's images. I received the Honorable Mention honor in two categories (Abstract and Architecture) and was honored to be Nominated in the Nature category. Thanks once again. - Mitchell Anolik, Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, USA

I am sorry I was not able to attend the event on Saturday but I feel honoured that I received two honourable mentions in the Professional Photo Journalism category. Thank you for supporting photography and the work of all photographers across all genres through this awards ceremony your website. Here's to another year of great images! - Paul Bettings

Humbled and speechless, I want to thank all the jurors to gave a Nomination to my artwork Premature 113. It is a great honor for me to see my work awarded amid such talented photographers. Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to the Color Awards for giving the opportunity to be seen by leading professionals in the industry. - De Benedetto Giovanni

I would like to thank all the people who are keep demanding freedom in Hong Kong and the other undemocratic countries. Their fighting spirit really inspire me how photojournalism can tell stories and emotions so powerfully to the world in just one single photo. It is a such great honor to be a Nominee and thanks to the Jury for choosing my photo. I hope my work may inspire and motivate people to take more lovely pictures through the International Color Awards. Thank you very much! - Kenneth Lai

It is a great honour to have received three Nominations in The 14th Annual International Colour Awards. This is the first time I have entered the competition. I entered in three categories and am joyful to receive nomination in each. The standard of entries is exceptional and I am honoured to be part of this great competition. I convey my heartfelt Thanks to the Jury and organisers. - Alok Datta Sardana

It's a really great honour to be among the nominees in the category abstract for my work "Lady in Black". I congratulate all the nominees and of course the winners. And I will continue to work on myself that I manage to tell stories and get attention with my pictures in future, too. A big thank you to the color-awards-team. - Eva Kormann, Germany

Thank you for the honorable mention in the category Fine Art. Congratulations to the other nominees and winners. Many thanks to all of the judges and to the entire team at the International Color Awards for another exceptional show. - Izabella Sapula, Poland

It is a great honor to have received a Nomination and Honourable Mention in this year's International Colour Awards. I am very humbled my art has been recognized by my peers. Thank you very much. - Tom Jelen

I am very honored to have my image appear among so other fine images from around the world. Thank you for the Nomination in Abstract. This was my first entry into the Color Awards & look forward to next year. Thank you to the judges & organizers - Robert Truran, Fort Lauderdale, FL USA

Thank you for the Nominee in Fine Art for "The Living Marsh", at the 14th Annual International Color Awards. The image is part of a long term project by the same title. The project focuses on the plants, animals, and waterfowl that inhabit the Salt Marsh throughout the sessional transitions. It supports the importance of the Salt Marsh Nature Center to the waterfront, and its historical history located in Brooklyn, New York. - William King

We are glad to receive Honorable Mention in Fashion | Pink Tennis. We will gladly participate with our new photo-works in the next competition! - Dasha and Mari

I'm really honored for the achievement @color awards, a dream come true! - Gianluca Federighi

Let me thank the jury for selecting my three images as Nominees! I am happy that my work is acknowledged in this remarkable competition of so many good photographs from authors all over the world. Have a good light! - Peter Krenek, Slovakia

I am honored to be one of the nominated authors in this important international competition. My best regards to the organizer and all the authors that condividete with me that experience. - Antonio Cunico, Portugal

Thank you for the Nominee for amateur wildlife as it's been a tough year again here in Australia what with the lockdowns, and we are facing another this week, so honoured to have my work nominated in your competition. - Peter McFarlane

It is a great honour to have received 6 Nominations and Honourable Mentions in this year's International Colour Awards. This is the fifth year I have entered the competition and one of my most successful. The standard of entries was exceptional so I am honoured to be part of this great competition. - Joan Caulfield, New Zealand

I'm delighted to be a winner of the Fine Art category. Congratulations to the other nominees and winners. - Nicoletta Cerasomma, Italy

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the nomination. You are the best team of professionals and I will participate every time in these wonderful competitions at the International Color Awards. Congratulations to the photographers who participated in this contest regardless of whether they won or not. - Narcis Mursa, Romania

I am honored that three of my entries received an Honorable Mention and three got recognized as Nominee in different categories. After last years recognitions I am absolutely delighted being again part of such amazing entries from around the globe. Congrats to all the winners and thanks to the jury who has again succeeded in bringing us such a diverse and high class selection. - Ottmar Philipp, Canada

I am so excited and honored to be nominated in the Wildlife category for my photo "The Beggar". There are so many amazing photographers showcased and it is great to be recognized alongside them. Thank you - Marcia Pnacek

Thank you for the honorable mention in the category WILDLIFE professional. It is very difficult to be nominated in such a big competition. - Wolf Ademeit

Thank you very much for the recognition of two of my photos; Silhouette Honorable Mention African Giraffe and as Nominee for Wildlife Uganda Gorilla. The number of pieces entered in the International Color Awards was incredible with amazing work from around the world. I feel blessed to have been selected and look forward to competing in the 15th Annual Contest next year. - James Simmons Ft. Lauderdale USA

I am truly honored to have my image "Homage to the Cubists in Paris" awarded First Place/Outstanding Achievement in the Abstract (Professional) category. Congratulations to the other nominees and winners and of course, many thanks to all of the judges and to the entire team at the International Color Awards for another exceptional show. - Deborah Loeb Bohren, USA

Thank you! It is wonderful to have my work "Color Me Floral" nominated for Still Life/Amateur in this International Color Awards competition. - Patricia Schnepf, USA

Thank you so much, a nomination means a lot. Having your work viewed and appreceicated is a truley wonderful feeling. - Don Parnall. Texas, USA

I am humbled and honored for 2 nominations in Fine Art, from MYSOLATION, a self-portrait series shot during lockdown. I want to thank the members of the jury for this recognition amongst so many outstanding submissions. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees and thank you to the judges and organizers. - Eva Mueller, New York, USA

Thank you, I am so honored to have 2 photographs nominated, Contemplation of Water and Light 1 in the Abstract category and Meditation 1 in the Nature category. - Joan Grabel

I would like to express my appreciation to the judges and organisers of the International Colour Awards for running such a great competition that attracts a huge range of entries from across the world! To win the aerial category was great, but to then take out the overall professional award in such a prestigious field was just amazing. Thanks to all the entrants that make these competitions so worthwhile. The quality of work displayed had great depth and I'm sure was a challenge for the judges. Thanks again for all the effort put into these awards and look forward to entering the next International Colour Awards. - Geoff Comfort

I am very happy with my three photos in this amazing International Color Awards. "Positive Body", 3rd place, honor of distinction in photojournalism; "Fancy Hat", honorable mention in portrait; "Shortcut", nominee in people. Thank you very much and congratulations on this excellent competition. - Miriam Ramalho, Brazil

Please accept my sincere thanks for the recognition of my photograph, Winter is Coming, #1, with an honorable mention in the Nature category, professional division, of the 14th International Color Awards competition. The old saying that "my favorite camera is whichever one I have with me" holds true here. I shot the image on my iPhone 11 while inspecting the damage to our front yard following an unseasonably early ice storm in October of 2020. The photo, also called, The Green Knight's Revenge, #1, personalizes the tragic nature of that pandemic year. To be shown among the work of such gifted photographers is an honor. - Skip McKinstry

Thank you for an Honorable Mention in the Silhouette category. Congratulations to the winners! - Vera Bandeira, Brasil

A heartfelt thank you to all the judges who found my attempt at photojournalism "estranged" worthy of a nomination. The body of work was really astounding from so many. - Karen Smith

Thank you for this Nomination! It was a pleasure to be a part of these awards. - Charles Titterington

I am incredibly honored that "Leo" was chosen as a Nominee in the Professional Portrait category for the prestigious International Color Awards. The wonderful presentation and esteemed panel of judges makes this achievement truly a milestone and very special. Thank you so much for supporting and promoting my work. I look forward to next year! - Nicol Hockett

thank You for nominating my photo. I am honored !!! Congratulation all winners !!! - Fabio Rossi

I am truly humbled to receive an Honourable Mention this year for my image "Blue Lagoon" in the Professional Aerial category. It is a privilege to be amongst such great talent as this year's entries prove. I would like to thank all the judges, organisers and above all my fellow entrants all of whom make this competition happen and so successful each year. Many, many thanks and congratulations to all of the other Nominees and Winners. - Paul A Wright, UK

I am very honored to be included in the Nominees for the People Category. The image I submitted means a great deal to me and I happy you saw the intensity of the message it conveys. Thanks very much - Stewart Hopkins

Thank you so much. I am thrilled to be a Nominee in the International Color Awards. The fact that I had two images nominated gives me a boost to keep moving forward with my work. Thank you to the all the prestigious judges who gave their time, expertise and careful consideration to these awards. - Kim Bova

Thank you for recognition as a Nominee at the 14th Annual International Color Awards for my image in the Americana category Toques Finales. - Charles Crain

What a nice surprise to find that I was nominated for 6 images and received 3 additional honorable mentions in the 14th annual competition. Thank you very much! - Alex Pitt

Thank you very much, I am very honored. A nice incentive to keep going. - Georg Kowallek

Thank you! It is an honor to be part of the selected group of winners! - Esperanza Gomez

I am indeed humbled and overawed with gratitude to the 14th International Color Awards for having selected my entry entitled "Milk Offering Walk to Purification" under the People category. I am honoured to have my work acknowledged by the highly esteemed juries of the 14th International Color Awards. Special thanks goes out to my husband, Tam, my children, Joyce and Jonathan and also my friends, particularly Priscilla and Taki, for their love and support in my pursuit of my passion in photography. Thank you also to Allen Tan and Allan Wong who provided inspiration, mentoring and encouragement to me in my foray into fine art photography. I felt spurred on by this Nominee Award. It has encouraged me to further enhance my skills and creativity in photography. Thank you once again. - Constance Teo, Malaysia

I am delighted to have received two honorable mentions and four nominees. Thanks to the jury and good light to everyone - Avarino Caraco

Thank you for nominating two of my photographs in the 2021 International Color Awards. I am truly honored to receive these nominations, and to see my images recognized along with the works of such an amazing collection of photographers. I am on Cloud 9! This is truly an honor. I'm already excited to enter the next competition! - Blaine E. Reid, Fort Lauderdale, FL - USA

Thank you for this notification. I am honored! It makes balancing a'top of a ten foot ladder worth the risk. - Craig Christianson

I am delighted to the winner of the 2nd place in the food category. Thank you all! Much appreciated. - Anna Fabres

I thank the staff and jurors of The International Color Awards for continuing to create such a beautiful stage, portraying art from some of the finest photographers in the world in their most favorable light. I am flattered, humbled, and pleased to have discovered that two of my photo entries received Nominee Awards in two categories: Chihuly Floats III - Fine Art; Pole Fisherman - Sport. - H. Allen Benowitz

I'm so honored to be nominated for the Wildlife category. Congratulations to the other nominees and winners. - Kathy Carlson, Santa Fe, Texas

I am honored to be a Nominee for the 14th Annual International Color Awards in the Food category for my image; Carnivores. It is so nice to be among so many wonderful selections and artists. Thank you and congratulations to all! - Nancy A. Scherl

Thank you very much for the Nominee in People, for my picture "Target" - Barbara Corvino, Italy

Obrigada pelo reconhecimento do meu trabalho! Honrada de receber Menco Honrosa nesse importante concurso internacional! (Thank you for recognizing my work! Honored to receive an Honorable Mention in this important international contest!) - Vera Bandeira

Unable to watch yesterday's award show, today I'm delighted to find some honorable mentions with my name on them. Thank you for choosing good jurors! It's nice to receive honors for one's work. - Deborah Gray Mitchell

I am very happy and really honored for the 1st Place, oustanding achievement in abstract, four Hon Mentions in children, people, nature and food, and finally for seven nominations! I have no words! Thank you to the jury and congratulations to all winners and nominees - Giovanni Sonsini, Italy

Thank you so much! It's a huge honour for me. Thanks for organizing such a prestigious contest. - Jhinku Banerjee

Greetings from Jersey Channel Islands! - Gina Socrates

I am so excited to have my photo, Petals in the Night, be nominated in the amateur still life category. I am honored my photo is among so many talented still life images. They are inspiring! This is my first time entering this competition. I look forward entering many more times in different categories. There is so much to learn from observing all the nominated and wining images. - Curtis Fedder, USA

Thank you so very much for the two nominee distinctions I received in the Architecture and Silhouette categories. I am deeply humbled and grateful to be recognized among the many talented and prestigious photographers who submitted photos. To see my work side-by-side with so many beautiful works of art is quite an honor. Thank you again and congrats to all nominees and winners! - Debbie Scott-Queenin, USA

I just wanted to say thanks from the bottom of my heart for your consideration of my images in this year's competition. It's always an honor to be recognized by such a prestigious photography contest as The International Color Awards! See you again next year! - Melissa Lackey

Thank you for selecting my eagle portrait "He Turned His Back" for 2nd Place in the Nature category - it's an honour for my work to be chosen for this award. Congratulations to all the nominees and winners, and it's been great to be able to view the stunning work of so many talented photographers around the world. Best wishes from eastern England in the UK, and stay safe everyone. - Paul Coghlin

Hello from East Sussex in the UK! I'm thrilled to have eight of my images featured (6 wins and 2 nominations). It's super encouraging in the face of such amazing competition. Thanks to all the judges and organisers and congratulations to everyone who entered, let alone those who won something. - Nicola Bolton

Thank-you from Fort Lauderdale, Florida for two more Nominations in Fashion and Photojournalism that I was unaware of until now. I'm very excited for recognition. It is truly an honor to be noticed by this annual international award show. - Carolyn Edelstein

I'm greatly honored by the recognition you've given to my work. The honor is all the greater given the caliber of the other entries. The highest praise I can give to someone else's photo is to say that I wish I had done it. It was a thought that came to mind often when viewing all of this year's entries. Again, thank you and my thanks to the other entrants for their inspiration. - Jack Weingarten

Thank you very much for my 2 nominations, one in FIne Art and the other in Still Life. - Stuart Lieberman

I am happy and proud to be honored again with a nomination and honorable mention in two categories. Congratulations to all nominees and winners! - Winfried Alberti, Berlin. Germany

Yay I have got one nomination - delighted. - Gillian Hunt

Thank you to the judges of the 14th Annual International Color Awards in Los Angeles last night, for my 2 Honorable Mentions in the Professional Fashion Photography Category. Congratulations to all the winners, and the nominees. I am honored to be recognized among this group and inspired by the exciting work of all the photographers in all the categories! - Rob Van Petten, USA

Really chuffed to get an honourable mention in the Portrait category for my shot of Al. Thanks so much - Chris McAndrew

Thank you very much for 2 nominations in abstracts and 1 nomination in Still Life. - Leif Sohlnab

I'm delighted to have 1st place in the Fashion category. Thanks to the jury and everyone involved at The Color Awards. Congratulations to all the winners. - Jon Shard, UK

I'm so proud to be part of the fantastic color awards show this year with the honorable mention of my "fiorita clouds" professional category, thank you to Michelle and Kostas and all the team of the color awards and real congratulations to all nominees and winners, the level of this completion is really incredible! - Gianluca Federighi, Italy

Thank you for 5 Nominations and 2 Honorable Mentions in this year's competition, so exciting! Congratulation to all the other Nominees and Winners for their outstanding work. - Guenther Reissner, Austria

Although I wasn't able to attend the ceremony tonight, I was quite surprised and honored to have received an honorable mention in the amateur Still Life category for my image "Still Life with Roses." I thank the jury for this wonderful honor, and I extend my congratulations to all the nominees and award winners for their achievement. - Pat Rose

A friend told me that I was included in the awards. I did not know and was surprised to find that my photo Climbing Cardinals won 1st Place in Children of the World. I am so pleased, especially with the stiff competition and most wonderful number of superlative photos submitted. Thank You!! - Felice Willat, Santa Barbara, CA

I am honored to have my work appear with such fine images and to have it receive two honorable mentions and two nominee awards. Thank you judges and organizers! - Judy King

Very grateful to the members of the jury for this recognition in the Honorable Mention in the food category. A deep joy to be with such a select group of photographers. Congratulations to all the winners - Eduardo Loria, Costa Rica

I am incredibly honored to win 4 nominations and 3 honorable mentions. To be among so many fabulous photographers from all over the world, this is truly an honor. I thank the jury for the recognition on my first entries in this arena. It is truly an honor. Thank you. - Barbara Maker

I am happy for my professional honorable mention in nature category, thank you. - Alexander Varvarin

I am grateful for the honor of was a great wishes and congratulations to all.... - J. Madison Rink

I'm honored to have received the Merit of Excellence award in the Silhouette category for my image, Just the Three of Us. Thank you so much. - Marie Altenburg

I am happy to receive two honorable mentions and one nomination this year. Thanks a lot, to the judges and color awards. Congratulations to all the Nominees and Winners. It was a pleasure to see all the amazing work. All the best from India - Dolly Kabaria

Congratulations to all of the winners and nominees. I am so proud to be a part of this wonderful Awards program. This is my first year, and I hope not my last. - Meg Puente

I am so happy to say thank you for being selected as a nominee in the category of people. It is an honor to be in such great company. The work in all categories is out standing. Thank you again. - Diane Epstein, Boca Raton, Florida

Thanks you ever so much for the Honorable Mention in The Nature Category.... photo of Up Close and Personal.... much appreciated. - Jurius

You chose five of my favorite pictures as nominees. I'm very pleased. - Mayda Rumberg

Thank you so much for the Honorable Mention Award in the Food category for my image of Chefs Favorite Garlic. I want to congratulate of the nominees and winners of this wonderful event! - Robin Zygelman, Florida, USA

Hi, friends. I have no words. It has been a perfect night. Thank you again. - Sergio Ferreira Ruiz

I'm so delighted, incredibly overwhelmed and feel deeply honored to be awarded a 1st and 3rd place, one honorable mention and five nominations in this competition! Just WOW. Thanks a million to the hosts and the jury of this highly prestigious competition comprising and featuring so many just outstanding photographical artworks from artists across the globe over so many years now. Big congrats to all participants, nominees and winners! - Volker Birke, Wunstorf, Germany

Thanks for the great evening, the nominations and honorations in SPORT and SILHOUETTE. Cudos to everyone* - Wolfgang Weinhardt, Germany

Thank you for honoring me with an Honorable Mention Award in Fine Art for my photograph GREEN WITH EMPTY; the Food category for my photograph LET'S EAT; and Sport Category for my photograph FULL TILT. Also thanks for an Honorable Mention in Still Life for my photograph THE ALLURE OF VELOUR, in Architecture for TOWERING REVERSO and in Wildlife for LIFTOFF. This was my first year for entering the International Color Awards competition and needless to say I was delighted with the results and so greatly impressed with the exquisite quality of everyone's work. You made my day! Thanks again. - Gary Levy, Margate City, NJ

I am absolutely thrilled to be awarded in three categories this year! I am inspired to continue to work hard to capture how I see the beauty that surrounds us. Have won the 1st Place in AERIAL category with my image "Harvesting Water Lilies", in the Aerial category for amateur. I want to thank the jury, it's really exciting to see that my work has been selected among so many talented photographers. And congratulations to all other winners and nominees. - Sujon Adhikary, Bangladesh

Bonsoir de France! Thank you very much for my nomination, I?ÇÖm very happy and honored. - Alain Martineau

I'm absolutely thrilled to find that I was a Nominee in People, Silhouette, and Still Life!, especially since I'd given up on something like that, thinking that people with selections were going to be notified before the Gala. Yet another occasion when I've been delighted to be proven wrong. I'm also especially pleased to have my work among so many absolutely wonderful images. Thank you for all of your work towards this end; I know that the rest of us almost cant help but underestimate how much and how difficult it all was. My best wishes for all that's good. - Lawrence Russ, Southport, CT, USA

Thank you so much for this. It was such a pleasure and an honor to participate and to be recognized among amazing photographers and their work is such an honor. - Aneesh Omanakuttan

Thank you to everybody at International Color Awards for the opportunity to take part in this incredible competition. To the jury, thank you for showcasing my image PORTRAIT OF JULIA in the Amateur Portrait Category. I am incredibly overwhelmed to be nominated amongst some truly amazing photographers around the world. This event and nomination has definitely added more colour to my world and I am sure to countless other photographers who too have experienced an extremely challenging past year!! Congratulations to all nominees and winners and many thanks to Julia for allowing me to photograph her whilst on my travels through Cuba - Nicole Vittoria De Jager, Cape Town, South Africa

Hello from Canada! Thank you for the nomination in the Food category, and for the Honorable Mention (also the in the Food category). I am very happy and honored. I want to thank my friends who encouraged me and gave me much appreciated feedback on my work. I also want to thank one person in particular who doesn't like my photos and who never encouraged me, because without him I wouldn't be here today. - Dana Mikaelle

A big thanks for my nomination in the Professional Nature category. Congratulation to all who came out on top this evening! - Doug Gibbons

Thank-you so much for recognizing my Oriole in the category of Wildlife. The little thing had some big wildlife to compete with and I am grateful for the Honorable Mention. - Carolyn Edelstein

I am once again so very humbled to have my work recognized by the International Color Awards. It is truly an honor to have been awarded a Nomination in this year's Amateur category of Silhouette for my image of Sunset. Sukhothai, Thailand. The extraordinary and consistently high caliber of this Show truly has me doubly proud to be part of it. Heartfelt thanks as always to you, Michelle, and to Kostas and your team, for your dedicated and ceaseless work which makes the International Color Awards uniquely outstanding in the field of Photography. - Gillian Marshall

Thank you so much for the nominations and the Honorable Mention in the Wildlife category! Congrats to all the other nominees and winners! - Karin De Winter, Belgium

I am pleased humbled and honoured to have received an Honorable Mention for Brilliant in Red in the Still Life category. - Ruth Ball

I am very Happy and Grateful to be honored with a nomination in the category of photojournalism! @kameraeskura from Portugal!!! - Pedro Noel, Portugal

Thank you again Color Awards for a fenomenal show - once again! This year 2 Honorable Mentions and 2 Nominees - thanx to the jury, all competing fellow photographers from all over the world! Stay safe - we can soon travel again and bring in photos from all over the world next year again! - Antero Wallinus-Rinne, Norway

Thank you for the nominations, i am honored to be nominee in two categories. Congratulations to all the winners. - Rouzes Franck

I am so happy to receive four nominees in four categories. Thanks a lot to the judges and organizers. Congratulations to all Nominees and Winners. It was a pleasure to see all the great Photos. All the best from Switzerland. - Rolf Hoesli

Wow great, I'm happy with the recognition in wildlife, great photos and congratulations to all the winners. Thanks to the judges and organizers! - Massimo Giorgetta, Italy

I am so honored to receive a First place in the Sport category. Thank you very much to the jury and organization. Congratulations to all winners. - Sergio Ferreira Ruiz

This has been truly a great night for me so far. Three more nominations: two in the Sports Professional Category and one in the Still Life Professional Category. Again thank you so much to the judges and congratulations to my fellow nominees and the winners. A great show and fantastic images this year. - Harvey A. Duze

Congratulations to everybody. Beautiful Photos! From Connecticut here! - Sergio Villaschi

I am very happy for my professional honorable mention in nature category, thank you so much. - Georgia Aleiferi

Thank you very much for my second nomination, this one in Amateur Silhouette! I am honored to be a nominee twice in this year's show. Congratulations to all of the wonderful entries. - Elizabeth Schatz, Vancouver, Canada

this photo "Closed" provoked many criticisms because it showed a sad reliality, including by journalists. the truth of a photo is much stronger than all the words. Many thanks - Jean Rouzaud

Thank you very much for the 2 honorable mentions in the arial category! The selection is one more time awesome!! Look forward to participating to the next Edition. Warm regards from France. - Magali Chesnel

Dear colleagues! Honorable jury! Greetings from Austria! First of all I would like to express a big compliment to all participants for the many great pictures, I am totally happy to see my works among the numerous nominations. Drawing with light, that's how our craft, photography originally started. I think, no, I'm sure, we all love our job and have done our job really well! I would like to sincerely thank the jury for my 2nd place in the Architecture category and for the Honorable Mention in the People category as well as the nominations. I am very happy about these awards. To my colleague and compatriot, Werner Branz, I take my hat off to you, great compliments to your work, your brilliant images and your distinctive visual language. See you soon! - Jens Ellensohn

I am honored to be selected as a nominee in both People and Americana categories! This is my first time entering this prestigious award. Congratulations to all the winners. - Jennifer James

Delighted to have been nominated in the professional Photojournalism category. Thanks to the judges and everyone for putting together a great show so far! Congratulations to all winners on the night - some incredible imagery on show! - James Watkins

I am a beginner in photography, a passion that I met only a few months ago, so being a nominee in the Photojournalism amateur category is like a first prize for me! Thank you!!! - Matteo Busetto, Italy

Thank you for two Honorable Mentions. Congratulations at all winners. A Great evening. - Peter F. Wingerter

Thank you for nominations in Americana, "Waterfall Bed" and People, "Pandemic Birthday." It's an honor to be included with so many fine works by talented photographers. - Wayne Palmer

Thanks so much for nominating my shot of Swaying Foxtails in the Nature Category. I am honoured to be included in such a talented group of photographers. - Ruth Ball

Thanx for a fantastic show! - Tommi Rinne, Sweden

I am very glad! Thank you very much for my Honorable Mention in Aerial. Congratulations to all the nominees and winners. - Demetrio Jereissati, Brazil

Hi everyone, watching show from Butterknowle, Durham, UK. Great show! FANTASTIC IMAGES! - Pat Maycroft

Oh! So happy for the Honorable Mention in the Fine Art Category and the nominees in Americana, Food, People and Architecture! - Sue Vo-Ho

Es ist mir eine grosse Ehre und ich bedanke mich von ganzem Herzen bei der internationalen Jury der Color Awards fur die Nominierung und die honorable mention meines Bildes "fog of illusion". Herzliche Gratulationswunsche an alle Nominierten und Gewinner. Herzliche Grusse aus der Schweiz! (It is a great honor for me and I would like to thank the international jury of the Color Awards from the bottom of my heart for the nomination and the honorable mention of my picture 'fog of illusion'. Congratulations to all nominees and winners. Kind regards from Switzerland!) - Monique Felber

Hello to everyone from Montreal, Canada. Thank you very much for my nominee "Enchanting Flow" in professional Absract Category. - Ali ihtiyar

Am happy to have had another photo nominated, this time "Gondoliers-Venice" in the People Professional Category. Again thanks to the Judges and congratulations to my fellow nominees and the winners in this category. - Harvey A. Duze

I am so honored to receive an honorable mention award in the Children of the World category. My thanks to the judges and to all the other winners tonight. - Anne Dignam, USA

So pleased and delighted to be a Nominee with two of my images, in the amateur, nature category. Many congratulations to all the successful photographers with some inspiring pictures. - Don Hooper, Bristol, UK

Greetings from Beijing, China. I'm glad to be the third in the professional architecture category. I wish you all the best. - Tong Fu

I am so honored to receive an Honorable Mention in the Nature category! Thank you to the judges and organizers! - Evan Siegel

I'm happy and thankful to find two of my photos awarded (one nominated and one honorable mention) in the professional category fine art. Congrats to all the other winners tonight!!! - Jeroen den Uijl

I am very honored that a photograph from the "Urban Wondering" series was selected by the jury in the Americana section. This encourages me to continue in this direction... Thanks to the organizers. - Xavier Blondeau, France

Hello from Zagreb, Croatia! I'm so proud to win 3rd place in Abstract among so many great photos! Congratulations to all great photographers around the world! - Maja Strgar Kurecic

Thank you for your nominations for Harvesting Oats 2020 and Sweet and tasty on Vine Tomatoes, I really appreciate this recognition. - Tony Harris

Wow I just saw my photo as a honorable mention on Nude. l'm really happy. Tks for everybody of the jury. ITS SO AMAZING!! - Marcelo Spatafora

Thank you for three nominations and an Honorable Mention in the Nude category. Congratulations to the winners! - Yves Noir

Great feeling to see my photograph in Architecture Nominees - Amateur category! Thank you so much! I'm honored and so happy to be a part of Color Awards Community for years! Continue to share this live excitement! Love from Istanbul! - Ayse Ebru Yardimci

Hi from Austria, Dornbirn, great to see such beautiful work and with pleasure I also have seen already many of my artworks in different categories. Congrats to my Austrian colleque Jens Ellensohn - well done. - Werner Branz

Thrilled to be among nominated and awarded artists this year again. Thanks Color Awards and congrats to all! - Angela Di Finizio

Many thanks for my second Honorable Mention tonight! Nudes Professional this time, proud to be amongst fantastic winner works. - Ramon Vaquero

Thanks for the Nominee in Fine Art for my photo InAYellowPlace. Congratulations to all and to you for the wonderful evening. A hug from Italy. - Elena Santucci

Wow, complete happiness to be the winner of the Amateur Food Photography category!!!! THANKS to you all for this great contest! it is a pleasure to participate with such talented photographers from all over the world!!!! thank YOU - Judith Balari

Thank you very much for my nomination in Amateur Abstract! I am very honored to be a part of this incredible talented International Group of Photographers. Watching from Vancouver, Canada. - Elizabeth Schatz

Delighted to receive an honourable mention in the nature awards. - Ruth Grindrod

I want to thank the judges for honoring me with this nomination. I am blessed to have been chosen and will use this honor as momentum to continue my creative photographic work. Thank you! - Lori Farr

Many sincere thanks for awarding me an Honorable Mention in the Nature Category! Congratulations to all of the amazing photographers and artists in all the different categories and many thanks to the Color Awards team for executing this exciting event! - Marco Crupi

Very honoured and proud for the nomination in nature amateur category among such a great talents and artists. Thank you for the recognition and congrats to all the winners. Greetings form Croatia. - Ivan Vucetic

Thank you so much for the three nominations in amateur Fine Art category. It is an honor to be among fine art photographers. - Joyce Reinertson, USA

Thank you very much for my Honorable Mention in Architecture. - Nicola Roberto

Hello from Lighthouse Point, Florida. What an amazing display of talent. Congratulations to all the winners. - Paula Taylor

Many Thanks to the Jury for Nominees @ Americana "Wet Faces", Nominees @Architecture "The Orange Bowl" and so happy and proud for Honorable Mention with "Displaced Reality", what great work can be seen here again, unbelievable, congratulations to all winners - Peter Plorin

Greetings to everyone and thank you judges for the nominations & awards. So thrilled to be awarded the Merit of Excellence and an Honorable Mention in the Amateur Americana category! First year on the winners list! - Kathryn Johnson

Many thanks to the jury who nominated me and for 1st place in the fashion - amateurs category. Congratulations to all of the other wonderful photographers and award winners too. - Klaus Tesching

I was so pleased to receive both a Nomination and an Honorable Mention in the Americana category for "Harlequin Ford" and "A Welcome Paradox"! Being selected when there are so many truly excellent images from around the world is truly exciting. Thank you to the judges and organizers of this event. - Denise Dethlefsen

Here from Colorado Springs, Colorado - Pamela Fickes-Miller

Hi from Spain! Thank you for my Honorable Mention in Fashion Professional and big congrats to the fantastic works from the winners! - Ramon Vaquero

Thank you so much for the nomination and honourable mention in the Children of the World category. I am honoured and "DELIGHTed" to have been chosen as a recipient. Congratulations to the first, second and third place winners, the other nominees and honourable mention recipients. - Cindy Poulin

Happy to be included with such a great collection of work. - Maria Coletsis, Vancouver, Canada

Tuning in from Marina, California on the Monterey Bay and the edge of wine country. Totally stoked with the Honorable Mention nod for some abstract pinot noir grapes on the vine. - Steve Zmak

Thank you for the Nominee in the Architecture category! Greetings from Slovakia. - Martin Babarik

Here from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Congratulations to everyone who believes in the art of photography as a way of uniting people. And my thanks to the results I have obtained for my participation in the International Color Awards. - Paulo Mittelman

Watching from Ithaca, NY and the Fingerlake region! So wonderful to see everyone from around the world watching with me! And wonderful to see so many friends and colleagues getting the recognition they deserve! Congratulations to all! - Jari Poulin

Watching from Los Angeles. Many thanks for the HM in Americana! - Cameron Carothers

I am honored to have two of my images, "Jefferson Memorial-Cherry Blossoms" and "Wrapped Washington Monument-Harvest Moon" nominated in the Americana Professional Category. I thank the judges and congratulate my fellow nominees and the winners. - Harvey A. Duze

Ich danke der internationalen Jury von ganzem Herzen fur die grobe Ehre der Nominierung meines Fotos "Parallelwelten". (I thank the international jury from the bottom of my heart for the great honor of nominating my photo "Parallel Worlds") - Nadja Naujoks

Again, I am humbled by being nominated in the 13th International Color Awards for my Still Life Buddha and Jesus. It's truly an honor and I am grateful. I work at shooting photographs that make the viewer think. This photo is worth a thousand words. Be safe, be well. - M L Gitchel, USA

I want to thank The International Color Awards and all those involved for all their efforts and commitment to photography for creating this competition. And sincere thanks to the jury for their time and efforts. I am honored and humbled to have my photograph Storm Light chosen for outstanding achievement in the amateur Nature Category. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees. I am grateful to be involved with such a vibrant, talented photographic community. - Phil Anderson, USA

Waw!!! I was also chosen the photographer of the year!!! Thank the Organisers and the Jury so much once again! - Rodislav Driben

I am a nominee in 5 categories and have an Honourable Mention too! I keep looking at the last with new self-respect! All these awards inspire me because my competitors are so good. That's why I like this competition. Thank you for giving me new confidence. - Mayda Rumberg

Thank you so much for the Honorable Mention I received for my image Fish of Mullets in Silhouette and for the Nomination received for my image Jaguarete in Wildlife. It was a pleasure and an honor to participate in the Awards! - Ronaldo Andrade, Brazil

Thank you for the two Pro Nominee Awards. It was exciting to see two humble Aussie gang cockatoos get a guernsey amongst all the stunning shots of elephants, rhinos, giraffes and lions. These birds have struggled through 3 summers of intense drought and still managed to raise all their chicks without any fatalities. How tough are they! - Sam Nerrie, Australia

How very honored and humbled I am to be a Nominee in the 13th International Color Awards - and for the seventh year! To have four of my images recognized by such a stellar panel of judges and selected from such a vast number of high caliber entries - 6,093...amazing! - is truly an honor and a privilege. As always, my sincere thanks and grateful appreciation to Michelle and her wonderful team for their unceasing dedication, commitment, and work to ensure the success of this annual event. And my prayers and thoughts are with everyone and their families during this horrendous COVID-19. Take care, be well and stay healthy." - Gillian Marshall, USA

My deepest thanks to the 13th Annual International Color Awards jury and staff. To be presented with the Nominee title in the categories of Children of the World, People, and Still Life, among such a diverse group of talented international photographers, is truly an honor. I am so grateful for this recognition and the opportunity to share these three images from my "Bali Soul" series with the world. - Kristan Kosmos, USA

Thank you everyone, I am honored to be among the nominees at the 13th International Color Awards. Nature photography is my favorite subject. My image captures the changing mood of the ocean. The parallel that I see with the current period of transformation and global cooperation particularly touches me. Thank you for selecting my image, it means a lot to me. I'm thrilled to be in such gifted company with so many creative photographers from all over the world. Congratulations to all the winners! - Nathalie Lauzon, Canada

Thank you to the International Color Awards and all the jurors for giving us the opportunity to showcase our work. I'm grateful to have had my photo, "A Bite in Miami" receive 1st Place-Outstanding Achievement in Silhouettes as well an Honorable Mention in Fine Art for "Peeking Palm", Honorable Mention in Architecture for "Angles and Reflections" as well as nominations in Abstract, Nature, and People categories. What an honor to be with so many wonderful photographers from around the world. Thank you again for all the awards. - Margo Kessler Cook, USA

When I read the email that I won the Second Place in Amateur Portrait I couldn't believe it! I am so happy, thank you very much International Color Awards! I appreciate this huge honour! All the best! - Zuzu Valla, Slovak Republic

Thank you so much for this! I'm so excited! To be recognized in a field of amazing photographers and their work is such an honor. Thank you for all you do for this important platform. - Annemarie Jacques, USA

I am very excited to receive Nominations in Wildlife for my image "Barred Owl" and in Abstract for my image "Skeleton Coast". I never ever dreamed this would be possible so I am very honoured and thrilled to receive such grand recognition for these two photographic works of art. I am speechless. Thank you judges, you have certainly blown me away. Thank you thank you. - Karen Evans, USA

An honor to be selected as part of this group of amazing group of artists. The work is beautiful and I look forward to being included in the gallery. - Richard Radstone, USA

A heartfelt thank you to the judges for selecting my abstract "Blue Gold 17" for the Professional Abstract Nominee category and to the Color Awards team. I am honored to have my work recognized by such a distinguished jury and to be in the company of these talented professionals. It is my hope that, in this time of great uncertainty and anguish, we find some solace in the beauty that nature can bring. - Sharon F. D'Amico, USA

I am incredibly honoured to be among the 13th Annual International Colour Awards. Thank you to the Jury and staff of the ICA for selecting three of my works. I am very honoured and humbled to be amongst great photographers. Congratulations to all winners. - Remi d'Argent, Australia

Thank you so much for the Honorable Mention I received for my image "Happy Days - I Love You Too, Daddy!" in the Category Wildlife. It was such a pleasure and an honor to participate in the competition! - Karin De Winter, Belgium

Wonderful and unexpected news being selected by the judges of the 13th International Color Awards as a 2nd place winner with a Merit of Excellence in Nature. Further 8 nominations in 8 different categories were given to my work, competing with amazing images from top photographers. Congrats to all my winning colleagues for raising the bar of this event to the highest level. International Color Awards and the panel of judges many thanks for giving my work the international exposure. This is encouragement to participate in future competitions." - Ottmar Philipp, Canada

During the announcement of our confinement because of COVID-19 came the nominee announcement and I must say that the confinement became the second plan immediately! After a first unsuccesful participation 5 years ago, I'm very proud to say that my work has improved enough to make it into this beautiful selection. Thank you very much. - Tine Borms Gueneau

Thank you so much to the jurors for my 3rd place, Honor of Distinction in silhouette category, the 2 HMs in Aerial and Food and 13 Nominations in several categores. I am very proud to be among the world family of photographers so good! Congratulations to all winners! - Giovanni Sonsini, Italy

I thank the staff and jurors of The International Color Awards for continuing to create such a beautiful stage, portraying art from some of the finest photographers in the world in their most favorable light. I am flattered, humbled and pleased to have discovered that six of my photo entries received Nominee Awards in six separate categories. - H. Allen Benowitz

I am absolutely thrilled to be nominated in three categories this year! I am inspired to continue to work hard to capture how I see the beauty that surrounds us. - Charita Carter

I'm glad to receive an honorable mention award in such a big contest. I like all the winning and nominated images. Color Awards is a fun contest to join and they also have good customer support. - Bart Dumont

Thank you for this honor! I am stoked that both images from my series SoulScapes were nominated in this impressive field of talented professionals. My layered photo artworks combine Past-Present and Future and are the direct result of my Artist in residence in Celleno, Italia. In my new work the nudes and still life works are combined and intertwined. A special thanks for all the models, owners of palazzo, villa's and country houses as well as the private collectors and art dealers who were so kind as to lend me their precious works of art to me. Thank You! Stay strong, vigilant, healthy and be kind to one another in these troubling times. Create beauty and share with as many people possible! - Frank van Driel, The Netherlands

Thanks for your choice. I'm delighted to have a nominated work. Hope this nomination will help me keep growing. - Luc Adolphe

Thank you so much for the honourable mention. It's great to be included in such wonderful company." - Seamus Travers

Thank you for this honor. There so many beautiful, creative images that are inspiring to all of us. The Mabank rodeo image was taken for a project I have just started for myself. It is so rewarding to continue to do your own personal work while still making a living as a photographer. Even if you enjoy your profession, shooting for yourself is so important. I still feel that same joy that I did when I started this journey. Thank you for this opportunity to share images with others while telling personal stories. - Lisa Means

Woo-hoo! How exciting to have the International Color Awards recognize my work thrice as nominees in different categories and once as an honorable mention for ""Spray-On Beauty"" in Fashion! It's a lovely ego boost to see my images among so many creative, artistic, interesting, and inspiring photos. Thank you, organizers and jurors! Thank you to my friend and mentor, Jack Wild! - Judy M. King, USA

We are very proud that 6 of our 10 images submitted were nominees and two of those are Honorable Mentions. Thank you to the judges and the ICA. - Rick Souders, Souders Studios

I'm very happy and honored to have won the 2nd place in the Abstract category (Professional) with my photo from the series "Anthroposphere". A thanks to the jury and all the organizers of this photographic competition that allows photographers from all over the world to be able to show their works to the whole world. Congratulations to all the nominees and the winners! - Salvatore Balice - Bari - Ital

Beautiful!!! I'm honored!! Congratulations all Winners!!! Thank you very much ICA!!! "The world has never stopped for a moment, the night is always following the day and the day will come..." Oh dear world, together we will win... !!! - Fabio Rossi, Italy

It is an honor to be selected by your prestigious jury, and it will be a pleasure to enter again next year. - David Mediavilla

I thank the jury of the 13th Color Awards contest for having selected my photograph "Lion cub rest" among the Nominated in the wildlife (amateur) section. It is a real honor to receive this recognition in this prestigious competition in which I have already received various awards in the last editions. It is an incentive for me to try next year to send a photo that can prove to be the winner. - Giancarlo Majocchi

This is huge and I'm feeling great. Thanks so much to all of you for bringing us this platform and supporting us to showcase our work and also get evaluated. Thanks again. - Jhinku Banerjee

I'm very pleased to be included in the list of nominees in the categories of Architecture, Children of the World, Fashion, People, Portrait and Still Life with new work from my first trip to India. It's an honor to be included with other esteemed photographers in this annual awards competition. Thank you so much. - Deborah Gray Mitchell

I am greatly honoured - Andre Doyon, Canada

Thank you for the nomination in Abstract and Still Life! - Maja Strgar Kurecic, Croatia

I'm honored to be nominated in Wildlife with 'Frog'. The picture of the little frog is a part of a larger project about the relation of humans with water on a more philosophical en poetical level. We don't need water just to stay alive, it is also of great spiritual interest. - Simone Henken, The Netherlands

Thank you Color Awards in this very difficult time.A moment of joy! Love from Italy. - Angela Di Finizio, Italy

I am incredibly honored to be among the winners of the 13th Annual International Color Awards. I feel privileged to have my work showcased alongside such talented and creative artists. Congratulations to all the photographers and a huge thank you to International Color Awards and the esteemed jury who have taken their time to deliberate over such a wide selection of images across so many different genres. - Torleif Lie, Norway

I'm very honored with the recognition achieved in my first participation to this prestigious event. My picture "Elk and Tiger" got an honorable mention in Aerial category. My picture "Towndown" got an honorable mention in Silhouette category. My picture "Pink Harp" got a nomination in Abstract category. That's also a great incentive to move forward along my artistic path. Thanks so much and congratulations for the good organization. - Stefano Degli Esposti, Italy

Very honored and humbled to have won three Nominations and one Honorable Mention under Sport category. Many thanks to the 13th Annual Jury of the International Color Awards. Will look forward to the 14th Annual Edition! - Ramesh Letchmanan, Singapore

Thank You very much! I am happy that my work is again appreciated by the jury. - Adrian Per, Romania

I am humbled and honored being nominated (Architecture, Nature and Wildlife) among so many great photographers. Congratulations to those that made it to the next level as well! - Magnus Karlson, Sweden

I am overwhelmed to be considered for an award. Thank you to all Judges. - Kleber Osorio, Australia

"It was a surprise to be among names such as Tim Tader for Advertising photography, as it was my first time participatig! I am happy and honored to be amongst the winners!" - Pedro Oliveira, USA

Very gratifying to receive nominations for each of my two entries this year. - Brian Rope, Australia

Thank you International Color Awards for running such a wonderful contest. The images are spectacular and mind-bending! I am delighted to have been able to participate and to have had three of my photographs recognized. Well done to the organizers, judges and all the participants! - Daniel Holmes, USA

Thanks so much to the judges and staff of the 13th International Color Awards! I am thrilled to have gained 2nd Place, Merit of Excellence in Fine Art, along with an Honorable Mention in Still Life and nominations in Architecture and People. I appreciate the support and recognition of my work! Congratulations to all awardees! - Annette Willis, Australia

I am truly honored to have my work recognized again by the prestigious ICA. Two Nominations and two honorable mentions in Food Category. I look forward to participating in next years Awards. - Jeffery Couch, USA

I have no words other than, thank you for choosing my portrait 'Brothers' as a nominee. I am thrilled to be a part of other esteemed photographic artists. Thank you to the judges, I am beyond grateful. - Chelle Caldwell, USA

It's a great honor for me to be awarded! And also such news are a great inspiration for further creations! Thank you to the judges, I highly appreciate and respect your opinion! - Viktoria Maley, Russia

As a amateur photographer am truly humbled with receiving a Nomination. Being new to photography I always strive for excellence. Thank you again. - Bruce Fraser, Australia

Very honored with the 2 Honorable Mentions and 1 nomination. I thank the jury and organizers of the Awards, an applause to all the photographers who give moments full of emotions with truly exceptional photos. See you next year. - Claudio Bonaccorsi, Italy

I am humbled and honored with the 1st place/Outstanding Achievement in the Abstract category! This is my first time participating in this prestigious event. Thank you! - Ovi D Pop, Romania

I am very honoured and humbled with the 1st Place - Outstanding Achievement I received under Architecture category. Thank you so much to the jury for reviewing such a varied body of work from photographers all around the world. I look forward to being part of the next edition of the Awards! - PoYi Li, Taiwan

Amazing, very surprised to find my images as part of the nominations, in my first participation. This is just another progression step, in a very long journey, thank you all so much. So many amazing images and great photographers. - Gary McGillivray-Birnie, Norway

Thank you very much, I am honored to have received an honorable mention for my photo. - Paolo Iommelli, Italy

I am amazed and honored to have received this nomination in fine art. It was the first time that I participated and it seems incredible to me that my work has received so much attention from such important judges. Thank you so much for the great opportunity. - Cinzia Toscano, Italy

I am very honored and thrilled to be awarded Professional Nominee in Food for "Surreal Drink in Spring" at the 13th International Color Awards. To have my work recognized amongst so many talented photographers and nominated among over 6000 entries is truly exhilarating. Thank you to the judges for my nomination and congratulations to all the nominees and winners. - Mandy Toh, United Arab Emirates

I am blessed and honored with the honorable mention received under people category. I would like to congratulate all the winners of this prestigious event. Many thanks to the entire jury and the whole team of International Color Awards. Thank you so much. - Tarun Chhabra, India

I'm both happy and honored to have my photography recognized in fine art, to receive an honorable mention by the 13th International Color Awards. - William King, USA

I'm proud of two nominations in the categories of architecture and photojournalism. Many thanks to the judges and congratulations to all of the nominees and winners. I feel inspired to submit photos for the next annual edition of the awards. - Winfried Alberti, Germany

Participating and being nominated in this competition was a great opportunity for discussion and popularization of my art. Thank you for the opportunity you offered me and thanks to the jury that selected winners and nominees. I have received several international awards and I am happy to show my photographs, along with images of capable and talented photographers. - Christian Brogi, Italy

I am thrilled for this award! Being together with so many inspiring and talented photographers is a real honour for me. I would like to thank the organizers and the jury of this contest. Congratulations to everyone! - Judith Balari, Italy

It's extremely humbling and satisfying to be included with these talented artists. Sometimes the best moments in life are fleeting and the same is true in photography. Capturing that perfect moment in time and preserving it forever is quite magical. My photograph "Birds On A Beach" is a perfect example. Immediately after I took the image, the birds flew away and the moment vanished. My thanks to the judges for honoring my work. - Nelson Rudiak, USA

I am very honoured to have won the 1st Place - Outstanding Achievement, with my image "Floating People", in the Aerial category for Professionals. This image has been shot during a concert on a lake, close to Las Vegas. I want to thank the jury, it's really exciting to see that my work has been selected among so many talented photographers. And congratulations to all other winners and nominees. - Raf Willems, USA

What wonderful news in this time of uncertainty. I am very proud to receive a nomination and Honourable Mention in the Still Life (Amateur) category for 'Inherited Belongings'.Thank you so much for recognising my work again this year. Its been fascinating to see all the nominated entries in this prestigious award show and I'm delighted to have been part of it. Thanks go to the judges and all those behind the scenes to make this show possible. Looking forward to the 14th Annual Awards. - Pat Maycroft, UK

I am humbled and honored with the first place/outstanding achievement in the still life category, as well as a nomination in architecture. This is my first time participating in this prestigious event. Thank you! - Esperanza Gomez, USA

Very honored and happy to have my work recognized once again by the judges of this competition. I would also like to congratulate everyone on the ICA team! See you at the 14th annual edition! - Jober Costa, Brazil

I am very honoured and humbled with the Honorable Mention I received under Portrait category. Thank you so much to the jury for reviewing such a varied body of work from photographers all around the world. I look forward to being part of the next edition of the Awards! - Brandon Barnard, South Africa

I'm so excited and honored to be awarded 2nd place Merit of Excellence in Silhouette category for this 13th International Color Awards. Many thanks to the judges for the recognition. - Grace Ho, Malaysia

Thank you so much to the judges for the 6 Nominee Honors and 1 Honorable Mention in this year's 13th Annual International Color Awards. I love looking through all the beautiful photos every year and it's such an honor to be included. - Amy Siqveland

Thank you for the recognition of my work. Always delighted! - Ursula Stiglitz

First, let me just say how honored and grateful I am to have received an honorable mention and two nominations in the categories of architecture, Americana and fine art at the 13th International Color Awards. I wish to thank the judges for their time, appreciation of the arts & keen eyes. A big shout out to all the winners in the various categories. Going through all the stunning photos makes me feel inspired and, at times, mind blown. I look forward to submitting future photos in this prestigious competition. - Lou Novick, Santa Fe, USA

What wonderful and unique photos, congratulations to all and a big thank you for my nominations and Honorable Mention. - Anita Schiedeck, Spain

Many thanks to the jury and the whole team of International Color Awards. This is my second year as an entrant into the Color Awards, it's a great honor and fantastic to get the honorable mention in Fashion Photography along with 2 nominations in the people and portrait categories. Special thanks to my parents for their love and support, this award is in honor of my father. Congratulations to everyone. - Pei-Yi Cheng, Taiwan

I want to express my gratitude for a 3rd place in Still Life, professional. My best placing yet. Thank you! - Barry A. Noland, Tennessee, USA

Thank you so very much! - Cheraine Collette

Very pleased with my Honorable Mention in Fine Art, it's an honor for me. - Gus Fine Art

WOW! I feel incredibly proud of my First Place - Outstanding Achievement in the Wildlife category. My photograph 'River Crossing' pretty much captures so much of what I love, wildlife photography, the animal kingdom and adventure in travel. THANK YOU to the judges for this recognition. I am also very proud of the Honorable Mentions I have received in three other categories; Aerial, Food and Silhouette. Photography is my absolute passion project and I love capturing the beauty I see in the natural world and sharing it with the world - sending lots of gratitude for these achievements! - Christine Goerner, Australia

Thank you for the 3 nominations this year. - Georgette Aleiferi, Greece

Thanks for another great year, all the work involved and thanks for the awards, wonderful and so appreciated. - Shairon Paterson, Australia

I am so very honored and absolutely thrilled to be awarded Amateur Nominee in Architecture for "Corseted Rooftop". To have my work recognized amidst so many talented photographers is truly exhilarating. I extend a hearty thank-you to the judges and congratulate all of the nominees and winners in this category and in the other categories as well! - Debbie Scott-Queenin, USA

I am in high spirits tonight to have my work recognized and to receive an Honorable Mention in the Pro Abstract category along with 2 Nominations. I am so honored to be in the company of wonderful photographers from around the globe. Thank you to the jurors and to the International Color Awards for offering this event. Perhaps at this time 'Light Ascending' can be seen as an omen of the good to come. - Joan Grabel, Mexico

Thank you for the wonderful Photo Show! So many inspiring photographs to learn from --so much skill and artistry! I feel incredibly energized by the Nomination in Amateur Abstract. I'm still a new photographer, and this is my first year participating in the the Color Awards. I am grateful for the encouragement and the recognition. It will give me confidence and it motivate me to keep exploring. Heartfelt congratulations to all the winners for your spectacular photographs. - Maria-Camilla Fiazza, Italy

Wow what a great collection of modern photography and glad to be a part of it. - Steve Turner, Australia

I am very honored to have been nominated for my work in the category fine art. Thank you so much. - Jeroen den Uijl, The Netherlands

Thank you very much for my 3rd place in Still Life and Honorable Mention in Wildlife. - Mieke Douglas, UK

I'm honored to be nominated in Photojournalism. Congratulations to those that made it to the next level as well. Many thanks to the 13th Annual Jury of the International Color Awards. Well done to the organizers and all the participants! - Pascal Dorothee, France

Incredible. 5 x nominated in architecture for the Pro, 2x Honorable Mention. And, I am so proud and happy to receive 2nd place and the Merit of Excellence Award with my Pic "The White One". Many thanks to the Organizers and Judges, many thanks to all award winners for the excellent competition. Greetings from the Lower Rhine Area of Germany, and do not stop with your work, your art, which brings light into this dark time. - Peter Plorin, Germany

Thank-you so very much to all the judges for their hard work and the organisers but also the many fellow entrants for a stunning array of art in this year's Color Awards. I am most humbled to have received a Nomination in the Professional Aerial category for my "Alien Landscape" entry. I am truly honoured to have my work chosen amongst so much stunning photography. - Paul A Wright, UK

Pleased to be nominated among such great competition. This year will be a tough year for photographers. Let's stick together and look after each other. - Brendan Duffy

I am feeling honoured that 4 of my images have been awarded as a Nominee in 4 categories. Thank you to the International Color Awards Staff, Judges and Organisers for making this wonderful event available. Congratulations to all the talented Winners and Nominees. See you next year! - Marjorie Lord-Flaxton, Australia

Thank you for a wonderful show again - the show is really a hit! This time 2 honorable mentions and 4 nominees in 6 categories - Thanx to Fanja for helping a colorblind guy to make this happen! Thanx to the Jury and the Color Awards staff. - Antero Wallinus-Rinne, Norway

I am extremely honored to receive the Outstanding Achievement award in the amateur Food category plus two honorable mentions in the same category and also the Still Life category. It is also an honor to be recognized among so many talented and inspirational photographers! Thank you judges and congratulations everyone! - Debbie Hartley

Got my fifth nomination, this time in the Wildlife-Professional category for "Cormorant Food Fight." I thank the judges for this honor and congratulate all of the nominees in all the categories as well as the winners. Looking forward to starting my submissions to the 14th Color Awards. - Harvey Duze

Thank you! I am excited and honored to receive 4 nominations across 4 categories and be recognised amongst the many accomplished photographers who have participated in the 13th Annual Awards. Thank you ICA organisers and judges for celebrating and promoting such amazing collections of photographs. Very inspiring - congratulations to all who participated. - Robyn Finlayson, Australia

The 2018 Color Awards was my first online competition. I was very excited to win a nomination. This year, I'm elated to have won ONE Honorable Mention and THREE Nominations. - Carolyn Edelstein, Florida, USA

Thank you so much for the nomination in the Nature category; and, my Honourable Mention in Still Life. This is my second year as an entrant and the caliber of work just keeps getting better. It is a real honour to be apart of it all. - Michelle Lake, Australia

Thank you so much. I am delighted to have had my work recognized. I am very encouraged by, and very grateful for, the wonderful accolade. - Conor Ryan, Ireland

What an honor it is to receive 1ST PLACE for PORTRAITURE in the PROFESSIONAL category for my Portrait of Director, Guillermo del Toro and also HONORABLE MENTION for my Portrait of Tom Hanks. I am grateful just to have this opportunity to have my work reviewed by such esteemed jurors much less to be recognized. And I am honored to be in the company of these wonderful other recognized photographers, a number of whom I've long admired. Wishing my best to All during these strange times. It is more important than ever for us artists to continue to spread inspiration and messages of humanity. Many thanks to the International Color Awards! - Taili Song Roth

Thank you to the judges for my nominations in Abstract-Professional, Architecture-Professional, and the Honorable Mention in Americana-Professional. And I would like to congratulate all my talented, fellow peers from around the world and all winners and nominees. - Brett Howard Nelson, Seattle, USA

Great show, wonderful shots. - Geoffrey Olsen, Canada

It is a great honour for me to be chosen for the first place in Nudes category (Amateur). I am very thankful to Organisers and to Jury members. - Rodislav Driben

Thank you so much for the 3rd place Honor of Distinction in the Amateur Fine Art category. I am honored to be part of your competition among so many very talented photographers. - Joyce Reinertson

Thank you for the 1st place in Children of the World category. Is an honor to been listed among such talented photographers! - Lucio Farina, Singapore

Thank you so much for having granted me honorable mentions and honored my aerial photographic work. Congratulations to all the nominees and winners! - Magali Chesnel, France

I am so honored to receive third place in Architecture for "Going Up". This image was taken in the Fort Lauderdale Airport parking lot, Terminal 1. I live in Florida and photography is my passion. I am thrilled the judges rewarded my efforts. - Suzanne Schwartzman

Very pleased to have 2 nominations in the nature category. - Ruth Grindrod

Thank you so much for the nominations in the Architecture, Fine Art and Americana Categories! Congratulations everyone! - Sue Vo-Ho, Montreal, Canada

I am just a little overwhelmed and honored to have received 8 nominations and 2 honorable mentions. Thank you very very much to the judges and staff of the International Color Awards for making this evening an endless surprise! I am so very grateful to show my vision of color photography to so many talented photographers around the world. We all share a common bond: our love of the photograph. - Wayne Palmer, USA

I am very happy for the Honorable Mention obtained in the Amateur Nature category and for the nomination as a finalist in the Amateur Architecture category at the International Color Awards 2020. - Paulo Mittelman, Brazil

I am deeply honoured to be a nominee in the category of abstract, professional. Such beautiful and colorful images in all categories. Thank you very much to the judges and organization. - Ali Ihtiyar, Montreal, Canada

I've made a living through photography, I got a shot gun shell in my arm photographing a Georgia young man getting a refusal to vote (he was African American) and I was writing and photographing the deep south Civil Rights movement for 15 years for Northern newspapers & French magazines, and I had a lot more fun taking pix that I wanted to. Poor kids in a ghetto posing outside the run-down building they had to live in. Vietnam vets, African Americans, all... Famous singers. Famous politicians, well only the good ones. - Franklynn Peterson, Wisconsin, USA

Thank you for my Honorable Mention in Fashion, this is my first year on Color Awards! Big congrats to all the awarded, great works indeed. - Ramon Vaquero, Spain

So many inspiring photos and such amazing creativity! I am very honored and grateful for the nominations and the honorable mention in the Abstract category. My greatest thanks to the jury for the recognition of my work and congratulations to all. - Mirka van Renswoude, The Netherlands

I am greatly honoured and much excited for being a winner at the 12th Annual Color Awards, and to receive 2nd Place in Abstract for with my photo The Equilibrist. Thanks to the jurors of the 12th Annual International Color Awards! - Andre Doyon, Canada

Thank you very much to the jurors for the 1st Place - Outstanding Achievement of my picture 'Unconventional still life' in the category Still life, Amateur. I am very glad and honored for your attention. - Barbara Corvino, Italy

I am very honored and thankful that this year again, several of my pictures got nominated and that I received the honor of distinction. Well done to all the photographers and thank you to the jury. - Aimee Hoving, Switzerland

I want to thank the International Color Awards and the jurors for the recognition of my work. It is a honor to be able to receive both a second place in Sports and an honorable mention in People, Amateur category. Please know that your efforts are appreciated. Congratulations to all the photographers who participated. I am inspired by your work. - Leba Marquez, USA

Thank you very, very much Color Awards! This is a great honor to receive 1st Place in Nude category! Many thanks to the jury! Congratulations to all winners! - Stanislav Pokhodilo, The Netherlands

Thank you to the International Color Awards and everyone involved for another great year. I'm deeply honoured to have my work recognised with both an Outstanding Achievement award in the Americana category, and a Merit of Excellence award in the Photographer of the Year category. - Simon Burch, Ireland

It's a great honor for me to be awarded as Photographer of the Year (Amateur) 2nd place. I am also very delighted about the 1st place at the category Architecture, the 1st and 3rd place at the category Sport and an Honorable Mention in Abstract. Many thanks to the Jury. - Klaus Lenzen, Germany

Thank you so much for the nomination of my 4 photographs. As they say, just being nominated is a true honor. As an amateur photographer, having this validation is beyond words. Especially after seeing all the rest of the entries. Beautiful work and I feel tremendously proud to be part of this photographic family. - Judy Nussenblatt, USA

Greetings from London town. Just back from assignment and delighted to have been chosen with 4 entries. Thank you and the jury for having selected the winning images of young people forging their way, placing one foot in front of the other in their quest for survival. - Carol Allen-Storey, UK

Thanks to the jury who chose my photo 'Standing Tall' to 1st Place - Outstanding Achievement in the Abstract category. I am very proud of this award and I share this award with my artistic advisor, Jorunn Fanja Hagen. - Antero Wallinus-Rinne, Norway

Hello everyone I am very humbled to be in the presence of such great work and amazing photographers. I have been nominated many times and this year my work has risen to the level the level of Honorable Mention. Many thanks to all of the jurors.I also congratulate every one who has not only won but to all those that entered. - Terrance R Pack, Ontario, Canada

I am very happy, honored and grateful to have been nominated in Silhouette category with my photo 'Free in Twilight'. Thanks to the jury and organizers who allow photographers from around the world to express their art. Congratulations to all the nominees and winners. - Janne Ruiz Zaviasky, Brazil

I am, indeed, privileged to have received a nomination in the 12th Annual International Color Awards. To the Organising Committee, the Jury and to all those who made possible these Awards I thank you sincerely. To the winners - whose work I viewed online with absolute awe and unparalleled joy - I congratulate you for showing so spectacularly the wonders of our world. I have much to learn, but you inspire me to press on. - Catherine Clifford, Australia

I am very glad about the news of winning the 1st Place - Outstanding Achievement in People - Professional with "Lonely one to the end". I thank the Jury of International Color Awards for the recognition of my work. This is an extraordinary endorsement for the project I have been working on. I am very happy I have the opportunity to be part of the Photoshow next to so many great artists and to show my work to the world. Congratulations to all winners and nominees. - Nicolae Cosniceru, Romania

I am honored to be selected! My first participation, my first nomination. Congratulations to all winners and nominees. - Po-Yi Li, Taiwan

I was delighted to receive this honor as Portrait Nominee in the 12th Annual International Color Awards as an endorsement of present works and as an incentive for future works. The praise by the Judges to select my work is truly an honor and graciously accepted. This Honor is a major incentive to me to continue advancing my photographic skills. Thank you to all the Judges in the 12th Annual International Color Awards for bestowing this honor upon my work. It is a major milestone in my career as a photographer. - Glenn Miller, USA

Thank you for my nominations in the Americana and Fine Art categories! I was really happy to be able to share my work in this great contest. - Veronique Gohier, Canada

Thank you to the staff and judges at the International Color Awards. I am very thankful for the acknowledgement and proud to be amongst all the great photographers showcased. A class act all around. - Melissa Roldan, USA

It's an honor to receive this award as a nominee in the Professional Still Life category for my image "Natures Finest", and I'm humbled and blessed and want to thank the judges for their consideration of my image. I've been a professional photographer for many years, and this is the finest harvest for all my work, training and experience. - Susanne Spicer, USA

Absolutely Thrilled! To receive your International Award in Architecture 3rd Place Amateur. What a super great surprise for appreciation of photography I love doing so much. Thanks to David Skernick, long time photography teacher who has inspired me so much and who encouraged me to make the submission. It's wonderful to view all the winners though out the world. - Gayle Pepper, USA

It's a huge honor to have my photograph, Autumn Flight, be nominated by the distinguished jury of the 2018 International Color Awards. There are few things I enjoy more than exploring the natural world with my camera, and on one particular autumn day I was fortunate to be in the right place at the right time to capture this photograph of a majestic Great Blue Heron. I have many people to thank, including a number of teachers and fellow students from my high school and college days, as well as my students and consulting clients who have inspired and challenged me over the years. - Andrew Darlow, USA

Thank you for nominating my image, "Big Birthday" under the professional Children of the World category. It is beyond encouraging, and I hope to improve and do better next time. Thank you so much! - Devante Parson, USA

Thank you so much for nominating my Yellow Glass Tree in the abstract category. It is a stained glass piece on my window sill made by an old friend. To be selected amongst 7,241 entries from 79 countries is a huge honor. The photo show is awesome. Congratulations to all. - M.L. Gitchel, USA

I'm honored for nominating my work "Embers of Palate" under professional category, Food. Winners, congratulations on your achievement! - Arthi Duraisamy, India

It's a great honour to participate in such a great award and be nominated in Children of the World! Many thanks to the judges for the recognition of my work - it has really inspired me and confirms that I do things the right way. Thank you very much! - Tatiana Navitskaya, Belarus

Thank you Color Awards and to all the members of the judging jury, as this is my 10th year as a participant. I'm also deeply grateful to the staff of the International Color Awards and want to thank them for all their support, especially these past several years. You will never truly know how much this particular award means to me. I've been sick for almost 5 days and today was the break in my symptoms. I'd actually forgotten about the Color Awards, then to suddenly learn one of my photos has been chosen as a winner seems to have had a very positive effect on my physical wellbeing. THANK YOU! I also want to lift up all those who repeatedly participate in this photo show. Never give up and never stop believing in yourself. This is a blessing and a wonderful honor for which I am humbled and extremely grateful. - Malissia Simpson, USA

I'm glad about the opportunity to share my artistic view and to gain some kind acknowledgement is 'the icing on the cake'. Another inspiring photography year ahead! - Ursula Stiglitz, Austria

I am very honored to have been nominated in the professional category of Children of the World. 'Rejoice' is one of my work series of eye contact pictures. This honor is like a hope to let me know that I can continue to work on photography. Let's encourage and celebrate all creators. - HYEYOUNG JANG, South Korea

I would to thank the organising committee, ICA judges and congratulations to all the nominees and winners! Very honoured to be selected as winner of the photojournalism category and many thanks to the International Color Awards for supporting both professional and amateur photographers. Congrats to all participants! - Filip Warwick, UK

The nomination in the Nature section of International Color Awards 2018 is a great pleasure for me and encourages me to continue my career in photography and art. I am from Iran and I enjoy seeing the works of other photographers at this festival and learn a lot. Thank you to the jury. - Masoud Shokrnia, Iran

As I create intimate and grand environmental portraits of the natural and man-made world, it is color first and foremost that connects all my images. And for that reason I am extremely honored to once again have my images recognized by the International Color Awards and their distinguished panel of judges. - Deborah Bohren, USA

Thank you for nominating 'Western Meadowlark' in Wildlife. As a photography student graduating this semester it is amazing to see that my work is being noticed. Thank you jury. - Fallon Yates, USA

I am delighted to be a Nominee for the third time at the 12th International Color Awards! This is a fabulous opportunity and platform to present my photographs. I have been a participant since 2010 and this is my first nomination in the Architecture category with 'Red Tiled Roof'. A big thank you to the wonderful jury for nominating my work and I look forward to participating in the coming years. - S Devarajan, Bangalore, India

It is an honour for me to be among the very few winners in this years biggest event, International Color Awards. I have received a few Honorable Mentions over the past years, but this years 1st Place- Outstanding Achievement is still more than I expected. Thanks to the Jury, and thanks to International Color Awards for being such an inspiration. I am sure this award will be of good help in my photography endeavors in the years to come. - Gunnar Stroem, Norway

I am very happy to have been nominated and to be part of the selection. There are beautiful pictures, and the level is very high. Thank you for making me live this photographic adventure. - Jennifer Orhelys, France

Thank you for considering my images 'Seat with a view' and 'Boy in Red' for honourable mention and nominee in Americana, it is an important encouragement to go on with my work and refine my vision. - Angela Di Finizio, Italy

Thank you so much for the nomination in fine art category. It is an honor to be selected among great photographers from so many countries! Congratulations to all winners! - Ioanna Natsikou, Berlin, Germany

I am very happy and honored to receive a Nomination for my work 'Riverdreams' in the category Nature - Amateur. A great thank you to the jury and congrats to all other participants. - Manuel Martin, Switzerland

I'm surprised and Happy to see my photo as one of the winners in children in of the world category. This is one of my great achievements in international photo contests. Congratulations to all winners.Thank you so much Color Awards. God bless you all. - Mark Anthony Agtay, United Arab Emirates

A big thank you to the jury for nominating my work 'Blue Formation'. It's an honour as this is my first time entering International Color Awards. I am so thrilled. So nice to see so many talented photographers worldwide, I am so inspired. Congratulations to all the Winners and Nominees! Well deserved. - Ruth Yates, Melbourne, Australia

Thank you for the Honorable Mentions in Sport category. Congratulations to all the winners! - Paulina Olszak, Poland

To be honored as a nominee for Color Awards is a thrill. The fact that I was nominated in 4 different categories (Fine Art, Nature, Silhouette, Wildlife) with 5 different images is inspiring. Thank you. I stand in great company. - Ellin Pollachek, USA

Thank You to the esteemed jury for nominating my work in the Abstract and Americana categories and to the staff at the International Color Awards. Congratulations to all the other nominees and winners, it's an honor to be in your company. - Frank Rapp, USA

I am most delighted to accept this Nomination in the 12th Annual International Color Awards for my portrait 'The Rock Star'. - Josephine Roberte, Australia

Many thanks to the jury and the whole team at International Color Award for nominating my photo "Impermanence 1" in Nude-Professional category. Congratulations to all other winners! - Salvatore Balice, Italy

I thank you so much for the nomination of 'Waiting to Fish'. It's truly an honour to receive this recognition. - Christine Norton, Trinidad & Tobago

Thank you so much! I'm very thrilled to receive 1 honorable mention and 3 nominations in wildlife category / amateur. Congratulations to all the Winners. - Sabine Peters, Germany

Thank you so much for my nominee award! It is a great honour for me to be recognised amongst such wonderful photographic talent. This gives me motivation to explore the world and capture my next picture to share with everybody once again. - Andrew Lever, UK

I am honored to receive three awards in the portrait category. One honorable mention and two nominations. It is always a great pleasure to have your work recognized. Congratulations to all the winners and thank you to the jury. - Nancy Ney, Miami, USA

Many thanks to the team of Color Awards and to the jury for the Merit of Excellence Award given to my work "Distraction 05" in Nude category and the nomination of "Calamity Jane" in Fine Art. Congratulations to all nominees and winners, everyone must be very proud! - Yves Noir, Stuttgart, Germany

Hi! I am so happy for being a nominee at the 12th Annual International Color Awards. Thanks to the jury for considering my work. - Juan Rodriguez Morales, Spain

My thanks and gratitude to all involved. It is an honour to be represented amongst such a great cross section of creative work. Special thanks goes to Bill Turpin for our ongoing collaborative partnership and bringing something to the table that is nobody else could. - Kai Bastard, London, UK

I thank the Jury very much for selecting my picture "Ara parrots at Lagoa das Araras sunset Argentina" for an Honorable Mention in Wildlife. - Giancarlo Majocchi, Italy

Thank you so much for my nomination in the Nature category. I'm completely speechless. Congratulations to all the winners. - Martin Bigmore, Australia

It is a great thing to be nominated amongst the best of the photographers from across the globe. Wishing all the winners a great success and continue to bring the best of nature through their frames. - Sajeesh Radhakrishnan, India

Thank you for the lovely appreciation of my work - not one but two images. It is more than I could have hoped for and am thrilled to have participated in the International Color Awards. - Jon Meyer, USA

I'm honored and humbled to be a part of this amazingly talented group of photographers! Regardless of cultures and backgrounds, photography can speak, tell stories and emotionally move people all around the world. Art is the universal language! Thank you. - Nelson Rudiak, USA

I thank the staff and jurors of the International Color Awards for continuing to create such a beautiful stage, portraying art from some of the finest photographers in the world in their most favorable light. I am flattered, humbled, and pleased to have discovered that two of my photo entries received Nominee Awards in two separate categories: 'Shotgun Wedding' / Americana; and 'Green Sari Girl' / Children of the World. - H. Allen Benowitz, USA

I am honored to have my photo 'Graffiti Car' accepted as a nominee in the 12th Edition of International Color Awards. It is of great significance and pride to have my work nominated. Many thanks to the Jury for taking me in to consideration. It is the best kind of motivation to continue expanding my work. - Eduardo Ibarguen-Secchia, USA

Many thanks for the award and honourable mentions. I am very pleased to accept. - Max Forsythe, UK

Thank you so much! It's an incredible feeling to be recognized. - Sandy Adams, USA

It's an honour to have been nominated in this edition of the International Color Awards. This is my debut in this contest and I am very pleased to have had my work considered. I congratulate the winners and all participants, and look forward to new ventures. - Karl Glanville, Malta

Hello ladies and gentlemen, it was a great honor for me to be a part of the Color Awards. It was a very exciting and great moment to be in Germany late on Saturday evening to see so many great pictures. I congratulate everyone! - Peter Wingerter, Germany

Thank you 12th International Color Awards for making this wonderful event possible, I am in awe of the amazing works on display, congratulations to Artists, Photographers and the event organisers. I am deeply honoured to have my work recognised with an Honourable Mention for 'Let's Play Dinosaurs' in Children of the World and for receiving a Nominee award for 'The Vaudevilles' in Portrait. I continue to learn and grow from experiencing the works of amazing photographers and Artists who enter the International Color Awards. - Marjorie Lord, Australia

Hello everyone from Montreal, I would like to thank you color awards and jury for choosing my photo 'Fidelity', as Nominee in People category. - Ali Ihtiyar, Canada

Thank you for the Honorable Mention under Nude Professional category for "Naga Sadhus". - Robi Chakraborty, USA

Honoured to be nominated in Still Life for 'Jellybean Cactus Flower' .Thank you for another nomination! I'm very happy! - Garry Wapshott, Australia

I am thrilled to have been awarded Honor of Distinction in the category of Nature for my photo 'About Time'. I am so excited to be part of this outstanding group of international photographers and to have four other pieces nominated in the categories of Aerial (Awakening) , Children of the world (Birthday Party), Portrait (Viet Nam Woman), and Wildlife (Afternoon Delight). Thank you to the jury and organizers of this wonderful show. - Carol Zulman, USA

Thank you for the Honor to receive two Nominee Awards. Always a breath taking event! - Beatrice Yoder-Leyba, USA

Thank you for the honor of a Nomination in wildlife. I'm watching from Townsville Queensland Australia. - Peter Mcfarlane, Australia

Hello From Paris! Dear Members of the Jury, dear Organisers of the International Color Awards, I would like to express my most sincere gratitude for my two nominations in Fine Art Category. I would like also to congratulate all the Winners and Nominees for such an amount of wonderful and exiting photography artworks, so diverse in style and artistic expression, but all showing tremendous talent. It proves, if needed, that Photography is a very powerful modern medium for art and in constant evolution, if not revolution. I am honored to be among the field of so many fine and creative photographers worldwide who participated to this competition. Thank you very much. - Birdy Tg, France

I am speechless and very honored for my Merit of Excellence award in portrait cat., two Honorable Mentions in Aerial cat. and four Nominations in Children of the World, Architecture, Fine Art, and Wildlife categories! Thank you so much to all the judges and congratulations to all the winners! - Giovanni Sonsini, Italy

I am yet again honored to receive another nomination this year in the color awards and thank you to everyone that made it possible. You help me want to continue being the best photographer I can be. - Remo Camerota, USA

I thank the jury for giving me the nomination in "Children of the world"and I thank the children for always enlightening us with their smiles from all corners of the world despite adversity, poverty and social differences. They have no fault of the injustices of the world and with their sincere smile they remember us every day. - Cristiano Di Gioia, Italy

What an honor both of my images were accepted as nominations. 'The Irish school children playing' was so retro early 20th century, I was delighted they were included. Such an international show of distinction! - Davis Freeman, USA

I am really very excited about the news of having won the 1st Place - Outstanding Achievement in Architecture professional! All weekend I was busy preparing an upcoming art fair in London, which is why I am so late to express my happiness about accepting this award. I would like to congratulate all winners for their achievements and of course my utmost thanks to the members of the jury. - Paul Brouns, The Netherlands

Amazing to receive the 2nd Place Award in Children of the World category - such an honour. I always really enjoy this annual competition, viewing the show and galleries, and it is such a thrill to be featured and gain the 2nd Place - Merit of Excellence with my shot of Embe, the young archer boy from Mongolia. Can't wait to go back one day and give him a print of this photo. - Filip Gierlinski, UK

I am very honored to have been nominated in the professional category of People. Many thanks to the jury of the Color Awards! See you next year! - Pedro Noel da Luz, Portugal

It was a nice surprise to see two of my pictures on the winners list in the Nature category. Thank you very much for selecting ''Red light line'' and ''All together'' as Honorable Mentions. Glad to see my 3 Nominees as well at the same category. I was amazed with overall high quality of work in all categories. Congratulations to all Winners and Nominees. I wish success to the International Color Awards in the next years! - Peter Svoboda, Slovak Republic

I am thrilled and very grateful to have been nominated in the Fashion section among so impressive photographers from all over the world. I would like to express my pleasant surprise and joy to have seen how, a picture that is part of a project about overcoming Trauma has been appreciated in Fashion terms. Thank you very much to all the judges and award organisers for all their consideration towards our photographic work and their attentive labour of encouraging and inspire through selected images to the whole world. Congratulations to all of the Winners! - Beatriz Glez Sa, Spain

It is great to get a nomination. Thank you so much! - Anna Fabres, UK

Congratulations to all the nominees and winners! I am thrilled and honored to be included with so many incredibly talented photographers. Thank you International Color awards for this opportunity and award! - Craig Schwanfelder, USA

I thank the judges for their kind response to my work, and I thank the Color Awards for creating this opportunity to share our work with other artists, and hopefully make progress over the years with the quality of our work. - Sally Stevens, USA

I am extremely honored on being a Winner at the 12th Annual International Color Awards with two Honorable Mentions in the Fashion category and as a Nominee in the Children Of The World one. I am earnestly grateful for the recognition I have received for my work, because I am very sure that every other nominee for this award was as capable if not more, of winning it. I want to thank the International Color Awards for its task to support both professional and amateur photographers. Thank you very much to all the people that makes this Award possible. May the light be with you all all the time! - Bonaventura Durall, Spain

Thanks to the organizing committee and the judges. So pleased to receive a nomination in Still Life. It's also very interesting to look at the photos of the other participants! Greetings from Switzerland! - Bettina Montavon, Switzerland

I would like to thank the Jury for selecting my photo 'Companions' for Honorable Mention in Silhouette! I am very pleased, delighted and grateful this has happened, because this was my first submission in the contest. The photos of other participants are beautiful, inspiring, it is an honor to have my photo among the winners. Congratulations to all winners and nominees! - Peter Krenek, Slovak Republic

Thank you all at International Color Awards for nominating my photograph 'Farse' in Fashion professional category. Congrats to all participants! - Wojtek Wojdynski, USA

I am very appreciative of being recognized as a nominee in the food category. To be chosen amongst all the great photographers who submitted images for this competition is truly humbling. International Color Awards are tops in the competition arena, congratulations to all the winners and nominees. - Jeff Couch, USA

It is with much excitement to be selected in the categories Portrait and Wildlife. Many thanks to the jury and organizers. Congratulations to all the winners. - Matilde Simas, USA

Always a privilege to be a winner. Thanks a million for your continued support. It is always encouraging to keep on winning over the years in various categories. It's an honour to be amongst artists of a high calibre from all around the world. - Alfonso Calero, Australia

Thank you for nominating my picture 'Grandma'. I am delighted and very honored to be selected. - Feyona van der Molen, The Netherlands

A heartfelt thank you to all involved for selecting my abstract "Into the Future" as a Nominee in the Professional Abstract category. I am deeply honored to have my work recognized by such a distinguished jury and to be in the company of such talented photographers. Best wishes to you and thank you again, and may we all work for a better future for our planet and its people! - Sharon D'Amico, Kirkland, USA

I am very happy to get an honorable mention in sport and two nominations in abstract and nature. A great thank you to the jury. - Erika Tanzer, Austria

I am delighted and honored to see my works recognized, receiving 4 Nominations for Fashion (1), People (2) and Portrait (1). Thanks so much, a real honour to be amongst some great photographers of our time - fab! - Peter Nitsch, Germany

Very many thanks to the jury for nominating my two works in the Professional category - "Equilibrium V" (Architecture) and "Calla Lily III" (Still Life) - and for awarding the former with an Honourable Mention. Congratulations to all the nominees and winners! - Paul Coghlin, UK

I'm honored to receive outstanding achievement and nominations for the "Movie Night" series in the Silhouette category and two honorable mentions for the "My Summer with Optimus Prime" series in the Americana category. It's wonderful to be in the company of so many talented photographers - congratulations to all of the nominees and winners! Thank you to the International Color Awards and jurors. - Shawna Gibbs, USA

Many thanks to the Jury who has chosen my photo 'Out of Time' for the 2nd Place - Merit of Excellence in Fashion and also for the Honorable Mention of my photos 'After the Ball' and 'Art Studio' in Nude Category. - Alex Tsarfin, Israel

I feel so honoured and happy, I have no words to explain what two honourable mentions and two nominations mean to me. This is the second year I've been nominated and l will definitely participate again next year. Thank you very much and also a big thanks to my models and team! - Zuzu Valla, Slovak Republic

I accept this Honorable Mention award and would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to show my nude work to the community. Celebrating the awards and celebrating the human body is a win win! Thanks again! - Eric Garcia-March, USA

Thank you so much for the great honor of selecting my photos for two Honorable Mentions - in children of the World 'Konzo' and in portrait 'Che Guevara of Congo'- amongst 7241 amazing images presented by photographers all around the world. It means a lot to me. Congratulations to all winners and nominees! - Inge Kuypers, Belgium

I am so honored to be included as an Honorable Mention winner in the Professional Fine Art category of the International Color Awards! Awesome! - William King, USA

Thank you from the deepest part of my heart for choosing, Cow Boy, as the 1st place winner in the Professional Children of the World category. I accept the award on behalf of all the children of the Omo Valley whom I had the privileged to photograph. Thank you to all the judges who saw the beauty and essence of his being. Congratulations to all the other winners for your excellent work. - Susan Greeff - South Africa

It's always very exciting to participate in the Color Awards. I really enjoy looking at the photos of other participants, it is always very inspiring, and I am honoured this year to receive these nominations and honorary mentions. I had not participated since 2014. I will be back next year for sure! - Frank Desgagnes - Canada

Beyond belief, I am so deeply humbled and grateful to have been nominated in the Architecture category. Thank you so very much for this recognition! To be recognized among so many prestigious and talented photographers is quite the honor. Thank you again and congrats to all nominees and winners! - Debbie Scott-Queenin, Florida, USA

Giddy, proud, honored, grateful, and a bit dazed is how I feel about, Defying Gravity, being selected as a nominee in Still Life, Amateur. It feels wonderful to see my work in such remarkable company. Kudos to the other honorees and thank you x 1,000,000, jurors! - Judy M. King, USA

It is an honor to have been accepted as a Nominee for the International Color Awards. Congratulations to all participants - glad to be a part of this!! - Nancy A. Scherl, NY, USA

Thank you to all the judges and award organisers for all their dedication and hard work. I am thrilled to be nominated in the people section among such talented photographers from around the globe! Congratulations to all of the Winners! - Nicola Kinloch, Australia

I thank you for the recognition in children in the world category, I am honored that my photos have attracted the attention of the Color Awards' Jury. - Salvatore Valente, Italy

Great honor to be selected. It was my first participation with just one photograph and was great to see my name among the nominees in people amateur category. Many thanks to the jury members and organizers. Congratulations to well deserved all winners. - Tarun Chhabra, India

Wow, I'm over the moon with pride and joy at getting 1st place and honourable mention in the amateur aerial category. I'm privileged to have my work showcased alongside such talented & creative people. Thank you International Color Awards for the chance to show our work on an international stage and big thanks to the judges for their time. - Leigh Miller, Perth, Western Australia

Oh wow, so stoked to get an Honor of Distinction for my entry, Georgie. Fantastic images in all categories and congratulations to all Winners and Nominees. - Berit Hampel, Australia

Many thanks to the jury and the whole team of International Color Awards. With my first entry into the Color Awards, It's a great honor and fantastic to get the honorable mention in the Fashion. Special thanks to my parents for their love and support, and this award is honoring my father who recently passed. Congratulations to everyone. - Pei-Yi Cheng,Taiwan

Hello from Colorado, I am so completely humbled and ecstatic to receive an Honorable Mention in the 2019 Color Awards. Thank-you so much to the judges for seeing my vision of my wild horse image, End Of the Day, I can’t express how happy I am about this award. These wild horses fill my heart and soul and this image was emotional and rewarding at the same time. Thank- you Thank-you so very much! - Robin Wadhams, Colorado, USA

I am thrilled and honoured to see my work recognized, having received two nature nominations, especially as this was my first year entering. Thank you to the judges who saw something in my work and for being a part of the process. The calibre of work on display is so high, it makes the honour even more valuable to me. Thank you so much. - Michelle Lake, Australia

I am very humbled to learn I have been awarded two Nominations in this year’s Color Awards for the Professional categories of Aerial and Nature. There is a huge body of very impressive work entered every year from every corner of the globe and I congratulate not only all the Winners and fellow Nominees but everyone who entered making this competition what it is. I would like also to praise the amazing hard work put in every year by the organisers and most importantly judges who painstakingly wade through the incredible entry and take on the difficult task of choosing the best. Thank-you. - Paul A Wright, UK

Thank you very much for the great honor of Outstanding Achievement in Fine Art and Nominee in Abstract. The caliber of this competition is extraordinary. - Lisa Saltzman, USA

Hello from Germantown, Maryland. Wow! I am honored to have two of my photos, 'Cuddling' and 'Feeder Landing' nominated in the Wildlife-Professional category. These two along with the Honorable Mention awarded my photo 'Discovery' in the Americana -Professional category earlier has resulted in the best outing I have had since starting to submit to the Color Awards. I am so honored to be included in the list of honorees and I thank all of the judges for this honor. I also would like to congratulate all of my fellow honorees on their achievements. This has truly been a great night for all of us. Thanks again. - Harvey Duze, USA

Thank you for my nomination in the Portrait section, it is an honour to be chosen alongside so many fine photographers. - Jo Elliott, New Zealand

Greetings from the Lower Rhine, Germany, I am very pleased about the Honorable Mention for my Pic 'Under the bridge'. What a great night. 2 times nominee and honorable mention in the category Architecture. I still feel very honored to be in this exquisite field with two pictures in the final. I congratulate all other winners and thank the organizers and jurors of ICA for this amazing event. Big Greetings from Germany. - Peter Plorin, Germany

It is with great pride and a sense of honor that I say Thank You to the judges for nominating my images and awarding two Honorable Mentions in the Americana and Silhouette categories. - Marvin Basil, Boca Raton, USA

Thank you so much for honoring my work!! It means the world to be acknowledged by your outstanding selection committee and to be a part of this exclusive community. I only wish I had entered more than just the 1 piece. Next year! - Marguerite Garth, USA

Thank you to all at the International Color Awards and for the nomination of my photograph, Egypt Stars. - Peter Ydeen, USA

Thank you so much for being honored with an honorable mention in Nature amateur category. It sure is an unbelievable feeling to take part in this outstanding contest among all these wonderful photographers. Many thanks to the organizers and the Jury and congratulations to all the winners! - Andreas Bruglacher, Germany

Thank you so much for the nomination in Still life !! I am honored : )) With love from Holland - Diana Monkhorst, The Netherlands

It is great to see my name among the nominees in Abstract professional category. It is my first participation with just one photograph. It is a great honour to be included because the quality of awarded photos are very high. Thanks to the jury and organizers for their effort to make such high quality annual show! And congratulations to all the winners! - Maja Strgar Kurecic, Croatia

Thank you for another great show. Thanks to the judges for their time and effort. It is so appreciated. Thanks so much for the encouragement of receiving an honourable mention in the Wild Life category and nomination in Photo Journalism. Heaps of appreciation and happiness from here in Australia. - Shairon Paterson, Australia

Great honor to be selected! My first participation, my first nomination. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees! - Ioana Daian, Romania

Thank you, winning awards is an endorsement that you are doing something right in your craft. I am delighted to win Merit of Excellence in the Food category & have another 8 nominations. I have won several times in this and other awards so a huge thank you to you & your support of photography. - Hugh Johnson, UK

Many thanks to the jury for the honorable mention in People category. I am very happy about this award. - Guido Schiefer, Germany

This morning I discovered that I received 3 nominations! I am honoured as always, to be one of the photographers to be recognised in this elite group. Thank you members of the jury for all the hard work and thank you Michelle & staff for this flawless organisation! - Hennie Kempen, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Thanks to the International Color Awards, I am very happy to be nominated in Fine Art amateur category. Congratulations to all the winners. - Fabio Rossi, Italy

Woaaw, it's so great to see I'm back on the winners list. It's an achievement for me as photographer and an honorable representation of a small country like Belgium as well. So nice and inspiring to see all those other great photographers! So glad to be one of them! - Bart Tanghe, Belgium

I'm very happy for my nomination in fine art, congratulations to all winners and nominees of this competition! Greetings from Germany. - Kosmas Lazaridis, Germany

Thank you very much for the professional still life nomination. It is three-years in a row and I am very excited! I will also participate this year. - Kaoru Shibahara, Tokyo, Japan

The extraordinarily high calibre of this annual show knows no bounds - it soars, each year! Indeed, I am so very, very honored and privileged to be included as an Amateur Nominee for two of my photographs in the category of 'People', and as an Amateur Nominee for one of my photographs in 'Silhouette'. My most grateful thanks to the International Color Awards' team of Judges, and to Michelle and her dedicated staff for their unceasing work year-round to make this show what it is today: truly exceptional and outstanding in the world of Photography. Well-deserved congratulations to all this year's winners! - Gillian Marshall, USA

Thank you for this nomination, it was a very hard competition, with special photos exhibited by great photographers from many countries. You are a great and respectable team. Best wishes. - Narcis Mursa, Romania

Thank you so much for selecting my image 'Island and Boat' in Fine Art Category for an Honorable Mention. Appreciate and honor. - Jurius, Indonesia

Thank you! I am grateful to all of the judges and to the International Color Award organizers. I am honored to be a nominee for two of my photographs in Architecture. It is a thrill to be recognized among all these talented photographers in the world! Congratulations to all of the Winners! - Pamela Fickes-Miller, Colorado Springs, USA

Thank you! I am excited and honored to receive a nomination and be recognised ("Fragility" - Professional Still Life) amongst the many talented photographers who have participated in the 12th Annual Awards. Thank you ICA organisers and judges for celebrating and promoting such amazing collections of photographs. Very inspiring - congratulations to all who participated. - Robyn Finlayson, Australia

To the jury and organizers of the International Color Awards, my heartfelt thanks for the recognition of my works as Honorable Mention Winner in two categories: "Ergo" (Still Life) and "The Painter" (People). I shall say that the competition was tough, colorful, and inspiring. Congratulations to all the winners around the globe. Mabuhay! - Rommel Lugada, Philippines

Hello! Watching from Broome in a remote town in North Western Australia (2200Km's from the nearest Capital city!). Thanks again to the team for putting on this event and very happy to have woken up to 2nd Place - Merit of Excellence (Pro) for the Aerial Category! 2 years in a row now!! Congratulations to all who participated and those that took out the awards, especially Ian MacNicol on the overall win - well done! - Mat Beetson, Australia

I am delighted to be awarded a Merit of Excellent in Fine Art and Honorable mention in Sport. Thank you to all people that have made such an effort to organize and provide such a good platform for sharing. - Jimmy Lok, Hong Kong

Thank you to all the judges & organizers of the Color Awards. I really appreciate my 10 nominations and my 3 Honorable Mentions in Photojournalism, Silhouette, and Wildlife. It is always a thrill. Congrats to all the Winners - as always the photos were all exceptional. It's an honor to be recognized and to be among all these talented photographers in the world! - Annie Katz, USA

I am so incredibly honored and humbled to be in the company of so many amazing artists and for my three images nominated this year. One in Fine Art and two in Wild life. Thank you so much for the opportunity to share my work and many many congratulations to all the winners! Thank you all! - Tina Thuell, the Island of Nevis in the West Indies.

Thank you everyone. My art is about catching moments in time created by mother nature...thank you again :) - Lance Toomin, USA

So much exciting work to see. I am delighted to have been awarded an honourable mention in the Still Life Category with my image Gran's Cures in this year's prestigious 12th Colour Awards. Thank you so much to the judges and organisation for this event. I'm thrilled to bits! - Pat Maycroft, UK

Thanks to International Color Awards, I'm very grateful to be a nominee. It's a great honor to be surrounded by such a group of amazing photographers. Congratulations to all the winners. - Eduardo Loria, Costa Rica

I am so humbled and thankful to having been nominated in Architecture & Wildlife. Amazed at the beautiful works- congrats to the Winners! - Bob Ugi, USA

I am very happy to be nominated again for the 8th time in a row! This year with 2 photos in the category Wildlife-professional. Thanks to the jury for all their hard work and congratulations to all the winners and other nominees. Best wishes! - Ellen Reus, The Netherlands

Much appreciate the honorable mention in the Still Life category! - Marie Kotschedoff, NYC, USA

Wow! I am completely speechless to learn about this, as this is my first time to participate. Thank you so much for giving this wonderful recognition! 'The Duel' - Silhouette Amateur, Honorable Mention - Rene B. Bernal, Philippines

I am watching from Beijing, China and feel honored to see that my photo 'Sous Chef' is nominated in People category among all the amazing photographs submitted by very talented photographers. Thank you very much to the judges and congratulations to all! - Pelin Guven, China

Thank You for my Honour of Distinction award in the category of Architecture. Fantastic images this year. All the best! - Jason Joyce, United Kingdom

Thanks to the organizing committee and the judges. Appreciate seeing two images being accepted in Nude Amateur. - Terry Self, Canada

I cannot be more excited that my photo entitled Emergent Totem was nominated in the category Abstract. Thank you, so, so much! - Carolyn Edelstein, USA

Watching live from the Gulf Coast of Florida, USA. THANK YOU to International Color Awards and all the jurors for selecting my photo, "Ascending" and awarding it an Honorable Mention - Architecture Category. It's always an honor to be selected from amongst all the talented photographers who submitted. Thank you again. Deeply appreciate it. - Margo Kessler Cook, USA

Thank you for an Honourable Mention in Fine Art for my Citypool Collage. Greetings from London and gracias! - Ivan Moya Denia, London, UK

Thank you for the honor of a Nomination! I'm watching from Boston, MA. - Jack Dzamba, USA

This is the first time I have entered this show and being nominated in Fine Art means a lot. Thank you so much. - Joyce Reinertson, USA

Hello everyone, I would like to warmly thank the Team and the Jury for having granted me an honorable mention in Aerial, with my aerial photo taken above the natural and regional Park of Camargue, on board an ULM: 'Colorfields'. My congratulations to all the winners! I wish you all a wonderful and successful 12th Edition! Warm regards from France. - Magali Chesnel, France

Thank you very much for the MERIT OF EXCELLENCE award in the STILL LIFE category. At this point in my career I consider myself lucky to do work for Lee Valley Tools where I am given the opportunity to follow a creative vision and create images that are featured on their annual catalogs and calendars. It has been a great opportunity to work with photographers, designers and art directors young and old. I thank Mike Leblanc --art director-- for the creative concept and a great working relationship for this shot and over the years. - Stephen Perry - Canada

Great to be a part of another fabulous International Color Awards. So pleased to not only receive a nominee in Abstract but also in Still Life and Wildlife. Especially grateful for the Honorable Mention in Still Life. I am honored to be a part of such an august group of photographers. - Jill Snyder, USA

I'm so happy for my 2 nominations in the Abstract Category and the one in the Americana Category! - Sue Vo-Ho

Thank you. I'm so excited about my 2 nominees in Fashion for 'Reverie' and 'Linda in Pink' and thank you again for my nomination in Americana for 'Reinventing the Whee'! It's such an honor to receive 7 nominations in this prestigious award show. - Judith Orr, USA

Thank you so much for the great honor of selecting my photos for nomination in Abstract category, and for an Honorable Mention in Food category from among all of the amazing images presented by photographers around the globe. It means a lot to me, as this is the first time I participate in this great competition. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees, and many thanks to a great photographer, Nicolae Cosniceru, for his advice and for encouraging me to present my work. - Dana Mikaelle, Canada

Genuinely excited! I've been nominated for several years in various categories--usually nudes or abstracts. This is my first year to make a winner's list--Honorable Mention in Americana, Professional. I appreciate the recognition. I hope to continue improving my art. Thank you! - Barry A. Noland, USA

I am delighted and honored to see my work recognized, receiving both Nominations and Awards. I am especially grateful for the time and energy the judges took in making these decisions, which makes this honor all the more valuable to me because of all the excellent photographic work that is available. Thank you so much. - Leba Marquez, USA

Thank you. I am honored and pleased to have received second place in the amateur photojournalism category. Love the contest and the exhibit on line. - Jon Meyer, USA

Thank you so much International Color Awards. - Nicolas Desport, France

Many thanks to the jury, I am very honored. It's really gratifying to have been distinguished at such a high level of images and by a jury of such quality. - Viviane Basquine, Paris, France

It was fantastic to get a honorable mention for my picture Teamwork in Photojournalism. The scene was full of smoke and shaking emotions, one could hardly breathe. I am very proud and pleased to share this intimate moment with the world now. Thank you all a lot! - Christian Herbert Hildebrand, Switzerland

This is such a honour. I am so happy to get the first place in fashion category and this is also so helpful in continuing my photographic path, we all know it is a struggle. Thank you ...thank you ... thank you! - Julie Nagel, Germany

Many thanks to the whole team and to the jury. I am very happy to be a part of this. Thank you for the 6 nominations and 2 honorable mentions & congratulations to the winners! - Patrick Desgraupes, France

I am most delighted to be selected by International Color Awards for my portrait 'I am not a chicken', thank you again! - Josephine Roberte, Australia

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to the Color Awards for awarding my photo Lost Harbour the winner of the professional photographers' Silhouettes category of this year's awards. This is a huge honour, and represents a massive vindication of this quite simple image. Thank you. - Nigel Hicks, UK

Thank you so much for my nomination in professional Still Life category. I am very happy and proud of it. Congratulations to all the winners. - Josette Alkema, The Netherlands

Thanks International Color Awards for being a Nominee once again, another year close to win an award at the prestigious 11th Annual International Color Awards. - Celso Bayo, California, USA

"Thank you so much for selecting my picture 'Squid' for the 1st place in Food category. This picture is at the moment the main image of my art show at the Westfries Museum Hoorn until May 21, 2018. Thank you also for the honorable mentions in Art and Advertising categories. I wish everyone a good photographic year, reality is nothing but your imagination!" - Hans Withoos, The Netherlands

This nomination is a great achievement for me. Thank you. I am honored to be distinguished among so many talented photographers. - Florina Luput, Romania

Thrilled to receive two honorable mentions and four nominations in professional categories. Congratulations to all the Winners. - Viral Padiya, USA

Thank you for receiving a honorable mention in Nude - professional category and many thanks to the jury for selecting this work. It is part of an international project that began in 2008 and celebrates this year its 10th anniversary. Many thanks to the women of the world that show us what is true beauty, humility and love. This price today means a lot to me! - Herve ALL, France

I want to thank you for the 'Honorable mention' I received this year in the Portrait section. That particular picture is of Dashi Steven Baugh, possibly the coolest most humble spiritual leader I've ever met, I remember thinking when I took that shot that it was particularly powerful. Dashi is a Buddhist priest in the Chan tradition, Native American by birth and a fabulous subject to shoot. So thank you again on behalf of Dashi and myself for the honor. - Don Parnall, USA

When I was young I dreamt of telling stories to the world. Once I understood this could be possible through photography, I stopped making pictures and started to create visual poetry. I am convinced that photography could be visual poetry: a piece of prose captured in just one image. My photo 'Night Colours' is awarded in the International Color Awards (Category Nude), and I'm very proud that I've come so far. For me, it's not just winning a prize, but a confirmation that I'm on the right track to become better and better in telling stories. A big thank you to the members of the jury, who believed in me. And a big thank you to all my fellow contestants - we keep each other sharp. - Look J Boden, The Netherlands

Many thanks for this Honourable Mention in the Sports category! Hope to see you all again next year, ski ya later! - Wally Randall, Canada

As an amateur photographer from a small Country, it means a lot to be a part of this! - Helle Nielsen, Denmark

I am honoured to receive a nomination at the 11th Annual International Color Award with'The Beauty of Bronze' in Fine Art. This is the first year I submitted entries and receiving a nomination is delightful, it is a great encouragement gift to me. Thank you organizers, jury and congratulations to winners. Looking forward to submit more creative images in the future. Thank you once again! - Jatin Chonkar, India

"I am very proud and happy having found that I received the 3rd place in aerial category, 4 honorable mentions in portrait, still life, nature and wildlife and 8 nominations! I thank all the judges and pass on my congratulations to all participating photographers." - Giovanni Sonsini, Italy

Looking the 11th Photoshow in ICELAND during my photo tour. I am very happy to get 6 nominations and 3 honorable mentions. Thank you for your work! - Dieter Schweizer, Germany

Once more, I'm truly blessed and honored to have my photography acknowledged by the judges of the International Color Awards. I have been honored in previous years and am delighted this year to have received an Honorable Mention in the Amateur People category, for my "Teapickers in Assam, India", and a Nomination in the Amateur Wildlife category, for my "Changeable Hawk Eagle, Satpura, India". Congratulations to all this year's winners. The caliber and brilliance of the images reaches even greater heights each year! - Gillian Marshall, Laos

Thank you for nominating my images. - Leif Sohlman, Sweden

Thank you so much for my 2 nominations, a real honour to be amongst some great photographers. - Fabio De Paola, UK

Thank you for the great honor of selecting my photos for 1st Place, Outstanding Achievement in Portrait, the nomination in Nude and the Honorable Mention in Fashion from among all of the amazing images presented. Thanks to the organizers and jury, and congratulations to winners, nominees and everyone who made the effort to enter. - Richard Westerhuis, the Netherlands

I am viewing from Delray Beach, Florida and I am honored to accept my Merit of Excellence Award in the Americana category. I have had a good photographic year in my continuing journey to improve my craft and this is a huge recognition that I may be on the right path. Thank you for the award and thank you for putting on a competition with such high standards. I am blown away by the quality of the work presented and I feel very lucky to receive any recognition at all. - Wayne Thornbrough, USA

On behalf of my father, Bjornar Pedersen, who sadly passed away on March 31st, I want to thank the jury for the 3 nominations and 1 honorable mention. My father got cancer and became rapidly very sick - he never got to see this reward, but I know he would have been proud and grateful. His memory will for ever live through his pictures. - Lena Erlandsen, Norway

Thank you so much for HONORABLE MENTION and NOMINATION in professional Still Life division. I am very happy and proud it. - Kaoru Shibahahara, Tokyo, Japan

I'm very happy to be a nominated in 11th annual International Color Awards. With this opportunity, I was able to confirm the possibility of development in my future. I will do more work for my dream. I hope I can impress and inspire everyone who sees my work. I'm currently preparing new projects and I will try my best to challenge it once again and get better results. My challenge will continue and I won't change. Thank you. - Gyunsu Sim, Korea (South)

Thanks for my award on International Color Awards: I feel it is a great encouragement gift to me. I feel strongest challenged for being more and more better in my photographic works. - Juan Franco, Colombia

Thanks so much for recognizing my work in the company of such beautiful photography. - Tobi Asmoucha, Canada

Thank you so much for this award and the opportunity to be part of the 11th International Color Awards. - Chris Bekos, Australia

Thank you for the great honor of selecting my photos for Nomination in Fine Art and an Honorable Mention in Sport from among all of the amazing images presented. Congratulations to all of the winners. - Marvin Basil, USA

The International Color Award Photoshow is unparalleled in the world of photography both in merit and entertainment. Thank you not only to the devoted team and jurors that create the show but also the competitors as I was delighted to view all the stellar images from photographers around the globe. I am elated to receive 3 honors in 3 categories. Until next year...Brava - Dianne Yudelson, USA

Thanks for the Honorable Mention Award in Americana. I really appreciate when people like my work enough to nominate it to be with so many other great images. - Steven Edson, Boston, USA

"Thank you so much for such a great honor! It is a double pleasure for me to be nominated because I am not a professional photographer and your evaluation means a lot and gives me a tremendous incentive to keep going! Once again my big thanks to the jury, organizers and everyone involved for this opportunity! " - Alexander Atanessian, USA

One of the greatest achievements for me as a photographer is to have my work recognized by others. Truly honored to be one of the winners and receive an Honorable Mention in the Advertising category along side so many other amazing artists. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees!!! - Weston Fuller, USA

Thank you to all those that voted for night crossing. It certainly combines a few aspects of photography that I like too, so there will be more in the series, made public soon. - Tom Lavery, UK

Happy to discover my second Nominee in the Abstract Category! Thanks again!! - Elena Santucci, Italy

It is a great privilege to have had my works amongst the very talented artists selected as Amateur Fine Art finalists and honoured to receive 2nd place - Merit of Excellence in the category. Heartfelt thanks to the organisers and jury, and congratulations to winners, nominees and everyone who made the effort to enter. - Allison Rose, Australia

Thank you so much to the jury for the 19 nominations this year! I LOVE being included in this and looking through all the pictures -- congrats to everyone! - Amy Siqveland, USA

I would like to thank the organizers of the Color Awards and the distinguised jury for choosing my image in the category of fashion, to be among the nominees in a competition of such wonderful work. I look forward to entering next year and the incentive it gives me toward improving my photography. - Dayle Ann Clavin, Austria

Thank you so much for the recognition. - Jhinku Banerjee, India

Hello from Vienna! I am very proud and happy about my two nominations from my photo series 'Close to Heaven' by this top-class jury! - Stephan Huger, Austria

"Greetings from Switzerland. I am still speechless to find one of my work under the nominees in Portrait. Can't believe I am named together with so many amazing photographers from around the world. Thanks to the judges and congratulations to all the nominees and winners." - Gabriela Stiep, Switzerland

Very honoured for my 2 nominees in People and Aerial categories. A great result considering the enormous talent and high quality of the awarded photographers. Thanks to the judges and sincere congratulations to the winners! - Pier Luigi Altieri, Italy

Thank you for the nomination! - Dasha & Mari, Ukraine

Delighted to be a Nominee, for the third year running with my image Autumn Colour in the Abstract category, in this year's competition. It inspires me to seek out that special image for next years competition. - Don Hooper, UK

Very pleased to find out I won 1st place in the Fine Art category. Especially as there were so many great photos entered. - Luke Hayes, UK

Living as a photographer feels like walking through an unknown tunnel. I have to silently work until my pictures communicate with the public. However, there are times when I question if I am going down the right path. 2017 was that time for me. I met a friend (International Color Awards) at that time. Now, March 2018, I want to thank International Color Awards for telling me 'you're doing great!'. - Seungwook Lee, Korea (South)

I was delighted that, out of ten entries, five scored Nominations and one an Honorable Mention across a total of five categories. This competition provides a massive incentive to go on improving the art of photography. - Trevor Kerry, UK

Oh So happy with the Honorable Mention in Still Life category. I'm watching the show from Bruxelles. - Riccardo Bergamini, Belgium

Hello from Moscow, Russia! I thank the judges for their diligence and untiring effort, as well as the staff at the International Color Awards for sponsoring this special annual event, highlighting the beautiful photo art of so many talented artists. It is a great honor for me to be one of the winners of the award, thank you! - Alesya Osadchaya, Russia

Thank you from heart for the nomination. - Mursa Narcis, Romania

It is an absolute honor to receive an Honorable Mention in the 11th Annual International Color Awards. One only needs to take a fleeting look at the entries to realize the sheer scale of talent throughout the world. Each and every photographer has spent hours crafting their skills and each image is the culmination of trial and error and sheer determination. To be among this esteemed cohort who have captured the world in 2017 in bright technical excellence is a marvelous privilege that will only encourage me to aspire to greater levels of the craft. My image selected was part of a broader project of mine with a 100 images recording the faces of a 'hippie' town in Australia. Thank you again to participants, judges, organisors and anyone else involved. - Marc Stapelberg, Australia

I feel honored to have received Honorable Mention for my Human-1 photo in the Portrait, Amateur category and two nominations in the categories Architecture, Amateur and Still Life, Amateur. Congratulations to all participants, organizers and friends who share with me this passion for photography as one of the expressions of the Visual Arts. - Paulo Mittelman, Brazil

I am delighted to have received a Nomination for my image, Room 7 Distortion, in the Abstract Category. Having only submitted two entries, getting a Nomination is pleasing. - Brian Rope, Australia

Really happy to be appreciated as a Nominee in Fine Art and proud to be with this amazing group of talented photographers. thank you! - Jane Gottlieb, USA

Thank you very much!!! - Eduardo Soler, USA

Thank you! - Gazie Nagle, USA

Thanks to the people who organized the International Colour Awards and to the judges. Appreciated! - Terry W. Self, Canada

I am honored and delighted to win three Honorable Mentions in the 11th International Color Awards. All the winning photos are simply fantastic and open wonderful perspectives of the World around us. - Charles Mifsud, Malta

Delighted and honoured to be WINNER 2nd Place - Merit of Excellence - Professional STILL LIFE. - James Hughes, UK

I am really honored in having being chosen by such a distinguish Jury. It gives much energy to improve my work. - Pablo Madanes, Argentina

I want to thank all of the jury members who chose my work in both the Abstract and Fine Art Category. It is thrilling to have all of my entered pieces nominated and two of my works receiving Honorable Mentions. - Ellen Jantzen, USA

"Thank you so much for being a Nominee and receiving a Honorable Mention in Fine Art at the 11th International Color Awards! This is an achievement to be proud of and it gives me strength for my future work. I feel truly honored and very appreciate the recognition. I would like to thank to the jury and organizers for this prize and I look forward to the next International Color Awards. " - Zuzana Valla, Slovak Republic

Thank you very much I'm happy and honored to receive this beautiful Award. Congratulations to ALL Winners awards and nominees. - Fabio Rossi, Italy

It's fantastic to be nominated once again in such prestigious company. Thank you. - Nick Servian FNZIPP, New Zealand

I am so happy to hear the news!!!! Thanks so much!!!!!! Wish I could do better in the future!!! Thanks again!!! - Song Mia, USA

Thank you all for putting me in the still life winners gallery, I have had nominations before but this I am very proud of. There were many great photographs this year and to get a listing is just fantastic. I don't normally take nature photographs so to get a nomination in that as well is more than words can explain. Thank you all judges for putting me there. - Paul Williams, UK

Greetings from Mumbai, India. Happy & honoured to get 2 awards & 9 nominations in various categories!! Thank you to all the jury & judges for their support & thank you to the organisers of the Color Awards for their splendid effort!!! - Madhur Shroff, India

Thanks again this year for finding my pictures good enough to be Nominees. It is very gratifying to me. I am sending this greeting from New York! - Mayda Rumberg, USA

Thank you so much for my nomination, I feel very honoured to be amongst these amazing work. Congratulations to the Winners. - Berit Hampel, Australia

Delighted to receive an Honorable Mention in Wildlife and Nominee in Fine Art. Thanks to the jury for the work and congratulations to all the winners and nominees. - Fabio Rossi, Italy

Absolutely amazing images and exceptional talent. Once again I am honored to be acknowledged as part of this collective of multinational photographers. A great awards show hosted by The International Color Awards team. Thanks to all the judges and congratulations to all the nominees and winners!! - Paul Crampton, Canada

Hi from Brooklyn, NY. Really happy my image Suspended got an Honorable Mention in the Children of the World category. Thanks to the judges and all the other inspiring photographers! - Timothy Murray, USA

What a wonderful competition. My congratulations to all of the contestants and the extremely high level of artistry and lens-craft. I am grateful to accept two Honorable Mentions in the categories of People Fake News and Abstract Cubism. A humble thanks to the jury and I very much enjoyed the magnificent work on display during this years competition. - David Winegar, USA

I was absolutely thrilled to find that all of my entries were Nominees this year! One received an Honorable Mention in the Amateur Abstract category. I appreciate this competition very much because it requires me to continue to review and refine my techniques, vision and skills, and to be more creative each time I enter. The international nature of the competition also gives me a window into what other photographers are working on. The jury again did an excellent job with their selections. Thank you! - Denise Dethlefsen, USA

I just saw that I took 2nd Place (Merit of Excellence), Photographer of the Year and 1st place in the Photojournalism category. I want to thank you and the jury for selecting me. It made my day. - Poul Lange, USA

I am honored to be among the field of so many fine and creative photographers worldwide who participated in this competition. I am both proud and humbled by the six Nominee Awards in the categories of Americana, Nature, Still Life, Wildlife and People. I thank the judges for their diligence and untiring effort, as well as the staff at the International Color Awards for sponsoring this special annual event, highlighting the beautiful photo art of so many talented artists. - H. Allen Benowitz

Delighted to receive two Honorable Mentions in People and Silhouette. Thanks to the jury for the work and congratulations to all the winners and nominees. - Sara Babusci, Italy

It is a great pleasure and honour to receive the first Honorable mention award and one nominee from my works, thank you jury and congratulations to all the winners, honourable mention and nominees, cheers! - Bernard Ng, Malaysia

It is always very nice to take part of this contest. The level of the photographs is superb and just being among the nominees is quite relevant! - Jober Costa, Brazil

Wow! Here in Chicago and I want to say thanks ever so much to the judges for recognizing my work, Shame Is His Game under Architecture. Once again, I've been nominated and once again, I feel so honored and blessed to have received such wonderful recognition. This is either my 5th or 7th nomination and I'm just as excited as I was the very first time I was nominated. Congratulations to ALL nominees and winners. Outstanding work everyone. - Malissia Simpson, USA

Watched from Sydney Australia and so honoured to be among so many fabulous images in every category. Thank you for making me a nominee in Abstract and two in Architecture. Very chuffed indeed... congratulations to the winners - amazing work!! - Garry Wapshott, Australia

Congratulations to all the winners. The gallery is inspirational. I was delighted to receive 5 nominations and one Honorable Mention! - Paul Byrne, Ireland

Thank you so much for recognizing my work. It means a lot because of the high caliber of judges. Again, many, many thanks. - Mary Anne Chilton, USA

Greetings from South Florida. I am truly humbled and honored to receive First Place Outstanding Achievement in the Amateur Nature Category and for my two nominees in Americana and two nominees in Nature as well. I feel blessed to have achieved this recognition in The International Color Awards contest and would like to thank the judges for these honors. There were beautiful images represented from around the world and it is so very rewarding to have received these accolades. - Debbie L. Rubin, USA

Thanks everybody for the nominee and the honorable mentions. Glad to see some many talented artists here! - Lucio Farina, Singapore

Thank you very much for the Honorable Mention in Still Life category. Congrats to all. We will see next year!!! - Fabio Batocchi, Italy

Thanks for being a nominee in Wildlife, just wonderful. - Shairon Paterson, Australia

A big thank to the jury for my 2nd place and the many other nominations. I am very, very happy. - Erika Tanzer, Austria

I've received a 3rd Place in Fine Art Amateur, and I'm very happy with it! Especially because there's so much competition in this specific category! You really made my day! Also many thanks for the Honorable Mention in Fashion and the other Nominees I've got. Greetings from The Hague, The Netherlands and till next year! - Sandra Uittenbogaart, Netherlands

I am overwhelmed with receiving honourable mention in the professional abstract category. I would like to congratulate all the photographers that won and received honourable mentions and the judges. I am so very happy! Thank you thank you. - Kleber Osorio, Australia

Truly an impressive group of winners this year, raising the bar yet again. Thanks to the jury for their hard work and to all the winners as well as all participants. And thanks for the 10 nominations, 3 Honorable Mentions, and a Merit of Excellence. - Bernard Werner, USA

I'd just like to thank the ICA and the jury of judges for my two awards, Honourable Mention in Americana and Nominee Award in People, congratulations to all the other winners and I'm already planning my entries for next years competition! - Geoffrey McKillop ABIPP ARPS QEP - London, UK

Hello everybody from Montreal! I am proud of being nominee in abstract professional category. Thanks a lot for amazing organization and photos. - Ali Ihtiyar, Canada

Thanks for the 1st place in the Professional Wildlife section. I am very proud of that, as there were so many first-class pictures nominated in this section. For the jury it was certainly not easy to make a choice. Many thanks again and congrats to all other winners. - Wolf Ademeit, Germany

So honored to be amongst such brilliant artists! - Donna Feldman Davis

I feel greatly honored winning the Honor of Distinction, an Honorable Mention in Food category and to have all five of my entries nominated. Congrats to all the winners and nominees. Thanks to the judges and the Color Awards team. - Prakruti M., India

Delighted to receive two Nominations and one Honorable mention. Great show as always!! Many thanks to the judges and the organizers. Big congratulations to all Winners and Nominees!. - EJ An, Canada

I'm very excited to receive 1st prize in the Still life category. Many thanks to jury and to the Color Awards. - Ha Noi, Vietnam

That's AMAZING!!!! I am speechless!!!! I am honored to be awarded as a 2nd place of the Photographer of the Year!!!! Thank you very much!!!! - Massimiliano Balo, Italy

Thank you for all the hard work! I am happy to have received several nominations and an Honorable Mention. Greetings from Venice, FL. - Lopez Joyce, USA

Thank you very much for my Wildlife Amateur Nominee honor. A lot of high quality work this year, always a pleasure to see. Congratulations to Winners, Honorable Mentions and Nominees. - Beatrice Yoder-Leyba, USA

WOW! To have 7 images nominated and to come out with 3rd place in Professional Children of the World and 2 Honourable Mentions - I am thrilled! Thank you so much to the judges for this outstanding result and to the Color Awards for hosting this beautiful display of talent year after year. - Suzanne Taylor, Canada

The show is as exciting as always! Thank jury members for the hard work you have done. And most of all: thank you for the 2 nominations in food, one of which has an HM! - Hennie Kempen, Holland

Delighted to receive HM and 2 Nominees in Abstract. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees! Thanks and regards from Brooklyn, New York. - Susan Jacobs, USA

Watching from NYC & as always great to watch this awards show! - Marie Kotschedoff, USA

Hello everyone! Just waking up here in Western Australia and really happy to see a merit of excellence for one of my images! Congrats to everyone, thanks. - Mat Beetson, Australia

Many thanks to the International Color Awards for the first place award in the Amateur Americana division. So many great photos, it is an honor. - Peter Ydeen, USA

Thrilled to receive an Honourable Mention for Jokusarlon Lagoon, also in my Sydney Exhibition in HEAD ON Festival in May! - Lynn Clayton, New Zealand

Thank you all so very much for my 15 Nominations and my 3 Honorable mentions! Great show as always and congratulations to all of the Winners! Great photographs! - Annie Katz, USA

This has been a fantastic show for me. I’ve just got my fourth and fifth nomination in the Wildlife-Professional category for 'Mallards-Lake Churchill' and 'Morning Stretch.' Again, my thanks to the jurors for this honor and congratulations to my fellow nominees and the winners. All in all, a great show, proving once again that photography deserves its place among the fine arts and that the bar has been raised again. I am proud to be among the group of photographers who have had their work showcased this year and look forward entering my work in the 12th International Color Awards. - Harvey A. Duze, USA

I am very happy to be nominated again for the 7th time in a row! This year with 4 photos; 2 photo in Still Life-professional and 2 in Wildlife-professional. Thanks to the jury for all their hard work and congratulations to all the winners and other nominees. - Ellen Reus, The Netherlands

Hi from Krakow, Poland - Watching the show and one of my entries has been nominated in the Sport-Professional division. I thank the jurors for this honor and congratulate all of the other nominees. - Jacek Labedzki, Poland

Such a great honor and encouragement to have my works listed as an honorable mention in Children Of World, Silhouette and Portrait categories. Thanks to the jurors for the recognition and congrats to other winners and nominees. Watching from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. - Grace Ho, Malaysia

Thanks for picking my Portrait image as an Honourable Mention 'Wisdom.' - Alfonso Calero, Australia

Big thanks to the judges for awarding me 1st Place, Outstanding Achievement in the Sport Professional category. Very happy indeed! Thank You International Color Awards! Cheers from Malta! - Domenic Aquilina, Malta

I am very honored that my photograph 'Friroza' received Honorable Mention in the Abstract category. I am so thankful to International Color Awards for organizing such a great competition, receiving this recognition means a lot to me. Thanks to the jury for all their hard work and congratulations to all the winners and other nominees. Thank you to all the friends and family who have been so supportive of my work! - Katherine Richmond, USA

Thank you! I am delighted with my honourable mention in the Professional Portrait category. - Jack Savage, UK

I am watching from Sebastopol, California. Thank you for honouring my still-life image in professional section. You have some fabulous creative submissions. - Avinash Pandey, USA

Very happy to receive an honorable mention for 'The Birthday Party' in People Category. Thank you. - Michelle Chaplow, Spain

Hello Sheila Paz Hicks from Nashville Tennessee. I was nominated in Fine Art, Professional. Have you seen any other Nashvillians recognized? - Barry A. Noland, USA

Thanks for my Nominee in Fine Art! Great evening of photography! Congrats to all from Italy! - Elena Santucci, Italy

Happy to win Honorable mention under Fashion this year. - Robi Chakraborty, USA

I can't believed!! OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT!! Thank you very much International Color Awards! I am very Happy!!!!! - Massimiliano Balo, Italy

Honoured and thrilled to be awarded 1st Prize Architecture, Amateur Section plus Nominees in that section and HM in Fine Art. Thank you very much to the jurors. Congrats to other winners and nominees. Watching from New Zealand. - Sarah Caldwell, New Zealand

Delighted to have placed 3rd with my photo 'Beyond the Horizon' in the Nature (Amateur) category. Thanks a lot and well done to all photographers. - Keith Ellul (AMIPP), Malta

Hello from Falls Church, Virginia. Very much appreciate the Nominations in Abstract and Aerial and the Honorable Mention in Americana. Congratulations to the many talented winners! - Jill Snyder, USA

Thank you to the jurors for nominating one of my entries in the fine art section. Good luck to all the participants. - Lorena Cordero, Ecuador

With much gratitude, thank you for awarding 'Blue Bus Line' an honorable mention in the Fine Art, amateur category and a hearty Congratulations to all of the other awardees and winners. Big cheers! Watching from Milpitas, California - Stan Friedman, USA

Hi from Spain, I'm now following the show! Fantastic! Really happy with the Honorable Mention in Nature! Many thanks and congrats all other winners! - David Frutos, Spain

Enjoying the euphoric wins from Montreal, Canada! Thank you for your HM in Fine Art and Nominee in Nature and Abstract categories. I'm in great company and very honoured to be recognized here. - Marianna Armata, Canada

I want to thank jury panel for the Honorable Mention of my work in the Fashion category. Also I want to thank my team who had helped me to create this winning project and all the people who organized this wonderful contest. Hooray for Winners! - Alexander Khokhlov, Russia

Hi there from The Republic of Panama. Nice to see all the good work. So happy with the Honorable Mention for the work of my talented husband from Peru: Esteban Brocos, good job!!! - Tati Farfan

Oh! So happy with the Honorable Mention in the Aerial category! I'm watching the show from Montreal Canada! - Sue Vo-Ho, Canada

Such a fantastic honor to have my work listed as an honorable mention in Abstract. Wow, another honorable mention in Architecture. Thank you so much - all the way from Amsterdam. - Paul Brouns, Holland

Hello from Germantown Maryland - Watching the show and one of my entries has been nominated in the Abstract-Professional division. Again, I am honored by my photo 'Sureal Eclipse #2' being nominated in the Nature-Professional category and my photo ‘Kennedy Library Atrium’ nominated in the Architecture-Professional. I thank the jurors for this honor and congratulate all the nominees and winners. - Harvey A. Duze, USA

Wahoo thrilled to get am HM in abstract. Watching here in New Zealand! - Tony Gorham, New Zealand

Here live from Nashville, Tennessee! WOW! Thank you so much... I want to thank from the bottom of my heart to the International Color Award for the nominations in Abstract and Fine Art. I owe a huge thanks to my mentors Jorge Yances and Matthew Jordan Smith for their support and inspiration. To my dearest friend Javier for helping me achieve my vision. - Sheyla Paz Hicks, USA

First of all we would like to thank the ICA team and the judges for making our weekend so great - we enjoyed the show last Saturday with you and really appreciate being nominated five times. We are also very enthusiastic that our work Islands I is one of the honorable mentioned winners at the nature category in between those great other works from all over the world. It is a pleasure for us being part of the this year's awards and at this point we also would like to congratulate every other photographers who also sent in their works and have been part of this unique and wonderful ceremony of the passion we all share - the photography. Wish you guys all the best & see you next year. - Johannes Hartig and Katharina Kehm, Germany

Many thanks to the judges for their nomination of my photo 'Wall of Illusion' in the Architecture Category of the 10th Annual International Color Awards. Congratulations to all the winners! - Sheila P Morrison, Canada

Thank you all so much for such an important nomination. Thank God for the talent, the jury for the nomination and my fellow photographers sincere congratulations. To International Color Awards thanks for being an exhibition window to visualize and encourage so many visual efforts. A special hug to the people who are part of this series entitled urban deconstructions? And focused on the subject of people who survive on the streets of so many cities. Blessings for all. - Jose Luis Rodriguez Maldonado -Colombia

Thank you very much and I will look forward to enter once again next year. I have now been a winner every year since 2014 and congratulate you on your wonderful selection of top judges from the creative world. - Hugh Johnson

This is the third year I have entered and again I am delighted to be a Nominee for the second year running in the category of Architecture. Many congratulations to all the winners for some amazing photography. - Don Hooper

I would like to thank the members of the jury who have nominated three of my works, two in the category of Nude and one in the category Children of the World. These nominations are very important to me and fill me with joy. I also want to thank my wife for all her support for my work that unconditionally she offers me. - Antonio Peinado

Thank you so much for nominating my work in 3 categories. That's a big honor for me ! And of course it is motivating me to keep going furher in art photography. Thank you to the team and the jury for making it possible for me to be part of it. - Uwe Ditz

I am delighted and honored to receive three honorable mentions and have four more images that were nominated as finalists. Having my images viewed and chosen by such outstanding judges encourages me to continue to refine my work. Thank you so much for this recognition. Thank you International Color Awards for providing this platform for us. Congratulations to all the other photographers. - Leba Marquez

Excited to receive four Nominee awards in the International Color Awards in the categories of Nature, Wildlife and Still Life (my first attempt in this category). The incredible photos of the other awardees in this competition continue to inspire me. - Sam Nerrie

My deepest thanks to the Judges for voting on my entries, no easy job with the amazing collection of images produced around the Globe. Third is an honour for this still life image “Waiting on Paper", I was lucky to gain access to a decommissioned flooring factory. I spent 90 minutes with perfect lighting conditions and found every nook and cranny to image. Time is an amazing creator of Art, its great to share how and what I see through my photography every day with a now Global audience. - Timothy Campbell, Canada

Congratulation to all photographers, for me it’s such an honour to be nominated really pleased and give such an energy to push myself to a next level. Thank you to the organisers and the judges. - Andrea Ivor, Hungary

First of all we would like to thank the ICA team and the judges for making our weekend so great - we enjoyed the show last Saturday with you and really appreciate being nominated five times. We are also very enthusiastic that our work Islands I, 2014 is one of the honorable mentioned winners at the nature category in between those great other works from all over the world. It is a pleasure for us being part of the this year's awards and at this point we also would like to congratulate every other photographer who also sent in their works and have been part of this unique and wonderful ceremony of the passion we all share - the photography. Wish you guys all the best & see you next year. - Johannes Hartig and Katharina Kehm - Germany

A truly memorable moment, participating at then International Color Awards. This year I scored again an Honarable Mention in Abstract whilst I had three nominations in other categories. It is a honor for me. But above it was a learning experience for me viewing the other photographic works, the quality of the winning images is superb and each year the bar is getting higher. - Charles Mifsud

Having won two nominees awards in the categories of Architecture and Wildlife. I'm honoured and very grateful, plus giving me a sense of pride in my photography competing against other photographers from around the globe. This now brings my total to 'eight nominee awards' in five years, thank you to the Jury and ICA. - Geoffrey McKillop, London

It is a big Honor for me to receive simultaneously the 1st & 3rd Place in the AMERICANA category (alongside with five Honorable Mentions across the other categories). I do thank the Panel of Judges wholeheartedly! I could not believe my eyes when I was stepping out of my plane from Hong Kong. It will definitely inspire me to deliver more innovative images in the near future. - Dietmar Sorgatz

What an honor it is to be mentioned amongst all the creative photographers that submitted their work to the International Color Awards. I am so inspired every time I visit the ICA website. It makes me want to get out there and create. So thanks to the team that puts these awards together. The results are inspiring. - Lou Fischer, USA

Due to the encouragement from my 'sifu' Ujin Goh whom just passed away on September 2016, I participated in the International Color Award competition for the first time. It's a great honored for me to get an Honorable Mention in the Amateur category of 'Children of the World' and 3 nominations under categories of Nature, Fine Art and Wildlife. Thank you to the judges for the recognition, this means a lot to me... - Grace Pui Wan Ho, Malaysia

It is lovely to be awarded three honourable mentions at this year's awards in the Photojournalism category. Thanks very much for liking my work, which in turn can help bring more attention to the people whose stories I am trying to tell. - Rick Findler

Thank You for appreciating of my photography and the nomination! I'm really glad. - Adrian Per

I am still in shock over having found out that I had a sixth entry nominated in the Silhouette Professional category. I would like to thank the jury for this honor and again for the other five nominated photos. Again my congrats to all of the nominees and winners in this year's competition. I feel honored to be among you. - Harvey Duze, Germantown, Maryland USA

I'm very grateful for the Honourable Mention I got in the amateur Architecture category. In addition, I'm nominated in Still Life, Wildlife and Sports. It was a very good competition for me; a very big thanks to the jury for the recognition! - Sandra Uittenbogaart, The Hague, Netherlands

It is a huge honour to be included in this wonderful competition. It has been a humbling experience and I am incredibly happy to be surrounded by such outstanding talent. Thank you and congratulations to all the nominees and winners. - Gregoire A. Meyer

Thank you so much for nominating my photo, Boston Afternoon, in the silhouette category. I am humbled to be included among the many talented photographers that participated in the 10th Photo Show of the International Color Awards! Thanks again for the recognition and congratulations to all! - Maria Olloqui

What a pleasant surprise it was to find that my portrait image had been chosen as a nominee in the International Color Awards 2017. A huge Thank You to the judges for the nomination. This is truly an honor! - Michele Tiblier, USA

Thank you to the judges for the award of Honourable Mention in Portrait. This image is part of my long-form work about The Stolen Generations in Australia. By showing the work in a public space or awards such as these, I hope to create awareness and conversation. The International Color Awards is a wonderful platform for many people to share their vision and their stories. - Jo Cripps

Unfortunately I was in a workshop during the live stream of the winners ceremony - so when I then received so many congratulatory emails from my photography friends I could hardly believe that I had really won the 1 st prize in the Aerial Category and an honorable mention as well - I was thrilled. But not enough, when I finally found out I also won 2nd place as Photographer of the Year I had to sit down and reflect on what I had just read. I am so thankful to International Color Awards for organizing such great competitions every year and to receive these recognitions means a lot to me and probably also to all other photographers. Congratulations to everybody who participated - it is a joy to see all pictures one by one, category by category. Hopefully we all meet again next year on the same international stage! - Elisabeth Murray

Thank you for the nominations! What a thrill and an honour! - Suzan Mandla

I'm very happy to be included among all these amazing images. Thanks for putting the awards on. - Maria Coletsis

I am delighted to be a nominee at the 2017 International Color Awards with my Fine Art entry Le Petit Bleu! It is very encouraging. Congratulations to everyone else who has won or been nominated like me. - Muriel Bonnet, France

Thank you for the good news. I feel honored that my image in the amateurs abstract category spoke to the jury and it was included in the nominees list. Looking forward to the next Color Awards. - Andrea Csepregi, Hungary

Very Kind... thank you for the nominations I'm so honoured out of so many entries... Looking forward to next year! - Garry Wapshott

Thank you for nominating my image, I feel truly happy about it. Congratulations to the winners and my fellow-nominees. - Zsolt Repasy, Hungary

Just want to say thank you! It's hard to express how excited I am to be an Nominee at the INTERNATIONAL COLOR AWARDS 2017! Wahooo! Many thanks to the members of the jury for chosen my photo 'Faramir' in the category wildlife. - Sabine Peters, Germany

I was happily surprised and proud when I opened the email and read that my three images had been picked as nominees. A sense of accomplishment and appreciation of my work is a great validation. I am flattered and excited to be part of this talented group of artists. - "Lois Pierris, Seattle, Washington

Thanks you judges for your hard work and nominating many of my images. Congrats to the winners! - Kevin Vandivier

Thank you for selecting me and my photo entry for the Nominee at the 10th Annual International Color Awards with Nominee in Nature. - Lehua Pekelo Stearns, Hawaii

Thank you for nominating my images and thank you for the votes I received. - Jacqueline Da Costa

Many thanks to the members of the jury for having chosen my photo in their awards. Being chosen is very stimulating in the pursue of the true in everyday life. - Pierre Laroche, Montreal, Canada

Thank you for bestowing upon me an Honorable Mention in the Architecture category for my work titled 'Sant Llorenc des Cardassar.' I am thrilled that my photograph has been selected as a winner by such an esteemed Jury. Moreover, it was a pleasant surprise to find out that my image titled 'Shayib al-Banat' was picked as a Nominee in the Nature category. And finally, to everyone else who won or was nominated at the 10th Annual International Color Awards, congratulations! - Lutz Vorderwuelbecke

Just want to say thank you! It's hard to express how excited I am to be among the nominated for 2017 INTERNATIONAL COLOR AWARDS! Thank you very, very much for this great news! It is big honor for me! I would also like to express my gratitude to the team and the Jury of the INTERNATIONAL COLOR AWARDS for their hard work! Thank you very much again! - Dimo Dimov

Utterly thrilled I've been given this award. I had to read the email several times to make sure I had got it right! Was a truely beautiful way to start my day. Hugely grateful. - Stephen Burridge

I was totally surprised to have eight of my photographs nominated in an assortment of categories in the 10th Annual Edition of the International Color Awards. My sincere thanks to all the jurors and to the other photographers who participated in this event. - Margo Taussig Pinkerton

Thank you all so much, the jury and the color awards team! I am honored and pleased about the attention for my work. It is also great to see the other amazing works in all categories. - Petra Senn

Congratulation to all photographers. For me it's such an honour to be nominated, really pleased and give such an energy to push myself to a next level. Thank you to the organisers and the judges. - Andrea Ivor, Hungary

First of all would like to thank the International Color Awards and esteemed judges for taking into consideration my work. I am humbled and it is a great honor to be awarded first prize as well as an honourable mention in the photojournalism category in this 10th year of the Color Awards. My congratulations to all the Winners and fellow Nominees both in the Professional and Amateur categories. May the following 12 months allow all safe travels, bring to light overlooked concepts and themes, and inspire fellow photographers to share their windows of human reality no matter the time and place. - Filip Warwick

My deepest thanks to the Judges for voting on my entries, no easy job with the amazing collection of images produced around the Globe. Third is an honour for this still life image 'Waiting on Paper,' I was lucky to gain access to a decommissioned flooring factory. I spent 90 minutes with perfect lighting conditions and found every nook and cranny to image. Time is an amazing creator of Art, its great to share how and what I see through my photography every day with a now Global audience. - Timothy Campbell

Delighted to receive two nominees in the categories of Architecture and Fine Art. Many thanks to the jury for the hard work and congratulations to all the other nominees and to all the winners! - Sara Babusci, Italy

I am so very honoured to have won 1st place in your 10th annual Photo Awards for Professional Fine Art. That photo means a great deal to me and I very much appreciate the recognition! - Patty Maher

This is great! I am very happy and honored to be nominated with my photo in the category people, professional of the 10th International Color Awards. My gratitude to the jury, the organization and to my lovely family who endure to live with me as a photographer... This recognition gives me fresh energy to create new work. Thank you very much! - Robert van der Ree, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Expressing my gratitude and appreciation to the organizers of the competition and to the judges for selecting my image 'Motion Red' for the nominee award. - Terry W. Self

I'm very happy to get a Nominee award for my photograph Portrait with NO Face. Thank you guys for my nomination' - Stefan Nimmesgern

I was in a workshop during the live stream of the winners ceremony - so when I then received so many congratulatory emails from my photography friends I could hardly believe that I had really won the 1st prize in the Aerial Category and an honorable mention as well - I was thrilled. But not enough, when I finally found out I also won 2nd place as Photographer of the Year I had to sit down and reflect on what I had just read. I am so thankful to International Color Awards for organizing such great competitions every year and to receive these recognitions means a lot to me and probably also to all other photographers. Congratulations to everybody who participated - it is a joy to see all pictures one by one, category by category. Hopefully we all meet again next year on the same international stage! - Elisabeth Murray

I feel flattered and very honoured to receive 3rd Place- Fashion/Amateur and two honarable mentions - Fashion/Amateur. I am happy to be nominated in Nude/Amateur with six photos. Thank you to all of the judges for their hard work! - Thomas Dreier, Bonn, Germany

Thanks for the congratulations on being nominated in four categories. And special thanks to the judges who have given of their valuable time to make the Color Awards competition possible. - Anthony Iacuzzi

"It is always great to be acknowledged for your work! The real joy is always in the creation of a great image and the appreciation of light that we all share. Remember everyone your next image will be your best so keep shooting and we'll see ya next year!" - Wally Randall

Once again, thank you so much for the award in Architecture! as well as the nominations in Silhouette & Still Life. As always, I enjoyed watching the Color Award show and am very inspired to continue making images in the coming year. - Marie Kotschedoff

What a wonderful honor to find out that I had three of my photographs nominated in this fantastic competition. To have my work sitting along side others from all over the world is truly an amazing feeling. One Love One Peace From Hamilton Ontario Canada - Terrance R Pack

I am very happy to be nominated again for the sixth time in a row! This year with 3 photos; 2 in Still Life - professional and 1 in Advertising - professional. Thanks to the jury for all their hard work and congratulations to all the winners and other nominees. - Ellen Reus, The Netherlands

WOW! Three nominees this year. Can't believe it! Very exciting. Thank you so much. Some fantastic entries and honoured to be amongst them. - Kerry-Anne de Klerk, Perth, Western Australia

Thank you for the Nominee Award. Your organization never fails to make the Gallery Event exciting positive elegant and beyond a wonderful evening. The nominee award encourages self improvement and growth to take better photos. Thank you again for this honored award. - Beatrice Yoder-Leyba

Its a great honor for me to receive two nominations in the category People with the Never See, Come See and A Staring Gaze. This is a great incentive for me to keep pressing forward. I want to thank the judges and extend congratulations to all the awardees, nominees and honorable mentions. Thank you. - Christine Norton, Trinidad

Three nominated and one honourable mention for an amateur; unbelievable! Thanks so much for the encouragement. WOO HOO from the West Coast, Vancouver, BC - Karl Franger

"Thank you members of the Jury and all the people working hard to make the Color Awards happen on a yearly basis. Really pleased with my four nominations and to see my work amongst the incredible work on display. Congratulations to all the winners, I'll be back next time encouraged and inspired by the high standard of creativity." - Adri Berger

Delighted to receive four nominations out of eight images submitted, including a new (to me) category - aerial. - Trevor Kerry

I'm delighted that my image Stoking The Fire was nominated the Silhouette category and sits amongst such gorgeous work, thank you. - Teresa Neal

First of all we would like to thank the ICA team and the judges for making our weekend so great - we enjoyed the show last Saturday with you and really appreciate being nominated five times. We are also very enthusiastic that our work 'Islands I, 2014' is one of the honorable mentioned winners at the nature category in between those great other works from all over the world. It is a pleasure for us being part of the this year's awards and at this point we also would like to congratulate every other photographer who also sent in their works and have been part of this unique and wonderful ceremony of the passion we all share - the photography. Wish you guys all the best & see you next year. - Johannes Hartig & Katharina Kehm, Germany

I am so pleased that my image, Prosperity has garnered a nomination in the Abstract category. Thanks so much! - Ellen Jantzen

I am extremely honored to have received a First Place Award in Advertising for my concept'Tupperastrophe' in the 10th Annual International Color Awards! It is humbling to be considered as a selection among so many great photographers around the world. I want to thank all my fellow photographers and friends, as well as all the judges involved in this year's competition. Thank you International Color Awards!! - Michael Mayo, USA

Congratulations to all who submitted work to this years international Color Awards. I am so grateful to have received an Honorable Mention in the Professional Abstract category, as well as to have been nominated for the Abstract and the Fine Art categories for other images. Thank you so much -looking forward to next years competition. - Nancy A. Scherl

It's a great honor to receive Honorable mention in the professional Silhouette category. Thank you, color awards. Congratulations to all Winners and Nominees! - Viral Padiya

It's a great honour to receive three Nominations and one Honorable mention. Many thanks to the judges and organizers. Big congratulations to all Winners and Nominees. - Alfonso de Cruz Barrios, Santander, Spain

I'm very happy to be nominee in 4 categories with 9 images and 2 honorable mention in aerial. Thanks to the jury and congratulation to all the winners. - Erika Tanzer, Austria

I am watching this on a delayed basis because we are celebrating my mother-in-law's 100th birthday in Des Moines Iowa. That is enough to make this week surreal but I have just discovered my work has received several nominations in multiple categories and also garnered two honorable mentions. Now this week is super surreal. I am particularly happy with 8 nominations in the People category as I spend the bulk of my shooting time on the Street and this is by far the most positive recognition this work has received. I am really honored by these selections because the work of my co-shooters is so strong and I cannot believe this has just happened. So I want to thank the judges for seeing something in my work that at times I am afraid to feel. I really feel it now and this journey has a ways to go. I could not be more excited to be taking it with the people around the world who also entered this competition, in particular the many photographers from South Florida who I know and who also received well deserved recognition. I will see many of you at Old School Square on Thursday. Cool. - Wayne D. Thornbrough

"Once again, I thank the International Color Awards for creating such a beautiful stage, portraying art from some of the finest photographers in the world in their most favorable light. I am both flattered and pleased to have discovered that three of my photo entries received Nominee Awards in three categories: Cloud Revelation - Aerial; Midway - Americana; and Rice Lady - Portrait." - H. Allen Benowitz, Miami, FL - Burnsville, NC

Just realized this morning that I have 2 images in 10th International Awards. Just wanted to say thanks. I am again pleased and honored. - "Iva Nash, Virginia Beach, VA "

Having won two nominees awards in the categories of Architecture and Wildlife. I'm honoured and very grateful, plus giving me a sense of pride in my photography competing against other photographers from around the globe. This now brings my total to eight nominee awards in five years, thank you to the Jury and ICA. - Geoffrey McKillop ABIPP ARPS QEP, London

Thank you for hosting such an amazing photography competition and thank you to the jury for the 42 recognitions (nominations and honorable mentions combined and one honor of distinction). I am so humbled and honored to be among such talent here -- congrats to everyone - I love looking through all the pictures! I really appreciate your ongoing support of my artwork and am so grateful for your help in bringing a platform to the issues I care so much about and a voice to the storytellers who graciously share their lives with me as a photographer. THANK YOU! - Amy Siqveland

Delighted to receive two nominations for my entries in the Fine Art category. Many thanks to the jury, you have made my day! - Paul Byrne, Dublin, Ireland

Thank you so much International Color Awards!! I am absolutely delighted and exited to win Outstanding Achievement in the Abstract Category. Also it was great to see my other entries being nominated in fine art and still life. It feels really great to get this great recognition among such amazing talents, giving me great energy to create even more outstanding work. - Beate Sonnenberg, UK

Un grand merci au jury pour ma nomination en categorie portrait et je vous dis a l'annee prochaine! - Arnaud Gras

It's a great honour to receive five Nominations and one Honorable mention. Many thanks to the judges and the organizers. Big congratulations to all Winners and Nominees! - EJ An

Thanks for providing a forum for us to view the the wonderful photography that is evident here. And a thanks to the judges for their decision making efforts. - Bernard Werner

I am stunned, humbled and so very honoured and pleased to receive 1st Place - Nature/Amateur along with 5 Nominations in the same category in this 10th year of the Color Awards. I wish to thank all the judges for their support and their homage to my work. Thank you! - Karen H. Colbert

I am incredibly honored to have received two Honorable Mentions in Nature and Wildlife and multiple Nominations in the Nature, Wildlife and Nude categories of the 10th Annual International Color Awards. I send heartfelt gratitude to the judges and appreciation for their difficult task, and a hearty congratulations to all of the winners! It's an honor to be included with such fine work. - Wendi Schneider, Denver, CO, USA

I want to once again thank the International Color Awards for hosting an amazing Photography competition. I was honored and humbled to have received two Nominations in the Professional division: 'Steel and Sky' in the category of Architecture and 'Wyoming Roundup' in the category of Americana. I'd like to express my thanks to the judges and express to photographers around the world what a great honor it was to be in your company and see your talent on the world stage. - David Winegar, Park City, Utah

How could six of my pictures do so well as to be nominated in 3 categories? I have never done so well and I am very pleased. Thank you! - Mayda Rumberg, New York

I would like to thank the fantastic jury for the nomination I have received in the Architecture category. I am really amazed for the outstanding work you have done with all the photographs. Thank you very much! - Alessandro Rogna, UK

Thanks so much to all involved with the Color Awards. I am proud to be included again with so many outstanding photographers, and to have been recognized with 6 nominations and 2 honorable mentions across multiple categories. Congratulations to my friends whose names continue to be displayed in the award listings for their nominations, their wins and recognition as category winners and one in the photographer of the year. - Larry Colby

I was very surprised to be nominated in the Still Life category among such other amazing artists! Thanks to the judges and staff at The Color Awards. You all do so much to promote the art of photography in the global community. I am proud to be a part of your gala! - Paul Crampton, Canada

We are really happy to see that we have received two nominations in two categories is architecture that still life. We thank the fantastic jury, and congratulate all the other spectacular photographers. This latest recognition gives us really a lot of energy with respect to work: it's beautiful to be among the most talented photographers in the world! - Gioia Aloisi and Monica Gorini, Italy

I've just realized I won first prize of photographer of the year. First thanks a lot for choosing me!! I feel really honored! - Romina Ressia

For starters: congratulations on the anniversary of the (in my view) the greatest photo show on earth. I was sad I wasn't able to join you yesterday evening and had to take look today 'on my own'. And thank you for the 5 (!) nominations you - the jury - awarded me with, because that is how it feels: to be nominated in the company of all those outstanding photographers, feels like an award! And last but not least: thank you to everyone behind the scenes making all this possible: outstanding work again! - Hennie Kempen

"Just wanted to say THANK YOU to the judges for nominating SIXTEEN of my images for the 10th Awards and furthermore awarding THREE Honourable Mentions in Architecture, Nature & Wildlife. Always a fun and seemingly fair competition to be part of, and some excellent choices of winners overall. Best wishes to all those selected. " - Glyn Davies, Wales

Thank you so much for my Nature Honorable Mention (Achter mij de Loire - Behind me the Loire). It gives me the feeling that I'm in the right direction. I am very pleased you recognized the power of that simple and pure picture. - Hugo Rompa, Amsterdam

I realized this morning...... and am so happy and honoured to have been nominated with 3 pictures from my series Tempus Silens in the Still Life category, and rewarded with an Honorable Mention for one of them. Thanks to all the jury members and congratulations to all other winners! - Brigitte de Langen, Amsterdam

I am thrilled to have been awarded Honorable Mention in Still Life, as well as three Nominations in the Children of the World category. This is the first time I have submitted my work, and this recognition is a very welcome surprise. Thank you so very much! - Tami B. Sojka, Carmel Valley, Calif.

Congratulations to all winners and nominees! I am happy to be awarded with 5 Honorable Mentions this year, thanks, dear jury! - Florian W. Mueller

I am thrilled to see that I was placed first in the Amateur Wildlife category! To have three nominations in the category was special enough - to have won is beyond exciting! Many, many thanks! - Lynne Wilde, South Africa

Thank you very much and feeling extremely happy with my Nature- Honorable Mention 'H2O' and 3 nominations. The photography this year was incredible and the bar keeps getting higher and higher. I love it. Thank you judges. - Louisa Paez Michelin

"It's an honour to be nominated 2 times in FINE ART category. THANK YOU to the organisers and the judges, congratulations to all Winners and Nominees. " - Fabio Rossi, Italy

Thank you so much for the nominations that I received. It gives me tremendous energy for my work. The winners are incredible and are a massive inspiration. I hope to be up there next time! - Victoria Parnall-Vaughan

I'm happy to be one of the 3rd place in Aerial and be nominated in three other categories. Congratulation to all other winners and nominees. - Anita Schiedeck, Germany

Just realized I got an honourable mention in the professional architecture category! Thank you very much to the judges and the color awards for the recognition! Also congratulations to the winners and other honourable mentions! - Jan Halle

watching from Germany.... I am honoured about 10 Nominations and 2 Honorable Mentions in different categories (Amateur). Congratulation to the winners and thank you to the Jury for hard work. - Dieter Schweizer

I am honored, happy and proud to have achieved a Professional Nomination in both Portrait categories with picture 'Jamie'. At this year is my first time I did join Colour Awards. The quality of quality of nominated works is great. I am very proud to be among people with so much talent and creativity. My thank to the judges and my congratulations to all the Winners and fellow Nominees this year both Professional and Amateur. - Ewa Cwikla, Netherlands

I'm very happy to win the Honorable Mention with my pic 'A little child closes to Christ and His Church' (People category). I would like to say thank you to all the jury for this great award. I would also like to dedicate this achievement to my wonderful family who has been giving me a lot of love and support! See you next year and congrats to all the winners! Bye bye from my beloved Palermo (Sicily-Italy). - Roberta Reina

It's an honour to be nominated four times in three separate categories, Children of the World, People and two in Fine Art. A big THANK YOU to the organisers and the judges, congratulations to all Winners and Nominees. - Ake Alm, Germany

Woke up to a pleasant surprise on being awarded 2nd place in portrait. I am honored and humbled. I would like to thank the judges panel for considering my work, a big congratulations to all the winner's ! :) and to the behind the scenes people who worked so hard to make it all happen. Peace and good light to everyone, Namaste - Raj Padia

Wonderful news, I feel very honoured to have been included in the selection of nominated in Abstract, Fine Art and Still Life with Honourable Mention in Abstract and Fine Art. Thank you to all the judges and Color Award staff that make this event a possibility. Big congratulations to all other photographers that were selected. - Linda Cutche, New Zealand

Thank you to everyone involved with The International Colour Awards .. the judges, the organisers. I am so very happy to receive an honourable mention for both the images I entered in Wildlife and Children of the World. It's a real honour to be recognised and very much appreciated. Thank you. - Shairon Paterson

Thanks to be a nominee in 3 categories with 19 total images and received 3 honorable mention in 3 categories. - Federico Janni

What's not to like about waking up to 2 Honorable Mentions? Thanks International Color Awards and judges, and congratulations to all other winners! - Patrick van Dam, Singapore

Thank you so much I am feel so proud to have been nominated in 2 categories this year. Great awards again this year. I will be entering again. - Debbra Ross, Australia

This is so amazing. It is an incredible honor to be selected among so many incredible photographers. This is so inspirational to keep myself going in this world of photography. Thank You! - Enrique Waizel

I am very pleased to join your live show and to receive your confirmation that my photographs have been selected as a nominees, honorable mention and 2nd place. Thanks for the International Color Awards competition. - "CHAN Kwok-Chung, Frankie, Hong Kong "

Wow what a collection this year, congrats to all winners and nominations and everyone who entered and thanks for my 5 nominations. - Steve Turner, Australia

Wow! Ten Nominations, including two Honorable Mentions. And in such great company. I'm stoked! Thank you, and congratulations to all the winners. - Nick Servian

Watching from Chicago, please accept my sincere thank you to this year's Jury for this nomination. I am grateful and giddy that my image in the Americana category, Round The Bend, was chosen out of so much talent. I feel blessed that once again, I've been included in this amazing show. Best of luck to all who submitted their work, your talents are beyond awesome. - Malissia Simpson

Many thanks to everyone at the International Color Awards for another great show and to the judges for their time and skill. This competition provides the opportunity to discover and explore the work of other photographers who inspire and energize, thus continuing the creative process. I greatly appreciate the Honorable Mention in Silhouette and nomination in Architecture. - Neil Frederick Sharpe, Canada

I'm watching from Switzerland - Thanks for the Honourable Mention in Amateur Still Life! Congratulations to all the Winners - superb images, all of them! Thanks to the judges and the organizers. - Colmar Wocke

"Watching from Nashville, TN, USA. Always surprised, honored, and grateful to be nominated among the best in the world. This year in the Professional Fine Art category. Many Thanks! " - Barry A. Noland

I'm watching from Sydney, Australia and am really delighted to have received a Merit of Excellence and a nominee in the Nature category. - Jeff Grant

I'm really happy to be one of the winners with 3rd place in Nude category! I'm grateful to my family and models for support and trust, thanks a lot judges for mentioning this work and appreciation so high! - Alex Litt, Moldova

Thank you for the honour of being nominated along side of such incredible photographers from around the world. Humbling and exciting! Blessings. - Robson Rogan, Kamloops British Columbia Canada

"I am so grateful to have been nominated in wildlife this year! Thank you judges. What an outstanding show and I am humbled to be in amongst all of the others. " - Pam Walker

"Good morning from Hong Kong! Feeling honoured and happy for the prize, HM and nominations. This is motivation and inspiration. Congratulations to all the other winners and nominees. " - Martina Platte, Hong Kong

Feeling very honored for my two nominations in both Abstract and Architecture, for the second year. Thank you to all of the judges and congratulations to all of the other winners. - Terrance R Pack, Hamilton Ont. Canada

Thank you so much!!! - Pedro Jarque

"Thank you all so very much for my 4 Honorable Mentions in Wildlife, Silhouette, People & Fashion. Thank you also for my 4 Nominations in Abstract, Children of the World, and 2 in Wildlife. The quality of the contest continues to go steadily UP so it is a thrill to do so well. Congratulations to all of the winners and thank you to all the judges and thanks also to those who work so hard to make this happen." - Annie Katz

Thank you so much, I am very happy for my three nominations in Architecture, one of which received the Honorable Mention. Thank you also for my nominations in Fine Art and Still Life. It was very gratifyng to receive all in all five nominations and one Honorable Mention. - Nicola Roberto

I am thrilled to be nominated for 3 Abstract photographs in the Professional category. I feel honoured to be included with such talented artists. Many thanks to the Awards staff and the Jury for your hard work on our behalf. Happy shooting everyone!! - Gillian Lindsay, Canada

I am honoured and humbled to have achieved a Professional Nomination in both Fine Art and Fashion categories at this year's International Color Awards, the quality of the work we see just gets better and better and I am very proud to be among people with so much talent and creativity. My thanks to the judges but also to the many other photographers who join me in entering each year and my congratulations to all the Winners and fellow Nominees this year both Professional and Amateur. - Paul A Wright, UK

It has been quite a night. I am honored to have a total of five works nominated in three separate professional categories including three in Wildlife and one each in Fine Arts and Portraiture. I would like to thank the judges for this honor and congratulate all of the other nominees and winners in all the categories. It is great to have my work among all of these great images, and thanks also to the Color Awards for hosting this event. - Harvey Duze

Delighted to receive a further 7 nominations over three categories, congrats to all and many thanks to the judges and organisers of a great competition! - Sarah Caldwell, Auckland New Zealand

"I am so very honored to have received nominations for my work in Children of the World, Nude and Wildlife. Watching the outstanding works overjoys my heart. Thank you. " - Beate Walden, Los Angeles

I have no words to express my happiness to have received such prestigious awards (6 nominations and 1 honorable mention) in four different categories! I am very honored! Thank you to all the judges! - Vera Regina Bandeira, Brasil

"I am feeling very honoured to have been selected as a Nominee 4 times in 3 different categories. Thank you International Color Awards for making this event available to all parts of the world, it is a wonderful event indeed. My biggest congratulations to all the Nominees and Award Winners. " - Marjorie Lord, Australia

Thank you so much for the nomination in the Americana category for The Yard Chair. - Theresa Tarara

I am so happy to be nominated in photojournalism with my work Country and freedom. thank you very much for organizing such a colourful photography event. - Ali ihtiyar

We are thrilled to be nominees in Americana, Children of the World and Fine Art. A family that photographs together stays together! Watching from Upstate, Ne wYork - Tapiwa, Juliana & Kudakwashe Muronda

I have no words to express my happiness to have received such prestigious awards (9 nominations and 1 honorable mention) in four different categories! I am very honored! Thank you to all the judges!! - Giovanni Sonsini

Hello, I am watching from New Zealand and thrilled to receive an Honourable Mention and 8 nominees in Architecture Amateur thank you! - Sarah Caldwell

Happy to be nominated again in the amateurs' Abstract category ! Thanks to the jury and congratulations to all the winners and other nominees... - Panos Hanjaras, Greece

Watching the live show from Middleton, Wisconsin, USA. I am very honored to have received four nominations and one Honorable Mention in the Americana category! Congratulations to all who entered such wonderful work! - Michael Knapstein

It is a great honour to be awarded first prize in the architecture category of this years Color Awards. My photograph in the new BBC building represents everything great about design and technology in Britain. I have been photographing architecture and interiors for over twenty years and this project was incredible. Thanks to Vijay at Overbury. - Jonathan Banks

Thank you so very much for selecting my image as Outstanding in the Architecture category. So appreciated!! - Marie Kotschedoff

Nice to see my Art at the Art Gallery up amongst the Nominees! - Colmar Wocke

Watching from AUSTRIA/Europe! Hmm, starts nicely......... hey my dear colleague Jens Ellensohn, congrats too on your Honorable Mention in Advertising. Great to see you .. - Werner Branz

All the Best from Paris! - Viviane Basquine

Here watching from far North West Qld Australia. Good luck to all and congratulations to all award & nominee winners! - Marjorie Lord

Hello from Falls Church, VA. I'm enjoying the amazing talent that has been displayed so far and look forward to the rest of the show. Thank you for recognizing my Amateur abstract image, Delta Shadows, with an Honorable Mention. I'm very honored to have been included in this distinguished group of photographers. - Jill Snyder

Best Wishes to All Photographers. - Beatrice Yoder-Leyba

Watching from Portugal! Until now I won a Honorable Mention in Abstract professional category! Thank you very much!!! - Pedro Noel da Luz

Hello from NYC enjoying the Award show! Great images. - Marie Kotschedoff

"Hi Folks, Watching the Photo Show from Austria! Great Congrats to my Friend Werner Branz for the Honorable Mention in Abstract! Think this is not your last Nommination for today!!!! And a Great Thanks to the Jury for my five Nominations in Advertising and the Honorable Mention also in Advertising - I am so happy and also a little bit proud of my works..." - Jens Ellensohn

Watching from outside of "chilly" Washington, DC. Good luck to all contributors to this year's show. - Harvey Duze

I'm watching from Hong Kong. - Frankie Chan

Here live! - Kamila Karpinska

Watching from Fremont, California! Simply, "thank you" for recognizing my abstract image - 2plus2 - with an honorable mention. Also, congratulations to all the winners/nominees/entrants, I am honored to be included in this powerful selection of visionaries! - Stan Friedman

Watching in Moscow. - Alexander Varvarin

Watching from Luczyce, Poland! - Jacek Labedzki

As always, it's marvellous to have been included in the Nominees for the International Color Awards. My image, Wyoming Winter - Train, was selected in the Amateur/Abstract category. With so many really superb images entered, I'm quite honored each time to have some of my own selected! - Denise Dethlefsen

Here live! Toronto, Ontario Canada - Thomas Brasch

Watching from Santa Fe, New Mexico! - Ellen Jantzen

Here live! Edmonton, Alberta, Canada - Wendy Royer

I am watching from Rio de Janeiro, Brasil - Ordi Calder

Excited for the show to begin. Watching from USA. Best of luck to all the photographers! - Dianne Yudelson

I am honored and very happy that my photo has beeen nominated in the Nature section. I also want to emphasize that I find that there are so many outstanding photographers, the new poets, on the tiny planet. Congratulations to all! - Pierre Laroche - Montreal Canada

It's really a honor to be in the list of honorable mentions in still life category. Once again Kudos to all the organizers. It’s a terrific show. -V.J. Rithwik

Thank you very much to the judges for the 1st Place in Still Life Amateur with my picture 'Ancient Beauty', and the Honorable Mention in Abstract Amateur with my picture 'Golden Dream'. I am very honored. -Barbara Corvino - Italy

Thank you, I'm really honoured! -Stefan Neagu

Thank you for giving my photograph a Nominee award. I am delighted to achieve this! -Muriel Dyga

I am beyond excited to have received the recognition of four finalists and one honorable mention award. As a photographer, I always hope that my images will touch and communicate with others. I am so pleased that they have done so. Thank you to the judges for this honor. I am most appreciative. -Leba Marquez

This was my first time in entering the International Color Awards and I was ecstatic at getting an honorable mention in the sports category for my image of Reach for the Sky. Thank you very much! -Michael Drazdzinski

I just discovered the winners announcement! I'm very glad to be among of the winners with my photograph. -Helene Mogensen de Monleon

Terrific! Five Nominations plus an Honorable mention. That's my best result yet. Maybe next year I'll bag a winner. -Nick Servian

When I received the news of my award, I experienced a tremendous thrill at having the opportunity of expressing my vision to the world through International Color Awards. 'Atacama Desert' is an homage to Chile. It took me eight years of expeditions to complete a trilogy. During the shooting I encountered intense wind, temperatures below zero, extreme altitudes, days of walking, frozen equipment, blinding fog, to achieve the most important thing; to be the witness of an unrepeatable moment in the life of our planet. I thank each person who from the beginning, believed in my ideas. My special thanks to the jury that allowed the world to share the beauty of photography. -Denise Lira-Ratinoff

Thank you so much for my 3rd place and Honor of Distinction in Sports and honorable mention in Silhouette and two nominations in fashion and abstract. I have entered this competition for the last three years, since I became a professional photographer, and have received at least one nomination every year. It is very encouraging to participate in a huge international competition and have my images selected by such accomplished judges! I am so grateful and inspired to be placing in this competition with such amazing images." -Kerri-Jo Stewart

I'm very happy with the honourable mention for my ""garden of delight"" together with the nomination for my ""tulip"". Truly honoured to see them among so many wonderful photographs. Thanks to the jury and everyone involved." -Margrieta Jeltema

Just got back into town and logged into my email and saw the great news! Thank you so much for the 18 Nominee Honors, 4 Honorable Mentions and 1 Honor of Distinction. I celebrate all the talented artists and am humbled to be included among them. Thank you and congrats to everyone! -Amy Siqveland

I would really like to a big thank you to the jury and all those who voted for my 'Lady in Red' image which captured 3rd place 'Honor of Distinction' in the amateur fashion category for the 9th annual International Color Awards. It is with a great deal of humility I accept this award among so many other wonderful images and photographers. It's nice to know a small time amateur can reach up and touch the stars. Many humble thanks. -Jason Lee Potter

I am extremely honored to have my image of the Washington Nationals Bull-Pen recognized for such a high achievement. As any artist knows, recognition is just the "icing on the cake" for our hard work, persistence, and dedication to any creative undertaking. Thank you so very much to the judges for this incredible honor. -Iva Nash - VA Beach, VA

I am honoured to have had 4 images nominated in the Nude Category - Amateur, one of which received the Third Place Honor of Distinction. I treasure the feedback and recognition of my work. Thank you so much! -Brian Connor

That's an honnor to be nominee in the international photographic competitions in food professional category. Thank you so much! -Amélie Frédérick

It's a pleasure to see my work awarded with an Honorable Mention. Thanks to the event organizers and to the judges and congratulations to all the photographers who took part in the competition for their great shots. See you in the 10th Color Awards! ;-) -Claudio Beffa

Thank you to the judges and all staff that make this show possible. I am honored to be Aerial Photos winner at the 9th International Color Awards. -Franco Cappellari - Italy

I am just honored and always a great pleasure participating in your international photographic competitions - so well organized and great professionalism! -Domenic Aquilina - Malta

I am very pleased to hear that my image Arinya has received an Honor Of Distinction in the Portrait category of this year's International Color Awards. As a professional photographer i have been photographing advertising and editorial campaigns throughout the world for nearly 30 years but i love the fact that this award is for a personal project. Photography is my passion as well as my career. Thank-you. -Richard Bradbury

Congratulations to all winners and nominees! Thank you so much for my two nominations in Photojournalism and People categories! Thank you for the great Photo Show! -Irina Spagnolo

Absolutely delighted to be a Nominee in the 9th International Color Awards and to be amoung so many talented and inspiring photographers from around the world. Many congratulations to all of them upon their success.-Don Hooper

Thank you for your time in judging and hosting yet another intriguing and inspiring contest with thought provoking photography. Congratulations to all who took part and to the nominees and the winners. I am very pleased to have three photographs nominated in the Advertising Category. Thank you once again. Until we meet again, keep well. -Jonathan Pollock - UK

Thank you so much for the nomination. You really made my day. This is very good news and it's an honor to be present among the Winners at the prestigious Color Awards. -Simone Henken

I was looking forward to the result, felt positive energy when I saw the newsletter of the International Color Awards. I'm happy for the recognition. I want to thank my family who support me, people on my team and you elected me. -Ordí Calder - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Thanks so much for the nominations. To get two shots, in two categories is fantastic and I am honoured to be part of this great award. It means a lot to get such high recognition for my images. Look forward to next year. -Filip Gierlinski

very happy with the nomination. -Norbert Maes

I always look forward to entering the International Color Awards. It gives me an opportunity to sit down with my images and evaluate them. Given the quality of the work submitted by other photographs in this year’s competition, I consider it an honor, truly an honor, to be selected as one of the winners in the 2016 International Color Awards. -Ellin Pollachek

Thank you so much for this wonderful news!! It's an honor to be present among the Winners at the prestigious Color Awards.-Marinka Masseus

Firstly I would like to say thank you to the judges & organizers of this competition and exhibition. Such a brilliant event would not happen without the time, dedication and support of everyone involved. Thank you for selecting me for Honorable mention award in Photojournalism (amateur) category. I feel honored & inspired. Congratulations all the winner. Happy Clicking! -Anirban Mal - India

I feel incredibly honored being awarded at such an important photography contest as the International Color Awards. I would never ever have dreamed about, since I am a dedicated black and white photographer, therefore this prize has a very special meaning for me. For years I am looking at the winner's galleries, always impressed by the huge diversity and the range of different styles which is undoubtedly a creditable aspect of this fine photography contest. I would like to take advantage of the situation to express my gratitude to the jury and my deepest respect to all artists participating at the Color Awards. -Patrick Ems

"This year I participated for the first time in the color awards competition. Browsing the winning images I am inspired by their quality and creativity. All the more honored I am to be amongst them. Congratulations to all the other winners!" -Marc Olthoff

I woke this morning to read the most exciting news that my image had won an award in the Amateur Abstract section of the International Colour Awards. I am still in excited astonishment and so pleased to have submitted my playful image. It is a privilege to have been selected as a winner from so many amazing images and I congratulate all those who entered regardless of achieving an award or not. The awards have been judged by a renowned international panel, making this award an absolute honour to receive. It is a daunting moment when you hit the submit button and the most you hope for is that someone may like your image let alone to win an award. Thank you for seeing my image as I do, a colourful contemporary play on a land rich and bountiful. -Jo Cripps

I am so happy to be a Nominee, thank you so much to every one who makes this event possible!!! -Erika C.

I am delighted to have been awarded an Honorable Mention in the category of Fine Art for my image (Vivid Light Play) of a young child playing amongst light sculptures at Sydney’s Vivid festival. Having my image Boats at sunrise Nominated in the Silhouette category is an added bonus. I only entered a total of five images, so to have two of them recognised in this way is most pleasing. -Brian Rope

I'm an immigrant that arrive to this beautiful country 16 years ago... United States gave me everything, I love the way how I become {finally} a human being with a real freedom... Photography always was my passion, now I can take a photographs that speak and represent my oldest feelings. Thanks from the bottom of my heart.-Manny Iriarte

Thanks to the esteemed jury and to everyone involved in producing the 9th Annual International Color Awards! Receiving the top honor in the Advertising Category is very much appreciated. To be considered one of the very best in the world by such an outstanding group of judges is the kind of recognition that one hopes for, works very diligently toward, but never truly expects. I am deeply honored. I would like to thank Lynne Berard, Stephanie Goldman, and Joie Pizzi of Samsonite. I am thrilled that this campaign has been such a success! To everyone at Connelly Partners in Boston, thank you again and again for allowing me to create these images for you and your client. And a VERY special thank you to Alyssa Toro of Connelly for originally bringing me on to the Samsonite account in 2012. This campaign represents the pinnacle of my career and it is working with such creative and brilliant people that is the true reward. A huge thanks goes to the talented performers. It is what is in front of the camera that is the most important. Finally, want to express my gratitude to my team of incredible stylists, producers and assistants whose contributions are what elevated these visuals to their potential. My very best to you all and hopes for an exciting and prosperous 2016! -Tim Hawley

Wonderful! What a glorious surprise to be rewarded such a stunning award for four of my entries -on Easter weekend. I feel very privileged amongst the field that I have competed with and especially that the images selected honour and give a voice to those who are unheard in their pursuit of survival. -Carol Allen-Storey

I am just honored and always a great pleasure participating in your international photographic competitions – so well organized and great professionalism! -Domenic Aquilina - Malta

Thank you for your consideration. I had never thought myself creative in any way. My brother and my mother were the creative ones in my family. Who knew? I’d like to offer my sincere gratitude to all who voted for my photo. This is an auspicious beginning to my career. I am blessed to have as my friends and mentors Trey Ratcliff and A.D.Wheeler, and my wife Corinne for their love and ceaseless support.-Caleb

I am delighted my photo of an Octopus has been selected in the Food section, my 2nd big award of 2016. I am honoured to be selected for the 2nd consecutive year and hopefully will make it 3 from 3 next year. I am glad to participate in such a high quality awards with highly respected judges from the creative world." -Hugh Johnson

Thank you for the great opportunity to participate, great news and thanks to the jury, color awards team for choosing my picture as Honorable Mention. -Karthikeyan Shanmugasundaram

I am thrilled that my work was nominated. -Jacqueline Da Costa

I’m honored to be a nominee with my 'free Spirit' shot. Congratulations everybody for great pictures. -Federico Janni

This has been my first experience with the ICA competition and I am honored to have been recognized and nominated for my work. Thank you very kindly for your consideration and I look forward to continued participation. -Brad Allen - Calgary, Canada

Thank you to the International Color Awards and all of the jurors for awarding me an Honorable Mention in the Fine Arts Category for my photo 'Committed To Memory, 2'. This photo was honoring the memory of my parents who recently passed. Part of the photo is of their property before they passed and the other part is after they passed; so they are joined forever... I am thrilled and I know they would be also... -ellen jantzen

I am thrilled and very honored to have been nominated and to have received an Honorable Mention for my image 'The Last Jump.' Thanks very much and congratulations to all winners! -Dominique Dubied

Thank you so much for honoring me with three nominations and one Honorable Mention. It was my first entering as a professional after several years as an amateur, I couldn’t wish for more! It’s a great moment, I’ll be happy to share it. -"Valerie Chauffour

Oh wow... I've checked and re checked, and re checked again just to make sure... So I'm absolutely thrilled to receive the wild life winners shot... I am so, so appreciative of this award. Thank you to the judges who saw something beautiful in my work, thank you for the encouragement. Thank you to International Colour Awards and those who put so much time into a competition like this so people like me have a world stage to show their art. What a privilege. Thank you to my children who have walked this journey of my passion for seeing the world through the window of a lens... through the tough times and the many laughs. Thank you... What a day! -Shairon Paterson

Thank you for the honor to have three nominees in wildlife amateurs. My second year and I am thrilled. -Beatrice Yoder-Leyba - USA

I am deeply honored and overwhelmed to receive the Outstanding Achievement for Amateur- Sports Category and two Honorable Mentions in the International 9th Annual Color Awards. This is such an immense inspiration which would keep me pursuing my passion to photography further and further. Thank you very much and Congratulations to all the winners! -Kajan Madrasmail - Singapore

Thank you all for your support, great to have 5 nominations & a win in category too, very, very pleased! -Piers Golden

I m very very happy to be nominated so many times and to win so many rewards as the 2nd place children of the word and 3rd place in fashion and 5 honorable mentions in children of the world, advertisement and fashion.. 9 nominations out of 10 pictures. It makes me really proud.-Hans Withoos

It is a huge honour to be included in this wonderful competition and to receive an Honor of Distinction. l love the opportunity the awards give to discover such wonderful creativity, it has been a humbling experience and I am incredibly happy to be surrounded by such outstanding talent. Thank you and congratulations to all the nominees and winners. -Gregoire A. Meyer

Thank you for the two nominations. -Tomasz Grzyb

Thank you for the Honorable Mention in People. I am honored to have my first submission mentioned among the amazing photos and talented photographers. -Kent Burkhardsmeier - Deerfield Beach, FL

I am thrilled to have had 4 nominated photographs and a “Food” honorable mention. My architecture and food nominated images were made in Sao Paulo, Brasil. The Americana and Still life nominees were made in my home state of California. Congratulations to everyone. -Arlene Vidor

Thank you giving me 7 nominations and a honorable mention. It is a humbling experience.-Jed Best

This my 4th year entering and my 4th year getting nominated. This was my first year entering as a professional. I would like to thank the jury for the recognition and cheers to all the nominated photographers and winners!! -David Naman - Vancouver, Canada

With my first entry into the Color Awards, I am in awe of the quality of the work posted by so many. I am fortunate to have so many friends that won nominations and awards and excited that I was awarded one nomination and one honorable mention. Congratulations to all! -Larry Colby

Very surprised the first time on the nomination of five, but in amateur FASHION get 1st Place - Outstanding Achievement, thank the organizers. -ja-shang tang - Taiwan

I'm very happy for my nomination in Architecture, congratulation for all Nominations and Winners. -Gernany Kosmas Lazaridis

I am truly honored and extremely thankful to have received an Honorable Mention and 5 nominations this year. It is so special to be recognized amongst such talented photographers. I will treasure this moment. -Louisa Paez Michelin

Thank you very much for the 1st place in abstract. It will be encouraging the future of the production of my works. -"Shinji Ichikawa - Japan

I am so thrilled to have been nominated, AND receive an Honorable Mention! Thank you!!! -Amanda Smith

I am very honored to have had three nominees in the category Amateur Nude in my first participation in the International Color Awards. Congratulations to all who participated in this wonderful meeting of the Photography Art lovers! -Paulo Mittelman

Thank you for selecting me for 5 nominations! I am honored and as always enjoy seeing the many talented artists and the jurors' choices. It was an uplifting moment for me here for sure! Will have to revisit and spend more time with all the beautiful work. Congratulations to all! -Janice Tieken - USA

It is a great honour for me to have received Nominations in both the Abstract and Fine Art categories. Congrats to all of the many talented photographers. Thanks to the International Color Awards for recognizing my contribution. -EJ An

Hello from Russia! Many Thanks for Honorable Mentions in Sport and Food! -Alexander Varvarin

Thank you so much for my 2 Honorable Mention Awards... Fashion-Havana Nails & Wildlife-Red Fox and for my other 3 Nominations in Wildlife, People and Portrait. I really appreciate the recognition and I thank you all. -Annie Katz - Aspen, Colorado

Congratulations to all Winners, and keep it up to the not yet winners! -Beatrice Yoder-Leyba

I am very happy to be nominated again for the fifth time in a row! This year even with 4 photos; 2 photos in Still Life-professional, 1 photo in Fine Art-professional and 1 in Wildlife-professional. Thanks to the jury for all their hard work and congratulations to all the winners and other nominees. -Ellen Reus - The Netherlands

Delighted to have been nominated in the fine art category. Thank you and congratulations to everyone who won, was nominated and who entered the competition! -Nancy A. Scherl - New York, NY, USA

As always, awaiting showtime on the world's most beautiful online stage set paid off: Six of my entries were selected: the Winners List Professional/Honorable Mention in the categories of Americana and Children of the World and Nominees in the Architecture and Still Life categories. I thank the jurors for the privilege of their expertise, deliberation, and generous judgement in consideration of my photo art. I am gratefully humbled and honored to be in the company of so many talented and great photographers. Congratulations to all of you." -H. Allen Benowitz - Miami, FL/Burnsville, NC

I am thrilled to win Honor of Distinction and 6 Nominations is Abstract/Armature. Thank you very much for shining a light on my work.-Karen H. Colbert

I am impressed by the quality of the work by so many talented photographers worldwide. It is a joy to view the collection this year. Thank you to the jury for their hard work and for my 2 Abstract nominations. I am delighted!! -Gillian Lindsay - Canada

Good night from Israel, great show tonight, everything looks just like the Academy awards! It's such a great feeling to be here tonight, it's almost morning but who cares. It's an amazing feeling be here on the red carpet and to see the show. I want to thank my family, friends and to the people in my pictures for your stories and to the color awards show for a super night, huge night to be remembered, thank you for accepting my pictures to your show. I can't sleep tonight but it's a good feeling so let's party. -Amir Lavon - Israel

Wow, 3rd place in 'Architecture' and 1st place in 'Still Life'... I'm thrilled! Congratulations to all the winners and nominees. And thanks to the jury!" -Florian Mueller

Three nominees and two honorable mentions - thank You so much!!! -Monika Kluza - Germany

Thank you for nominating my two pictures, Love Me and Working Woman. It is wonderful. So excited to be nominated in Fine Art and Portraits. -Mayda Rumberg

Hello from Germantown Maryland. I would like to thank the jurors for nominating my photo 'Heron Sunrise #2' in the Silhouette-Professional category and congratulate my fellow nominees and the winners in that category. -Harvey A. Duze

Another amazing show, with so many engaging images. I'm so pleased to have received 2 honourable mentions - feeling proud :) -Greg Holba

It is purpose that I sit in the moment of the winner show with a friend in Iceland and drink red wine, when I see that I got an Honorable Mention with one my of Aerial Pictures of Iceland. Much more purpose is that he sit with me in the small plane when I took this aerial picture before 3 years! -Dieter Schweizer

Thank you for the nomination in the category Portrait, amateur. Congratulations all nominees and winner. -Jacek Labedzki - Poland

"The winners in the category photojournalism is just so... I dont have words... Still crying...-Lars Bech

This is always a wonderful and exciting event with spectacular photography! I am thrilled to have one Honorable Mention and 3 Nominations! Kudos to all. From Venice, Florida. -Joyce Lopez

Hello from Switzerland. Pretty nice work. Congrats to all winners so far. Happy to recieve a honorable mention in the Advertising category. -simon+kim

I'm delighted to see that my 'Children Lighting Candles, Awk Phansa, Luang Prabang, Laos' is a Nominee in Children of the World Amateur... and I am truly honored to be among such a luminous number of Nominees. Congratulations to Nominees and to Winners and also my heartfelt and sincere congratulations and grateful thanks to the International Color Awards for another show of extraordinarily high caliber. -Gillian Marshall

I am so happy with my honorable mention as amateur in the segment architecture. Greetings from Belgium." -Alex De Bruycker

Very happy too see my aerial work on the refugee crisis getting 2nd Place and Honorable mention. The drone is a great journalistic tool and happy to see this awarded. Thank you judges. -Rasmus Degnbol

It was an honor to participate in the International Color Awards competition. I am elated and honored to have received a First place - Outstanding achievement in the category of People. And I am flattered to have received nominations in Architecture, Nature, Photojournalism and Still life. I want to express my thanks to the Jury and to the International Colors Awards for hosting another competition. It is inspiring to see the creativity and art of such a diverse and talented group of artisans. Competition makes us think critically about our craft and when presented on the world stage, motivates us to achieve a higher standard. -David Winegar -Park City, Utah

All that I can say is thank you very, very much!!! I am endlessly happy about the first place in nude in the section amateur and for the title ""Photographer of the year""!!! Thank you so much and I dont know in words what I can say!-Dani Fehr

Congratulations all participants never give up its all subjective! I am honored to win 2nd place under Portrait and Aerial and three Honorable mentions respectively under Americana, Children of the world and people. -Robi Chakraborty

Watching here from Miami, Florida. I could not believe my eyes when my images received amateur nominations in the Abstract Category (1), Americana Category (1), Architectural Category (1), Fashion Category (1), Fine Art Category (1), People Category (1) and two Honorable Mentions in the Sports Category... Congratulations to all nominees and winners, thank you to the judging panel and a great big thank you to the Color Awards organization... -Allen Lubitz - USA

Many thanks for the 3rd place in photojournalism! it's a little recognition for all dog handlers with their dogs for their work. -Dalia Fichmann - Switzerland

Another stellar photoshow from the dedicated team at the International Color Awards. I send my deepest appreciation to the esteemed jury for awarding my image Surveillance an honorable mention in Advertising. Congratulations to all the winners from around the world! -Dianne Yudelson

Internationally competing in such a wide field of talented photographers, I am so thrilled to have two nominations chosen in Amateur Abstract: Papyrus Reflections (made in the Okavango Delta, Botswana) and Singularity (made at Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe)! I am especially honored to receive Honorable Mention for Papyrus Reflections. Also appreciate two Nominations for photos in the Nature category. -Jill Snyder - Virginia, USA

Many thanks to Michelle, Zoe and everyone at the International Color Awards for an outstanding presentation! I was honored to be nominated twice, especially in the company of so many outstanding photographs. Congratulations to all the winners whose work will be a great inspiration for next year's awards! -Neil Frederick Sharpe

"What a fabulous show again, I salute all the nominees and winners, excellent work! And thank you jury, for the nomination in Fine Art and Wildlife! Honored as always, thank you to Michelle and Zoe and all the others who make this event possible." -Hennie Kempen Utrecht Holland

Thank you for my Honorable Mention in Advertising. Great standard of work this year. -Jason Joyce - London

This was my first time participating, 4 pictures nominated and 3 honorable mentions, this is awesome. Thank you very much from Cologne, Germany. Congrats to all other winners and best of luck to all for the rest of the show! -Michael Streckbein

Very honored to be nominated in de Fine Art category (amateur)! Thank you. It's great that the Color Awards give photographers from all over the world a chance to share their work. Nice to see so manny beautiful pictures tonight. Good luck everyone!-Anne Nobels - Hulst, the Netherlands

Just wow, so manny great pictures this year! and so far I have been nominated with 4 images. Iam just so proud. Thanks to the jury for great work, and congratulation to all the nominate photographers. Keep up the good work. -Lars Bech - Denmark

Wow, last year 1st place in Fine Art and now a 3rd place inArchitecture and 3 Honorable Mentions inFine Art and Architecure. That's a boost! And an exciting way of presenting the winners... Best from Cologne, Germany." -Florian Mueller

Last year I had a first place in the Aerial category, this year an Honorable Mention in the same category! thank you so much it's so exciting seeing it live! good luck everyone -Eleonora Pecorella - Rome, Italy

Live here from Nordhorn; Germany -Franz Frieling

Thank you Judges excited to win 2nd place under Aerial Amateur. -Robi Chakraborty

Hi all from India at late night awakened to watch the live show of the great award in photography - COLOR AWARDS. You are taking a great initiative to spread colors in life through your awards for color photography. Happy to be the part of that initiative... -Kartik - Sirohi, Rajasthan, India

I enjoyed being a judge so much. Found it truly inspirational - some astonishing and incredibly moving images, from so many talented people. I’m so glad that photography remains one of the most exciting mediums and it’s through initiatives such as yours it will continue to do so! - Diane Henderson, EIFF (Juror, 8th Annual)

I congratulate International Color Awards for hosting these annual selection activities, bringing citizens everywhere together to experience, to share and to enjoy all the fun of being in a global village environment. Thumbs up for the participants, winners, volunteers and organizers. - Richard Yiu, Art Beatus Gallery, Hong Kong (Juror, 8th Annual)

It’s a great honor to receive 3rd Place - Honor of Distinction (Professional) in the Americana category with my image Health Camp, Texas. This is the first time I’ve ever entered into any photo award contest in all my 28 years of being in this business… and what a result!! Thank you to the organization and international jury and a very big congratulations to all winners, honourable mentions and nominees. - Jacky Chapman, UK

This is fantastic! I am honored to be a Photojournalism winner at the 8th Annual International Color Awards and thank the juries for their recognition. I also give a special kudos to the ICA organizers for creating such a marvelous and important venue for photographers to share their work. - Baroness Danute Federas

It is with great honor I today received the message that I achieved Honorable Mention in children of the world with my picture Friends 2. And I am also very proud that I was nominated for two of my pictures, Fine art: Death, and Nature: Landscape. I respectfully thank the jury for finding my pictures of professional quality and in the winning game. - Gunnar Stroem

I'm honored to have been awarded second and honorable mention in the Color Awards. - Dylan Brown

Thank you for your recognition of my work. It is an honor to have received this distinction amongst so many other talented members in my field. I am also grateful to my wife, Judy, who gave me the initial taste to wildlife photography during our first trip to Africa. Since then, I have been striving to improve my skills and to pass on my knowledge to others who share this passion. Thank you! - Steven Blandin

I am grateful for the double honor bestowed on my work by the judges for this year's Photography International Color Awards, in the People category (Honorable Mention for Remains of a Wreck and Nominee for Absurdities1). I would like to thank the jury for their efforts and my fellow photographers for their outstanding work. It is wonderful to receive such acknowledgment and strong encouragement to continue my work. - Ximena Echague

This is a privilege for me as an Artist to have participated in this prestigious photo competition. It has literally been years since I have done anything like it. As an Artist and Professor of Art it means a great deal to see that this community of jurors has chosen experimental work that I have been developing over the last few years. Actually, I should say over my lifetime. I started in photography in 1964 in a science club and have thought it was magic since day one. The piece chosen: Mountain Sounds is a work done from pure light refraction and leads me to a place as I said remains Magical. Thank you, International Color Awards for the privilege and opportunity of sharing my work. - Kip Sudduth

Thank you very much for my nominations in this prestigious competition. I am truly honored. And I am especially proud of my daughter, Olivia Zimmerman, who is a winner in 3 categories! Go Olivia!!! - Richard E Zimmerman

I am very happy to get a Nominee for my photo Glacier River, thanks. - Erika Tanzer

Thank you so very much for this incredible news! Thank you for all that you guys do in uplifting so many photographers from all over the world! God Bless!!! :) - Amanda Smith

Always happy to be part of a high quality contest! - Celso Bayo

Thanks to all participants of 8th Annual Color Awards. I am proud to be within the group of such fantastic photographers. - Janusz Gorgon

Many thanks to International Color Awards for the recognition, what an honour. - Igor Emmerich

The great news made my week! Thank you so much for those three distinctions! 3rd Winner in People, Honorable Mention in Aerial and Nominee in Silhouette. I am very happy and very proud as well. This is a great boost for motivation as I am currently working on my photography skills to get them to the next level! Hard work but so much worth it. I want to thank the jury for giving me this encouragement, I am so delighted! Congratulations to all the photographers, and see you all next year. - Valerie Chauffour, France

I'm very grateful, pleased and honored for the nominations in the 2 categories I participated. I really thank all the jury members and I congratulate all the photographers in this 8th Annual ICA edition. Greetings from Mexico!!! - Genaro Palacios

It is indeed a privilege to receive my Second Nominee Award from the International Color Awards. It has helped propagate our Indian Culture to a Global audience through my photograph - Kathakali Dancer which won the Nominee Award. I look forward to my continued participation in the coming awards. A big thank you once again. - S Devarajan

I was surprised - and very happy - to receive an Honorable Mention in the Amateur Fine Art category for my image, Farmworker Housing. This is extremely encouraging. I appreciate the excellence of the Color Awards choices and feel honored to be included. - Denise Dethlefsen

I thank the jury of the International Color Award. I am very thrilled for this appreciation of my work. This honorable mention encourages to position myself in the development of this photographic research, that I thorough since a few years. - Julie Larocque

I am honoured to be a International Color Awards Nominee in the professional category of Silhouette! I would like to sincerely thank all of the judges on the panel for their recognition of my work and very special thank you to my two sons whom have both put up my insistent photo taking and whom I love very much. - Rod Mountain, Canada

Wow, what honour you've bestowed on my work! I'm especially delighted that these two images were honoured because they represent the forefront of the work I'm involved in right now. These awards are specially dedicated to the idea of colour - which throws open a challenge to creative photographers to make the most innovative use of colour. These awards make me feel that I've somehow succeeded in that challenge?! Thank you, for the bliss you've bestowed upon me! - Helen Zakhtser, Moscow, Russia

It is with great pleasure and humility that I send my gratitude to the International Color Awards for the nominations of 4 of my images, plus an honorable mention in the Americana catagory. Thank you to the distinguished panel of judges for including my work among this amazing group of artists. It is an honor. - Pamela Steege

Thank you very much! I’m very pleased that the two pictures I have entered have received one Honorable Mention and one Nominee in Silhouette category for Amateur. Congratulations to all. - Barbara Corvino

I am very happy to have my two submissions Nominated; one in the Professional Architecture category and one in the Professional Fine Art category. My fellow Nominees’ work is amazing and I am honored to be among such talent! - Carol Simons Huddleston, Washington, DC

I am extremely honored to have received 4 nominations (2 in Nature) and (2 in Abstract) from my recent trip to Antarctica. As well as really thankful for my recognition with an Honorable Mention in Nature with Aldeyarfoss taken in Iceland. I am thrilled and thank you to the Jury. - Louisa Paez Michelin, USA

I am very pleased that two of my images received nominee status. To have my work selected for inclusion with photos of such high caliber is very rewarding. Thank you to the jurors and to the International Color Awards for this honor. - Karen I. Hirsch

I'm very grateful to have been nominated in Fashion as well as to have earned an honourable mention in Still Life. Thank you to the judges for considering and liking my work and to the International Color Awards for making this possible. I also want to congratulate all the nominees and winners, there are some truly outstanding and wonderful pieces of photographic work found within the submissions. Thank you for letting me be among this amazing group of artists. - Jennifer Ribout, Canada

It is with a great sense of humility that I send my gratitude to the International Color Awards in nominating my abstract piece Yellow. To be included along side such other wonderful photographs is inspiring. My gratitude to the jury for seeing something in my work. - Terrance R. Pack

I am thrilled that 3 of my photos have been selected by such an honorable judges and 1 with honorable mention. I have participated several times in this amazing international contest and received several nominations but this is the first time to achieve an Honorable Mention. I can't believe it!!! I want to congratulate the judges and organizers of the contest for gathering such a big participation from photographers from all over the world and I take the opportunity to congratulate winners, nominees and participants. - Pablo Madanes, Buenos Aires, Argentina

We all love taking pictures but to be rewarded at a great Photographic Awards with highly successful and recognised international judges is wonderfully satisfying. There are good awards and not so good one’s but the International Colour Awards is one of the very best. To receive this recognition is highly rewarding, thank you. - Hugh Johnson

Thank you. This recognition is an honor. However, it is not a gift. Photography is the gift. - Beatrice Yoder-Leyba

I’m delighted that my photograph has been nominated for this year’s International Color Awards. It is fantastic to have been selected from such a strong field. - Mark Esper

I’m delighted to have received two nominees and an Honourable Mention as part of my first entry. I’m a very happy photographer! - Greg Holba

What an awesome accomplishment. Many thanks to all! - Andrea Jones

2nd place Wildlife (Merit of Exellence), 2xHM Americana, 4 x Nominees, wow! thank you! - Manfred Voss, Germany

Thanks everyone at the Colour Awards for nominate my image I'm grateful for this. - Jóhannes Frank

I am very humbled indeed not only to receive a nomination but for all three of my entries this year to have been nominated in Fashion, Fine Art and Sport! I can only say thank-you so very much and congratulations to all other winners and nominees and not forgetting everyone else who entered. Thank-you. - Paul A Wright - UK

I feel grateful and honored to get an Honorable Mention and two Nominations in the 2015 ICA, thanks for all that great work! - Michael Tweddle

Hello from Maine. Thank you for awarding me an Honorable Mention for Food and a Nominee in the Still Life category for the new additions to my vegetable portrait series which I am very excited about. - Lynn Karlin

I am deeply and sincerely honored to receive the Honor of Distinction award, Wifdlife category, for Sea Lion, San Cristóbal, Equador in the 8th Annual International Color Awards. And I am extraordinarily pleased, as well, for Nominee Awards for Headlights, Route 3 and Crab, Floreana Island, Galápagos in Silhouette and Wildlife, respectively. Although it often seems enough just to have taken an image that I hold dear when it meets my aesthetic goals, recognition by such a distinguished panel of jurors is so so sweet and I thank them most sincerely: I am eminently grateful. - Karen Jordan, Washington, DC, USA

I'm honoured to be a part of the Color Awards this year in the Abstract and People categories. Thank you for this encouraging nomination. - Caleb Stein

I am thrilled to have been nominated in both abstract and nature categories. A big thank you to all those that voted for me. - Jacqueline Da Costa

First Place in Fashion and 7 nominations in Fine Art, Nude, Abstract and Fashion by these prestisious Awards - I am honored and delighted, thank you to the Jury! Warm greetings from The Netherlands. - Gabriele Viertel

I am very honored that my photo was chosen and I was nominated along with so many wonderful photographs. Thank you to the judges and I am truly humbled by your appreciation of my work. I live to photograph animals of all kinds because they have no voice, and I try to be that voice to show the world that they are amazing creatures who have emotions and feelings just like humans. - Marcella Mirande-Ketcham

I am thrilled to hear that I have won the Color Awards in Architecture for one of the works from the 'Life is on a New High' series! - Alicja Dobrucka

Thank you for the awards. It’s a good feeling to be included amongst such great work. I’ve had lots of Nominations before but this is the first time I’ve had an Honorable Mention. Next year, maybe, an Outstanding Achievement. - Nick Servian

I am very pleased and honored to be chosen as a Nominee in the Fashion category of this year's competition. It is a tremendous incentive to follow my passion and be greatly inspired in viewing the multitude of wonderful images that have been entered into this competition. Thank you to all who make the competition possible. - Dayle Ann Clavin

As a photographer, I’m always looking for ways to improve my photography skills and I am honored to participate and be recognized in the 8th International Color Awards so again. My sincere thanks to the judges for Nominations and Awards of Honorable Mention for my two photos in Aerial category. Thanks again. - Massimo Lupidi, Italy

I could not be there, I missed the live show, but I imagined myself to follow the flow of the announcements and the moment of the excitement for the two nominations in People and Silhouette. I am happy to dedicate the photo Before Completion to my son Jord, that spirited aura keep going his way... Congratulations for the great work of this year and the outstanding participation. Thank you for the recognition... - Panos Hanjaras, Greece

This is just a very small thank you. I've been entering for many years now and have been a Nominee for as long. This manages to encourage me to keep on with my dreams despite the tough climate out there for photographers these days. Well done to all the others. - Patrick Ryan

From Germany I have to say thank you, thank you ... for honorable mention as an amateur in the sector nude. I want to make a big compliment to the hard working judges and congratulate all other winners and nominees. - Thomas Dreier, Germany

Thank you for presenting me with the Nominee Award. I would also like to thank my friends at the Delray Beach Center for the Arts in Delray Beach, Florida for their invaluable feedback and support. - Steven Greenbaum

With so many interesting and wonderful photos from all over the world, it is an honor to be nominated! Thank you so much! - Siri Wolland

Thank youto everyone concerned for this most unexpected but gratefully received award of Nominee. As a new photographer and this being the first attempt at a competition entry I am both surprised and very pleased. - Nick Green, UK

I am delight and it will increase my motivation towards photography. - Deba Prasad Roy

I wanted to say thank you very much for my two Honorable Mentions and one 1st Place Outstanding Achievement Award. I have submitted to the International Color Awards for a few years now and have had some nominations over the years, but I am so happy to finally have exceeded my previous achievements. My dad, Richard Zimmerman (who I am also proud to announce had 8 nominations this year), was the one who originally introduced me to the International Color Awards, so I am very thankful for that and am glad we have kept up our tradition. I hope to continue to bring more photographs to the International Color Awards for the next years to come. Thank you again for my awards! - Olivia Zimmerman

We are delighted to see that we won in categories Food and Children of World 3rd place. Among other categories we are nominated as well. Very proud of this achievement. - Kim Sokola by simon+kim photography

I am extremely honored for being a Nominee at the 8th Annual International Color Awards. Receiving such a wonderful award of Nominee in Nature, I am grateful for the recognition of not only my work but the beauty it represents and displays. I know that each and every other nominee more than deserves this award. Throughout my life, I have faced many hurdles and overcome each and every one of them. I am a stronger individual who knows exactly what to do with his life and what he wants to achieve. Winning this award would not have been possible without the inspiration my family and friends have given me. And there would have been no way for me to have become who I am today without the constant ever-changing beauty of nature. I thank each one of you for helping me reach this point in my life where I can proudly say that I have achieved this award for the hard work and love of those who I am inspired by and those who I've inspired. Hopefully, this isn't the last you see of me! I look forward to continuing to catch the essence of nature in my work and win more awards! Thank you! - George Kaczmarek

What more can I say other than I'm over the moon at coming 3rd in the professional still-life category. Thank you very much!! I've been submitting my work to the competition for years and each year I manage a nomination.....this year was my best yet, with 4 nominations in the same category and one of them came 3rd!! Brilliant news, I'm very happy, thank you!" - Phil Cook, East Sussex, UK

Thank you to the judges and all the staff that make this show possible. I am honored to have four photographs nominated in the Amateur Still Life category. Congratulations to all the other nominees! Watched from Wisconsin, USA.- Jennifer Bucheit

Thank you very much! I’m very glad to be a nominee among many others photographers in the world. Again, Thanks a lot! - Gianluca Tappata, Italy

I'm so happy to get this award, this is my first time joining international color award competition. I'm very honored for judge accreditation, I think that have many improvements to photo. I treasure every time that I shoot because I'm not an expert about photography and art, so I work hard and study about photograph, so judge confirmation is encouragement for me. Finally, I want to thank my family, when I was taking pictures, they always supported to me, and excellent photographers honored from other countries. I hope next year I can continue to got more awards, thanks everyone. - Simon Chien

It's an honour and pleasure, thanks to International Color Awards team and jury team for selecting my picture for nominee. - Karthikeyan.S

I was delighted to find my photographs Jolie, in the category Children of the World and Metal Works #3 and #4 in the category Fashion, among the nominees on the 8th International Color Awards. Thank you so much - I am honoured to have been chosen by such an esteemed panel of judges in such a strong competition. - Mari Queiroz

Obrigada ao Juri pela nomeação em 5 categorias: pessoas, esportes, fotojornalismo, crianças do mundo, fine art. Esse prestigioso concurso eleva o trabalho dos fotógrafos. Obrigada! - Vera Regina Bandeira, Brasil

Congratulations for the success of the 8th Color Awards! I really loved to admire lots of wonderful pictures of such talented artists and professionals. I hope to see you all next year! - Luis Roberto Tibyrica, Brasil

I am very happy my photo 'if you can see, so it is' is the first place in abstract category/amateur and nominee in two categories. Thank you for all and my best wishes. - Eunice Vasques

Tremendously honoured to get an HM in this highly prestigious international photo competition, where amazing images were entered from all over the world from so many talented photographers. Thank you very much to the highly professional team working hard to make this an event without any flaws.- Ulla Jensen

Thank you to the judges and staff! I can't imagine the work and time it takes to put a top notch event such as this together. Congratulations to every photographer that overcame the doubt and anxiety of putting a very personal artistic vision out there for the whole world to see. I'm watching from Seattle, Washington and couldn't be more thrilled to have been a part of the show. - Daniel Kencke

What an incredible honor! I'm currently in Patagonia on a photography tour, and could not view the awards show. I'm extremely excited and grateful to recieve the outstanding achievement award. Many thanks to the jury. - Andrea Jones

Thank you so much for the eleven nominee honors and two honorable mentions at this year's 8th annual awards ceremony. I so appreciate your support of my work and am so honored to be a part of this! Congrats to all of you -- it is such a treat to see such beautiful imagery from all over the world. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! - Amy Siqveland

What an incredible honour! One Honorable Mention in Abstract, the Outstanding Achievement in Silhouette and the Honor of distinction, the 3rd place in Photographer of the year. Many thanks to the jury and many greetings from Germany. - Ingo Hecker

I feel very much honored by an honor of distinction in the category Nature for my image To the Sea (taken at the Rhine Falls, Schaffhausen, Switzerland, by night) and three honorable mentions regarding images in the categories Abstract, Architecture and Fine Art! I’m extremely grateful to the jury for picking my images. Congratulations to all winners of this very prestigious contest. Just magnificent, admirable works! - Volker Birke, Germany

Thank you from Holland!! Today I saw I was nominated for 3 photo's of wich 1 honourable mention. I am so happy with this! Thank you for the organisation and the hard working jury!! - Roos Hobe

I am watching from Miami, Florida and am very honored to have been awarded two nominations in the Americana Category, two nominations in the Architecture Category, one nomination in the Fine Art Category and one nomination in the Wildlife Category……. Kudos are deserved by the judging panel and the Color Awards themselves…… - Allen Lubitz

Good Morning from Colorado! I was ecstatic to see my photograph “Great Egret” in the Wildlife Nominees this morning! What an honor it is be among such talented photographers. Congratulations to everyone! - Mary Beth Jarrosak

This is my first time to submit to this prestigious competition and I’m deeply honored to receive 11 nominations and 3 honorable Mentions (Food, Stiil Life and Advertising category) and the 1st Place in the Food Category! Thank you for this encouragement from your prestigious judges and what a stimulation for the future. Congratulations to all, it’s so pleasant to discover all this incredible work from around the world and be among this amazing photograph gallery. - Pauline Daniel, France

Thank you very much for doing such a good job both you and the jury. I am happy to be nominated in two categories: Nature and Abstract and gives me a boost to push myself to work harder to be a better photographer. - Antero Wallinus-Rinne, Norway

Hello from the Netherlands, I am very happy with my three nominations; in the categories of People and Photojournalism. - Cees Rijnen

Well well well! What a night to remember. I am surprised, shocked and the happiest dude on my street. There is no words that can describe what i feel since receiving those awards. All the sacrifices i made over 15 years of photography are becoming finally all worth it. Photography already brings me peace and happiness but catching the eye of such an important panel of judges has made my heart race like it never did before. Thanks to everybody at international color awards and to all of you who have helped me to achieve a dream! - Herve Pierre Mudry, Scotland

Thank You! I want to thank you as the organisers of such a prestigious international photo institution and all the judges for awarding my capture with the Merit Of Excellence Award in the Professional Color Awards Sports Category. It is always my pleasure and honour participating in your excellent and prestigious international photographic awards. Absolutely very pleased and honoured! Well done of course to the impeccable team of the Color Awards for making all this happen with such a unique professional style! - Dominic Aquilina

Thank you all for your efforts in putting this together, amazing images from all over the world and an honour to be included. - Robert Petric

What a wonderful surprise and honor to have three of my images nominated among such wonderful talent. I would like to thank the judges and congratulate all the nominees and winners. - Linda Cutche, New Zealand

Hello from New Zealand. Thank you very much for five nominations and one honorable mention. It is a huge honor to be awarded in this prestigious competition.- Peter Kurdulija

I’m absolutely excited and honored to win the Aerial category with my photo Sorrento and to receive 2 nominations in that category Sport and Nude. I’m extremely grateful to be part of this community of creatives from all around the world. A wholehearted thank to the jury for their massive work of selection and to the organizing team which has been always helpful and professional. And a special thank to my husband Roberto who feeds my photography everyday with his infinite love. I send my congratulations to all winners and nominees of this year, I wish you all another great year of photography! - Eleonora Pecorella, Rome, Italy

It is a great honor to receive “Honorable Mention” in the professional category of Nature, and to have five images “Nominated” (4 in Nature and 1 in Aerial). The quality of the images submitted by competitors is simply amazing. My congratulations to all the competitors for the passion, the artistry, and the years of study and training evidenced by their photographic submissions. I want to thank the International Colors Awards staff and judges for the forum to participate in this amazing competition. - David Winegar, Park City, Utah, USA

Hello from Germany! Now its 06:05am in St. Peter Ording, and i am waiting for the sunrise in front of my camera while watching your show on my iphone! And wow, thanks to be a winner (2xHM) in the americana-section and to be nominated 5 times! I'm very honored! (and the sun is rising up, now ;)) - Manfred Voss, Germany

It is a huge honour to be included for a third year running in this wonderful competition and to receive a nomination in the Still Life category. l love the opportunity the awards give to discover such wonderful talent, it has been a humbling experience and I am incredibly happy to be surrounded by such outstanding talent. Thank you and congratulations to all the nominees and winners. - Gregoire A. Meyer, London


OMG!!! Break out the champagne, I am deliriously out of my mind with joy here in Chicago. Thank you so, so very much for another nomination for Streaming Tentacles in the Nature category. It is extremely humbling and a wonderful privilege to be noticed alongside some of the best in the world. Congratulations to all the other nominees and winners in every category, this is no small feat. Mahalo and much aloha! - Malissia Simpson

I am very happy to be nominated again for the fourth time in a row! This year, just like last year, with 3 photos; 2 in the category Wildlife professional and 1 in Abstract professional. Thanks to the jury for all their hard work and congratulations to all the winners and other nominees. Best wishes from The Netherlands - Ellen Reus

I am honored to participate and be recognized in the 8th International Color Awards. My sincere thanks to the judges for Nominations and Awards of Honorable Mention for two photos - Blue Sail in Architecture and Emma’s Porch in Still Life; and a third Nomination for Beneath the Surface in Nature. This is my first time to submit to this prestigious competition. I am truly honored and excited to be amongst an incredible collection of photographs and photographers. Congratulations to all. And a special thanks to an inspiring fellow photographer, Michael Parvin (also nominated), for his gracious guidance and encouragement. - Donna Thompson, Atlanta, GA, USA

Thanks to the jury for my nomination in amateur architecture, impressive level in all categories. - Josep Linares

From Delray Beach, Florida, USA, I am thanking all the Judges for their kind consideration of my work. The four Nominee awards that I received are quite an honour and I am deeply grateful. Thank you. Wonderful show as always. A special congratulations to all the outstanding Winners and fellow award recipients this year. - Karen H. Colbert

Thank you so very much!! I'm so honored to have been nominated in both the Silhouette category and in Americana. A huge thank you to everyone who makes this competition possible!! - Carrie Washburn

I am very happy to be nominated with 3 images. A great evening:) Best wishes from Germany. - Anita Schiedeck

Congratulations to everyone that entered this year’s 8th International Color Awards. Another outstanding display of world talent. Thank you to all who make this event happen. Cheers from Australia - John Coxon

I am extremely honored to receive a win in Americana and 14 nomination over 9 categories. I wholeheartedly thank the jury for their time, and the remarkable team whose dedication to excellence produces the world’s best photoshow. My congratulations to all of this year’s winners. - Dianne Yudelson

I am buzzing. Too many things going trough my head right now. Think i need a whisky and get back to you tomorrow :) For me after so many years of hard work and being recognised by the biggest names in the industry its like winning the olympics. Thank you all and big kisses from Scotland. - Herve Mudry

Wow, thanks! Great to be appreciated again this year, very happy, great work to be amongst! - Piers Golden

I’m Hennie, watching for the eighth time from Utrecht, The Netherlands. The show is great as always. All the winners: congratulations! Great to see a nomination for me in architecture. The first ever! - Hennie Kempen

I am pleased to have had my photo Abandoned nominated in the 8th Annual International Color Awards for Architecture. Thanks again. - Larry Alford

all the best from Austria and congrats to all nominees and winners! - Werner Branz

My 4th nomination of the night. Would like to thank the judges for nominating Hanging Around in the wildlife professional category the nomination of my photo Garden Portal in the Architecture Profesional catagory - and congratulate all the other nominees and winners. A great show as always. - Harvey A. Duze

Thanks for the Nomination in the Architecture! Much appreciated. Love participating in the International Color Awards! Watching from New York City - Marie Kotschedoff

I'm pleased for the Honorable Mention in the Architecture category. Congratulations to everybody - amazing pictures in all categories. I wish to thank the International Color Awards for this fantastic competition. - Maurizio Vicedomini

The quality of images I've seen so far is simply amazing. To have five images nominated in the Abstract category and to win an Honorable Mention is truly an honor. What a great group to be included amongst. - Pete McCutchen

Thank you very much to all participants in the eighth year of International Color awards, within this nucleus of professionals would be the best time to thank everyone who has experienced the change of the photograph and turned it into art. Special thanks to all for participating in this great occasion and wish you all a very happy spring full of new ideas. Greetings from Guadalajara México. Thank you very much for everything and until the next time. - Emilio Manuel

First of all, hello from Germantown, Maryland. I am pleased to have two of my photos nominated (Shadowplay-2013 in the abstract-professional category and Cherry Blossoms on Capitol Hill in the Americana-professional category). I thank the judges and congratulate all who were also nominated as well as the winners. - Harvey A. Duze

Greatly honored to receive an Honorable Mention in the Abstract category, especially in such a beautifully organized competition. Congratulations to the winners, other Honorable Mentions, and Nominees. It's a privilege, and inspirational, to scroll through such outstanding work! - Neil Frederick Sharpe

I’m honored to receive a Winner Announcement for the 7th Annual Masters Photography Cup. Thank you. It’s nice to be recognized in the Abstract category among so many wonderful images. - Pep Ventosa

I often take black and white photographs, I am glad that my color work been selected by this award! Thanks! - staff member at Magnum Photos. - Jian Gao

I am overwhelmed to find my photographs nominated in the Fine Art & Abstract section. I take this opportunity to thank the organisers & juries for making this possible. This is a wonderful moment in my life & will be a great influence for me to pursue the 'Art Of Photography' for further achievement. Thank you very very much once again. - Partha Chatterjee

Wow... It is a truly an honor to find 6 of my photos nominated for the 2014 Masters Cup in amateur Abstract, Fine Art, Nature and Still Life. I am deeply thrilled and can't thank you enough! - Tiffanie Ragasa

Thank you! To stand as "Nominee" among so many talented photographers is just a true joy and a wonderful personal accomplishment. I'm very grateful and honored. - Tatiana von Tauber

I am grateful for the double honor bestowed on my work by the judges for this year's Photography Masters Cup awards (honorable mention-Aerial, nominee-Americana). I'd like to thank the judges for all the time and effort they put into making their selections. It is wonderful to have such acknowledgement and I am thrilled. - Cameron Carothers

"I want to express my joy and assure you that I am very honored to be a nominee in the Abstract and People categories. I have enjoyed very much all the wonderful photos that were nominated and awarded. Congratulations to the awarded photographers for their beautiful work. I will keep going and try to do better next year. Can't wait!" - Valérie Chauffour

Thank you very much for being one of the nominees of the 2014 Photography Masters Cup, with regard to two of my Middle Eastern Food images. I am very pleased to accept these nominations, which I consider an honour bestowed on me. I am also very pleased to be given this platform to show the world my images of the shared Middle Eastern Food. - Madiha Abdo

It's a great honor to win 3rd place in the Aerial Photography, and thank you to the organization and jury for this amazing award. Special thanks to my production crew and family for their love and support. Congratulations to everyone! - Michael Hitoshi

I am truly thankful to Masters Cup and to the judges for awarding me 2nd Place - Merit of Excellence (Amateur) in Americana for my photo of "Aloha Dogs". It was quite a treat to find this pair on the beach at sunset. Thank you also for Nominee in Abstract "Burning The Cane Field", Nominee in Aerial "Na Pali Coast", Nominee in Aerial "Waimea Canyon", Nominee in Architecture "Watching The Rain" and Nominee in Wildlife "Hungry Coy". I am still fairly new to the art of photography and couldn't be more thrilled and inspired with this generous recognition. I am truly awed by the incredibly talented photographers who submitted to this competition. Congratulations to all the winners, honourable mentions and nominees! And thank you again for this great opportunity. - Sheila P Morrison, Canada

Outstanding work on show from all the nominees and winners. It is an honour to have my ‘Pool Party’ image nominated in the Nude professional category. - Ian Cartwright, UK

I am really happy to find my picture among the Honourable Mentions in the Amateur Aerial. That picture has a special meaning for me, being a traveller for work, and of course for pleasure when I can. I am always flying to somewhere. I thank you so much. - Antonio Zarli

"Goodmorning from Holland ! :-) What great news at the end of yet another very succesful day yesterday. It is great to be back amongst the photographers who stand out with their imagery. My series StoneSoup is about being fearless and being able to make your own decisions. It is about cooperation and co-creation. It's just released in the Netherlands. Yesterday i sold version 1/8 of StoneSoup 2, this very piece that has been nominated :-) The art buyers also bought ""Delighted"" one of my earlier pieces from my series Dutch Delight, nominated in the 4th Annual Photography Masters Cup. I'm looking forward participating this year." - Frank van Driel

I am thrilled to have had 10 nominations!!!! Thank you!!! - Joyce P. Lopez

I am really flattered to win a Honorable Mention and that I was a nominee with four more pictures. - Florian Mueller

It's truly an incredible celebrated event in color photography. I like to congratulate all the participants and visionaries who share their great images on this international platform. I would like to thank the jury and the entire Photography Masters Cup team for the honor of my having won an Honorable Mention in the Architecture category. With my photo "Compartments", I treasure this opportunity to sharing with you a snapshot of high-density urban living, and the challenges of a rapid urbanized economy. Thank you to my friends and family who give me the inspiration and support in my photographic journey. Thank you so much! - Peter K.C. Ho, Toronto, Canada

I only found out today and I feel like a little kid, I'm ridiculously excited and a bit overwhelmed to have been nominated. After several years of trying, this is no small feat and I am grateful and humbled by this wonderful honor. Thanks so very much. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever give up! - Missy Simpson

Thanks for being nominated in the Architecture for professionals. Good luck for all the Photographers!! - Michael van Oosten

I'm glad to be selected to 2014 Photography Masters Cup. I will continue to make my works in the future. Thank you for choosing my works. - Masanori Takahashi

Watching from Sydney, Australia and pleased to see I got a nominee in FINE ART titled "CATHEDRAL ROCKS". - Alfonso Calero

Thanks for Nominations my two Works in Still Life and People, that was great event, best regards from Essen, Germany - Lazaridis

I would like to thank the judges for including my two entries in the nominated Wildlife Professional Category and congratulate my fellow nominees as well as the winners. - Harvey A. Duze

"I live in the USA, but am currently in SE Asia for three months, and writing this e-mail from Luang Prabang, Laos. Regretfully, although I had every intent of waking up to watch the ""live stream"" of the winners' announcement celebrations, I slept through it! (3:00 a.m. Sunday morning here). But it was a delight and an honor to awaken yesterday morning and see my name as a recipient of an Honorable Mention in the Amateur Aerial category for my image, ""The Arctic Tundra from 38,000 feet"". My thanks and appreciation to Photography Masters' Cup and to your panel of Jurors, I am truly honored. The caliber of works submitted in all categories is outstanding. Kudos to Hanlin Goh, 1st Place Outstanding Achievement - well-deserved exquisite image. Sincere congratulations to all at Masters' Cup, particularly Michelle, and grateful thanks to Zoe, who so kindly uploaded all my images when my computer was misbehaving! " - Gillian Marshall

I am so pleased to win 3rd place in the Silhouette category. It has become the most prestigious competition for photographers throughout the world and I feel so proud to be recognised. - Chris Gleave

Thanks, I'm very happy for the honorable mention, section fine art, that I dedicate to my wife who supports me for years. The picture was taken during a trip, a little bit special for us, in Ireland. - Andrea Biscosi

I am very honored with 3 nominations and being a winner in the category Portrait! - Stephanie van Leeuwen

It was a great pleasure to participate of the 7th Annual Photography Masters Cup and be presented with a Nominee title in two categories: Children of the World, with the photo "Girls" and Wildlife with the photo "Fishing a big fish". Thank you for all. - Eunice Vasques

Thank you to the Masters Cup for awarding my work an "Honorable Mention". To be chosen from the vast amount of talented photographers who's art is showcased here is a humbling experience. I look forward to contributing in the years to come. - Richard Herrin

"I am thrilled and honored to have been nominated in the category of Fashion. Photography Masters Cup is such a well respected competition, the ultimate on the global stage and to be seen here just gives me goose bumps! Thank you so much!" - Bonnie Holland

...I'm very, very happy!! This is the greatest thing that's happened for me in this year!! Thank you! - Susanne Eftevand , Norway

THX!! for the Honorable Mention in Still Life Professional and Nomination Fine Art. - Nico Garstman

As an brand new artist for me is a huge honor to be nominated and is even a biggest honor be the only Colombian photographer among such wonderful and amazing artists. Thank you so much to the Juries and the Contest for the opportunity of share my vision with a broad audience focused in the best photography in the world. - Silvino González Morales

It is an incredible achievement to win the 3rd place in the Still Life category, from the best of thousands of entries. Many thanks to the organization and international jury of this important contest. This recognition is a moment of joy. It gives me a great boost in creativity and brings energy to continue to push the limits and to make better pictures. Thank you. - Radu Popescu

What a fantastic feeling to see my work nominated in the Abstract category - the only Indian nominee in this category! Great to share my creativity on such an amazing platform which spans the globe. Cheers from New Delhi, India! - Nyay Bhushan

Thank you so much for the 11 nominations and 1 honorable mention. It is a privilege to be included with so many talented folks and I really appreciate your support of my photography. Congrats to everyone! - Amy Siqveland

I am sorry I missed the live show, I was on an airplane coming back from China and received the e-mail when I landed. I am so excited to find out I wan 1st place in Wildlife with Wildebeest Migration. Thank you very much. - Baroness Danuté Féderas

"Hi, I followed from Florence and I'm very happy for my two nominations!!! compliments to all the winners: fantastic job :)" - Agnese Mosi

Greatly honored to have received an "Honorable Mention" in the Abstract category, and "Nominee" citations in "Fine Art" and "Abstract". Many thanks to Michelle and everyone for the opportunity and for their skill, care and time in providing such a wonderful opportunity. I unfortunately was called away on Friday and only was able to return late today (the situation unfortunately is still uncertain and am awaiting word) so I missed the live show to my great disappointment. However... CONGRATULATIONS to everyone for their outstanding photographs and creative vision, with a big hello from Canada! - N. Frederick Sharpe

Curious to see who and which wonderful photos had won, I found myself totally floored with the news I had one nomination in Children of the World / Amateur and an Honorable Mention in Aerial / Amateur. Thanks you, it is a great honour to be chosen among so many exceptional artists. - Milicska Jalbert

I am once again honored to be nominated in the amazing International Color Awards! Incredibly talented photographers! Thank you to the judges and everyone responsible for this beautiful presentation! - Dale Johnson

I am honored to have been selected for Nomination in the Wildlife professional category!! Thank you so much!!! - Jayne M. Silberman

From the New York City Metro Area! It was a pleasant surprise and wonderful honor to have been nominated in the category of “Americana” in the 7th Color Awards. I am honored that I have been included with the likes of many amazing photographers, and this marks my 4th Nominee in 4 years running. Thank you to all who made this possible, the staff, administrators, judges and my fellow contestants. Congratulations, as well, to each of you for a fantastic event! - David Neal Swomley, United States

"Absolutely incredible! Thank you so much for the Honorable Mention in Abstract/Amateur and five nominations in Abstract/Still Life/Wildlife! I am so excited and stunned! I participated for the first time and watched the show with my friend Werner Branz, who won uncounted times - congrats! Congratulations to every participant, it's such an honor to be amongst so many fantastic Photographers!" - Roland Reininger

Thanks for my 4 Honorable Mentions and 28 Nominations!!! And thanks for last years Photographer of the year award. Congratulations to all winners and participants!!! You all are the best. - Robi Chakraborty

"I am honored to be nominated in this years 7th Annual Masters Cup for my entry ""Gymea Lily"" Amateur Still Life. Congratulations to all this year's winners." - Dean Smith, Australia

WOW, be nominated in 10 CATEGORIES, having 31 NOMINEES!! and 5 WINNERS in Fahion, Nude and Silhouette!! Fantastic score! Many thanks to the organisation and the judges - very professionally done (as every year) - congrats! Still the MASTERCUP as well as the SPIDERAWARD is the very best in the photographer competition world. Special thanks goes to Michelle for her amazing support! To see such a huge amount of outstanding images from photographers around the world makes me so happy to be among them all! Also congrats to Roland Reininger who attended for the first time (amateur sections) and scored several times - well done my friend - and also to Alexander Bayer (of course both Austrians). To get on the stage is pretty easy BUT to stay there is another page! All the best from Austria. - Werner Branz

I'm very happy with the three wins, especially with the incredible first place in People. I'm looking at the page again and again to be sure it's true! All my thanks to the jury for their time and dedication and all my awe for the other splendid entries; I'm truly honored to be in their midst. - Margrieta Jeltema

I just tuned in from Australia and what a wonderful news I got. You cannot even imagine how happy I am to find that I was awarded Outstanding Achievement in Aerial and a Professional Photographer of the Year. This is a moment I have always dreamed of, when my passion for nature and photography can be shared and appreciated by others. I would like to thank the competition organisers and the judges for your time, commitment and support for us photographers. Big thank you to my wife for believing in me and supporting me on my continuous journey of becoming a better photographer. Congratulations to all awarded photographers - your work is outstanding! - Adam Plucinski

Thanks to the judges and all the talent who entered. I am very humbled to win first place in the fine art category! I enjoy as much logging in to see all the entries, but this year was an extra special viewing experience. Thanks to the judges and the people who make the award possible as well as all my very talented fellow applicants. - Christian Mushenko

Thanks for the show! I had a busy weekend but able to catch the end of the show and so honored to see my work listed there too. Thanks for all of you to make this happen! I am watching from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. - Liyun Yu

Thanks for yet another amazing year of photography. AWESOME live event!! - Gillian Lindsay

I am extremely honored with 3 nominations in the Wildlife Category, including 1st place in Wildlife - Amateur Category, amid the amazing photography showcased in the Photography Masters Cup! Huge thanks to the jury for their time, and the remarkable team whose dedication to excellence produces the world’s best photo show. Congratulations to all of this year’s winners. Yeah Baby, at last!!! - Allen Walker

Wow! I am blown away to get a merit of excellence in the amateur nature category for my image titled "Kotanui Island". Thank you so much! - Jeremy Senior

"Hello from Jakarta, Indonesia. Thank you for 7 Nominations in Fine Art, People, Still Life, and Wildlife categories. It's been my honoured to receive all of the achievement. One of my peak experiences as well! It's been ages and some way to go.. Good luck to all the entrants! " - Dewi Puspasari

As the 3rd place winner under catalogue "Children of the word", I thank everyone here, thank judges, friends and family etc. This is the biggest honor for me. - Fang Tong

I am proud to be nominee in portrait -Faces of fidelity, Cuba - Thank you very much to the colour awards organization and the jury. - Ali ihtiyar

Thank you so very much for the 5 Nominations received in this year’s 7th Annual Photography Masters Cup. I am amazed as these entries were submitted a year ago and upon review earlier today, I would not have thought I had even 1 nomination. I am overjoyed. Thank you. - Karen H. Colbert

Thank you very much for nominating three of my photos in the category Wildlife – Professional. I'm very happy and grateful! Congrats to all the other nominees and winners. - Ellen Reus, The Netherlands

Very happy to see my photo in Nomination of Wildlife category (Amateur). Thank you organizers and Judges... Congratulations to all the winners and fellow nominees. Wonderful live webcast... Enjoyed it. - Vinayak Parmar

I am absolutely overjoyed to be honored with 3 wins, including 1st place in Fashion, amid the phenomenal photography showcased in the Photography Masters Cup! I wholeheartedly thank the jury for their time, and the remarkable team whose dedication to excellence produces the world’s best photoshow. My congratulations to all of this year’s winners. - Dianne Yudelson

Once again DDiArte is recognized in this huge and prestigious photo contest, having an Honourable Motion in fine art, 2 nominees in Fine Art and 4 nominees in Nudes. Thanks to all and for showing marvelous photos, no doubt this is one of the best contest with the most high quality works! All the best!! - DDiArte

Thank you, to the organizers and the jury for making this a wonderful on line event. Outstanding Achievement as far as I’m concerned! - Hennie Kempen

I'm honored to have received the 3rd Place Honor of Distinction and 2 nominations in the Amateur Fine Art Category. Merci et longue vie au Photography Masters Cups De Montréal - Jean-Pierre Malo

Wow! Seeing my photo being recognized amongst other top-quality photos is an unbelievable feeling. Congrats to all the winners and nominees - your works are amazing! Thanks to my family and friends who have supported my photography journey and thought me to always look at life from different perspectives. Cheers! - Hanlin Goh, Singapore

A massive thanks Organizers, Winners and Nominees for all your wonderful work in making this brilliant event happen! Winner of 3rd Place in Abstract, Nomination in Nature and Abstract, Amateur Categories. Enjoying all the wonderful photographic art. - David Curelea, Ballarat, Australia

"Hello to All World Citizens! I appreciated viewing the excellent imagery in all categories this morning. I was truly wowed and inspired. Thanks to each of you for your vision and energy. I also enjoyed seeing my image ""Streetlight' from my Snowfur Series in the Abstract nominees. Many thanks!" - ALXS, USA

I'm very happy that my work was nominated again, thank the judges for approved my work, and I will continue to work hard. Did not think I had five works have been nominated in four areas, a photo was a good prize. But I still have a lot of room for improvement and learning, I will continue the efforts. Thank you, thank you judges, you have worked hard! - Ying Cai

Proud to be an Architecture Nominee! Thank you very much ;) - Christophe-Paul Sauvage

Thank you for my five nominees (3 in Architecture and 2 in Nature) and my compliments to your organization, the judges and winners. - Nicola Roberto, Italy

"Watching from ""The Big Apple"", honored to have received the 3rd Place Honor of Distinction with three Nominees in the Amateur Aerial Category; two Nominees in the Amateur Nature Category; and one Nominee in the Amateur Wildlife Category.... A very large bouquet of kudos to the Color Awards organization and to the Jury......" - Allen Lubitz

I am so happy to be included for a second time running in this wonderful competition and to receive a nomination. l love the opportunity the awards give to discover such wonderful talent. I feel humbled to be considered next to it and I want to personally thank Roxanne for being in my life and Mila to have allowed me to meet this incredible singer and artist... Sending you both lots of love! - Grégoire A. Meyer, UK

I am thrilled to be recognized once again in the,International Color Awards. Sending my thanks to the Judges and all who helped to make this possible. Thanks! - Patricia D. Gooden

I would like to thank the judges for the honor of being included in the list of nominees, and congratulate my fellow nominees and the winners. It’s been a great show so far. - Harvey A. Duze

I'd like to thank the color awards, masters cup and the panel of judges for giving me the chance to show my work to the world. I would like to thank my mother, who lent me her 35mm camera to shoot cars at local exhibitions in 1999. Which was back then a hobby of mine, became my first experience in photography, and since then I never stopped shooting. I would like to thank my father and my siblings for their continuous support. Thanks for the models who worked with me, giving me nothing but their passion and absolute best. And finally a big thanks for who's seen, appreciated or enjoyed my work. - Marwan Ghazi

Quality presentation again well done masters Team! - George Kavanagh

Thank you I am truly honoured with the honourable mention in the category Sport. With my photo "underwater surfer, Fiji". I feel rewarded amongst such amazing talent. Thank you - Lucia Griggi, UK

Recebi a terceira nomeação, agora na categoria Sport! muito feliz com as nomeações! obrigada ao juri pelo reconhecimento do trabalho! Vera Bandeira, Brasil. (Received the third nomination in the category Sport now! very happy with the nominations! thank the jury for recognizing the work!) - Vera Bandeira

Hi, following from London, I'm really honored with the Honorable Mention in the category Americana - thank you very much! Congratulations to the winners & cheers to all. Great show! - Patrick Joos

Thank you Masters Cup for another display of outstanding images from around the world. Congratulations to all photographers who entered. Cheers from Australia. - John Coxon

Hello from NYC. Thank you for the 2 nominations in the Architecture category. Extremely happy! - Marie Kotschedoff

Hello from Germantown, Maryland (Just Outside of Washington, DC) - Ready for the ceremonies to begin. Good luck to all. - Harvey Duze

Very honored to receive a Merit of Excellence in the Fine Art category amongst such amazing talent. Much appreciated!! Thank you so much for my nomination in Still Life category. It is really such an honor. Best regards, from NYC. - Marie Kotschedoff

It’s both honor and pleasure to be nominated in two categories. The show is fantastic, one can see the up to date trends in photography. Thank you so much, dear staff of The Color Awards! - Marina, Moscow

Thank you, thank you I am truly honored with the Honorable Mention in the category People with my photo Artist 2.5 nominations and 1 of them an Honorable Mention. This cloud I am on is rising higher and higher! - Hennie Kempen

Hi, I am watching from Lima, Peru. - Bencai Gong

I am watching from Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada. I am thrilled to see that I was nominated in both Fine Art and Advertising - thank you! All the best the nominees and congratulations to the winners! - Jason Brown

I am thrilled to have received 2nd Place - Merit of Excellence in the Professional - Abstract category. This is truly an honour! A photo of an ancient wall in the streets of Florence. This year's photography is top notch!! Congratulations to all of the nominees and winners, earning well-deserved kudos for excellent work. Many thanks to the Masters Cup team and to the jurors, for their efforts. Hello from Vancouver, Canada - Gillian Lindsay

Hello I am following you from Esbjerg Denmark, good luck! - Poul Helt

Hello all photographers, good luck from the Netherlands! - Cees Rijnen

This is fantastic, I’m so proud to be a Nature nominee! Thank you everybody, this will boost my photography even more! I’m following you from Oskarshamn in Sweden with great excitement. - Jan Follby

Second nomination, this time in the "Nude" thrilled!!! - Giuseppe Francavilla

I am truly honored to be recognized by The Color Awards with an Honorable Mention in the Nature category for my Painting with Light in the Dark® image, Timekeeper. This is one of the highlights of my professional photographic career! Thank you very much. - Matt Stock, USA

Hello everybody. I am really happy that landscape of the "bocage Normand” obtained an honorable mention tonight. This is the place i was born and i grew up. It remains me the landscape of some paintings Holland greatmasters like Brueghel. 2014 is an important year for Normandy with the 70’s anniversary of the WW2 landing in our coast. We know what a young generation of Americans give us to save our liberty and freedom. - Vincent M.

I am really on a cloud here: another nomination in Fine Art, and 2 in Nature. My best score ever! Thank you jury, for all the work you are doing (or probably have been doing). - Hennie Kempen

"Thanks so much for the nomination of ""Storm Following"". " - Mark Steven Wade, California USA

"Absolutely delighted with my Merit of Excellence in Professional Architecture for the Swiss Pool"". The image was shot at Park Hotel Vitznau on Lake Lucerne, Switzerland on behalf of The Most Famous Hotels In the World® Thank you very much. " - Michelle Chaplow

Thank you Master's Cup for selecting my piece "Hues of my Mother's Dementia I" as a Nominee. Seeing my mother's dementia has allowed to me to witness many aspects of the disease, truth can be beautiful. - Theresa Tarara

Thanks for the honor mention with "Punk Food"!!! From Mallorca Spain!! good luck - Fernando Esteva Medina

From the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico, thank you for my 7 nominees in category 'Children Of The World'. - Viveca Venegas

I am really delighted to be nominated once again. I never thought I managed that! - Roos Hobe

simon+kim photography switzerland are so proud, not just be among the nominees, but also received a merit of excellence in the category advertising. Thanks to Art Director Stephan Huwiler and Creative Director Matthias Freuler from ad agency Spinas Civil Voices, Zurich for hiring us to execute the NGO campaign "The Salvation Armee". - Kim Sokola by simon+kim photography

Oh wow, I feel so honored! Thanks so much to the jury for the 3rd place in fashion and honorable mention! Thank you, thank you, thank you! - Monika Brand, Germany

Very exciting, but you should have a live studio with 2 persons talking us through everything.. would have really raised the bar... Go go! - Mats Anda

best wishes for all participants from Germany. - Lazaridis

I am so thrilled to be among the nominees again with my picture Drops. Thank you for acknowledging my eye for a good image! The show is fantastic again, so inspiring! - Hennie Kempen

What an absolute DELIGHT in being Nominated for not one, but TWO Americana awards in the 2014 Masters Cup. I am without a doubt, thrilled at being nominated at such a prestigious event for two of my favorite pieces, "Let not the walk deter you" and "Open Range Saddle," the latter is one of my most collected pieces. Thank you so much to everyone at the Masters Cup. I am humbled to be called a Nominee in the 2014 Americana division with two pieces that are very special to my heart. And a very special thank you to my husband, Jared Smith, who believed me in enough. What an INCREDIBLE honor! Thank you! - Amanda Smith

Quite excited for being a nominee in the "Americana" section. Mickey Mouse brought me luck! - Giuseppe Francavilla

Hi, I’m watching the show from Utrecht in the Netherlands. Everybody who entered: good luck! - Hennie Kempen

woohoo, and we both found us under the abstract nominees! thank you!! - Roland Reininger

Muy emocionada y agradecida por la elección de mi foto, el evento me encuentra en Londres, recibiendo otro premio. Soy argentina. Mas que suficiente para mi en una semana. Thanks!!! (Very excited and grateful for choosing my photo, I am at an event in London, receiving another award for Argentina. More than enough for me in a week. Thanks!) - Patricia Ackerman

Werner Branz and I are just watching here in Austria - Big Kiss to Michelle and you all! - Roland Reininger

Watching from Delray Beach, Florida – good luck to all. - Karen Colbert

There are so many fantastic photographers here, I am very thrilled and honored to be among the winners in this renowned contest. I thank the jury for choosing my image and special thanks go to my models Severin and Lukas for making this image possible. - Gabriella Wetli, Switzerland

I am watching from INDIA.... All the best to all the entrants.... eagerly waiting for category I have entered.... - Vinayak Parmar

What a great event! from New York - Piotr Powietrzynski

Hello everybody, greetings to all the participants. Watching the show from Sicily, Italy - Giuseppe Francavilla

Moscow is greeting you all! Good luck and enjoyment! - Marina

How exciting! Watching from Ottawa Canada, Good luck everyone! - Heather Swan

Assistindo e esperando ansiosa os resultados, de Brasília, Brasil! Sorte a todos os concorrentes! (Watching and anxious waiting for the results of Brasilia, Brazil! Luck to all competitors!) - Vera Bandeira

"Very exciting and watching from Switzerland, Lucerne. " - Kim Sokola by simon+kim photography

Best wishes from Tallinn, Estonia. - Sander Narusbek

Watching from New Zealand! - Esther Bunning

Watching from Moose Lake Minnesota, where we still have ice on our pond. - Craig Blacklock

I'm watching you from Templeton, Massachusetts, USA. Good luck to all the nominees. - Jeanne Evans

Hi there! Watching from the Netherlands. Success to all participants. - Roos Hobe

I am excitedly watching from California USA. Good Luck to all!! - Dianne Yudelson

"It is nice to have the exposure & recognition... I hope to someday get a first place.... so far I have received a second place!" - Jane Gottlieb

"Being awarded at the Masters Cup is that cherry on the cake of the recognition world. As a photographer, being recognised by the industry is fantastic. " - Mauro Risch

It is a wonderful contest that you have created with Photography Masters Cup including most importantly some of the worlds best professionals to judge the work makes it an even greater honour to have been nominated with two images in the People category. I have been blown away with the extraordinary quality of the work in all categories and with over 8000 entry's it would be wonderful to see the work that does not make it to nomination, I'm sure it would also be of a very high quality. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees and especially to the winner of my nomination category Alar Kivilo from the USA. Looking forward to entering the 7th competition as it always allows you to scroll through your work with a different point of view. Keep up the great professional approach with your awards. - Garry Wapshott

"I am very glad that the winner in the category Children of the World winners It is a great honor!" - Anzor Bukharsky

Being an Nominee for sure is giving me fabulous exposure in my country and sure is a great self boost up! - Prateek Singhi

As always, I have ended up with a Nominee award, but this time I have two! It is always such a thrill. - Mayda Rumberg

The fact that I have been nominated, of course, provides a taste, and will of course try to get closer to the top. There are many very fine photo in the show, and a good inspiration to work on in the future. - Paul Helt

"I'm thankful and surprised for your nomination of my picture. Of course, a photographer needs applause like every artist, but I never will ask for that. Your nomination for me is a recognition of a different way I'm working on - it is the integration of photography and digital possibilities. I appreciate the fact that you've accepted this kind of expression." - Wim Dimmendaal

"Thank you Masters Cup for a nomination in the 6th Cup, I have been a professional photographer for over 20 years and have been entering awards for most of that time and have around 40 awards to date. In my opinion the standard of photography now is so high as shown in the winners and nominee divisions I wonder what to shoot for the next entry call, do I wait for the arrival of Jesus in a space ship and hope to be there to capture the moment, or just say no someone will have a better shot than me why enter again I did not win, no I get out and shoot with soul not to win, but to enter, and be part of a great event in next year's 7th PMC and I may even be a winner next year and so could you. " - Steve Turner, AAIPP, Australia

I am delighted to be a winner with honor of distinction in Abstract / Daring Wind. Your award is a second opinion, opened to my abstract work, that leads “Daring Wind”, one of the 30 photographs, as a contemporary work on water and impressionism too, giving my exhibition “Eau Ephémère”, an international level, at the color photography. - Gilles Regnier

This is such a great honor and it means a lot to me to be recognized by my respected peers. - Laurie McCormick

"I was very honored to be chosen among the other outstanding photographers in the Nominee gallery and the impressive list of judges along with the high respect of the contest makes me all the more proud! Thank you!! " - Susi Lawson

Swivel and abstract shooting is a field I am working on for 2 years now, I am delighted to see that this form of making art with the camera only, no PC manipulation at all, has a resonance with the judges of a prestigious show. - Roli Seb

Many thanks to everyone at the Masters Cup and all of the judges, this is fantastic news and it is a great start to the year. - Jobe Lawrenson

I'm honored to be a nominee in the Professional Abstract category for the 6th Annual Photography Masters Cup. My thanks to the jury for the nomination. It is a joy to see so much outstanding work from such highly talented photographers. - Susan Vogel, USA

I am very happy to have a nomination for the image Parfois (Sometimes) in the category Fine art amateur. Thank you and long life to the Masters Cup competition. - Jean-Pierre Malo, Montreal, Quebec

I am absolutely thrilled to be one of the winners and have my other 5 photographs as nominees. It is a great privilege to be recognised by such judges and a proof that it pays off to follow one's passion and to master photography skills. - Adam Plucinski

As a first time nominee in two categories, architecture and abstract, I am overwhelmed by this prestigious gift! I want to thank all the judges and the Photographers Masters Cup for offering such a great contest for both professional and amateur photographers alike, and for this high honour! - John Kosmopoulos

I am thrilled. Truly! I adore the selections chosen by Photography Masters Cup and love the fact that I am now included in that select group. The photographic work submitted by other photographers is so impressive that certain images catch my breath. Thank you for including me in this most exclusive club. - Ellin Pollachek

"I am very honored to nomination. I respect the efforts of jury, every participants and all contributer for the photography. And I hope we all continue to make splendid photography era, of course I'll continue to pursue the essence of photography. Again, thanks so much for nomination." - Takayuki Sekine

Unfortunately was not possible for me to watch the ceremony and only now found out about the "Honorable mention" .... thanks to the awards and to the jury for the recognition. It's amazing to be part of something as great as this award. - Joao Quesado

Thank you so very much... It is both a great a pleasure and tremendous honor to have my photo 'vortex' nominated in the Amateur Abstract category. - Tiffanie Ragasa

I am so honored to have received nominations in both the Fashion and Fine Art categories. It is such a thrill to see my work on display amongst the photographic brilliance from around the globe! Special thanks goes to Annette Gilkey-Boyd, the beautiful model depicted in 'Amethyst' as well as Tim Engle and the Preston Foundation for their roles in the creation of 'Dinner Pests'. I look forward to participating again! - Debra Ledsinger, Sacramento, CA USA

"This Nominee means so much to me because was my first time I enter. Great to be nominated because not everyone wants the pictures that was nominated. Great promotion for me and greatly appreciated. I think the jury and the quality of the work is great. Thank you very much." - Baroness Danuté Féderas

Thanks a lot. I hope to continue in the Master Cup. - José Manuel Bielsa

I am very very happy learning that I have been selected a nominee in the category Architecture amateur in the 6th annual Photography Masters Cup. - Alketa Misja, Albania

I am honored to be nominated with my three pictures in amateur category. It was an encouragement for me even though I had expected more. I will study the other winners’ works in the coming days and improve my own. I send my gratitude to the jury members for their hard work on the shortlist and for their support on my works as well. I will continue to work hard for more fruitful target of my photography. - Ying Cai, Japan

I am honored and pleased to be awarded a second nomination in this competition and in a different category. I have been a juror in a national competition so I appreciate and commend this jury for such an undertaking. The quality of the work is stunning. I am a "retired" professional and thus, by the requirements, must enter as an amateur. But that's OK! - Jeri Wright, USA

"Please know I am so grateful for this award. I was BLOWN AWAY when I saw *Cheetah Ridge* won first place in the wild life category. I so love these animals and hope this exposure of the art helps us all appreciate them for centuries and beyond. They need our help to survive. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Winning in this contest means a lot to me. I hope to enter next year as well. " - Melinda Hughes-Berland

Thanks very much for the nomination. That's two years in a row now, will have to try and do better next year! - Martyn Ferry

"I was very honored to receive a nomination again, this time in a category in which I had never before entered a picture: Photojournalism. The nomination is especially honoring since I made it with my smart phone. You acknowledged my eyes and not the possibilities of the camera! Thanks to all the jurors and of course all the other photographers for contributing to a magnificent show." - Hennie Kempen

I'm thrilled to have one of my images nominated by the Photography Masters Cup for the third consecutive year. It is an honor to be recognized by such an esteemed jury and to be included amongst some of the finest photographers in the world. Thank you! - Kristen Gill, Seattle, WA USA

Congratulations once again to all for the great job. Thank you very much, Awards and Awards Jury, for this honor, for the two nominations of my work. - Vassilis Tagoudis, Greece

it is a great honor to become a nominee of the 6th annual Photography Masters Cup in two categories at the same time! I have being working hard this year and glad that I managed to squeeze in some time and do my own stuff apart from my tight commercial photography schedule... I do believe this nomination will stimulate me to go further and do more of my own projects. - Stanislav Solntsev

Watching Live from NYC -- Excited to have our image among the Nominees in Fashion, and honored to be included in such an amazing group of professionals and amateurs alike. - Johnson Sarkissian

Thank you very much for the nomination in the amateur abstract category! Such a nice surprise! It is nice to have confirmation in what I do and what I see, and an honor from such a prestigious judging panel. - – Jennifer Hom

I am a self taught photographer and never in my dreams did I think I could stand amongst all of the incredible photographers that enter in this competition. It is an honor. Thank you. - Robert 'Ferd' Frank

I am very happy and honored to have been named a finalist in the sports category. Just being among the finalists, with many photos, and such different countries, is already a great achievement. - Wagner Assis

The talent of the photographers participating in the 6th Annual Photography Masters Cup has blown me away! This is a second time I am participating and second time I get a nomination in the people category! Having one of my images be nominated among the amazing images is an absolute thrill! - Lina Shuster

"Thanks so much for the nomination in People category, I'm very happy to participate in this great Photo show, and pleased to see my work and all the other amazing interesting images of the talented photographer. " - Poul Helt, Denmark

many thanks for the 'honorable mention', I'm very happy and feel proud of it :) - Tina Winkhaus

Being awarded as Nominee in the 6th Photography Masters Cup means great honor to me. Receiving the title in this prestigious competition represents a big step forward in my photography career. Congratulation to all winners! - Petra Niehuis

Thank you for the nominations of my work “Breakfast” in professional still life category. It feels so amazing & very happy. - Kao’ru Shibahara

"I am very honored to see 4 of my photographs nominated in 4 different professional categories (Abstract, Americana, People and Still Life) together with such impressive work from professionals from 86 countries. Excellent for me as I usually shoot in B&W!" - Annette Wills

Thank you for your wonderful contest, I will continue to participate in it. - Exey Panteleev

Never been the type of photographer who cared too much about joining competitions as I always thought that I have always been competing with myself and foremost to reach a standard that I felt was the best of my abilities. Having said that, I now need to also acknowledge that it is with great comfort to know that I have been on the right track with recognition from qualified judges in the industry. After joining 4 years in a row with a nominee or two every year running, I am now aiming for a win next year! - Alfonso Calero

First of all I thank god for this huge achievement in my photography career and my team, friends who are all a big part of this success. I might add this is my first photography contest and also the first one I achieved a great thing with, for sure it will last with me for ever. I really feel so proud of myself and it proves we all can accomplish a lot of things if we are willing to and as much effort you put into your work, some day you will earn your reward and you will see your success growing along with you. I want also to thank the jury and the organizers for the contest for keeping it going for 6 years continuously, it means for us as photographers a positive sign of proficiency when you see the number of contestants around the world trying to win at the contest. Thanks you to all of you and keep the great work going on! - Abdulla AL- Mushaifri

It is a great pleasure to be recognized by the committee for my work, and to share the spotlight with so many talented photographers. - Anne Holmes

"Thank You very much. An award boosts my motivation anew. " - Martina Platte

I am extremely honoured to be awarded a winner in the Nature category and a Nominee title in the prestigious Photography Masters Cup international competition. To have my work showcased together with other talented photographers in the industry is a great privilege indeed. This achievement will definitely spur me on to take on greater challenges and continually improve my craft. I would also like to thank my family, friends and online fans for their continuous support! - Weizhong Deng, Singapore

Being an Nominee for sure is giving me fabulous exposure in my country and sure is a great self boost up! - Prateek Singhi

It was great to have participated in this years Master's Cup. Wonderful to be selected as a nominee in the Nature & Architecture categories! - Marie Kotschedoff

I was pleased and honored to be nominated on such a prominent contest, thank you very much. - Salvo Severino

It is such an honor to be selected among some of the best photographers across the globe. - Robb Long

I'm so excited to be included as a Nominee in the Amateur People Category. A giant thank you to the judges and CONGRATS to all the artists!! - Amy Siqveland

I am honored and flattered to have 3 images nominated and featured in the following categories: Children of the World; People; and Still Life. My appreciation goes to the jurors for what had to be a challenging experience, in light of all the global entries. Congratulations to all my lady and fellow photographers, winners, all. To be in their company is an honor and to view their work has been a visual treat. Repeating this year is a feeling beyond measure. I am both proud and humbled. Thank you. - H. Allen Benowitz

It is a huge honour to be selected amongst so many inspiring photographers. Thank you for the opportunity to take part and congratulations to the all of the deserving winners. - Laura Pannack

"What a wonderful and inspiring collection of images. I'm proud to have an image part of such a magnificent body of work. " - Craig Blacklock

Wauw! I really enjoyed the show again! I am (again) honored to be one of the ‘chosen ones’. - Hennie Kempen

I want to thank you for being named as a Nominee as a part of the 6th Annual Masters Cup contest. - Bob Tetro

I am extremely honoured and proud to be in the company of such magnificent talent. I will strive to do even better next time. - Desiree A. Neville, Canada

What an honor to be part of this Photography Masters Cup! Proud to say that I am from the Bahamas and that my image 'My God' received a nomination in the silhouette category! I love to be part of this incredible Photography Masters Cup!! - Patricia Vazquez

WOW! It's always nice to be part of something as great as this and to have your hard work get recognized! - Andreas Warren Matti, Switzerland

One of my photographs has been nominated in the people category, thanks everyone in the jury, this is an inspiring result that brings me the enthusiasm to push forward. - Salvo Severino, Japan

I am greatly honored to be named a "Nominee" in the 6th Annual Awards. It is wonderful, and humbling, to be included in such a creative and inspiring community. Many thanks and congratulations to all. - Neil Frederick Sharpe

Greetings from Switzerland! I’m watching and enjoying the PICS of profs and amateurs. - Laszlo Prucz

Thanks you so much for the 3 nominations I received in the Americana, Nude and Photojournalism categories. I'm thrilled about it! - Patrick van Dam, The Netherlands

"I`m very happy about the 3rd place in fashion. Thank you very much. " - Oliver Rossi

"I'm absolutely amazed, and highly honored, to see my pictures are granted both merit of excellence AND honor of distinction in aerial-pro!! Thanks to the jury and all photographers for this beautiful show!" - Philippe Graindorge, France

I humbled beyond words to have 5 images showcased and nominated in the categories: Fine Arts, Children of the World & Still Life; and to be a part this amazing annual event. Thank you to all the jurors for your time and consideration. Congratulations to all the winners! I look forward to the 7th Annual Photography Masters Cup! - Leslee Dru Browning

What an incredible recognition of my work, to be given 'outstanding achievement' and 1st place for my image 'ICBM Launch Command Phone and Scrambler' from my series 'Atomic War In Details' by such eminent jurors is an amazing privilege. Thank you from London! - Justin Barton

What an honor and thrill to receive a 2nd place as well as an Honorable Mention in your Americana section. There must have been considerable work on your part to once again, put on this wonderful contest. A applaud your effort and thank you for the awards. These will be a constant inspiration for me to keep pushing my art form – photography. - Steve Bingham

Great to receive four nominations across three categories – in such illustrious company. This competition spurs me on to do even better. - Trevor Kerry, UK

Hi, everyone...It is fantastic to watch this wonderful photo show and many excellent images. Although I just take two nominees, it wouldn't stop my passion to challenge myself in next year. See you then... - Nelson Cheang

"Many thanks to the jury and to the Photography Masters Cup team! " - Jean-Paul Cattin, Switzerland

I’m thrilled and very much happy to be awarded the Honorable Mention in Abstract & Nominee in Silhouette Category-Pro this years prestigious International photo competition. Thank you. Best wishes for all Winners and Nominees. - Sreesailam.P

I am very honored and surprised to see 5 of my pictures nominated in 5 different professional categories (Food, abstract, Fine Art, People and Portrait) under such impressive work of many professional colleagues from around the world. Wow, thank you! - Cees Rijnen, The Netherlands

Obrigada pela nomeação na categoria: Children of the world. É gratificante ter o trabalho nomeado nesse concurso internacional, com um time de profissionais de alto padrão! (Thanks for the nomination in the category: Children of the world. It is gratifying to have the work named in this international competition, with a team of professionals with a high standard!) - Vera Bandeira

So pleased to have been nominated in these great awards for the second year running. My thanks to concerned. - Gary Tack, UK

Wow! I am so honoured and excited to be awarded Honor of Distinction in the Still Life category! There are so many amazing photographers and their work in this contest, and I feel so privileged to be considered among them. Thank you so so much! Congratulations to everyone! - David Koiter

It is an honour to have my work showcased along with that of such talented photographers. Thank you so much for my 5 nominations in Abstract, Architecture and Fine Art! - Marisol Pastor, Madrid, Spain

"I would like to thank you all for this result. I am very happy and honored. Thank you and congratulations to all photographers." - Pierre Pellegrini

Within the Professional Division, to have gotten an Honorable Mention in Nature, and ten Nominations covering Sports, People, Wildlife, Fine Art, Americana and Nature was great! - Paul M. Murray, Jamestown, RI, USA

What an honour and privilege to be recognised by the Color Awards judging panel. The quality of imagery featured in each year's show is astounding! I am continually inspired and challenged by my fellow photographers via this annual event which has sharpened my skills and increased recognition of my portfolio in the international collector scene. - James Alan McClean

I’m thrilled and very honoured to be awarded the Merit of Excellence in this very prestigious International photo competition. Thank you all who made put in their time and effort to make this a successful event. Bravo to all who participated and placed well. - Marianna Armata, Montréal, Canada

I am very pleased and honored to have received 10 nominations in the categories of Abstract, Americana and Architecture. Many thanks to the judges and congratulations to all nominees and winners. - Rae Emogene, Canada

I am very happy what I see my Picture in amateur nomination list in Fine Art Section, very nice Pictures in all section, many thanks to the jury for your job. - Kosmas Lazaridis, Germany

Thanks so much for my nomination in Advertising category. I'm so happy to participate this great Photo Show and pleased to see my work and all of these amazing interesting images of the talented photographers! Thanks a lot!- Alena Krupetskova, Russian Federation

Thank you!!!!! - Patrizia Burra

I am highly honoured to be nominated in the 'Children of the World' and the 'Portrait' section of this prestigious contest..... - Arup Ghosh

Extremely honored to get 2 nominations in the Wildlife Category (Amateur). thank you. - Allen Walker

I am honored to have two of my images chosen as nominees in the Americana Category. Thank you so much for this recognition of my work. - Amy Becker, USA

Thank you so much for my 1 nomination in Architecture and 2 nominations in Nature. I am honored to be amongst such talented amateurs. - Louisa P. Michelin

"I am beyond thrilled to have had Nominations and to have made it into the finial stages with such incredible talent! Congratulations to the winners! " - Durga Garcia, USA

I am thrilled to be a nominee in the Wildlife Category. Through my photography I hope to bring to others the beauty that I see throughout the world we live in. Congratulations to the other nominees and of course to the winners. I look forward to participating in next year's Photography Masters Cup. - Don Holman, USA

I am honored to reach the final stages of arbitration along with the rest of the professionals. I look forward to participating in the next session. - Fahad Bahada

Hello All! It really is the result of pure excellence. I am very happy to participate. - Nilton Souza

Thank You very much for 26 Nominations. Combined with 26 last year I am honored beyond words. Thank you very much. - Charles Corda

I have been so honored to have an image showcased and nominated and be part this amazing annual event. Thank you to all the jurors for your time and consideration. I look forward to the 7th Annual Photography Masters Cup. - Karen Colbert

Thank you so much for the 5 nominations in the competition, and for the honorable mention in the Nude category!! I am thrilled!! Thank you, Thank you!!! - Leo Pelletier

I am extremely honored to be awarded Photographer of the Year, Honor of Distinction in the Photography Masters Cup! I am proud to represent the USA in the premiere photo show that highlights excellence in photography. Thank you! - Dianne Yudelson

Thank you so very much for my 7 nominations in the amateur wildlife category and especially for my honorable mention in the wildlife category. I am deeply honored and humbled to have my work recognized along side so many fantastic photographs. - Lea Foster, Lafayette, USA

Thanks for my two nominations in children of the world and fashion! and for the second place in Sport Category! - Cinzia Camela, Italy

Being amongst such talented photographers is amazing! It is an honour to have two nominations in Americana and another in the Nude category, thank you! - David Naman, Vancouver, Canada

Thank you very very much for my 8 nominations in architecture, fine art, people and still life. I am truly impressed by the quality of entries in this year’s contest and therefore very happy to see my shots among them. - Nicola Roberto, Italy

Thank You so much for nominating me in wildlife category! It is my third nomination! Next time i will score the prize! I promise ;) - Marcin Miasik, Oxford, UK

"Thanks again for the nominations ""Starling Song"", ""Murmuraton2"", and ""Formation"" It is truly an honor. Hello from San Diego!" - Mark Wade

Thank you so much for nominating "Ghost" in the still life category, I am thrilled and honoured to be included amongst so many great photographers. - Kate Scott - Scotland, UK

I am excited to have a nomination in still life " Eriks pump and pan". Thanks to the jury and the organizers of this beautiful show. - Roos Hobe, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

"I’m watching from Miami, Florida and am delighted that I achieved a nomination in each category, Americana, Silhouette and Wildlife….. Thanks to the Color Awards staff and the jurors for their time and effort in putting on this event….." - Allen Lubitz

Hello from Montreal, enjoying the presentations and great photography. Thank you very much for the Honorable Mention! - Doug Capron

Am very happy about “Grasshopper” getting nominated in the Wildlife – Professional category and again thank the judges for this honor. Congrats to all and great job. Am again very proud to be a part of this year’s honorees. - Harvey A. Duze

"Thank you for the four nominations of my work. It feels so amazing to just be a nominee among such a fantastic group of photographers! " - Susan L. DeLuca, CPT

I was surprised and honored to check in at the last minute and see that I had received my second nomination. This year: Abstract ("Downtown, Orange & Gray"). Last year: Nude. An honor to be recognized in such disparate categories. Thank you very much! - Barry A. Noland

I am so pleased to be in the company of such great photographers and such amazing creativity! Thank you for my nominations and 3rd place award in sports! - Joyce P Lopez, Chicago

"This is a very competitive photography awards. I am proud to have had six nominations and two wins among my submissions. Felicitations to all the winners. From the island of Puerto Rico, USA. " - Viveca Venegas

Greetings all! My deepest gratitude to the jurors and to all who make the Masters Cup possible - and to the viewers, for taking the time to look. Congratulations to all who submitted! A special thanks to those who have taught, encouraged and supported. thank you... - Hugh Jones, Arlington, VA

I'm truly grateful for my nominated artworks in the architecture and still life categories; really happy that my best artworks are being showcased in this competition! - Linda Looi, Singapore

Hi, I'm watching from Riyadh in Saudi Arabia. - Fahad Bahada

Thank you very much for nominating my photo “Dogs Castration” in the category Photojournalism – Professional. - Ellen Reus, The Netherlands

"Thanks so much for the Merit of Excellence award for ""Bathtub at Dawn"" in the Professional Architecture section and the Honorable Mention for ""Hannah"" in the Professional nude category. " - Michelle Chaplow, Spain

I am so grateful and immensely inspired by your nomination tonight. I feel extremely privileged to be surrounded by such incredibly strong work. That in itself was enough!. With heartfelt thanks. - Grégoire A. Meyer

Wow 5 nominations and a win thank you Photo Masters Cup! Honored to be a part of such a prestigious show. Congratulations to all the nominees and winners. - Patricia Gooden

Thank you very much for my two nominees in Photojournalism, and thanks a LOT for my Honorable Mention for one of them, 'Street Life'. - Viveca Venegas, Puerto Rico

I am watching from Florida. I am honored to be a nominee in the "Children of the World" category. I am proud to be selected in this dynamic group of photographers. - Liz Keeler, USA

The quality of entries in this year's Cup are astounding! I'm honoured and humbled to be amongst the nominees in Fine Art and Architecture. - Robert Brindley, Australia

It is fun and a great pleasure to follow your show. And of course I am glad and proud to win the 3rd prize (Honor of Distinction) in nude - amateur. Greetings from Switzerland. - Martin Zurmuehle

I am watching photoshow from Ha Noi, Vietnam. I am very happpy when my piece "Memories of love" No2 was nominated for Fine Art (Pro). I hope some my piece is chosen in next category... Thanks jury. Congratulations all winners. - Viet Van Tran (Viet Nam)

Hello! Ykraine is watching! Thank you for nominating! - Annie Sharlay

Thank you for my nominee under Nudes, for my photo 'Locked'. - Viveca Venegas. Puerto Rico

Thank you for nominating my Art "Freedom" on the Americana Amateur List. - Otis P. Motley

Watching from Guimarães, Portugal. Good luck to all. - Estêvão Lafuente

I'm honored to have 3 of my photos nominated in 3 different professional categories (Americana, Children of the World and Nature) among such impressive work. Thank you! - Mustafa Önder, New York

Wow. A second nomination, this time in the Nature – Professional category, “Champe-Rocks-Meadow.” Again, my thanks to the judges for this honor and congratulations to my fellow honorees. - Harvey A. Duze

Thanks so much for the nomination of "Infinity Lake", much appreciated! - Mark Wade

Great to have 3 of my images selected in the fashion nominees Thank you judges. - Colin Roy

Thank you so much to the jury for presenting me with an award. I am delighted to be recognized alongside so many talented photographers! Many thanks. - Patricia Gooden

Am pleased to find my work “Landing – National Airport” nominated in the Fine Art – Professional category. I thank the judges for this honor and congratulate my fellow nominees as well as the winners. - Harvey A. Duze

"I am very happy to follow the Great Show. Thank you all for this wonderful evening. I am very happy for my Honorable Mention in Fashion." - Marco from Switzerland

"Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, I´m so happy to win the 2nd place in Americana with my photo Nine-Eleven. 2792. It´s really unbelievable! Thank you very much!!! This is such an happy day for me! It´s a really strange thing to be happy about something which is so sad… Remembering the 2792 dead people which lose their life on that day. Each one flag stands for one lost live - don´t forget them!" - Ulrich Schepp

I'm watching from Anaheim, California! Super excited as one of my images 'Art Deco' by Viktorija Pashuta got nominated in the Fashion professional category! Very honored to be showcased among such talented photographers. Wish everyone the best! - Viktorija Pashuta

"I am humbly honored to be in the same arena with the top color photographers in the planet, yet alone to have my work accepted as a nomination in the fashion category. It brings satisfaction to all the sacrifices and efforts put into photography." - Hernan Rodriguez

Hi from Stamford CT! Watching live, it's very exciting to see so many amazing photography works from all over the world! - Georgette DeWan

I am watching Photoshow. Congratulations to all winners. Many amazing images. I saw some new winners. Thanks jury. - Tran Viet Van

Hi folks! watching from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.... Nice to be here! First Time! Exciting time! Good luck to all. - Wagner Assis

Watching from South Florida and pleased and honored to have received 1 nomination (so far) which tickles me pink!! - Karen Colbert

Watching from Rotterdam, The Netherlands. - Roos Hobe

"Tuned in by chance and great to see the results coming up as i watch! v cool... delighted be to nominated in 'Children of the World' : ) " - Esther Bunning

Hi from Brisbane Australia. I'm thrilled at my four nominations so far. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees. There is some phenomenal talent out there! - Vanessa Bertagnole

I am watching from San Juan, Puerto Rico. USA Caribbean Islands. I am very happy to see my 'Tibetan Girl' under Honorable Mentions in Children of The world. She is beautiful and one of my finest work. - Viveca Venegas

Watching from Reykjavik, Iceland. This show keeps me nice and warm. Good luck to all contestants! - Patrick van Dam

Watching from Hayward, California -- Luck to all the entrants! - Kate Jordahl

watching from Jamestown, RI. It’s great to see that I had two nominees (Cyclone 9 and View From The Bowery) in the Professional Americana Group. - Paul M. Murray

Watching from New Mexico, USA. Very exciting to see all the wonderful new images. Thank you to the Judges for selecting one of my images as a Nominee in the Abstract category, and another as a Nominee in the Americana category! - Susan Brandt Graham

"Greetings from Malta. Thanks for the show. Three nominations up till now! Thank you. " - JP Smith

"watching from Hillsborough, NJ. Just saw my name in the AMERICANA Amateur Nominees list. Thank you! " - Terence Lyons

"I am honored to have merited an Honorable Distinction, an Honorable Mention and several other nominations in the Abstract category. My thanks to the esteemed judges!" - C E Morse

Hi! I'm watchin from Ascoli Piceno, Italy, waiting for my categories to know the winners... and hoping...! Ciao! - Cinzia Camela

watching live from St Louis MO, USA - Larry Lanius II

"After waiting a whole year... finally... The new pics! Amazed already! " - Danny Valk, Holland

Watching from Flagstaff, Arizona, USA - Tom Brownold

Watching from Utrecht, Holland. Fascinating show again! - Hennie Kempen

Fantastic to see such beautiful photography online like this. - Karen Igoe, Australia

watching from Dortmund, Germany and its not my first time to stay here. I love your show. thank you for all and good luck to all participants. - Bernd Mai

Watching in anticipation - from Plymouth, England - Scott Calnon

I'm watching from Italy! I'm thrilled to see my work 'Man with umbrella on a snowy day' was a Nominee in the Aerial category!!!! Thanks so much to the judges and congrats to all the participating artists! Ciao! - Silvia Ganora

watching live from Rome! ciao. - Silvia Lisotti

Pleased to be watching the Master's Cup from sunny Florida. Congratulations to tonight's nominees and winners. - Patricia Gooden

Watching from San Francisco - Very excited to see two of my images selected for the professional aerial photography amongst some great entries from the other nominees. - Jon Hope

Watching from California USA. So thrilled to win an Outstanding Achievement in Abstract. Thank you! - Dianne Yudelson

Enjoying! I am watching from Portland, Maine USA - Felice Boucher

Watching live from Chicago. Such an exciting event! Thanks! Such excellent, imaginative work! - Joyce P Lopez

Watching from London for the first time!- Victoria Parnall-Vaughan

Watching from Germantown, Maryland (Outside of D.C.) Good luck to all. - Harvey A. Duze

Great organization….. no words. - Nicola Roberto - Italy

I am speechless... i can't believe it.... thanks to all of you!!! Life is beautiful. - Beatrix Jourdan - Senegal

Thank you Masters Cup, Thank you judges and Jean-Paul from Bali and the entire photographic community! Best Light to you all always! Cheers! - Liesa Cole - USA

Congratulations to you Liesa. - Jean-Paul Nacivet

I am honored to receive the second place in wildlife and three nominations in fine art from such an amazing group of judges. Many thanks to the organizers of the contest and the jury members. - Carmen Spitznagel - Germany

I am really delighted with my nomination at this state of the art contest. To get nominated at Photography Masters Cup is like getting gold awards in every contest - for me as an amateur. See you again next year! - Ewald Schmelz - Austria

"Congratulations on completing another wonderful competition. The choices are just fantastic. I am delighted to have been nominated in two categories: people and silhouette. " - Don Gurewitz - USA

I want to say thank you very much to hold such a great photo competition and give me so wonderful experience. I will try my best next year to achieve my target. See you next year. - Nelson Cheang - Macao

What an amazing show! I am honored to receive 5 wins and 45 nominations across 13 categories. THANK YOU - Dianne Yudelson - USA

We are very excited and proud of our photographers who have been lucky enough to have been nominated for this year's Photography Masters Cup. Gary Burchell, Stuart Hall, Rob Payne, Jasper White and Oli Kellett are thrilled with the result and Patrice de Villiers is delighted. - Trayler & Trayler - UK

Thanks to the Judges of the Photographer's Masters Cup for my Honourable mention. I have been doing these detailed images as a professional for over a year now. They are stacks of more than 80 images and I spend a great deal of time on minute detail to make them as pristine as possible. I would like to thank my Wife and Mother for their continuing support. I would also like to thank Lancaster University, especially Jonathon Roe who led my Degree Course in Wildlife and Environmental Photography and the other Tutors, Dave Dennison, Brendan Shaw and Ian Fleetwood. - Gary Tack - UK

"I cannot tell you how grateful and honored I am to receive first place in the ""Wildlife"" category. My victory would be hollow without the inspiration behind my photograph ""Lion in the Shadows,"" the African lion. Fewer than 40,000 of these noble cats exist today, a decrease of almost 50% in the past 22 years. These astonishing statistics inspire me to remain focused on my goal of helping to bring about an end to the destruction of this species. Unique, exciting awards programs like the Masters Cup inspire all of us in the photographic arts to stay focused on our craft. Once again, it is a true honor to be recognized by such an acclaimed jury. Thank you!" - Stephanie Swartz - USA

Lying in a hotel room in Athens, Greece after a long week shooting for a magazine and looking forward to flying home tomorrow. Just seen I have 3 nominations and an honorable mention in Architecture and a nomination in Nature! Great to get recognition for your work, gives me a lot of motivation to keep on shooting and making time for personal projects. Big thanks to my family who have given me huge support over the years. Congrats to all the other winners, as always lots of stunning photography on show. - Jonathan Andrew - Netherlands

This is a really great online-show and every year I am happy to see the new pictures in this show. Many thanks to the team and also to the jury members. About my 3rd place with my picture "fork you" in still-life Amateur I am happy too ;-) Absolutely fantastic show! Watching and greetings from Dortmund in Germany - Bernd Mai - Germany

"Honorable Mention and a nomination! I'm thrilled that this new ""venture"" in the world of Still Life Photography for me turns out this well. I want to thank Clemens and Neeltje van der Ven for giving me the opportunity to work in their City mansion and use their rare and Beautiful Art Collection. " - Frank van Driel - Leiden (Birthplace of Rembrandt!)

I am 59 years and a late starter as photographer so it is a great stimulus for me to be nominated. Special thanks for my wife Ines and my daughters Cecilia, Malena and Veronica who always encourage me, to Gabriel Valansi a great Argentine photographer and mentor of my projects, Micaela Gurevich and Carlos Lanus my assistants. I can’t believe that this outstanding jury has nominated me among so many participants and be at an equivalent level with some remarkable colleagues. The house belongs to my sister in law and I wanted to capture an aura and warmth of family life that for me is very special. Many thanks to the organizers and jurors. - Pablo Madanes - Argentina

Thanks so much for the nominee "Coroando Morning" in the Americana category. I am honored. Congrats to the winners, great work! - Mark Wade - USA

Thank you, thank you again also for the two nominees in “Children of the world” and “Silhouette”, both in Amateur category and both highly significant for me because strictly connected to my native land. And again my compliments to the jury and to all the other photographers selected for their fantastic works. Best regards to all! - Nicola Roberto - Italy

I am very honored to have been awarded Amateur Nominations in Americana (two), People (one) and Still Life (one)……. which join my previous nominations in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Annual Color Awards and my six awards in the 6th Annual Black & White Spider Awards…….. Congratulations to all the participants, winners and nominees as well as the judges and of course, the Color Awards organization….. Thank you very much…….. - Allen Lubitz - USA

I am thrilled that 6 of my images in the categories of Americana, Still Life's and Landscapes are nominated at the 5th Annual Photographer Masters Cup. The panel of judges is so very impressive and I am personally honored to have my work recognized by these talented, well renowned individuals. I am also honored to have my work included and on display with so many gifted photographers around the world. Thanks so much for this opportunity. - Laurie McCormick - USA

I'm very honored to be awarded two nominations this year, especially as the jury is made up of so many well respected industry figures. I'd like to thank a couple of people who helped with the creation of 'light breakfast' Jennie Webster who styled it, and Ridley West who built the 4 foot plate. My vision was to create a shot that made people look twice and put a smile on their face. - David Sykes - UK

I am thrilled to have the honour of receiving this award from such an amazing group of judges and even more so amongst so many world class photographers. A big congratulations to the category winners and thank you for appreciating the different view i have taken on sports photography. - Chris McLennan - New Zealand

Congrats for all the photographers and for the winners!!! - Krisztina Meszoly - Budapest, Hungary

I am ecstatic with the announcement about my winning as I was astonished about what I had captured when I was photographing the Moon. It truly was an "Unexpected Encounter". The Moon has been my subject of interest for many years due to its spelling being the same as my last name and its fascinating nature. I am very grateful to my family, especially to my wife for her support in many ways. I feel honored to have been selected by so many respectful jury members and being honored with so many talented and amazing photographers from around the world. This surely is one of the great moments in my life as a photographer. Thank you everyone for making this possible! - Jamison Moon - USA

Thanks for the four nominations and the Honorable mention I’ve received for my silhouette photo “The sky walkers_04”. It’s really an honour and it really helps me because this January I had to close my own gallery, first of all I was a bit sad but I know changes are always good and everything that happens to your life is positive… so now in this “crisis days” it’s a bit of hope and a bit of light to my life to receive this prize and to be a nominee, that in fact is already a prize and makes me work harder. Thanks to all the jury, we need people like you that recognise our work. Thanks & Love from Cadaqués!!! - Oscar Amoros - Spain

I am honored that my photos are selected by such a world class Jury. This award is very significant for me, especially as my work was judged against outstanding photographs taken by most talented photographers. I strive to evoke a special emotion on the viewer and I hope that I succeeded doing it. - Matty Karp - Israel

This is my first foray into the Masters Cup and I am both delighted and honored to be a Nominee in the Silhouette category for my image, "Camels at Sunset, Rajasthan, India". I deem the standard of photography in this contest as nothing short of brilliant... quite exceptional. It is a privilege to be a participant and to be surrounded and embraced by the great talent and diversity of all the artists whose works have been acknowledged either as winners or nominees. The Amateur class works are truly inspirational... and, as an Amateur, I find it humbling, exceedingly so, to have participated and to have, indeed, been selected as one of the Nominees. The standard and genius of the works displayed in this contest exhort me to better myself in my own photography. Thank you. - Gillian Marshall - USA

I am very happy to be nominated in three categories in Masters Cup. I entered the contest when I saw the beauty of the photos of winners in previous years and the quality of jurors, I just wanted to participate. I'm very honored to be part of this group of great photographers. - Bruno Falcão - Brazil

I'm thrilled and honored to be nominated in the categories of Americana, Nature & Silhouette. Great images this year. Thanks to all the judges! - Marie Kotschedoff - USA

First of all, I would like to thank you for this opportunity. It is wonderful to be part of this group of great photographers with such unique shots. It is great to be recognized for something that was not done with a profit goal, but rather only driven by passion. This shot summarizes in itself my passion for photography. After working hard for many years on commercial photography, perhaps some of that feeling is lost. But, this nomination brings me back to the passion I once had in the beginning of my career. Best wishes for all! - Rafael Pereira - Brazil

I was particularly delighted to have two more nominations in the people and portrait categories. Many thanks to the organizers of the contest and of course to the jury. Good night from Greece! - Ioannis Gousgounis - Greece

Watching from under the snow in Somerville, NJ, USA! ...what a wonderful event! Go Liesa Cole rock! - Jane Perry

I am beyond thrilled and humbled to receive this incredible honor from such a prestigious panel of judges. Thank You! I also want to thank my partner, studio manager, producer and my best friend, who happen to be the same person; Tony Rodio. And of course, Miss Anita for sharing her incredible face and fearless soul with the world. Thanks also to my Dear sweet Daddy who always encouraged me to pursue my dreams and to the incredibly talented photographers around the globe that inspire me to keep pushing to do my best work in this powerful medium. Best light everyone! - Liesa Cole - USA

Congratulations to all the winners. The quality of contest is very high. This year I entered as Professional and received 5 nominations. Many thanks to jury. I will enter Photo Master Cup next year! - Viet Van Tran - Vietnam

I want to thanks the jury who have honored this work which is so important to me. This will give me even more energy to drive my passion into this book's project, talk with my images about life passing by and keep meeting those incredible people. Thanks again. - Stephane Najman - Canada

It is an honor and privilege to be nominated in the Amateur Portrait category for the Photography Masters Cup. It is wonderful to see so many participants from all over the world competing and winning at this competition. It is a wonderful way to bring the world closer together in a peaceful and harmonious way through pictures. Thank you once again. I look forward to being part of this family in the coming years. - Samu Devarajan - India

I am proud being nominated for the Photocup this year. This picture is part of my Portrait Studies I took with my Medium Format Camera and spent a lot of time with. Congratulations to all the other nominees and winners. - Daniel Lathwesen - Germany

"It is a great honor to have 2 of my photographs selected in such an important contest: even though they were just nominated, I feel such a pride... This success gives me more energy in continuing my work. " - Luigi Fieni – Italy

I would like to dedicate this award to my two greatest influences in photography, W Eugene Smith and my father. I would also like to thank my family for all their love and support through my times of absence, both when I am abroad or just in my photography. And lastly I want to bring awareness to International Alert which is an independent peace building organisation whose work I have been supporting for the last five years and who work with people who are directly affected by violent conflict to improve their prospects of peace. - Jonathan Banks - UK

"It’s an honour and a privilege to receive 4 nominations amongst such an amazing group of works! " - David Naman - Canada

I still can't believe it... This has been a great night for me. I want to thank the jurors for my three nominees and two honorable mentions. This means a lot to me. I'm proud to be among such great artists. Congrats all! - Silvia Ganora - Italy

"Being one of the winners of this remarkable award is up to now the most important recognition of my work. It gives me self-confidence and encourages me evolving my style of photography. I am grateful to this international jury for selecting my picture. The contrast between tradition and innovation in India shown in this scene touched me very much."" " - Ulrike Lugert - Germany

"Honestly I do not have many words to express my happiness to be here, with my photographs, among all these great photographers. I just want to thank everyone who contributed to tell this story, from the Iranians who made it possible, to you who have appreciated. Thank you. " - Pietro Masturzo - Italy

Being nominated in a world contest like this is an honour. Joy and pride. Things get much better when this happens, thanks to a picture that reminds me of the best travel/photography experiences I had in my life during that trip to Yemen. In these days, I wish only they could give peace a chance... - Dinos Michail - Greece

When I think about photography and competitions it always points out that no matter how many pixels your camera has, the Spirit of a photograph lasts longer than anything else. Thanks to everyone at the Photography Masters Cup for counting my moments into your archive. - Peter Nitsch - Germany

I am honored to have all three of my images nominated, the Masters Cup is such a prestigious award and the standard of work that I have seen from prior year's winners has always been of such impeccable quality, it's very rewarding to be judged on the same level as the other nominees. I could not have achieved these images without having such an amazing group of friends and family to model for me, so I give a big thanks to Tariq Ali, Dempsey Tonks, John, Constantine, Liston and Slave labor for their help in setting up the human swing series. Just to get my work in front of such an esteemed panel of judges was reward enough. Thank you to all of the judges and to the International Color Awards / Masters Cup for making this possible. - Lee Tonks - USA

I am deeply honored to be a nominee in this prestigious competition. In the snowy mountains above Murree in Pakistan a group of young women in a small roadside shelter generously shared their food with us - 6 complete strangers from Europe with no common language warmed their feet by the coals as we all drank chai. The feeling of warmth, openness and hospitality of the Pakistani people we met on our journey is something that stays with you. Congratulations on running another great show this year - some absolutely great photographs. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees! - Gary Wornell - Finland

I am highly honored to be nominated in the prestigious Photography Masters Cup. I am grateful to the organizers of the competition. - Arup Ghosh - India

I am grateful to the Masters Cup for choosing images from my series "Not In Your Face" because it will help spread the word on the reason I take these pictures. Intolerance and judgment is a common reaction to how people dress: don’t judge a book by its cover. - Susan A. Barnett - USA

Congratulations to the over-all winners. What a show this has been. This is my 4TH year and every show is more exciting than the last. What a surprise and a huge honor to win my category (Amateur Nude). There were so many fabulous nominees. I really want to thank my wife who has supported me in so many ways and who is also my critic. Congratulations to all. - John Hamburger - USA

"We are delighted with a Merit of Excellence and Honorable Mention in Nudes and all the nominations because we consider this Masters Cup the highest quality contest in images and jury. We thank all our models for their participation in our projects. " - Diogo & Diamantino, DDiArte - Portugal

Thank's a lot for the Nominee in "Nude" Amateur. I'm very happy about it. My photo is from the art-project "Metamorphosen", bodypainted humans in nature. The Bodypainter was Jörg Düsterwals from Hameln. Second photographer was Laila pregizer, Germany. - Uwe Schmida - Germany

I'm so happy! Had not expect that... Thank you. Many greetings from Norway. - Susanne Eftevand - Norway

Hello again from Switzerland. The Nominees gallery in Nature is superb, I am so amazed! My honest admirations to all photographers exhibited there and to the jury for showing such excellent taste. A nomination in Nature this year is worth a Merit of Excellence for me!!! - Marco Benedetti - Switzerland

Thank you to the Photography Masters Cup and judging panel! I feel privileged and excited to be awarded an Honorable Mention in the Abstract category, as well as a nomination in the Fine Art category. Reviewing the nominees in all categories, I find an impressive range of images and talent - and the jury list is equally impressive. Congratulations to all my fellow nominees and winners! - Christine McDonough - USA

Congrats to EVERYBODY from Budapest!!! fantastic project with excellent galleries!!! very exciting... thanks for the WORLD CLASS JURY !!! fantastic organization !!! CONGRATS for all the professional and amateur photographer !!! Beautiful live exhibition !!! and thanks for the prize !!! - Beatrix Jourdan - Senegal

Thank you to the Photography Masters Cup, for sponsoring this amazing competition and to the jurors who found my image deserving of an award. Winning 1st Place – Outstanding Achievement in the Nature category is a stunning and thrilling honor. It is also an inspiration for me to continue to look for those images that are literally in my own “backyard.” Thank you! - Barbara Leven - USA

I am very honored to have been presented with this award and humbled that my work was chosen by such a prestigious jury. - Manuel Cosentino - Italy

Considering the prestigious jurors, and the quality of the other photographers, I'm very honored to have won Third Place in the Nature category. In my work, an actual scene, combined with the illusory nature of light painting, sets up a resonance in the interaction between "real" and "unreal". For me, there is a spirited glow to these images, and a sense of stillness and quietness, which I find evocative and beautiful. Thank you! - Harold Ross - USA

I am so excited and touched by this honor. Inspiration comes in so many different forms for an artist. The things that move me are never far away: a frog, a dragonfly, a grasshopper. It requires a choice to slow down and see. To really see. If my images can remind others to do so, then I've succeeded. - Michele Doucette - USA

Thank you for the honorable recognition! I strongly believe in the visual language and its potential to exceed boarders. Growing up under tall mountains raising directly from the fjord, early on I got a close relationship to nature. Through photography I want to show my gratitude, and our responsibility for this beautiful globe. My thanks to everybody involved in nominating my works. - Elly Prestegard - Norway

I am delighted to be nominated again. I feel appreciated in the way I ‘look at the world’, the way I subsequently take pictures and then my ‘eye’ in choosing which pictures to enter for the contest. This proces makes the images dear to me, but being nominated increases that feeling. Thank you for the recognition. - Hennie Kempen - Netherlands

"Every photographer sets goals. Goals of quality and originality for each photo and goals of recognition by peers and top professionals. Being selected as a nominee by the prestigious Photo Masters Cup competition jury is an affirmation of my efforts. " - Leah Abrahams - USA

I am absolutely delighted and honoured to be a winner of such a prestigious award, and to be deemed part of such an eclectic mix of photographers. I was out walking in London’s famous Borough Market looking for inspiration when I stumbled across these fragile mushrooms. The smallest is half the size of the tiniest finger nail. I was captivated by the integral beauty and inherent detail of something so small and delicate; I just had to capture it! A huge thank you to my team of Food Stylists, my long suffering assistants! my agent Angela Woods, the Photography Master Cup, and of course the judges for making all this possible. Thanks a million, and I look forward to the 6th Annual.. - Hilary Moore - UK

It's an honour to win this important award. The picture is from my first editorial that was published in a print magazine. Therefore I'd like to thank Ryan C. founder of the ASTONISH Magazine who believed in me and of course my family and the whole team who helped to realize this wonderful project. - Marie-Louise Cadosch - Switzerland

Merci, merci, merci for the MERIT OF EXCELLENCE in Fashion. Big honour! Watching from Switzerland and enjoying the great galleries of nominees and winners. - Marco Benedetti - Switzerland

I am very thrilled to be among the winners of the Photo Masters Cup/Color Awards. I am excited and happy to have one Honorable Mention and four Nominations. Photo Luz de Luna was shot inside a big stable at sundown where very little light came in. The Moon was already out so my intention was to have the mare reflecting moon light and that is what the title means. I am honored to have been recognized by the judges and everyone responsible of this prestigious awards. I am already looking forward to next year's participation and I thank everyone. - Viveca Venegas - USA

Thank you to the distinguished judges and inspirational fellow photographers. It is indeed an honor to be included as a nominee in the category of Fine Art photography. A special thanks to my wife for her patience while I stuffed her inside the pear! - Ron Schwager - USA

I am honored and proud to receive this nomination. Thanks to everyone that was part of this selection. I want to express my gratitude for the unconditional support of everyone who believed in the proposal and made this nomination possible. I dedicate this nomination to each and every one of you. - Denise Lira-Ratinoff - Chile

Thank you to the Photography Master's Cup for their recognition of my work. It's incredibly rewarding to know that my images connect with people. There's an excitement when I capture the feeling of a place; something that was always there, but something that can be so elusive. My sincere thanks. - John Fitzpatrick - USA

Thank you for my nomination in Fine Art, I would like to thank Carlo Irek and the team at 4Corners for their generous support and assistance with the project. Part of a series of photographs made around Lake Geneva in Switzerland, it took several days for this particular image to come together. It was worth the wait however, as the final image fulfilled the vision I had for the shot. - Richard James Taylor - UK

"Thanks so much for my nomination this year, it is a real real honor. To be nominated amongst top photographers is a dream come true! This photo BRUNO means the world to me as he was my best friend and passed away last year unfortunately..... I photograph animals for the local Bahamas Humane Society, as I am a profound animal lover all my profits of my photography goes towards charity. I want to thank the organizers and judges for all the time and effort they have put into this. " - Patricia Vazquez - Bahamas

My image called “Wondering Nigh” is chosen in the 5th Annual Master’s Cup as a Nominee in the category of Fine Art. Thank you to the jury for this acknowledgment! I am grateful to be included among such an outstanding group of photographers and their work! - Jennifer Broussard - USA

"Thank you for this nomination and validation! I have been expressing my joy of art with paint, shapes and colors since I was a little girl. I began as a painter, evolved into a photographer, and eventually began painting on my photographic prints. I used to hand-paint vivid colors on my Cibachrome prints, altering reality with images that surprise and intrigue. Now I scan my one-of-a-kind hand-painted prints, enhance them with Photoshop and produce limited edition archival digital prints. " - Jane Gottlieb - USA

Thanks for the honor to be in the hall of fame at the 5th Masters Cup. Big thanks especially to the dedicated jury sorting year after year the best among the best. These awards will certainly remain as milestones in my photography career. - Marco Benedetti - Switzerland

Many greetings from Presov, Slovakia. it's amazing. BIG THANKS to jury! Congratulations to the other winners! - Jan Stovka

watchin in new zealand :-) - Chris McLennan

I'm really impressed , honored, and surprised to be awarded Honor of Distinction in aerial, professionnal, and nominee in abstract! I find geometry and abstraction in aerial views fascinating and this distinction is a very strong encouragement, and satisfaction. I also see that there is room for improvement: Mark Holtzman's "burning bush" is absolutely amazing! Many thanks to all fellow photographer for their participation to this superb show. - Philippe Graindorge - Dordogne, France

"Thank you so much to win an honorable mention in the category Architecture, professional. I am proud to see my photo back between all the great participants of the Color Awards! So many beautiful photos here and I thank the organization and jury to make this happen for the 5th time already. Up to the next 5 years of great photography!" - Sander Steins - The Netherlands

Thank you very much for honoring me with a nomination in the Architecture section. - Ioannis Gousgounis - Greece

I'm particularly honoured to receive a nomination in Children of the World as the quality of photographers in the category is high. The image, part of a series on Tibetan Buddhism, portrays two novice monks travelling across the Himalayan plateau to study in Lhasa. The boys were full of high spirits, however this seems to catch them at a quieter moment, perhaps reflecting on what may lay ahead at the end of this long journey. - Richard James Taylor - UK

Being an International Color Awards Photography Masters Cup nominee is a very important step in the way I am following in order to build a meaningful photography project. Congratulations to the jury who made a beautiful selection. The pictures that have being seen here offer stories hidden in the moment after the seen action which are the most important elements." - Bruno Costa e Silva - Brazil

"A photograph is not only a ticket to the world but also to one's inner self. A captured moment goes beyond borders, languages, culture and cuts straight to a deeper place that we're all familiar with. When you look at an image, you witness a part of the story. The beginning and end are for you to create. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, and I feel very honored and blessed that mine were heard. " - Georges Yazbek - USA

This is a great honor for me, I thank the jury members for their quality of choice and fair judgment, the eye of the specialist in the industry of photo planet. - Panos Hanjaras - Greece

"As a very proud Dutch photographer, I thank the Jury of the Photography Masters Cup for granting me two nominations and for giving me this unique opportunity to show my work to the world. I hope that my photographs will help telling the story of millions of orphans and abandoned children around the world.” " - Hans de Vries - Netherlands

Just wanted to say thanks so much for my Honorable Mention in the Architecture category , "Atlantic Road" is a staggering location and the ultimate car photographers play thing. Norway at its finest. Thanks again. - Richard Seymour - UK

Hello, here I am from Italy. It’s a pleasure and a great honor to be here with such artists and to have been awarded with 2nd place winner in Architecture Amateur category. Many thanks to all, especially to the distinguished jury members for the high appreciation of my work. In many ways we can define photography. For me it's research, reflection, cultural enrichment, but also instinct and passion. I consider each goal as a stimulus and a new starting-line. - Nicola Roberto – Bari, Italy

I would like to thank you for the honorable mention, mostly in such an important event like this one, which stimulates the art of photography. I would also like to thank all the people who collaborate for the success of this event. I feel very happy in participating. Wishing success! - Victor Almeida - Brazil

Sometimes, when I make photographs I "feel" that the image captured is good. If also my colleagues don`t criticize them too I think that yes it was what I thought. This happened with the images sent to the Master Cup, and if they are also recognized by an elite jury, I think it is still worth this profession which is also my biggest passion. Thanks! - Jose Manuel Bielsa - Spain

I have been waiting to be 63 to submit to the Awards competitions, and bingo you gave me one, I guess it was worth waiting. I should probably have tried earlier, this illustrate the saying “No try no success” Or: when you take risk you succeed some time, when you don’t take risk -never. Thanks to my two boys Tom and Lou, who actually push me to submit. Thanks to all of you, as this Awards give me joy, confidence and recognition. Humans are strange nesting birds, they should think twice before there are no more trees to call home, by cutting the branch we are sitting on. I had the idea for a long time, but it was worth keeping the idea and realizing it. Maybe you give me an addiction, I’ll be back soon, as there is a better place than second. “If you realize your dream it’s because it was not big enough” - Jean-Paul Nacivet - France

"I have been the recipient of quite a few awards, both locally and abroad, but receiving 3 nominations in the Masters Cup on my first attempt is of great satisfaction. Having your work judged and appreciated by such a distinguished panel of artists and related experts means a lot to photographers. In my case, where photographing the performing arts and architecture is a passion, these nominations carry more weight. It is also enlightening to see the other nominations and award winners. I look forward to future participation in these awards. " - Joseph P Smith - Malta

When they say I'm honored just to be nominated, now I know what that means. Although Exit didn't win, I am honored my image made it to nominee status... thank you! - Pat Sweeney - USA

Thank you so much for this Nominee distinction. It is a great honour to have my image among such an outstanding collection from amazing photographers, and to have it reviewed by such a distinguished jury. Thanks also to my wife for her patience and support, and for allowing me to purchase camera gear. - David Koiter - Canada

"It is both humbling and an honor to be recognized by the International Color Awards Photography Masters Cup. I appreciate the gifted artists and professionals who juried this competition. They have demonstrated unselfishness and a willingness to take the time to encourage others. It is ironic that as an architect my photograph of a Sikh Temple in India (Architecture) would primarily feature the transitory nature of decorative bunting. " - David Layton - India

"Participating at the Masters Cup has been for me the opportunity to submit my work to the judgment of an important International Jury. Being on the list of nominees is therefore a source of great personal satisfaction. " - Andrea Ciofi degli Atti - Italy

I would like to thank the jurors and members of the photo community. Being honored in the Photo Masters Cup is a great distinction and I enjoy this competition each and every year. I truly admire the photography that is a part of this competition and look forward to next year. - Ian Spanier - USA

I am very happy that my photo of the Colorado Horseshoe Bend was nominated in the Americana Professional Category. Looks like there was again a great selection of images and I am proud that my entry is among those selected. I would like to thank the judges for this opportunity, and congratulate all of my fellow nominees as well as the winners of this year's competition. - Harvey Duze - USA

The Photography Masters Cup captures the best creative work from photographers around the world and it is indeed an honor to have my images included with such distinguished company. I believe the eye responds favorably to balance and symmetry when these qualities are manifested in a photograph. This applies to an image of a human face as much as to a landscape or a still life. If I can capture this symmetry in my photographs, then I am truly satisfied ..." - Alex Capri - Hong Kong

I'm watching from Germany and I am glad to see that my picture 'In between' in Abstract is a nominee. Thanks very much. - Ronny Ritschel - Germany

I'm so happy to see I won an honorable mention with my image 'Wing' in the Aerial category! Many thanks!!!! - Silvia Ganora - Italy

Watching from Huntington Beach, California! Congrats to all of the amazing photographers! - Stephanie Swartz - USA

Many greetings from Bratislava - Slovakia!!!! - Miriam Zak

Would like to thank Color Awards for creating opportunities to both professional and amateurs photographers to have their work known worldwide. Watching the stream from a gallery opening in Portugal and bringing photography as relevant art medium to the spotlight! - Diogo Moreira - Portugal

"I feel truly honored to be the recipient of the ""1st Place - Outstanding Achievement"" for Advertising. As an artist, it is heartwarming to know your creation is not just accepted but also awarded amongst finest entries from the world that are judged by the best in the industry. The feeling of surprise and disbelief has now settled as a proud memory that will remain with me forever and will instill the passion of coming back with bigger and better work for the times to come. Thank you! " - Amit Dey - India

I am glad to see that a rather quiet picture "Snow Form" in Abstract is a Nominee. Only I and now you appreciated it. Thanks. - Mayda Rumberg - USA

It is with humility and appreciation that I accept the Honorable Mention award in the Abstract category for the image, "East 12th Street, NYC". The wall painting, on view for a brief time, is no more. Thank you for allowing this special New York moment to be shared. - Henry Joseph - USA

I am watching from West Chester, Pennsylvania. I'm loving the fact we can look at all the pictures nominated. They are all fabulous! - Vera Toglia-Ross - USA

I am watching from La Jolla, California. Good luck to everyone. Such beautiful work here! - Anthony Ghiglia - USA

Wonderful! Thank you. We are watching from Santiago de Chile! - Denise Lira-Ratinoff - Chile

"Live Here! Alan from Los Angeles..... Congrats to everyone on such beautiful imagery. I am entranced by the Lion in Shadows...." - Alan Blassberg - USA

Here live! Watching from the UK - Jonathan Banks

Hello! I'm really thrilled and honored to be among the nominees in the Abstract categories! Thanks to the judges for choosing my works and congrats to all the participating fellow artists! - Silvia Ganora - Italy

We are watching from israel... - Matty Karp

hallo, i am watching from the town Oirschot in the Netherlands - Hans Grootswagers

I'm watching from Lattes in France! - Eleonore Herzberg

watching live from Bali Indonesia - it's 3AM! - jean-paul nacivet

Here Live! - Daniel Hanincík - Slovak Republic, Presov

Good luck to everyone! I am watching this extraordinary live show from Athens, Greece. - Ioannis Gousgounis - Greece

I am here from Birmingham Alabama!!!!!! I AM enjoying the show, immensely. - Liesa Cole - USA

Color Masters - Let us know where you're watching from! -

Watching from Macao. I can't believe it. I got a nomination in wildlife. Good luck to all! - Nelson Cheang

Incredible selection of work and indeed talent, entered in the Photo Masters Cup this year. I was very humbled when I discovered I had received a Nomination for "Eye of the Storm" in the Professional Abstract section. From my home in South West England, my work is now being recognized by the world. Thank you to everyone who took part in the event, organizers, judges and fellow photographers. Congratulations all and thank you again. - Paul A Wright, UK

"The quality of the work juried and finalized is superb and impressive. Your selections have inspired me. " - H. Allen Benowitz

I have waited for a lot, and finally I have a nomination. I’m very happy. Congratulation to all winners and all photographers. I see many good works. - Gianluca Tappatà, Italy

What a surprise!!! Thank you so very much for the Nominee selection of the "Escalante Utah" photograph. - Henry Joseph

"Hello Jury and photographers all over the world, I am happy to see that I have a honorable mention in the category photojournalism. Thanks to the juries and congratulations to all nominees and winners." - Frans Strous, the Netherlands

It is very exiting to see that one of my pictures is nominated in the category nature. And now has a stage to be seen all over the world. - Christine Broekhuizen, Netherlands

The nominees and winners this year are magnificent. I am honored to have 4 photos chosen as nominees. - Robert Sena

Delighted to see that my entry in the Still Life division, "Barber-Dentist Chairs" was one of the images nominated. I thank the jury for this honor and congratulate all of the other photographers, both professional and amateur for their fine work. - Harvey Duze

I´m watching the show from Mexico. And I´m really happy this year because I´ve got 2 Nominees. I want to thank my husband and daughters to be patient with me and my photos. So this is for all 4. - Karla Novaro

Thanks a lot for two Nominees, this was a hard job for the jury! Gratulations to all photographers for these very good images in this contest! Great Show, Great Photographers, Great Jury! Congratulations back to you Werner! - Jens Ellensohn

I can't believe I got 4 nominations in wildlife! I'm extremely proud and honored :D - Stavros Markopoulos

"WOW! The view from Australia looks great. The standard of work is very impressive in all categories... Congratulations to you all. I'm honoured to have two nominations in Portraiture. Looking forward to next years entry already... Cheers" - John Coxon

It is really emotional to attend the virtual show. It is night here in Italy and I toasted for my results: honorable mention winner in the abstract section and two nominees in people and still life. I am really happy and proud. Thanks to the Jury and the Organisation of the Masters Cup. Congratulations to all winners. - Sandro Tedde, Italy

Very exciting show and some fantastic work, as usual. - Faisal Almalki

"I can´t win every year, but I´m happy having Honorable Mention and about 8-9 Nominees in different categories. Thanks to the Jury and the Organisation of the Masters Cup. Again congrats to all winners. Top level of Photography. Regards from a rainy Austria. " - Werner Branz

I cannot express how I feel after having one nominee in the Architecture category, one nominee in the Still Life category and four nominees in the Wildlife category…….. This after my one nominee in each of the 3rd and 2nd Annual Color Awards……… After viewing the winners and nominees in all categories this year, the visions of the participating photographers are simply amazing……. The Color Awards and the jury deserve “a job well done.” - Allen Lubitz

Words can not express the pride I feel in being given Honorable Mention in Wildlife (amateur) here at the Photography Master Cup. There are so many incredible images in this category and through out the entire event, that to be associated with them is fulfilling a life long dream. Thank you to the judges and to the other photographers for setting such a high level of expertise in order to compete. Peace & Aloha to you all. - Harry Donenfeld

Thank you for this amazing honor from such esteemed judges. Fourteen Nominations and three Honorable Mentions. I am watching the Masters Cup from California, U.S.A. - Dianne Yudelson

Thanks for the 5 nominations in 4 categories! - Stephen Cummins (Dubliner) - currently watching from a bar in Madrid

I'm so happy to be a nominee and Honorable mention in the amateur Architecture category!!!! - Iara Carvalho/Brazil

I'm very happy to have been nominated amongst such wonderful talent! Very inspired! Thanks to all! Watching from N.Y.C. - Marie Kotschedoff

I am really amazed at all the wonderful images. Photography Master Cup is the best quality in the world. I am glad I won Honorable Mention in People category and had 5 nominations - Viet Van Tran, Vietnam

It's an honor to be among such great images...and a nice birthday present as well! - Jeff Seltzer

Great to know I got a nomination in Architecture and 3rd place in Silhouette. Happy Sunday! Many thanks! - Osvaldo Hamer, Buenos Aires / Argentina

Marveling at the phenomenal show – and more to go. Congratulations to all nominees and winners! Amazing works. - Jill Snyder, Atlanta, GA

Greetings from Crete, Greece! Amazing photography, once again! I'm honored to be nominated in Fine Art and Nature :) - Stavros Markopoulos

Greetings from San Francisco. I'm extremely pleased to have been awarded an Honorable Mention in the Amateur Architectural category. Congratulations to all nominees and winners! - John Bergholm

What a great show!!...with so much great work! Proud to be nominated for "Food" from The Bay Area California... - Matthew Carden

Hello to everybody watching live! And a hug for Michelle too. Yes I´m into the program from AUSTRIA. As usual incredible works - wonderful to be a photographer too! Congrats also to my Austrian Colleague Jens! - Werner Branz

Very happy to receive 1st Place - Outstanding Achievement in the NUDE category! - Matsaeva Olga, Moscow, Russia

I won a Nomination in People without going to the far-East. In fact just by shooting my dog and boyfriend!! Life is good! - Mayda Rumberg. New York

wow - some amazing work out there... congrats to all. Tuned in from Los Angeles - Erik Thureson

Amazing Show, Amazing Images! I even have my Mom and Dad watching - Mom worked in a dark room for years and is really enjoying the show. - David Naman

I'm in the Honorable mention in the category of Fashion, Professional. My photo - Bloom. Thanks for my make-up artist - Elena Novichkova and model - Masha Zubakina! Moscow, Russia. - Nikolay Mikheev

Some wonderful photography on show right now.. looking at the people category at the moment - - Siddharth Siva, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Some really incredible work here. I am really enjoying the show from here in rainy Denmark. - Uri Golman

Congratulations to all winners in the Amateur Nudes category... I had 3 images selected as nominees... but didn't win. :( Still honored mine were selected to be nominees! Best of luck to all involved! - Charles Laurier Dufour, Belfast, Maine, USA

We are watching from Austria, Constanz Lake, Greetings to all Photographers for these excellent works - Jens Ellensohn

Respect to all nominees and winners from Hungary. Great pictures! - PrakticaB

So happy to be a nominee in the amateur Nature category! Thank you! - Silvia Ganora

It's fantastic you're on-line.....I'm watching from Austria being miles away from home-city Moscow. Good Luck to everyone watching and competing - Timofey Tararin

Awesome pictures. I am enjoying this from Santa Barbara, California. - E. Marten

Hi everyone, watching from the Czech Republic. Good luck to all!!! - Monika Tutterova

Hi Everyone. Watching from Copenhagen, Denmark. Great work so far, good luck to all entrants. - Anders Hald

Watching from the UK good luck !! to all the entrants - John Harrison

I`m watching from Austria - good show - good idea. My congratulations. - Gerd F. Adeltz

Great Selection !!! Very Inspiring - I am thrilled to be a nominee for the show. - Hemali A.

Very happy to receive an honorable mention in the architecture category, watching from Amsterdam, the Netherlands - Jonathan Andrew

"To all photographers, the best of luck. I am watching from Amsterdam the Netherlands" - Hes Mundt

Watching from San Diego USA. Good luck everyone!!! - Steve Drimmel

Happy to be nominated for Aerial Amateur :) This encourages me to continue practicing to get to the high level of talent that is displayed here. Congratulations to everyone in the Aerial category, Great work! Good luck to all! - Shaun Hollinger

I'm watching from Zurich, Switzerland! - Maurizio Orlanduccio

hello from Montreal! - Joe Donohue

Watching from Saudi Arabia. Congrats to the winners and good luck for the rest. - Ayman Aljammaz

I am surprised and happy after obtaining the second place in the amateur category abstract. Thanks to the judges. Regards from finland - Markku Saijets

From South Carolina, I am watching and toasting those who have been chosen for their wonderful imagery. - Michael Brown

Watching from Sunny San Diego CA!!! - Randy Kaforey

On the way to Palm Springs, ...with great anticipation.... - Amyn Nasser

Online from Poland. Good Luck to all nominees. - Aldona Kmie?

Hi everybody, We’re watching from Utrecht in Holland (or the Netherlands). Good luck to everybody! - Hennie and Nicole Kempen

Best of Luck to all Amateurs... - Joydeep Mukherjee, West Bengal, India

"Watching from Italy here! Good luck to all! " - Silvia Ganora

Watching from New Jersey, USA. Some amazing work from everyone! - Shaun Hollinger

I'm watching from Antalya - Turkey -

"Online from Boston, MA. Good luck to all. " - Joe Bankowski

We are out there watching from Palmetto Bay, Florida. with great anticipation……… - Allen Lubitz

It want to express my gratitude for being honored in the Photo-journalism category for my picture ""no"", along such inspiring and thoughtful work. This year's competition results are exceptional. - Herve Grison

Hi all lovers of peace and photo! I am very happy for my 4 selected photos (3 nature and 1 abstraction) - NILTON SOUZA

It is an honor to be nominated for my photograph in the Architecture category. I feel humbled by the talent that I have seen represented in the photographs this year, and I am deeply appreciative of the judges who considered my work to be worthy. - Dana Shafie

While my focus is mainly abstract, I am, needless to say, delighted to place 1st in the Nature category. Thank you very much. - C E Morse

This is my first award, 2nd place as amateur in Portrait. I'm very thrilled and more than ever willing to dedicate my life to photography. Many thanks to the jury for this amazing and huge encouragement. - Lina Prokofiev

I was thrilled to increase my success three fold this year with three nominations (two in Architecture-Professional, and one in Still Life-Professional). Again I am proud to be amongst such illustrious company and look forward to next year to participate again. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees. Every one of the images are superb. - Robert Brindley

I am honored to have a nominee in the Wildlife category this year, to go with my nominee in last year’s Color Awards….. Considering the number of entries from all over the world, I think that The Color Awards need to be commended for an outstanding job. - Allen Lubitz, USA

I am literally leaping out of my skin - an Honorable Mention in Sill Life & 3 x nominations...YEEHAH!!! These images are merely a glimpse into my world, one that will hopefully open up to the wider world. I, like most photographers, worship the world through the lens of a camera - thanks to the key industry people for your acknowledgment. - Robyn Williams, Australia

Hello from New Zealand and thank you for my nomination "Bus form Bamako" in the Photojournalism section. How exciting to be recognised amongst such wonderful photographers! - Jo Elliott. N.Z.

hi, I´m watching from Colombia - Gerardo Chavez

I'd just like to say thank you so much for my two nominations this evening. I feel proud and honoured to be among such amazing artists who have produced such a wonderful body of work. My sincere congratulations to the winners. - Allie Truman, UK

Wonderful entries. I agree with most of the judging and encourage the many winning photographers to continue to find images that are outstanding. - Judith Gefter

I am very thankful to receive a professional nomination at the portrait category for my image “Smoke”. I would like to thank the World Photographic Arts Corporation and its prestigious judging panel for this recognition. It has been an honor to be among other world great artist. From Central Florida (USA) where I am presently living I would like to have the opportunity to share my happiness with other friends in Huelva, Spain, from where I am from and also with my venezuelan family, specially my wife Sara, which brought my to Venezuela where I captured this image. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees. - Arturo Macias from Windermere, Florida

I am very happy tonight ... I had 4 pictures named 1 abstract and 3 nature - Nilton Souza,Brazil

Thank you so much to the organisers and jury for another terrific Colour Awards event. I am honoured to have again received a nomination this year. Not only do I appreciate the recognition of my work from this event, but seeing all the wonderful imagery is a delight and inspiration to my eye. - James McClean

What great news! I have three nominations in Portrait and awarded Merit of Excellence in Professional Portrait. I am very honoured that you have found my work to be worthy of such a title. Thank you to the Organizers of the Master's Cup and to my family and friends who have supported my addiction to photography. I would like to congratulate all those who have entered the Master's Cup and made it such a success. - John Coxon

Thank you so much for the award. I am grateful and honoroured. - Anders Hald

My best wisches for all Winners and nominees for this photo event. All the works was very article and excellent. I am very happy that the jury have nominated my picture in Wildlife category (Monsters), many thanks. - Kosmas Lazaridis

Many thanks for all the hard work in putting on this great event. Enjoyed every minute, well done. - Charles Carstensen

What an excellent body of work. I am honored to be a nominee in the Wildlife category with "Bluebird in Flight" - Steven Heyl, Virginia, USA

Greetings from Coconut Grove, Florida USA. Thank you so much for 11 Nominations in 5 categories and an Honor of Distinction in Abstract. I am very grateful for the jury's recognition of my work. - Charles R. Corda

I'm very happy to have received 2nd place in Amateur Still Life, as well as another nomination in the same category. I am particularly pleased that this followed winning the same category in 2008. Congratulations to all the winners. Every year the standard increases. Lets all keep up the good work and most importantly, just enjoying making images. - Kieron Monahan, London

Thanks again! Just saw I was nominated in Still Life category besides the Architecture one! I'm really honored to be among these wonderful photographers from all over the world. - Silvia Ganora - Italy

Yeeeeeeees. I´m at the live show!! Unbelieveble, great...... after 2 wins at Black & White Spider Awards now also in color! - Werner Branz, Austria

I am deeply humbled to have received five professional nominations (Abstract, Architecture abd Sport) and would like to thank the World Photographic Arts Corporation and the esteemed judging panel for this honor. To be included among the distinquished list of past and present recipients is truly to walk among giants. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees.- Joseph R. Bankowski, Boston, MA. USA

thanks for nominations in advertising, people and photojournalism. I'm proud to be in such good company. - Wilco van Dijen Netherlands

Thank you!!!! I have just realized I got the 2nd place in Fine Art, with my painting with light. It is a real honor for me. Special thanks to my adorable teacher, Marshall Berman that about 5 years ago believed in my potential and taught the best trick with lights on film. I adore you. - Anto

I would like to thank the Photography Masters Cup for two nominations for "Longing" and "Pilgrims at the Holy Ganges" in People category and a nomination for "Red Shoes No Foods" in Portrait category. It is a great honor to be a part of such a prestigious competition with so many other great artists and world-class judges! - Sandra Chen Weinstein, USA

Thank you for the nomination in Still Life. I’m thrilled, especially given the wonderful competition. And now I’ve seen that I have a nomination, Dejected, in Wildlife. I’m very honored. - Jill Snyder, Atlanta, GA

Thank you very much for my nomination in Sports for "Desafio" taken in Chile'. I am very pleased. - Patrick Ward, Arkansas USA

Thank you very much for this master cup, the quality level is very high and many photo will be for me an important occasion for doing better. I'm also very proud for my nomination in this so high level contest. I'll take part to the next edition. - Nicola Esposito, Italy

Thank you for the nomination of my portrait of David Larible, the most renowned of modern clowns! I am very happy! - Gianluigi Di Napoli, Milano

Greetings from Vienna, Austria. I am quite enjoying the photographs in the long-awaited show ... the jurors are doing a great job so far. was quite pleased to see 2 of my photos in the nominations list for photojournalism. Keep the show going on, congratulations to all the winners and nominées. - Veniamin Kostitsin-Teterin

What a result!!! Not only a nomination in advertising, but a Merit of Excellence in Architecture! I'm very happy & "ego boosted" ;-) Thanks everyone who made this possible. Sucess and good luck for all who still have chances at other categories. - Anno Pieterse, Amsterdam

Thank you for nominating "The Sympathetic Man" series in the people category. I am VERY happy! - Leslie Harris

I am very happy. 3 of my pictures were nominated for the professional architecture category and 1 of them won an honourable mention. Thank you very much. I look forward to entering again next year. - David Churchill

I would like to express my appreciation to the Photography Masters Cup for the selection of "Sunflower...Santa Fe New Mexico" as an Abstract Nominee. Special gratitude extended to my teacher Bill Klein, of Parsons School of Design and to Douglas Dubler for his guidance and patience. I'd also like to thank Eddie Soloway, Instructor, and Reid Callanan, Director of the Santa Fe Photographic Workshops whose insight and encouragement brought me to New Mexico. - Henry Joseph

It was so exciting to be nominated in the nude category, thank you thank you. - John Hamburger, Croton on Hudson, NY

Good luck to all ! - Dorin Vancea

Happy to be nominee in abstract. Big hello from Paris France. - Cyrille Baron

This is an extraordinary and inspiring body of work! Greetings from Corrales, NM. - Michael Fingado

I am honoured to be one of the nominees in the category Architecture professionals and amazed by the quality of my fellow photographers, it is a real inspirational source. - J@N, VRtist Amsterdam, Netherlands

Hello from Whitehorse in the Yukon Territory, Canada. This is a beautiful show--congratulations to all nominees and winners! - Julius Debuschewitz

"I am dancing! 2nd Place - Merit of Excellence in the category of Nude. I am so very happy!!!! Better put some clothes on now... - Lilith

Good Day, Jacqueline Milner...watching from Ontario, Canada.

congratulations to winners and nominees from windy LA! - craig cameron olsen

YYYEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!!!!! I am so grateful and proud to be selected as a nominee again (I was a nominee and Merit of Excellence winner in 2006. It is really great to be able to join you on the internet and look at all those wonderfull pictures. Thank you members of the jury for such a big, big job! Congratulations to all the prize winners! - Hennie Kempen, Utrecht The Netherlands

I`m watching from São Paulo - Brasil... maybe my name is there again, like last year!!! GOOD LUCK!! - Marcelo Spatafora

Thank you for nominating my picture (MIST) in the professional nature catagory. Good luck everyone. - Kevin O'Connell

Watching from New Zealand and very honoured to be nominated amongst such talent in the Nature Category. - Marc Mateo

Hi I am watching from California. This is great. - Dilip Shah

Hi I'm pleased to see my work on the nominees list with many others. - Mathilde

The quality of the work is first-rate. Congratulations to all - Joe Donohue

Watching from Italy and so glad to see I'm among the architecture nominees! Thanks to everybody! - Silvia Ganora

Hi, friends! I´m very proud to see my photo "Atlantis" as nominee for Abstract! Greetings to all winners! - Hudson Malta, Brazil

Hello, I’m watching the show form Barcelona, Spain, I’m waiting for the people nominees, maybe my name is there!! - Cristina

Hi, I’m watching from OSLO - Marc Thirouin

Hi, I’m watching from Belgium – Christian Devers

watching from the beautifull island of Vlieland! The Netherlands - Caroline

Hi, I?m watching from Heraklion, Crete (Greece). - Vassilis Tagoudis.

Once again an amazing show. Watching from over the pond, England - - Brie Danielle

I'm watching the show here in Amsterdam and thrilled to see my 1st place in Architecture. I'd like to thank the masters cup and dedicate this to my family, friends and country - Faisal Almalki, Saudi Arabia

I'm enjoying this amazing show from Italy - Ilcin Turkkan

Hello from Spain - Stephanus Meyer

I was so honored to be Nominated in the Amateur Abstract category for Sift. When I was awarded 2nd Place, Merit of Excellence for Sift I became speechless! Thank you so much! - Jill E. Snyder, Atlanta, GA

Hello everyone, I'm enjoying the show from Turkey, really good works - Murat Sayginer

What a pleasure to see my Nomination Award for my image "Pegged". Greatly appreciated, thank you. - Thomas

Nominee in abstract - -GREAT GREAT GREAT!!! - Mayda Rumberg

Please accept my respect and congratulations to all Nominees and Winners! Also all the best to the Jury, I presume they had some tough time to select the best from the best…). Have good lights! - Gabor Dvornik, Hungary, Szödliget

Hi, I'm watching from Martha's Vineyard in the USA - marcia smilack

Hi, I´m watching from Brazil - Hudson Malta

Hi, I’m watching from Belgium - - Wim Vanderwegen

I'm watching from New Zealand. Good luck to all the New Zealanders in the competition. - Todd Flygenring, New Regent Studios Ltd

Greetings from London! Thank you for a great event, filled with wonderful images that make you stop and look again. Thanks too for the architecture nomination :) - Matt Wain

I am thrilled to be one of the nominees in the abstract category. Thanks to the judges for their time and thanks to the organizers for creating a forum that showcases so many wonderful photographs. I'm looking forward to entering next year. - Anice Hoachlander

Hi from Jacksonville, Florida, USA----Some awesome images!! What a competition! Congratulations to the winners.- Pamela Casey

Thank you for the wonderful presentation - Dennis Wells M. Photog. PPA USA

Hi,I am watching from Italy, Rome. Grazie a tutti per la Nomination in Nature. E' una vera grande emozione. Saluti. - Silvia Lisotti

Hi everybody this is Carlos Spottorno, honorable mention in photojournalism. I just want to add my congratulations to all the Color Awards organization. the whole thing has been amazing and, certainly, the quality of works submitted was very high, which gives any award a much better taste. - Cheers all from Spain

What a wonderful competition! Watching this live from London!!!. I am especially drawn to the Buddha picture entitled Stillness. Many congratulations to Richard E Zimmerman! -

WOW!!! Great images. To all of the photographers who were nominated, you are a source of inspiration to the rest of us. Thanks. - Morrie Portnoff

I am extremely honored to have received two nominations in your amateur in Architecture. - Louisa Michelin, USA

Watching from Belgium. Thank you for my nominee in advertising-professional. Many thanks to the organisation! - Kristof Verschueren

I'm really honoured to be among the nominees with one of my pictures in the Nature Category. It gives me power to take better pictures in the future. Thank you. - PrakticaB Bela from Hungary

A unique photo show. All the best from Athens, Greece - Loannis Gousgounis

Congratulations to all who participated! This is the spice of life. - Michael Fingado - Corrales, New Mexico

"Thank you for the nomination. The quality of the works of my fellow photographers are truly outstanding, an humbling and inspiring experience." - Alexandre

Hi, I am watching from New Zealand I hope the evening goes well and that everyone gets thier wish to be a winner or nominated. Good luck- Sally

Nominee in Nude - As a photographer, I have learned the importance of how the great masters perfected their craft. The work of Velazquez is immensely inspirational to me. - Mark Eaton

"Hello, I have just seen that my photo ""Another vision"" has won first place in Advertising category. I'm so happy! Many thanks! Greetings from Moldova to all participants and all people which are now online! Best regards," - Kristina Buceatchi

"Good Afternoon from Danbury CT USA, very happy to be a part of this great event! Good luck to everyone!" - Georgette DeWan

Thank you for the invitation and greetings from Sweden. Good luck to all and a HUGE congratulations to all the nominees and winners! - Ronald Tibbs

"I am so impressed with the beautiful quality of work from around the world. I am truly honored to be rubbing shoulders with the high caliber of photographers displayed here. " - Beth Anne Gordley, U.S.A.

fantastic.. you have us all glued to the screen. - amy jankowski - Ottawa, Illinois USA

Greetings from Montreal Canada. This has been a fantastic experience for me..... I am glad that I have participated to this event this year and so far in the middle of the road I have been nominated with the same image under "Fine Art" and "Nudes" category...... I thank the wonderful pannel of judges who have been amazing. Tough choices. Cheers, - Hera Bell

"Just wanted to thank you for the nomination of my ""Dune Rising"" entry in the abstract category. It is an honor to be included with such high quality work.Thank you, " - David Gardner (P.S. and the site is working much better now)

"Hi Basil and All, Hello from Australia. I was very pleased and honoured to judge the color awards, and look forward to seeing the winners presentation today. Congratulations to all well as all participants." - Bert Hoveling President Australian Photographic Society

Stillness - 2nd Place Winner, Fine Art, Amateur: When you quiet the mind you hear only the snow falling gently upon the Buddha's body. Only then, in the stillness that lies between your thoughts, will you find God. - Richard E. Zimmerman

"Great photographs, good luck to all who entered. Jim Alexander, Atlanta, Georgia, USA " - Jim Alexander

"Just letting you know that I am here representing Outback Queensland, Australia. I look forward to seeing the presentation. " - Judi Liosatos

"I have been so excited about this competition and really could not wait to see the results. There are so many talented photographers in our beautiful world, its just wonderful to see life through their eyes. Many thanks to the judges for their hard work in reviewing the submissions. Cant wait till next competition already. Ohio, USA " - Shena Kaye

"Watching from Tokyo....All the best to the winners. " - ND CHOW

Greetings from Malaga. Great show, great images! - Julio Hardy

Hello from Belgium! Great pictures, congratulations to the winners! - Lucille

"Glad the tech problems are leaving, good luck to one and all! :°) " - Andy Mc

"I am very excited about this invitation and am watching from Beaconsfield, Quebec, Canada. " - Wayne

"it is working nicely now :-) " - Paula da Silva

Good luck to all attending. - the Netherlands - Hugo

Best wishes from Dortmund in Germany, Have a nice Gala-Show.Cheers - Bernd Mai

"Wishing you a pleasant evening from London where we are trying to watch the evening unfold, having a few technical difficulties but persevering. Best wishes......." - Nick Turpin

I'm in Novosibirsk, Siberia, Russia - Valeriy Klamm

I'm really honoured to be among the nominees with one of my pictures in the Nature Category. It gives me power to take better pictures in the future. Thank you. - Bela